MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 110 Little Fortune [End of text]

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It's time to take wedding photos soon, and they'll set off for Marriage Mountain.

They went to take wedding photos, which shocked many people.

First of all, Chen Yun, she only has Qiu Ci as an artist, Qiu Ci is on vacation, then she naturally has no work to do, with high wages in her hand, how can she do it if she doesn't work, she Pack up your bags and appear at the door of the old house.

The second is Lin Yuan, she is simply idle and has nothing to do, she wants to see the two of them take wedding photos, and the two eldest children take wedding photos, how can she not show up, of course she also wants to go.

The reason why he wanted to follow him to take wedding photos is because the company has a lot of things to do, and he has to help find the right bone marrow. Both physically and mentally tired.

I heard that looking at green waters and green mountains and breathing fresh air can relieve physical and mental fatigue, so he also came.

Ran Dongling saw that there was only Qiu Li and no Samoyed around, and asked him: "Uncle, aren't you going to take Samoyed on a business trip? You went to Marriage Mountain with us, what about Samoyed? "

Why does he take the dog on a business trip?

Chou Li was confused, and was about to speak when he met Qiu Ci's suggestive eyes.

Oh, he understands, this is the eldest nephew who is lying to his nephew's wife again.

Although I don't know what this has to do with him and the Samoyed, Qiu Li's mind has turned a few turns, and now he will help his eldest nephew to overcome this difficulty first.

"Oh, Samoyed, my friend said that I want to shoot a pet commercial. It will cost money to hire a dog model. If you can save a little, he asked me to borrow it."

The problem of the dog's absence has also been solved. Now everyone has arrived, and a row of simple commercial vehicles will drive to Yueshi Village.

The wedding photo shoot can be done in one day, but they traveled back and forth, afraid that Ran Dongling would be tired, so they stayed in Yueshi Village for two days.

Returning to the familiar village again, not much has changed here from when they left, except that there are more young people who have returned from other places.

Lin Yuan contracted two connected private houses, one for himself, and the other for the accompanying staff and bodyguards.

They will go to Yueshi Village today, and the cameraman of the studio will go to the mountain to step on the spot in the afternoon. When they finish stepping on the spot, they will shoot again tomorrow.

They can only live there.

"Understood, remember, the mosquitoes here are poisonous."

Qiu Ci still remembers when I recorded the show here, Ran Dongling was bitten by a mosquito in a big bag, and his face was half red, so scared that the director thought that his job would be lost.

Now that I think about it, Ran Dongling's pitiful appearance at that time can still clearly emerge in his mind, he smiled lightly, and went to find the villain who was chatting with Qiu Li in the courtyard Son.

"Uncle, I said before that I would take a wedding photo with the Samoyed. Brother Qiu Ci said you were going to take the Samoyed on a business trip, so I didn't take any photo." Ran Dongling is talking about this now , and a little lost.

"This..." Qiu Li was here for a while, but he didn't think of how to respond to Ran Dongling.

No one wants to take wedding photos with other people's dogs!

"I think it's better for two people to take this wedding photo. When we take a family photo on your wedding day, let's take a Samoyed with you."

"Okay, but can the dog take the plane? Does that mean I have to buy a plane ticket for it? Can the cat also take the plane?" Ran Dongling had a new question.

After chatting with Qiu Li for a while, Qiu Ci found Ran Dongling with the daily snacks, "Hungry or not, let's have some snacks first, I can't eat so soon."

Ran Dongling is indeed a little hungry. He has been hungry very fast recently, and his stomach always becomes empty shortly after eating.

Picking up a milk bun in the bowl, he slowly nibbled it.

"Teacher Zai! Teacher Qiu!" A clear child's voice came in from outside the door.

The three of them looked at the door and found that it was a dark-skinned child - the little black child who gave Ran Dongling Spicy Bars and Coke back then.

I didn't expect that he still remembered himself, and I didn't expect that he still remembered him. Ran Dongling first praised his memory, and then greeted the little black boy and asked the bodyguard at the door to let him in.

"Hello, long time no see, why are you here?"

It was such a coincidence that the house they rented was opposite the little black boy's house.

what's going on.

"Teacher Zai, do you want to eat spicy sticks? I just bought them." The little black boy took out a packet of greasy spicy sticks from his trousers pocket and handed it to Ran Dongling.

"I can't eat it." Ran Dongling shook his head and didn't take it.

The little black boy thought he was being polite, and wanted to force it over to him, "Eat, my mother gave me five dollars to buy ten packs of spicy sticks, not bad for this pack. "

"Thank you, but he can't eat it now. Eating too much spicy sticks is not good for your health. You can't eat it every day if you have money." Qiu Ci took the package of spicy sticks and put it aside, He also played a little joke with the little black boy.

"Oh, but spicy strips are delicious." He defended himself, "Mr. Qiu, I don't eat it every day, I don't eat it when I have no money."

Seeing that he had been staring at the milk bun, Ran Dongling picked up a bun and handed it to him.

"Let's eat together."

More, you teach me another day, and I will teach her again."

Several adults were amused by his remarks, Qiu Ci walked into the kitchen, set aside one for Ran Dongling to eat, packed the remaining milk steamed buns in a clean bag, and took them out for the little one. black boy.

"Thank you, Mr. Chou, hey! I forgot that my younger brother is still waiting for me, I have to go, Mr. Chou, Mr. Zai, uh, goodbye uncle!" ran away.

"Qiu Ci, are you going to visit Yanyuan Mountain in the afternoon? Sister-in-law said she wants to go shopping, otherwise she will be busy taking pictures tomorrow and will not have time to go shopping." Qiu Li asked the two of them.

Chou resigns or goes, they climbed the marriage mountain once, not as novel as Lin Yuan.

"I'm going, brother Qiu Ci, I want to visit the Marriage Temple."

Go and see if his little wooden sign is still there, and if the **** of marriage has sent his wishes out.

He wanted to go to the Marriage Temple, and that Qiu Ci would accompany him.

After having lunch at noon, the group set off for Yinyuan Mountain. It happened that the sun was not bright today, and the breeze was blowing, which was very suitable for mountain climbing.

There are fewer tourists on weekdays, and fewer tourists come to climb the mountain, almost none.

The staff went to the mountain to find a place to step on, so they didn't climb the mountain with them. Lin Yuan and Chen Yun saw the flowers at the foot of the mountain, stopped and said that they would go up after taking pictures.

Ran Dongling is a baby bump, no one dares to use him, Qiu Ci wants to accompany the baby bump, and there is no time, only the big injustice is left.

He held the camera bitterly, and lost himself in the words of Lin Yuan and Chen Yun, "Let's move forward, take a long leg" and "45 degrees, so the photos will look good".

Everyone has their own business to do. After Qiu Ci and Ran Dongling greeted them, they lifted their feet and walked up the mountain. Several bodyguards followed behind them.

"Do you want to carry you?" Qiu Ci asked him.

Ran Dongling shook his head and rejected Qiu Ci's kindness.

"No, I can climb it myself."

"Then let's crawl slowly." Qiu Ci did not force him, and proper exercise is also good for the fetus.

Walk and stop all the way, and when Qiu Ci had three garlands on his head and Ran Dongling himself had three garlands on his head, they finally climbed the top of the mountain and reached the Marriage Temple.

The Temple of Marriage is very different from when they came here. The original simple appearance has disappeared and it seems to be redecorated. The pavilions and vermilion railings in the temple are revealed everywhere. With low-key wealth.

Ran Dongling: ? ?

He blinked, suspecting that he had come to the wrong place, but the one they climbed was obviously the Marriage Mountain. Are there two temples on the Marriage Mountain?

Qiu Ci took off the garlands on their heads and placed them on the steps beside them, thinking about taking them away when they went down the mountain.

He took the hand of the person beside him and led Ran Dongling into the marriage temple.

The temple is also very rich, and even the golden paint of the **** of marriage has changed and turned into real gold.

However, the appearance of the God of Marriage has not changed, and his eyes are still kind. Ran Dongling and the God of Marriage looked at each other for a moment, wanting to kneel down and worship God.

"Donor, little donor."

A slightly familiar voice sounded behind her.

The two turned their heads and found that it was the old monk who wanted to cheat them of money before.

When I first saw this old monk, he had only a few taels of flesh on his body, and his arms were as dry as bones. Now that I see him again, the old monk is full of air like a balloon.

Simply put, he got fat.

Things got weird, Ran Dongling's scalp was numb, and she grabbed Qiu Ci's hand.

Brother Qiu Ci is so strong, so he shouldn't be afraid of ghosts.

"Two donors, long time no see." The old monk folded his hands and saluted them.

Chou Ci was grabbed by Ran Dongling with one hand, so he could only bow slightly, which was considered a salute, "Master, long time no see."

Master? Brother Qiu Ci is actually called a deceitful old monk master?

Ran Dongling's expression now is like a cat who doubts life, looking at Qiu Ci for a while, and then turns to look at the old monk again, frightened and puzzled.

The old monk said slowly, "Thank you for your generous donation at the beginning, the marriage temple can only be repaired a little."

Donate generously? Minor repairs?

According to Ran Dongling's understanding of this old monk, what he said about minor repairs was definitely not only minor repairs, but the generous donations he said were definitely generous donations.

"Brother Qiu Ci, have you donated money?"

"Well, I donated a little money." Qiu Ci didn't say the money directly, for fear that Ran Dongling would make trouble with him.

"How much is a little money?" Ran Dongling continued.

"The donor is generous and donated 5 million." The old monk mentioned the 5 million, and his eyes cracked with laughter.

These days, it is not easy to meet someone who is so wronged as Qiu Ci.

"What? Brother Qiu Ci donated five million?!"

Ran Dongling couldn't believe it, how could Qiu Ci be so stupid that he was deceived by the old monk.

Isn’t my nickname, a little idiot, infected by hatred?

"Hey, little donor, your health is important, don't get excited." The old monk made a calm gesture, "The donor is so generous, the **** of marriage heard the heart of the donor, and entrusted the dream to him. Lao Na, let Lao Na give you blessings every day."

The old monk took them to the big tree outside the main hall, pointed to the small wooden sign on the tree, and said: "The wish that the donor wrote on the wooden sign, the old man is always blessed for it every day, Just waiting for the blessing, the wish will come true."

When it comes to family members, he said that again, Ran Dongling's anger has not yet risen, but it has fallen again, and it seems that it is not a big loss to be deceived by five million.

A gust of wind blew, and the small wooden sign on the tree was blown.

Ran Dongling looked at the place where Qiu Ci helped him hang the wooden sign, there were many new wooden signs, and he couldn't find which ones were written by him.

"Can I still write the small wooden sign?" He asked the old monk.

"Naturally, the old man will also be blessed for the wishes on the new wooden sign."

Ran Dongling re-wrote the small wooden plaque, writing a small wooden plaque for father and father, the eldest brother, the second brother and the third brother, as well as the unborn children, and the words of hatred.

Qiu Ci also wrote a small wooden sign, he did not avoid Ran Dongling, and after writing, he put it on the table to dry the ink.

Ran Dongling inadvertently, really just inadvertently, took a peek at his wooden sign, and found that the wish written on the wooden sign of Qiu Ci was related to him.

"Donor, I wonder if I can take a step and say a few words."


Chou Ci behind him followed the old monk a few steps away, leaving Ran Dongling alone standing under the tree, looking at the small wooden sign.

He picked up the small wooden sign, exhaled through his mouth, quickly dried the ink, and added a sentence after the small wooden sign.

[Brother Qiu Ci is also]

After a while, Qiu Ci returned to him and asked gently, "Has Ling'er written it?"

"It's done, brother Qiu Ci, hang it up, and hang it on the highest place, so that the **** of marriage can see my wish at a glance."


Chou Ci used a little skill and time, and really hung the wooden sign they wrote on the highest point, separated a little distance from the other wooden signs, which was very conspicuous.

The **** of marriage can be seen at a glance.


The wind was blowing, and Ran Dongling saw the small wooden sign they just hung up, the highest being blown by the wind.

"Brother Qiu Ci, you see, the God of Marriage has heard our wishes, and now he will bring our wishes to father and father, as well as the eldest brother, the second brother and the third brother."

"Well, I'll definitely bring it."

They didn't stay in the marriage temple for a long time, and they will go down the mountain soon while the sky is still bright.

On the way down the mountain, Ran Dongling was in a good mood and kept singing. The beautiful name is to teach children early childhood.

"La la la baby, I am daddy la la la, brother Qiu Ci is father, we love you very much, grow up soon la la la—"

He chatted for a while, but he couldn't match his curiosity. He leaned over to Qiu Ci and asked him, "Brother Qiu Ci, what did the old monk tell you just now?"

"Want to know?" Qiu Ci raised his eyebrows, didn't tell him directly, and sold it.

Ran Dongling nodded quickly, then shook her head again, "If you want to tell me, just tell me."

Qiu Ci laughed, remembering what the old monk said to him just now.

Chou Ci sighed and told Ran Dongling, "He said you were very lucky."

Ran Dongling was still waiting for him to speak, but Qiu Ci stopped talking after saying this. He continued to ask, "Brother Qiu Ci, did the old monk only say that I am very lucky?"

"Yes, you are very lucky."

"What, he must be lying." Ran Dongling pouted, and felt that the old monk was talking nonsense. He thought that the old monk would tell Qiu Ci the way of blessing.

Walking, he felt tired from his legs and pulled Qiu Ci's sleeves.

"Brother Qiu Ci, I'm tired, you carry me down."

Qiu Ci stopped and glanced at his stomach, "Will it hit your stomach? I'll hold you down, okay?"

"No, no, I won't push it, I want you to carry me."

Ran Dongling began to sing again.

"La la la Qiu Ci, brother carrying Xiao Fuxing down the mountain—"

Chou Ci was infected by him and got up with him.

"La la la darling is my little lucky star."

The tune he sang was strange, not as clear and crisp as Ran Dongling's voice, on the contrary, it looked very strange. After singing, he laughed first, and Ran Dongling was lying on his back, also laughing.

A gust of wind blew through the wooden sign, through the treetops, through the hair of the two, and carried their laughter far away.

The author has this to say:

This is the end of it;

Let's see you outside (let me rest for two days);

Thank you for your continued support