MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 33 It's okay, I can kiss you next time

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The slow motion was played for nearly ten seconds, and it was accompanied by very romantic music. Although the two of them did not kiss, the audience can already make up the content of the latter.

[I can't wait to get into the screen and press their heads]

[Spicy chicken program group, put a little more footage and you will die! I'm really scolding people here! 】

[I can't wait for next week, I will watch the follow-up now]

[666 This is the couple variety show I want to watch]

Lin Yuan watched the tidbits on TV, I didn't expect his son to be so bold, and he became a relative on the show.

Ran Dongling's eyes widened, unable to believe what he saw.

Why does the camera look like this, doesn't it mean that everyone thought they were going to kiss, but brother Qiu Ci didn't kiss him!

Backstage at the theater.

Ran Dongling wandered around the backstage after putting on makeup, and then stopped on the hanger beside him. He was very interested in large western dresses.

The skirt is indigo blue with a large hem and layers of lace in the middle.

Lan Wanru saw him holding the lace of the skirt and teased him and said, "Why does Xiaoling keep looking at the skirt, do you want to wear it?"

Ran Dongling shook her head, the waist of this skirt was almost as high as his chest, he was not suitable.

The skirt was worn by the actress who played Lololi's mother. She was 1.83 meters tall, a few centimeters taller than Ran Dongling.

When she got dressed and came out of the dressing room, the long dress looked very different from hanging on the hanger, forming an umbrella from the waist down.

He wondered if the actress had put something in her skirt, and unconsciously bit her lip and licked it.

He ate a lot of the lip gloss on his lips.

"Lipstick flower." Having been following his revenge for a while, he opened his mouth and said.

Ran Dongling immediately released his biting lip and ran to look in the mirror. Sure enough, there was a red space on his lips.

"Brother Qiuci, it smells so sweet, I really want to lick it off." After explaining to Qiuci, he wanted to find his sister who had just helped him with makeup to make up the red.

The makeup artist was helping another actor with makeup and brought him a lip gloss and a disposable lip brush.

Ran Dongling had never applied it herself, so she unscrewed the lip glaze, imitated a makeup artist, and thought that it would be good to just apply it directly to her mouth.

"Come here and I'll help you."

Qiu Ci applied the disposable lip brush, gently squeezed his chin, and leaned down.

The cameraman who was hiding in the corner saw them standing together. His professional acumen made him point the camera at them. The lip brush in Qiu Ci’s hand could not be seen from the angle of his shooting. With the action of Qiu Ci, his heart is excited.

No, there are so many people in the background, can you kiss them directly here?

That's too wolf, hehe.

Who knew that Qiu Ci leaned down and stayed two fists away from Ran Dongling.

He adjusted the height of Ran Dongling's chin, held the lip brush in the other hand, lowered his head and carefully applied the lip glaze for him.

The lip brush is soft as expected.

, want to lick again.

"Brother Qiu Ci, are you ready?"


I didn't find anything wrong with Qiu Ci, Ran Dongling heard him say it was done, and went to the mirror and pursed her lips.

So he didn't kiss brother Qiu Ci at first, but brother Qiu Ci was helping him with lip glaze.

After listening to his explanation, Lin Yuan understood that this was the show team using the two of them as a gimmick to attract the audience to watch the content of the next issue.

Knowing that the two of them didn't kiss, Lin Yuan was also inexplicably lost.

"It's alright, I'll kiss you next time."

Ran Dongling thinks what her mother said is strange, what does it mean to kiss again next time?

Not next time!

"Why not?" Qiu Ci had been listening to them all the time, and only now did he speak.

Lin Yuan was still smiling at them.

"No!" How did Ran Dongling know why he couldn't? He stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, and continued, "You can't talk now, brother Qiu Ci, shut up."

After living in the old house for a while, Lin Yuan should also go back to live with her husband. She doesn't need to be sent, and waits for her husband to come to the old house to pick her up at night.

During the time she lived in the old house, she and Ran Dongling got along very happily. He called his mother, and Lin Yuan also regarded him as his son, and was satisfied with him.

She avoided Qiu Zhenghao and whispered to him, "My dear, when will you and Qiu Ci move back to Fengyuan Dijing, it's closer to your parents, it's more convenient than the old house."

"Fengyuan Imperial View?"

Where is this scenery?

Seeing that he didn't know anything, Lin Yuan suspected that Qiu Ci had not told him, "Qiu Ci has a house in Fengyuan Emperor Jing, he used to live there, grandpa let him go back to old age house, he just came back to live here."

Grandpa lives in the old house, mother lives in another house, the uncle seems to live with them, and now brother Qiu Ci also has his own house.

When he went to Xiao Ange's house, they seemed to live alone, not with others.

Lin Yuan went on to say, "Tell Qiu Ci and see when you will move back. It's closer to his company. By the way, what about Qiu Ci?"

I used to accompany Ran Dongling in the past, but I didn't see him today.

"It is estimated that he is in the room, darling, go up and tell him to come down. Mom has something to say to him."

Ran Dongling walked upstairs obediently, knocked on the door of Qiu Ci's room, no one answered, tried to twist the door again, and quietly probed in.

Qiu Ci's room was decorated very simply. Compared with his room, it was more like a guest room.

There is a person lying on the bed, there is no movement, Qiu Ci is sleeping.

Ran Dongling stood at the door for a while, thinking of a bad idea.

He was going to pinch brother Chouci's nose, and when he couldn't breathe, he would naturally wake up.

He gently opened the door and walked in, looking at Qiu Ci's sleeping appearance, he almost laughed.

Hey hey—

Chou Ci's bed was big, and he still slept in the middle. Ran Dongling's hands were not so long, so he climbed up on the edge of the bed and moved to the middle gently, and he had to be careful not to wake Qiu Ci.

After finally moving to him, he stretched out his hand in front of Qiu Ci, thinking whether to pinch above or below his nose.

He hesitated, and before he touched his nose, Qiu Ci suddenly opened his eyes.

Ran Dongling was taken aback by him, the left hand that was originally supported softened, and the whole body was pressed on Qiu Ci's body.

He slammed into Qiu Ci's chest with a face, the body below was as hard as a rock, he burst into tears, and tried to get up with his hands.

He wanted to take his revenge and didn't let him go, so he wrapped him in a quilt and put one hand around his waist to prevent him from moving.

"What does the little villain want?" Qiu Ci asked him in a low voice.

Ran Dongling was wrapped in a quilt and could not move. The shock of being caught had not yet eased, and he stuttered and said, "You, why are you awake!"

I was really frightened by him, Ran Dongling didn't even say his brother Qiu Ci.

Qiu Ci didn't fall asleep at all. He lay in bed thinking about something, and when he heard a special knock on the door, he knew who was outside the door.

Before he got up, the door was twisted open, Qiu Ci wanted to see what he did when he came in, but he didn't open his eyes and pretended to sleep.

After hearing him enter the door softly, he closed the door politely, then walked over to the bed and let out a little laugh.

Qiu Ci patiently pretended to sleep, waiting for his next move.

Feeling the side of the bed collapse, Ran Dongling got on his bed, he moved too slowly, Qiu Ci wanted to open his eyes several times to see what he was doing, but reluctantly held back, he planned to grab one ruthless.

"How do I know that you entered my room and did something bad when I don't wake up." Qiu Ci took him in one hand and lifted him up a little, his head just resting on his neck.

"I'm not doing bad things."

Ran Dongling was struggling in his arms. Although there was still a quilt under him, the distance between him and Qiu Ci was too close.

The quilt was full of his smell, a familiar smell of Qiu Ci, which made him blush, and there was Qiu Ci's body under him, he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

As soon as Ran Dongling raised her head, she met Qiu Ci's handsome face. Being held by him like that, she was exhausted, so she lowered her head and buried it in his shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Mom called, call me up. I told you to come downstairs, I knocked on the door and you didn't come in."

"Really? I think you're not just trying to wake me up, right?" Knowing that he wouldn't lie, Qiu Ci pretended not to believe him.

Ran Dongling was hurt by his own bad idea, he couldn't say that he wanted to pinch his nose to wake him up.

To see him.

"Okay, get up, I'll go down with you."

Ran Dongling was buried in Qiu Ci's shoulder, thinking wildly, regretting what he did, and feeling that Qiu Ci was deceiving too much!

He hasn't done anything yet, how can he be called a little villain!

He raised his head to meet Qiu Ci's eyes, and a piece of softness brushed the corners of his lips.