MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 43 Uncle Qiu Ci

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Woke up the next day, Ran Dongling's brain was dizzy, and he subconsciously arched into the quilt, but what he touched was not a soft quilt, but a hard thing.

What is this, who put the plank on his bed.

There was a rustling movement behind him, and suddenly an arm was added to his waist, and he was taken back.

Ran Dongling was unconscious and didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

He squinted for two minutes, then suddenly opened his eyes, the hard thing behind his back was not a wooden board, but a male body with body temperature, the man was holding himself, and the arm around his waist was empty , can feel the power above.

Ran Dongling's whole body was stiff for a moment, his back was numb, and there was a man behind him.

Qiu Ci woke up when he touched it, and now I don't know what he was doing under the quilt, and the movement was very loud.

"Ran Dongling, get up when you wake up." His voice was hoarse, with a hint of fatigue.

Ran Dongling stopped, it turned out to be brother Qiu Ci, it's okay.


"Brother Qiu Ci, why are you here!" He got out of the quilt and found Qiu Ci sleeping beside him.

Qiu Ci has a faint dark blue in his eyes. He didn't sleep well last night, and he slept with this little drunk until midnight.

He was a father and a husband to accompany him last night. In the second half of the night, Ran Dongling became sleepy and fell asleep on the bed as soon as his eyes were closed. No way, I went to take a cold shower in the middle of the night, and I have only slept for three hours now.

"This is our room, why am I here."

Ran Dongling looked around and remembered that this was the room that the show team had arranged for them, which made him sober.

He stayed away from Qiu Ci and asked him, "Then why are you in my bed?"

After asking, I found out that this question is an idiot. There is only one bed here, and he can only sleep here.

Qiu Ci didn't answer him, his eyes fell on Ran Dongling, and he had a small hole in his mouth, which could hardly be seen without looking closely.

Last night, I hugged myself and said I would sleep with my husband, but now I wake up and don’t recognize anyone, right?

"You forgot what you said last night?"

Ran Dongling looked confused, what did he say last night?

He only remembered that he drank a very bad soup at dinner yesterday, because it was very bad, so he drank a glass of wine, and then... and then he couldn't remember anything .

He shook his head.

Chou Ci was really laughed at by him, and he forgot his feelings when he fell asleep.

"Can't remember at all?"

Ran Dongling can't remember at all, could it be that he said something that brother Qiu Ci slept with him?

The idea came to me, Ran Dongling avoided his eyes, but remembered a little, he whispered: "I remember I had a glass of wine."

That is to forget everything after drinking.

He never drank alcohol in the mansion. At most, he just dipped his chopsticks to taste it, and he didn't know if he could drink.

He said with uncertainty, "Brother Qiu Ci, was I drunk yesterday?"

Qiu Ci's eyes darkened, and he told him what happened last night, "You are so drunk that you don't even recognize anyone. You are called Lu Luwan Rujie and Xiuzhi Anxiu Cat."

He thought of something and raised his lips, "Call me husband."

Ran Dongling heard the last sentence, her heart thumped, she raised her head suddenly and glared at him, "You talk nonsense!"

Chou Ci continued: "You held me last night and refused to let me go, saying you wanted to be with your husband..."

He didn't say anything, Ran Dongling couldn't listen anymore, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, angrily warning Qiu Ci, "If you talk nonsense again, I will tell my mother and let her beat you. !"

Lin Yuan, who was far away in China, sneezed and hugged his coat tightly, secretly thinking that it was getting colder today.

Ran Dongling didn't believe a word of what Qiu Ci said, he only believed that he was drunk, and the rest were all lies that Qiu Ci made up to climb into his bed, this man also so bad!

He decided not to talk to Qiu Ci for a day today.

He went to the bathroom to wash up and found that the corners of his mouth were red and there were a few red patches on his neck.


Qiu Ci looked at him like he was looking at an idiot, turned around and found him a turtleneck sweater.

The weather today is very good, the sun is shining, and the sun is warm on the body.

The program team arranged breakfast on the outdoor lawn.

Ran Dongling was wearing a white turtleneck sweater inside and a short beige down jacket outside, which looked like a walking piece of bread from a distance.

They arrived at the end, everyone had already sat down for breakfast, Chen Yao and Yu Han were talking to a mobile phone after eating, and when they saw them coming, Chen Yao left the camera.

He came over to stop Ran Dongling, stretched out **** in front of him, and slowly closed them in the middle.

Chen Yao saw that he was not fooled, and sighed regretfully, "It seems that you are sober, Xiaoling, how does it feel to be drunk?"

Lan Wanru also came to greet him and asked him if he had a headache.

Even the director who was eating bread behind the camera came to care about him, "Good morning, Xiaoling, are you awake now? Come and say hello to the audience."

They greeted the camera and the audience in the studio.

【Good morning! Sober up? 】

[I'm a doctor, see his ruddy complexion, clear eyes, normal thinking, 10% of the time he is awake]

【Little idiots are not allowed to drink outside! Boys have to protect themselves, you know! 】

Ran Dongling sees that the barrage above is related to alcohol, why does everyone know that he is drunk, what happened yesterday?

No one told him what happened yesterday, and he didn't want to ask for revenge. Ran Dongling secretly thought that he would never drink again.

When everyone finished breakfast, the director also finished his piece of bread and went up to speak with the task card.

Director: "Good morning everyone! The third episode of "Always You" has officially started recording. The theme of this program is [Process]. Two people have to go through many different processes together. People can predict what the future process will be like, if I tell you the future process in advance, what will you do, and will you choose him?"

【Yes, I really love him so much】

Lan Wanru: "The director is giving us a problem today, do you want to test our loyalty to love?"

The director shook his head: "Do you remember the note that you drew on the day of the live broadcast, it is related to our mission this time."

The numbers of the notes drawn by the guests are:

Cheng Nuo Group: 9, 9;

Chou Ci Group: 5, 2;

Chen Yao Group: 5, 6;

Yu Han Group: 0, 1;

Yu Han didn't understand and asked, "Are we going to wear it into the future?"

The director shook his head, "Today's task is to assign you children of the corresponding age according to the notes you draw, so that you can experience the process of bringing children in advance."

The guests are all dumbfounded, with children?

[The original process is this process, I didn't expect it]

Nine children jumped on the field, followed by their parents. The number Lu Lu chose was 0, which means there are no children, so their group has only one child.

Qiu Ci and their group consisted of a pair of brothers. The mother of the child was holding her brother and holding her brother, and walked towards them.

She is Chinese, her husband is from S country, these two children are mixed race, but they can understand Chinese.

The two children look alike, with black curly hair and blue eyes.

The older boy was not stage fright at all, and introduced himself: "I'm my elder brother, my name is Guo Lin Changle, and my younger brother's name is Guo Lin Yuesheng."

Ran Dongling squatted down and greeted him, "Hello, my name is Ran Dongling, you can call me brother Dongling, his name is Qiu Ci, you can call him..."

I have already called him elder brother Chouci, and it is not very good for the little boy to call him elder brother Chouci. In terms of seniority, Chouci should be their uncle.

He straightened out the relationship and said to the little boy, "You can call him Uncle Chouci."

The author has this to say:

Wake up for another chapter zzz