MTL - The Star Light Shines When He Came-Chapter 117 Great god, don't run!

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Ye Jing lay on the bed like a gossamer, and took Xie Fei's hand and babblingly instructed him to pay attention to his body in the future and not be so strict with the children. Xie Fei nodded.

Her eyes became more and more muddy, and after a while, she began to look at the ceiling and recalled the life of the two people who knew each other, knew each other, and was together. As she said, she seemed a little confused, and she stretched out her other hand towards Jaffe's face. Coming over, he muttered: "...Ning Yi? You are Ning Yi? I, I marry... You? Is this really not a dream?"

Xie Fei was stunned when she heard the words, and saw her staring at herself, with an unbelievable appearance, her weak body trembling and trying to lean over.

This Ye Jing seems to be no other Ye Jing.

Xie Fei hesitated for a moment, and felt that the wisp of soul he cared about was still there with the hands he was holding.

Seeing her expectant gaze, Jaffe paused and said, "It's not a dream, you are indeed married to Ning Yi."

"Really good." Ye Jing smiled silently, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, revealing a satisfied smile. She didn't know what she thought of suddenly, and she put away her smile after a while, and asked hesitantly, "Where is Ye and Ye Shimian?"

"He is dead, tortured to death." Xie Fei said lightly.

"Really?" Ye Jing was stunned, and sighed softly. The room was extremely quiet for a while. After a long time, she moved her gaze to Xie Fei, and after looking at him for a long time, she said quietly, "You are not him. , I know, you are not him..."

Xie Fei was not accidentally seen through by her, because he didn't want to cover up, so he pursed his lower lip, and he whispered, "You should go."

Ye Jing smiled softly when she heard the words, and slowly closed her eyes, a tear slipped from the corner of her eye: "Thank you..."

After speaking, her hand slipped gently from the hand she was holding with Jie Fei. At this moment, her already closed mouth shook slowly: "Manggong."

The voice was very soft, but it exploded in Jaffe's ears instantly.

His original indifferent expression suddenly stunned, and his cold eyes were full of shock and looked straight at the person on the bed. His heart trembled at the last two words just now.

He hadn't heard it in his memory, but why did he feel so familiar, making him subconsciously want to answer?

"Come out!" Xie Fei yelled, his eyes fixed on the person on the bed.

Immediately after a light smoke of soul flew out of Ye Jing's body, she seemed very happy, and with a bit of shyness, she hid aside and looked at Jie Fei quietly.

Seeing her, Jaffe's expression softened a lot, he looked at her calmly, and then calmly asked, "What did you call me just now?"

She was coy for a while, lowered her head and whispered: "Miangong."

Jaffe's heart was shocked again, but his face didn't show at all, and without changing his face, he continued to ask: "Why call me that? Do you know who I am?"

Soul tilted his head for a moment, then hesitated and said: "You are...Manimate."

Xie Fei was choked for a moment, sighed helplessly, and asked, "Who are you then?"

"I am, I am... I don't know." She murmured a few times, but after a long while she shook her head and looked at Jie Fei, "Msang Gong, who am I?"

As soon as she said this, Jaffe, who was indifferent, felt like she was defeated, and sighed again. Xie Fei opened her mouth and was about to speak, but she whispered "Ah" in a low voice: "I, I'm leaving--"

Before the voice fell, she disappeared in an instant with a "shoo". Xie Fei, who had just reacted, had no time to do anything, so she could only watch her fly away in front of her eyes.


After the incident, Xie Fei returned to the underworld as usual. As he was thinking about things in his heart, he didn't notice anything wrong at first, and he was about to reach the door of the soul pawnshop. Only then did he find that the Netherworld Bridge was a lot more lively than usual.

Without thinking about it, he almost subconsciously stepped forward and walked over there. From a distance, he saw the Hou Tu on the Netherworld Bridge, which he hadn’t seen for a long time. Judge Cui was also following her, and he stood on both sides of the Huangquan River. With countless ghosts, bull-headed horse noodles were among them, they all looked at the river enthusiastically.

Xie Fei walked over silently, only to see the yellow spring water under the bridge bubbling like boiling water, boiled and the turbid river water was surging to one side, and a loud rumbling sound spread from the bottom of the river. In the ears of everyone, a small river burst out with the majestic momentum of the sea.

"What are you doing?" Xie Fei asked with his hands behind his back.

"You are back, Lord Ksitigarbha." Judge Cui bowed, took two steps to the side, and welcomed Xie Fei to the side of Houtu. "The yellow spring water suddenly became abnormal, and the subordinates did not know the reason. Wait here."

Xie Fei gave a soft "um", nodded and then stopped asking.

Houtu grabbed the snack with one hand, and heard the voice glance at Xie Fei sideways, and smiled: "Oh, Xiao Feifei, you are back, I want to die, sister."

"Speak well." Xie Fei squinted at her and replied lightly.

"Yes, Lord Ksitigarbha." Houtu rolled his eyes, grunted reluctantly, then threw a snack into his mouth, crunched it, and whispered in a vague voice, " When your master comes back, he must take care of your boy, so he dare to talk to me like this!"

"What are you whispering?" Jaffe looked at the surging river under the bridge without squinting, and asked softly, "You have news from my master?"

"En?" Houtu moved for a while, laughed twice, and waved his hand, "Where is it, how can I have it without you? You heard it wrong, you heard it wrong!"

"Oh, is it?" Xie Fei raised his eyebrows, before Hou Tu's response, turned to look in the middle of the Yellow Spring River.

A crack slowly appeared in the center of the river that was constantly tumbling on both sides, and it grew bigger and bigger, and the crack was dark underneath, as if it could not be seen at a glance.

After a while, Jaffe said again: "Do you know what's under this."

Hou Tu's hand shaking the snacks, the snacks fell to the ground and rolled to the side. She turned to look at Xie Fei, blinking to open her mouth, but she was interrupted by Xie Fei who knows, "It should have something to do with me. ."

"The sudden disappearance of my master, what you call me getting hurt by my practice, the fierce soul that became uncontrollable inexplicably, and the familiar soul that was next to me... all this pile of things, one by one. Did you plan to help me? Have I forgotten something important?"

"You know." Houtu was startled, then smiled lazily, "Yes, you are indeed amnesia. Not only you, but also—"

"There's her." Jaffe said, raising his chin toward the crack. "My wife."

Houtu was really shocked now. She looked at Jie Fei in disbelief, and asked cautiously: "You, have your memory restored?"

Xie Fei shook his head: "No."

"Then how do you know..." Before finishing asking, Hou Tu understood in a flash, she smiled, "Did she tell you? Wan'er this girl!"


The name spat twice on the tip of Jaffe's tongue, and his heart was soft for a moment. After a long time, he seemed to ask casually: "So what happened? Why am I amnesia, Wan...Why is she in Huangquan again? The bottom of the river?"

Hearing this, Houtu turned his head hesitantly, and after hesitating for a while, he finally shied away: "This... Actually, I don't know much..."

"No, you know." Xie Fei looked at her affirmatively.

Houtu was numb all over by him. He closed his eyes and stomped his feet. He bit his lip and said: "Okay, okay, I know, but your master told me that I can't tell you now, otherwise you will really go wrong. Enchanted."


After hesitating for a long time, Houtu looked at Jie Fei as if he didn't stop at his goal, and finally compromised, and said helplessly: "Well, let me tell you part first."

Xie Fei also knew that this might be the bottom line of Houtu, so he nodded obediently.

"You and Wan'er are not actually amnesia, but the memory has been sealed. This seal cannot be forcibly broken, it will take time to fade away." Houtu sighed slightly and said slowly.

Xie Fei nodded clearly: "That's why you used Li Soul as an excuse to set up a soul pawnshop, so that I can wipe out the seal in the long river of time."

"This is a reason, and Li Hun is not all an excuse." Houtu curled his lips and began to eat snacks again. "Wan'er was seriously damaged at the beginning. These Li Huns can be given to her after I refine their spirit power. As a nourishment to quickly repair the soul."

"So that's the case." Xie Fei nodded and asked again, "Then Wan... Then why is she at the bottom of the Yellow Spring?"

"You are stupid, your soul is seriously damaged, and your physical injuries will only be more serious. There is a cave under the Huangquan River, which contains the Moon Ming ice bed that your master’s master found. This ice bed is a good thing. Even if Wan'er is unconscious, as long as she is lying on it, the ice bed can spontaneously communicate with the meridians in her body, from the inside to the outside, and she does not need her own luck to recuperate." Houtu explained each word. , "Now that Yue Mingbing is out of customs this time, it means that Wan'er's body has basically recovered."

This means that he is finally going to see his...wife?

Xie Fei was stunned for a moment, and then returned to his senses. He pretended to be calm and asked: "Since she is sleeping here, how does she stay with me?"

"This...Are you not a husband and wife? Husband and wife will chant." Hou Tu scratched his neck and said nonsense. "And this is a good thing. It can help Wan'er get rid of the seal."

Xie Fei looked at Houtu with a "you treat me stupid" expression, and Houtu pursed her lips in embarrassment. It's really not that she didn't say it, she couldn't say it. Once she said it, with the cleverness of this kid Well, it will show up in no time.

After all, this is Xie Fei and his master specially invited Yue Lao to cast a spell, and a red string was tied to their souls, so no matter where Xie Fei's soul goes, Wan'er's soul will follow him.

But this can't tell Xie Fei that Yue Lao is a member of the Heavenly Court, and the Netherworld has never had much contact with those of the Heavenly Court. Once the two realms of heaven and earth begin to unite, there must be a disaster in the Five Realms.

Therefore, once he tells the story of Yue Lao, Xie Fei must be able to guess that the matter has something to do with the Five Realms, and he might go to investigate the situation by himself.

Although it was said that the old ancestor of Demon Demon Xing took advantage of Xie Fei's confrontation with Demon Demon Yao Ming, it caused Xie Fei to be injured and lost, but now Xie Fei has not fully recovered, and there is still a seal on his soul. If you go out and be found out, then you are going to die.

Therefore, she must not let Jie Fei know about this, at least not until he breaks the seal.

Although according to the news from his master, the losses of the underworld and the heavens are much more serious than the two worlds of demons, and the human world is also at stake, but fortunately Xie Fei has made rapid progress here, and now he has recovered 60 to 70% of his strength. The seal has also dimmed a lot, and I want to go out soon to help the world and the earth.

By the way, there is Waner.

Although Wan'er's strength is much weaker than Xie Fei, he heard that Heavenly Court has a unique double cultivation cheat-Lingxi Yuantongshu. Once he has achieved great success, maybe... it is not without a chance.

It's a pity that the two of them have just got married less than a month ago, and this dual cultivation technique can reach the realm that can enter the goal. If you want to practice to great success, you have to go through the three stages of elementary, intermediate, and Dzogchen.


Hou Tu sighed to himself, and at this moment, the ghosts on both sides of the Huangquan River began to exclaim.

It turned out that a dazzling light burst out from the cracks, and a nearly transparent ice bed slowly floated up, surrounded by a cold and bright mist like a moon.

After a while, the fairy gas gradually settled into the body of the charming person on the ice bed, and everyone could see clearly that there was a dangerous beauty lying flat on it with a snow-skinned skin and delicate brows.

She wore a water-green pearl-patterned plain skirt, which made her skin more fair and transparent. A pair of thin willow eyebrows were slightly frowned, and the eyelashes at the corners of her eyes were a little bit of water, giving off a little bit of brilliant crystal light.

Although she was just lying on the bed quietly, she was full of romantic feelings, with her own radiance in her beauty, her appearance was bright and moving, and her temperament was even more brilliant, making people forget the vulgarity and hope. The loss of mind.

For a short while, all the ghosts were stunned, and they stood there blankly.

Before they could return to their senses, Xie Fei lifted his robe and flew up, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the ice bed. As soon as he stretched out his long arms, he took the person into his arms, and in a flash, he hugged the person and returned to the original place.

At the same time, the Yueming ice bed slowly descended until it sank into the cave. Almost within a dozen breaths, the surging yellow spring water gradually calmed down and returned to its former calm.

Xie Fei hugged Wei Jing a few steps before returning to the house. Houtu looked at his back amusedly, until he entered the house and then turned and waved back to watch the lively ghosts.

Xie Fei just carefully placed Wei Jingwan on the bed in the inner room, and Hou Tu slowly swayed in. She unceremoniously sat on Xie Fei’s special beauty couch, quacking and eating. , While consciously pouring a cup of tea and sipping it, he looked like he was enjoying.

"Give me things." Xie Fei came to Houtu and directly stretched out his hand.

Hou Tu looked up at Jie Fei with a surprised look, pretending to be ignorant: "Something? What is it?"

Xie Fei stood there motionless without saying a word, looking calmly at Houtu, only seeing Houtu uncomfortable, Houtu quietly cursed a little bunny in his heart, thinking thoughtfully on his face. After a while, it suddenly dawned on him: "Oh, you mean the spirit power extracted by Li Hun."

As she said, she stretched out her right hand and flipped it gently, and a jade-white porcelain bottle appeared in her palm in a blink of an eye.

While holding the bottle to play with, Hou Tu peeped at Jie Fei, and said narrowly: "Little Fei Fei, you have to say what you want. If you don't say, how do I know what you want? , Sister, I’m rich. If you only talk about things, it’s really confusing."

Xie Fei's face was faint and let Houtu joked. Her playful temperament is not a day or two. After a pause, Xie Fei replied, "Give me the spirit power."

Houtu raised his eyebrows and said, "Well", a pair of beautiful eyes turned around, and said with a smile: "It's not impossible to give you soul power, but you can't just stretch out your hand like this, right? Is there anything in exchange for it? ?"

Xie Fei knew what she was thinking at a glance. With a light wave of his sleeves, two small wine jars appeared on the table: "The'Human Jade Dew' brewed by the master's father is hundreds of years old."

"Not bad." Houtu leaned close to the jar and sniffed. He couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Turning his head and staring at Jie Fei fiercely, "Huh, you stinky boy, you don't know how to honor me with such a good thing." This teacher..."

Ah, I almost missed my mouth. The fact that I am his wife was sealed by a seal, so I must not show my stuff.

"Forget it, my elder sister, I have a lot, I will spare you this time." Houtu quickly finished this sentence, threw the porcelain bottle at Jie Fei, picked up the two wine jars on the table and disappeared.

Xie Fei looked at the back of Houtu who had fled in despair. He always felt that he had overlooked something in the previous sentence. After thinking about it, he didn't find anything wrong, so he turned and walked inside with the porcelain bottle.

It took two days and one night to finally transfer these spirit powers into Wei Jingwan's soul, waiting for her to slowly absorb it by herself.


After Xie Fei's work was done, his energy was a little weak, so he meditated in the house and recovered from his exercises.

On this day, judge Cui didn't know where he brought an eighteen or nine-year-old girl. The girl was unkempt, dirty, and skinny, but she could still see a well-educated girl in her gestures.

At this moment, she was full of regret, and big tears fell from her face continuously, and the low choking sound surrounded the room.

Xie Fei slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the girl with cold eyes, and found that it was not consistent with the sharp soul that Judge Cui had said before, so he turned his eyes to look at Judge Cui, who was pleasing to the eye.

When judge Cui saw the adult looking over, he immediately bowed and explained: "My lord, this is the fierce soul that Houtu Niangniang found. There were other arrangements, but for some reason, Houtu Niangniang insisted that his subordinates take this first. A girl brought it here."

Xie Fei nodded and said lightly: "It's okay, she has her own deep meaning."

After speaking, he looked at the girl and saw that although she was still sobbing, the crying gradually ceased, so Xie Fei's frowning brows slowly loosened, and slowly asked: "Since I am here, I want to come to you. You should also know the content of the transaction."

"Yes, I know." The girl replied with a choked voice, "I am willing to pay for my soul. Please realize my obsession and avenge me."

Xie Fei nodded and said, "In that case, let's talk about you."

The girl immediately nodded when she heard the words, raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face, and after taking a few deep breaths, she began to talk about her short and tragic life.

The author has something to say: ps: Regarding the relationship between the five worlds and their characters, as well as the titles Yuelao, Houtu, and Ksitigarbha, they are for use only, and the setting is private, so don’t get evidence.

There is still a thousand words to fill up tomorrow, it’s too late today~~QAQ