MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 115

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The ambiguous atmosphere between the two was suddenly shattered by Duan Hu's words. He didn't seem to notice the difference, but walked up to Lin Ling carelessly, "Lin Ling, what did you ask our captain to do? He I don't want to."

"It's nothing." Lin Ling smiled awkwardly, and handed the cut watermelon to Duan Hu and He Ming, "Come along and get thirsty, come and eat watermelon."

Duan Hu didn't think much about it. He took the watermelon and started to eat it. While eating, he said, "This watermelon is so sweet! It's delicious! I haven't eaten such a sweet watermelon for many years."

"Lin Ling, can I take a few back later? I'm sure I'll be envious of the other people, making them too tired and unwilling to go out."

He Ming glanced at his team leader's slightly gloomy face, and felt that the team leader was on the verge of getting angry, so he took a piece of watermelon and left this place of right and wrong.

Duan Hu said while eating: "Lin Ling, I picked up all the tree seeds in the trunk, and I gave them to you."

"..." Lin Ling glanced at He Ming, who was selectively left out by him, and nodded: "Captain Lu has already told me that you and He Ming want to exchange seeds for some eggs and salted eggs. Go get ready."

Duan Hu felt something was wrong, but he couldn't say it out. If he couldn't figure it out, he didn't bother to think about it, and continued to eat watermelon.

Mynah looked at the silly melon eater, and shook his head in distaste, let alone the one who has no vision, the brain is still stupid, and it is not as good as a bird, it is really useless!

It flapped its wings and flew towards Duan Hu's head, and let out a 'he~tui' in disgust.

Chun Mian imitated her father, swaggering past Duan Hu, he~tui!

All in one go, today is another great day for myself.

Duan Hu didn't understand what a bird and a chicken were doing, he scratched the back of his head, "Lin Ling, can I eat this big fat chicken today?"

Big fat chicken?

Is that it?

Chun Mian unhappily turned her head and spit fire at Duan Hu: You are the big fat...

Big fat chicken?

No, doesn't that mean it?

Big fat pig?

No, the two big fat pigs at home smell delicious.

Big Fat Dog?

Isn't that scolding the ugly brother?

Chun Mian flapped her wings in dissatisfaction, he~tui!

Duan Hu looked at Chun Mian who patted his **** and left, "He Ming, do you think this big fat chicken is provoking me again?"

"Obviously." He Ming removed the seeds from the car, "Hurry up and help."

"Here we come." Duan Hu ate the watermelon whole, and wiped his hands on the clothes, and there were two wet handprints on the clothes in an instant.

Lin Ling sighed lightly, and said to Lu Yu: "The crayfish and eels raised in the field have multiplied a lot. Today I will catch some crayfish and eat them."

Lu Yu followed: "I'll help you."

"Okay." Lin Ling walked out carrying the bucket and net bag.

"Captain, where are you going? I'll be with you." Duan Hu was about to follow up, but the DNA was stopped by the quick-sighted He Ming, "Don't go, quickly move all these seeds in."

Duan Hu looked at the remaining packets of seeds, "You can handle this by yourself."

He Ming: "...It's hopeless."

Duan Hu: "You are hopeless."

Xia Mo came out with a basket on his back, and looked at Duan Hu and He Ming who were having a dispute, "Both uncles, my sister asked me to catch chickens, can you help me?"

He Ming heard the words and immediately pulled Duan Hu to catch the chicken with Xia Mo, "Go, go catch the chicken!"

Duan Hu followed unhappily, "It's so boring to catch chickens."

There was some dissatisfaction hidden in Xia Mo's eyes, and he looked back at Duan Hu: "Uncle, you don't want to eat chicken? If you don't want to eat, let's go back."

"Why do you want to eat!" Duan Hu just came here with the idea of ​​eating, if he didn't eat anything, he would go back, wouldn't it be a waste of time for him to go? "My child, your name is sister Lin Ling, why do you call us uncle?"

Xia Mo twitched her lips: "Uncle, you look older."

He Ming burst out laughing, "Let you ask!"

Duan Hu: "I'm in my prime, only thirty-five years old, how old am I?"

Xia Mo asked back: "Where is it not big?"

He Ming laughed loudly: "He's not even ten years old yet, compared to you, it does seem that you are very old."

"Do mature men understand?" Duan Hu patted Xia Mo's thin shoulders, "Children, let's discuss it. Don't call me uncle, call me brother."

Xia Mo wrinkled his face and looked at Duan Hu's rough black face covered with stubble, "I can't shout."

"..." Duan Hu was so angry that he wanted to curse, "What's wrong with you kid, you insist on fighting against me?"

At the end of Xia, he was a little unhappy: "Obviously, uncle, you make things difficult for others."

He Ming laughed so hard that he could hardly straighten his back, "Child, what kind of person do you think can be called brother?"

"A little bit older than me, or someone who looks very young." Xia Mo released another arrow and pierced Duan Hu's heart, "Or someone as good-looking as your captain or Big K, I can also Reluctantly called brother."

Countless arrows pierced Duan Hu's heart fiercely, but he was still very unwilling, "Then why are you willing to call me brother? How about I give you some favors?"

Speaking of which, Duan Hu took out a gun, "I'll play with you for a while, how about you call me brother?"

Xia Mo copied her hands, her eyes shrewd: "Uncle, don't force others, I really can't call out the word brother when I look at your face."

"Don't like it?" Duan Hu had a rare smart moment, "Then tell me what you want."

"Am I that easy to bribe?" Xia Mo raised her chin proudly, "Uncle, why do you insist on calling me your brother?"

Duan Hu chuckled, "Aren't you called Sister Lin Ling? If you keep calling me Uncle, wouldn't we be a bad match?"

Xia Mo took a few steps back, looked Duan Hu up and down, obviously so ordinary but so confident? For the sake of his sister, he resolutely resisted any temptation: "Uncle, I think you should give up."

Duan Hu was full of confusion: "Why? Is it not good for me to be your brother-in-law? I can often bring you delicious food in the future."

Xia Mo thought about it carefully, "Bring something to eat? But you have never brought anything here, and you always come here to eat and drink."

Duan Hu thought about it for a while, "Didn't I bring sugarcane roots here before? I also brought you seeds today."

He Ming really couldn't stop: "That was given by the captain."

When Xia Mo heard He Ming talking about Captain Lu, he suddenly remembered that Captain Lu brought them seasonings and other good things many times, and helped his sister repair the car, and even saved her sister. Thinking about it this way, he felt that Captain Lu seemed to be He's pretty good, and he's also good-looking, "Uncle, I think your captain is more suitable for my sister. If you have to choose me, I will definitely be your captain as my brother-in-law."

Duan Hu's face collapsed, "How can our captain like your sister, your sister has nothing..."

Before I finished speaking, I was called 'tui' by mynah, "Where is the old **** in the shallows, our boss is a beauty, and there are so many lands, so much food, it's okay for you to be a stingy person who has made a new height Dislike my beauty? Shameless! tui! tui! tui!"

Xia Mo also said: "Uncle, every time you come here we kill chickens, fish and rabbits for you to eat. If you dislike us, why do you still come?"

Why do you want to come? Duan Hu hesitated for a moment, because Lin Ling was good-looking and had no date yet, and because Lin Ling made delicious food, so he came.

To be honest, his idea is very simple, it is simply that he finally met a good-looking woman who is not a man, so he just had a little idea, as to how much he likes it, it is unknown.

But Duan Hu didn't want to admit this, he wanted to show that he liked and loved him very much, "I didn't dislike you all, wasn't I pursuing your sister? She didn't reject me either, I should come here often."

"My sister definitely didn't accept you either." Although Xia Mo didn't listen to what Lin Ling said, he was very sure that this person must be a stalker, "Uncle, a man must be a gentleman, and he can't be a stalker."

"I don't." Duan Hu knocked on Xia Mo's forehead, "My child, when I become your brother-in-law, let's see what you dare to do."

When Xia Mo heard this, she was so angry that she turned around and walked towards the yard: "I won't ask you to be my brother-in-law!"

He Ming felt that Duan Hu's words were too much, "Why are you saying such things to children?"

"I didn't say anything!" Duan Hu felt that Xia Mo was too childish, "When I become his brother-in-law, let's see how I deal with him."

"..." He Ming sighed, "Our captain treats her very well, maybe..."

"Absolutely impossible." Duan Hu said without thinking: "The captain doesn't even have Jia Lingling's forum friends, so he definitely doesn't like her."

"..." He Ming felt that if the captain didn't like Lin Ling, he wouldn't treat him differently at all, but Duan Hu didn't listen, and he really had a headache: "Then what should I do if she doesn't like you?"

"Girls are afraid of being pestered by the man, so I'll just pester her more." This is a trick Duan Hu learned from other people, and he thinks it is very useful. "I will send her a private message as soon as I have time. She saw it will always come back to me."

He Ming: "...Maybe she replied to you out of politeness."

Duan Hu: "Impossible, I don't think she is that kind of person."

"..." He Ming shook his head, he felt that Duan Hu was really hopeless, his actions made even a straight man like him feel a headache, one can imagine how annoying Lin Ling was.

"Stop talking, go catch the chickens." Duan Hu walked towards the chicken coop, stared at the fattest chicken and caught two or three: "Is that enough?"

He Ming: "One is enough."

Duan Hu: "How can one be enough for us to eat?"

"One is enough." He Ming put back two. He was afraid that Lin Ling would not welcome them if he caught too many.

It has to be said that He Ming had the foresight, because Xia Mo went to sue Lin Ling: "Sister, that short dark uncle is so annoying!"

Lin Ling, who was catching crayfish, asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

The starling Balabala complained, "Boss, he hates it."

Xia Mo nodded in agreement, "I don't want him to be my brother-in-law. If I have to choose, I would rather have Captain Lu as my brother-in-law."

Hearing what Xia Mo said, Lin Ling coughed lightly in fright. She glanced at Xia Mo in a panic, wondering if he had guessed something?

Xia Mo thought for a while and said, "Or sister, you can wait for me to grow up."

Lu Yu raised his eyes to look at Xia Mo, and snorted lightly, childish!

The author has something to say: It turns out that my guess is correct, there are countless tables after one table,

so annoying

After staying up all night, I feel dizzy and dizzy, woo woo woo~~·