MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 59

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Facing Xiaolu's questioning, Lin Ling laughed angrily, "Am I the teacher or are you the teacher?"

Xiaolu flinched and hid behind Dahei, and said weakly: You are.

Lin Ling looked at Xiaolu's test paper and said angrily, "Fortunately, I taught you the pinyin of the last question several times, otherwise you would only have 30 points."

Xiaolu covered her face in disbelief, how could this happen? How could it only take thirty points?

Dahei comforted Xiaolu with his fins: Brother, don't be sad, just do better in the exam next time.

"Dahei, you only got 45 points in the test, how dare you comfort him? You are really good brothers." Lin Ling really had a headache. They were all homework questions, why couldn't they answer them correctly?

Dahei rubbed against Xiaolu's leaves: We are good brothers.

"..." Lin Ling glanced at Xiaolu who didn't seem to care much about the score, and came up with a plan: "In addition to the original rewards and punishments, now we rank by score, the first place in the end of summer, and the ugly brother second First name, little green third, **** fourth."

Xiaolu thinks that the third place is okay, anyway, it is not the bottom one.

Lin Ling stared at Xiaolu and continued: "From now on, when we eat meat, eggs, or other good things, we will all be divided according to the test rankings. Those who rank higher will get more points, and those who rank last will get the least. Name, only one piece.”

Xiaolu and Dahei gasped, do they need to play so hard?

Lin Ling smiled, why are you always lazy, "This ranking will not change until the next exam, so everyone must work harder and strive to surpass the end of summer."

Dahei wants to cry, can you rank next time? The last one was so sad that he didn't even want to watch TV.

Xiaolu saw the little brother so sad, suddenly thought of something, and poked Dahei's round head: Don't panic, you are not the last one.

Dahei was stunned:? ? ?

Xia Mo and Chou Ge also looked at Xiaolu together, they had four exams, what is the fourth place if it is not the fourth place?

Xiaolu excitedly pointed to the starling who was still wandering outside the yard: Mynah didn't have a test, so he scored zero! If it is the last one, then you can share two pieces of meat for Dahei.

Dahei seriously calculated: Brother, do I really have two pieces of meat?

Xiaolu nodded hurriedly: You have two yuan, and I have three yuan.

Lin Ling took a sympathetic look at the starling who was trimming feathers outside, "You just ranked the starlings like this? Is it not good?

Xia Mo and Brother Chou, who had an extra piece of meat, said in unison: "We think it's pretty good."

At this time, the starling who flew into the courtyard happened to hear this sentence, and asked curiously, "What's good?"

Xia Mo, Brother Chou, and Xiao Lu shook their heads tacitly and said, "It's nothing."

The starling who didn't know that he had been tricked didn't delve into it. He looked at the TV in the living room and asked, "When can I watch TV?"

Xiaolu glared at mynah: What TV are you watching? I love to learn, I want to learn!

Dahei also thought that only by getting a good grade in the exam next time can he get more benefits, he hesitated and said: I also want to study hard.

Mynah thought Little Green and Big Black were crazy, so it flew to Lin Ling's shoulder and said, "Boss, are they out of their minds?"

Xiaolu rolled her eyes and stared at mynah: You have something wrong with your brain.

Seeing that the two guys were about to quarrel again, Lin Ling interrupted them loudly, "Let's watch TV, let's eat early and study early in the evening."

Watching TV at night, except for the unsuspecting starlings and ancestors watching TV very seriously, Xiaolu and the others were all anxiously thinking about how to pass the end of summer in the next exam.

At the end of summer, the pressure is also great. He wants to keep the first place, not for more meat and benefits, but because he doesn't want to let her down. My sister taught them to read and write mainly because of him, he is a human being, he You should learn this knowledge and understand more principles.

At the end of Xia, she turned her head and looked at Lin Ling who was looking down at her mobile phone. My sister told him that many people in the last days are fighting for food and rights, and their three views are distorted. Teach him to read and write, let him read the people in the book, and learn the correct justice, morality and enthusiasm from the book.

He thought his sister was a good person, better than everyone he had ever met.

Lin Ling was engrossed in looking at her phone, but she didn't notice Xia Mo's gaze. She looked at the post she posted last night, and many people had already replied.

Floor 1: Raising chickens? I will not, I will only eat chicken.

2nd Floor: We are still worrying about how to survive the famine. The host has already considered raising chickens. It is confirmed that the host has a background of local tyrants.

3rd floor: The boss is begging for a package/raiser. He is twenty-eight years old, with a protruding front and a raised back. He can barely be regarded as a flower in the 101st area of ​​the safety zone.

Floor 4: Boss, do you still lack leg accessories? Please keep me!

5th Floor: +10086

Floor 6: Are you stupid? Besides the safe zone, where are the chickens? This is obviously a fraudulent reply.

The 7th floor refuted the 6th floor: Just because you don’t know doesn’t mean you don’t have it. The outside of the safe zone is not all bare wasteland, there are also rivers and woods.

Floor 8: Outside the safe zone? ? ? The 7th floor is the real boss. As far as I know, only people who have landed are given mobile phones. People in the safe zone are not eligible to use this phone except for people with backgrounds, security zone officials, and military personnel. specific mobile phone.

There are more than one hundred floors in the crooked building in the middle, and it is not until the 123rd floor that we return to the main topic: does the landlord really have chickens? I am willing to exchange labor or food with you for two chicks, and I have privately messaged you.

Floor 188: Landlord, let's make a deal. There is a river next to the land I allocated, and there are fish in the river. I will exchange the fish with you for two chicks. How about it?

After Lin Ling read the posts, he went to the private messages. Half of them were begging to take her in, beg for housing/adoption, and the other half were asking for a deal with her.

Lin Ling looked through the pages one by one, picked out a few private messages about getting fish, food, and her to exchange chickens and replied: "I haven't raised them yet, and when there are chicks, we can make a deal."

Because it was night, the person who sent the private message quickly replied: "How long will it take?"

Lin Ling: "One to two months."

The other party asked again: "Can you tell me where you are? I can't charge it here. I'm afraid that when the phone runs out of power, I won't be able to contact you."

Lin Ling was very vigilant, so of course he would not tell the address to the other party, "Let's talk about it in two months."

After Lin Ling replied, she deleted the private messages begging to be taken in. After she finished deleting, she found a new private message, and the other party sent her some photos.

She clicked on it and found that it was written about the methods of raising chickens, including site selection, food, egg selection, hatching, chick breeding, and treatment methods for chicken bronchitis, bird flu, chicken pox and other diseases.

In addition, there are some local methods for promoting eggs, such as starvation method, wing amputation method, soil material method, listening to music method, etc. More than a dozen methods can increase the egg production rate of chickens.

Although these methods of urging eggs sounded very unreliable, Lin Ling still expressed his gratitude to the other party, "Thank you."

It didn't take long for the other party to reply her: "You're welcome."

"Are you specialized in breeding research?" Because when I consulted the staff in the safety zone last night, the other party said that there were no breeding experts, and this person privately believed her breeding methods, so Lin Ling guessed that the other party might be researching these things in private .

The other party said: "There are just a few pages left in the book that lit the fire."

Lin Ling was silent for a moment: "...Thank you."

Little Lv who didn't know when came over and arched Gong Linling's hand: Why is your name on it?

Lin Ling: "Where is my name?"

Xiaolu pointed to the two 00s behind the forum account '1200' of the person who posted the farming pictures: your name.

Lin Ling said, "That's not how my name is written."

Xiaolu only knew 00, so she decided that this was her name: that's it.

Lin Ling was too lazy to tangle with Xiaolu, so she exited the private message interface, glanced at her account, and her eyebrows twitched. Its account number was 1199, which happened to be the other party's previous one.

Lin Ling was very surprised. After careful research, she found that the forum accounts were generated according to the time of login and registration. It seems that they registered one after the other. She clicked her tongue lightly, which is a coincidence.

Why didn't she notice these numbers just now?

Lin Ling looked at the people who privately messaged her again, and found that everyone had changed their names, and they were called 'Wearing the Wind', 'I'll burn you', 'I want to eat meat', 'I must grow food'...

"It's really interesting." Lin Ling also followed suit and changed her name to 'Huanquan Flying in the Paddy Field'.



Although he was skeptical about the method of urging eggs sent by 1200, Lin Ling still took the radio to the side of the chicken coop to hypnotize the laying hens with music.

Xia Mo looked at Lin Ling's movements in confusion, "Why did you play music for the chicken?"

Lin Ling said, "I want them to lay more eggs."

Mo Xia's eyes lit up, "Is it useful?"

"It might work." Lin Ling looked at the ancestor chicken who was walking. It wouldn't hurt to try anyway. What if the ancestor chicken can start to breed eggs again?

Facts have proved that the chicken ancestor liked this music very much, and began to dance along with Xiaolu, and also followed the rhythm: "cluck, cluck, cluck..."

The starling stood on the fruit tree outside the yard and sang along, "Yo yo yo..."

Lin Ling looked at the chicken coop that had turned into a disco scene with black lines all over her head, and silently changed the music to soft music, but don't scare the chickens so much that they won't lay eggs.

"I know this song." As soon as the starling heard the melody, he started to whistle, and then sang affectionately to Lin Ling: "You asked me how much I love you..."

"Get out." Lin Ling turned off the radio, she shouldn't have taken it out.

"I can sing without music." Mynah continued howling at the top of his voice, "The moon represents my heart..."

Lin Ling sighed: "Headache."

The starling asked earnestly, "Boss, why do you have a headache?"

Lin Ling smiled brightly at mynah: "Probably because I want to eat roasted bird meat and haven't eaten it yet."

Mynah tensed his back and immediately flew out of the fence: "I'm going out to find seeds."

Xiaolu scolded: coward.

"Be honest with me too." Lin Ling twirled the little green leaves, "Go climb the fence for me to patrol."

The fence is very large, and it takes nearly two hours to patrol the circle, and it is so hot outside, it will definitely be sunburned when going out, what should I do if I don’t want to go there at all? Xiaolu stared at the direction of the chicken coop, heard the clucking sound of the chickens inside, and ran out excitedly: I'm going to pick up eggs!

The author has something to say: It’s December~~

It's just over two months before Chinese New Year,

Come on everyone!