MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 95

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The two cars looked familiar, as if they had been seen before.

Lin Ling walked around the car and saw a familiar scratch on the co-pilot's window. How could they be here?

The car window lowered slowly, revealing Lu Yu's cold and handsome face.

Lin Ling froze for a moment, then smiled at Lu Yu, "What a coincidence."

Lu Yu didn't expect Lin Ling to be here, but when he thought about the fact that the owner of land No. 00005 gave birth, he could figure everything out: "Send the doctor to check the child's body."

Lin Ling snorted, "I'm here to deliver fish to her."

Lu Yu looked at the cages she was carrying, "Give me the chicken?"

Lin Ling hummed: "I'm sorry to come to see the newborn empty-handed."

Lu Yu glanced at the chicken, but he was generous to others. He opened the door and got out of the car. He took a basket of eggs and a bucket of crucian carp from Lin Ling's hand, "Help you carry it."

Lin Ling freed her hands, "Thank you."

The two walked side by side towards the front yard. There were several people standing in the yard, surrounded by Zhao Xiaoling and a man, who seemed to be asking for something.

The person who asked the question turned his head to look outside the courtyard when he heard the movement, and looked at Lu Yu in surprise. Isn't the captain resting in the car? How did you get in?

Zhao Xiaoling saw Lin Ling walking towards her immediately: "You're here, and I said I'll pick you up later."

Lin Ling replied: "I saw that there was no barrier outside, so I walked in by myself."

"It should be because the door was not closed just now." Zhao Xiaoling didn't forget to look at Lu Yu while speaking, and winked at Lin Ling gossipingly: "Is this your date?"

Lin Ling's heart fluttered, and he quickly explained: "No, he is the captain of the cleaning team. We just met outside."

Zhao Xiaoling let out an oh, and drew the end of the sound, did you meet?

Lin Ling glanced at Lu Yu quickly, seeing that he was not angry, so she ignored Zhao Xiaoling's "I understand" expression, and she handed ten crucian carps, fifty eggs and a half-sized pullet to Zhao Xiaoling , "The fish is what you want, the eggs and the pullet are counted as gifts from me to your son."

Zhao Xiaoling didn't expect Lin Ling to give gifts: "How good is this?"

"Put it away." After the apocalypse, Lin Ling saw the newborn for the first time, so she was quite generous.

"Thank you." Zhao Xiaoling accepted it with a smile, "The doctor has already checked my son, so I'll take it over for you to have a look."

Zhao Xiaoling went to show Lin Ling her newborn son, "Show me my son, isn't he ugly? I don't want to lose him because he's ugly and cute."

Lin Ling looked at the baby in her arms. The newborn baby was wrinkled and had a little dark skin. It really didn't look good. "He's so small."

"I also think he is so small, less than five catties." Zhao Xiaoling gently touched his son's head, "I hold his head with one hand."

Lin Ling: "Have you chosen a name?"

Zhao Xiaoling nodded, "My name is Zhao Ping'an, I hope he is safe and healthy."

"Good name." Lin Ling looked at the child tenderly, reached out to touch its soft little hand, and was grabbed by the child as soon as he approached: "His hand is quite strong."

"He has inherited my earth ability, so his hands must be strong." Zhao Xiaoling said with a smile.

Lin Ling was slightly surprised: "He also has earth-type abilities?"

"He is. He was hungry and cried all the time in the morning. I didn't have time to feed him, and he threw a little dirt at me to remind me." Zhao Xiaoling's words revealed a bit of pride: "Just now I heard the doctor say Children born to parents with supernatural powers have an 80% chance of being supernatural beings, but there are very few people like him who can use supernatural powers just a few days after birth."

Lin Ling smiled: "You have good genes."

"Hahaha, I thought so too, but now he's still young and doesn't pick up much dirt, so he'll be able to help me with work when he's one year old." Zhao Xiaoling added, "Just now I heard from the doctor that everyone has genes Change, afraid of other problems, need to watch my son carefully."

Lin Ling looked at the child who was holding his hand tightly, such a strong little guy will definitely be fine.

Zhao Xiaoling saw that her son liked Lin Ling very much, "I think he likes you very much, otherwise, I'll let my son call you godmother."

Lin Ling didn't want to be a mother: "No need."

"You gave him so many things, he should call you godmother." Zhao Xiaoling thought that if she could build a good relationship with Lin Ling, she used her son as an excuse, "The doctor touched him just now, and he cried He was very quiet when you touched him, and even held your hand tightly, he must like you very much."

Lin Ling shook her head, "I'm not very good at taking care of children, so I don't want to do it."

Zhao Xiaoling saw that Lin Ling was unwilling, so she didn't say anything more, she just smiled and said, "It will happen when you have a child in the future."

Lin Ling smiled and said nothing. She probably won't have children in this life.

"Come, I'll give you a book." Zhao Xiaoling took out a book "Newborn Raising Manual" and handed it to Lin Ling. This is the parenting manual brought by the doctor just now. There are two copies in total. She took one and gave it to Lin Ling. , "You can take it back and study it, maybe it will be useful soon."

Lin Ling hurriedly refused: "No, just keep watching."

"I already have one." Zhao Xiaoling winked at Lin Ling: "We are all women, so we will use it sooner or later."

The doctor who finished the examination on the child glanced at Lin Ling, "You can take it, this book not only contains parenting methods, but also how to help children with supernatural powers control and improve."

As the doctor spoke, he took out a book and handed it to Lin Ling: "You can read this book about how to help people with supernatural powers increase their pregnancy rate."

Lin Ling: "..." What are the doctors in the last days studying?

She opened her mouth to say no, but was picked up by Lu Yu next to her. He turned two pages and asked in a cold tone, "When is the safe zone researching these things?"

"After the apocalypse, what else is lacking except food? Of course, there is a shortage of people. We need people to support our country." The doctor is older, and he is not afraid of Lu Yu, so he grabs the book and hands it to Lin Ling. What does a young single dog know, little girl, go back and study hard, and strive to make more contributions to the country."

"There is a reward for giving birth to a child. In addition to rewarding the daily necessities needed by the child, the child's future education and medical treatment will all be borne by the safe area. In addition, as a parent, there will also be some preferential treatment and rewards." The old doctor asked Lin Ling. : "How about it? Consider having a few children."

Lin Ling smiled helplessly, then turned to Zhao Xiaoling and said, "It's getting late, I have to go back first."

"Then I'll give you the food." Zhao Xiaoling took out the food she had prepared for buying fish and gave it to Lin Ling, and also took out a small bag of seeds and handed it to Lin Ling. My son calls you a godmother, so I will give you some of this seed, which is the cotton seed given by the safe zone, and it is counted as a reward for those eggs and hens."

There were no cotton seeds in Lin Ling's place, so she was not polite to Zhao Xiaoling, and reached out to take them: "Thank you very much."

Zhao Xiaoling: "I should be thanking you."

"Then I'll go first." Lin Ling didn't stay any longer, turned around and nodded with the doctors, and then walked out of the yard.

Lu Yu also came out, watching Lin Ling struggling to pull a hundred catties of grain out, "It's heavy, I'll do it."

"I can do it myself." Lin Ling felt that one hundred catties was not too heavy.

"It's okay." Lu Yu directly took the food from Lin Ling's hand, "Let's go."

"Thank you." Lin Ling thanked him. She watched him carry the food, and felt that he was full of charm for no reason.

Seeing that Lin Ling didn't keep up, Lu Yu turned to look at her: "Not catching up?"

"Here we come." Lin Ling trotted a few steps to keep up with Lu Yu, and walked out side by side with him, "The vinegar you sent last time is delicious for making hot and sour noodles, and it's also delicious for making sweet and sour fish, just the quantity It's a bit small, I'm almost done eating."

Lu Yu licked his teeth, "I'm so jealous, what can I do in the future?"

Lin Ling didn't hear Lu Yu's words clearly, so she turned her head and asked him, "What did you say?"

Lu Yu: "I didn't say anything."

Lin Ling looked at Lu Yu in disbelief.

Lu Yu didn't panic when he was looked at, "I'll give it to you next time I feel jealous."

Lin Ling: "You don't want to eat?"

Lu Yu: "I don't like to eat."

"Give you all."

Lin Ling's eyes lit up, "Give it all to me?"

Lu Yun hummed, and added: "Those seasonings have no additives, and the shelf life is short. It's a waste for me to let them expire."

Lin Ling smiled and nodded, "Then give me whatever you don't like, and I'll give you food in exchange."

After she finished speaking, she looked at the one hundred catties of rice that Lu Yu was carrying: "I'll give you the one hundred catties of grain."

"No, I don't know how to cook." Lu Yu said.

Lin Ling didn't expect that Lu Yu couldn't cook: "Then what do you usually do when you eat?"

Lu Yu: "Food is provided in the safe area, and dry food is also provided when going out."

"It's definitely not delicious." Lin Ling looked at Lu Yu sympathetically, "Then come to my place when you are free, and I will make you hot and sour rice, stir-fried spicy chicken, spicy crayfish, and steamed fish. "

Lu Yu was very moved when he heard the name of the dish reported by Lin Ling, "Would it be inconvenient?"

"No." Lin Ling answered quickly. After she finished speaking, she felt that she was acting too urgently. She pursed her lower lip uncomfortably: "I am very grateful to you for giving me those seasonings."

Lu Yu smiled softly, "I know."

Zhao Xiaoling's home was not far from the fence, and the two quickly walked outside the fence. Lu Yu put the food in her truck, glanced at the chicks, big hen and eggs in it out of the corner of her eye, "This is it?"

Lin Ling said: "There is a small market in G City, I plan to take it to see if I can get some good things in exchange."

Lu Yu: "These are good things of yours."

"But I want to change to some other ones." Lin Ling paused, "Actually, there are too many eggs at home that I can't finish eating, and if left for too long, they will easily go bad, so I want to sell some."

Lu Yu asked: "How many?"

Lin Ling said: "Now there are at least 30 eggs every day, and another 200 hens will start laying eggs soon."

Lu Yu nodded, indicating that he understood: "Maybe the safe zone needs it, let me ask."

Lin Ling looked at Lu Yu gratefully, "Thank you Captain Lu."

"It's getting late, I'm going back first."

"Okay." Lu Yuchao took two steps back and let Lin Ling get into the car. After she got into the car, he saw the two books in her hand: "If you don't want the books, you can give them to me."

Lin Ling glanced at the two books in his hand, "I'll take it back and have a look at the good things that the experts in the safe zone have studied."

Lu Yu thought of the content on the page, "There is nothing interesting."

"Then I'll use it as firewood." Lin Ling threw the book on the bridge, "Captain Lu, I'm leaving."

Lu Yu nodded and said: "Be careful on the road."

After receiving such a gentle sentence, Lin Ling's heart was a little restless, she said yes softly, and then drove away.

The car was driving fast, and the wind kept pouring into the window, blowing away some restlessness on Lin Ling's face. She looked through the rearview mirror and saw Lu Yu's figure turning around and walking towards the fence. I'm a little excited.

The ugly co-pilot barked: What are you looking at?

Lin Ling came back to her senses: "It's nothing."

Ugly brother has deep meaning: Is the little doll good-looking? As good-looking as the little doll in the TV series?

Lin Ling hummed, and drove towards City G again.

Brother Chou barked twice again: When can we have little dolls there?

Lin Ling didn't expect Brother Chou, who has always been a stable and big brother, to like little dolls, "There are a lot of cubs hatched in the incubator."

Brother Ugly only wants to eat the cubs in the incubator: the dolls born by you are only cute if they can talk.

I gave birth?

Lin Ling fell on the book on the bridge from the corner of her eye, and a red cloud suddenly appeared on her cheek.

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