MTL - The Strongest Hokage-Chapter 16 Break the limit!

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The power of shock.

This is the third method, and the last method, and the most sure way to feather night!

Hey! !

Even if the intensity of the shock was adjusted, it was put to the lowest, but the force of the shock in the heart, and suddenly let the night of the night.

Almost fainted.

But... he is still successful!

The door at the heart of the feather night should have been the eighth door of the dead door. Under the turbulent force, the hard-boiled one was broken through a hole!

Recovering from a near-faint state, feeling the feeling of the flow of power at the heart and before, the face of the feather night finally could not help but reveal a hint of excitement and joy.

The power of shock, it can be used as the power to open the first door of the heart!

That is to say, in addition to yourself, there may be no more people in this world, and you can cultivate this reverse eight armor!

At this moment, the first door in the heart was only torn apart.

However, the power that the heart is surging is already much stronger than before.

And with the enhancement of the heart's strength, blood flow will also bring more power, and then step by step to strengthen the body of the feather night, forming a perfect virtuous circle.

This is enough to surprise the feather night.

But the benefits don't stop there!

The door at the heart was shocked and broke through a small mouth. Feather night also felt, and there seemed to be a strong Chakra brewing.

Chakra flowing in the heart!

This chakra, while brewing, is feeding back his heart.

When the heart is attacked and strengthened by Chakra, it is a more powerful beating and blood rushing!

This is the second benign, mutual increase!

Lian Yu night did not think of this.

"I didn't expect that forcibly opening the door would make it difficult for me to cultivate Chakra's physique and get a powerful Chakra directly!"

There was a hint of ecstasy on his face that was difficult to hide.

Immediately thought of the normal eight-door armor opening, that is, breaking the shackles of Chakra in the body, but those chakras are short-lived, an explosive upgrade.

Can be feathered now has ... is permanent!

Feather night can feel the chakra at the heart, enough to reach the level of Chakra.

With this amount of chakra.

Even in the aspect of ninjutsu, Yu night will completely get rid of the fate of the previous firewood!

It's not that he can't practice, but the amount of chakra is too small, difficult to refine, difficult to cohesive, so he can't cultivate.

Now, the door at the heart has just opened less than half, and his Chakra volume has gained a strong increase, and he does not need to deliberately refine it. What a perfect force!

This chakra will be stored in the heart, and the strength of the heart will continue to increase, bless, and feed back.

And the feather night is also instantly understood, and perhaps after he opens the second door or even the third door, Chakra will continue to enhance.

This is the way to go to the night of Yubei, and it has been clearly placed in front of him!

But now, the night of the night is to open the first door completely.

"The next step!"

Feather night with excitement, continue to impact with the shock of the shock, but also mobilize the chakra at the heart, the two together.

Boom! boom! boom!

The door at the heart has already torn a hole, and now it is under the impact, it is like a ruin!

Hey! ! !

At this moment, Yu night body seemed to surge a powerful momentum, so that the one that guarded him was shocked and shocked.

The restriction at the heart of the night is completely open, as if there is a powerful Chakra brewing there, it seems to activate the eight armor!

In the end, however, this power is exactly the same as that imagined by the night, and it has not completely erupted, but has been scattered into other seven doors that have not been opened.

Only the other seven doors are fully open, and then open as the heart of the dead door, in order to get the terrorist power of the eight armor.

And simply opening it as the first door is not an outbreak, but a kind of stability!

At this point, the first door of the reverse eight-door armor was completely opened by the feather night!

His amount of chakras is almost impossible to extract, and it has reached the level of tolerance!

At the same time, his physical strength, strength, and speed have also increased notably.

It is simply an enhancement of all aspects.

If you say the night before, it may be a bit difficult to fight with the next, but now... the endure is not the opponent of the night!

However, due to the skyrocketing power, Yubei also felt a bit uncomfortable.


There was a surge of blood in the chest, and there was a blood in the mouth of the night, but there was no worry on his face.

I just got the amount of Chakra, and it is normal for him to have some control.

The heart's restriction is turned on, and the heart that can spur more strength is not strengthened to a degree that can withstand that power for a short time.

But as long as Chakra and the heart feed back each other, they will soon be perfectly adapted.

"Feather night, are you okay?!"

When I saw the strong smell of the night, I suddenly subsided, and then spewed out a blood. When Matt Dyton was surprised and worried, he came forward to check the situation of the feather night~www.novelbuddy. Com~ Feather night shook his head and took a deep breath, slowly calming the breath of the body.

"I'm fine, but it seems that it will take some time to be solid."

"It’s okay for the night... You are already a genius. You can think of this way of cultivation. Even if it is not successful, I admire you."

As he said, Matte patted the shoulders of Feather Night to comfort him. "Winning and defeating is a common practice in the military. Even if it is not good, following me to cultivate the orthodox eight armor, it is enough to carry forward the physical skills..."

The force that had just rushed away from the heart had subsided. Listening to the comfort of Matte, the expression of the feather night suddenly became strange.

"That, I didn't seem to say that I failed."

"Yeah, even if it fails, it doesn't matter. In my opinion... um?!"

Matte is still talking about it, and then reacted suddenly, suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the night.

His face is unbelievable.

"You...have you succeeded?!"


Feather shrugs at night.

Bang! !

It was as if there was a stunned thunder in his mind, which caused Matt’s brain to scream and scream.

He looked at the feathers like a monster, his face was completely unbelievable, and he couldn't close his mouth when he opened his mouth.

What a joke! !

The reverse eight-door armor, actually really cultivated successfully?

The history of the ninja world for thousands of years is not all smashed.

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