MTL - The Strongest Hokage-v3 Chapter 64 The last 4 emperors!

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The vast expanse of the sea. ???

A huge ship is parked on the surface of the sea. The ship looks a bit like a giant whale, the Moby Dick of the White Beard Pirates.

At this time, there was a panic voice on the deck.

"Daddy! Not good!!"

I saw a pirate rushing from a distance, and there seemed to be cold sweat on his face.

Just as he was about to rush to the white beard, some team captain Marco was coming over.

"You give me a little bit of calm! What happened to you, so panic?" Marko looked at the panicked pirate rushed his brow and wrinkled.

"Marco captain, old man... not good, Captain Ace is gone!!"

"what did you say?!"

Marko browed his head and instantly widened his eyes. He couldn't help but step forward and grabbed the pirate's collar. The pirate was a panicked color, and the atmosphere didn't dare to take a breath.

Seems to be thinking of something, Marco's forehead also overflowed with a cold sweat, biting his teeth and letting the pirate say, "Ace... you stupid!!"

"Daddy, Ace must stop the night, what should I do?" Marco took a deep breath and turned to look at the white beard sitting there.

The whole ship was strangely silent.

Everyone heard the news that Ace had disappeared, and almost all of them stopped their movements. They turned their heads and looked at the white beard sitting there.

A repressed atmosphere pervaded the boat.

If the feather night just appeared in the sea, and the eagle eye hit a tie, it is only famous for the sea, and can not cause any vibration, then the night of the defeat of three four emperors, it is simply a spread to the whole world. Terror tsunami!

In today's sea, even if I have never seen the ordinary civilians in the night, I have almost heard the name of the night. The name of the feather night has reached a juxtaposition with the legendary pirates like White Beard in a short time, and even more. The extent of Sheng!

After losing three of the four emperors, the reputation of Yu Ye has already reached the peak. Although he did not release anything, he still sailed on the sea in the medium-sized warship, but everyone knows that the next target of the feather night Is the white beard!

The sword refers to the strongest in the world!

The white-bearded pirate group, even before the thief era, and the One Piece Roger, until now the four emperors era, has been considered to be the strongest four emperor pirates in the past 20 years.

The world's strongest man, and the pirate group fighting with the One Piece Roger...

Compared to the other three emperors, the White Beard Pirates Group has a long-lasting and more legendary legend. Each of these legends is famous for the sea!

Under the deliberate propaganda of the Navy and the world government, almost every corner of the world knows that there is a navy named Yu Ye, who is about to collide with the most terrible pirate white beard on the sea!

Even the white-bearded pirates, many newcomers trembled.

Perhaps these captains of Marco can remain calm, but those ordinary pirates who have just joined the White Beard Pirates, or who have been weaker, cannot remain calm under this general trend.

At this moment, it seems that there is an invisible wave of the sky, which will be suppressed.


The white beard, who had been sitting there, suddenly stood up slowly.

With the white beard slowly standing up, the momentum of the world's strongest man, suddenly surged up, smashing all directions, let the calm sea suddenly choppy!

"As long as I got on my boat, even a stupid fool is my son. I haven't got it yet. It needs the son to help me!"

"set sail!"

The white beard's body suddenly showed a smattering of the sea, suppressing the gestures of all directions, and said: "Ace is stupid, this time I can't spare him!!"


The second half of the great route.

The warships that Yubei took, without any behavior to cover up the whereabouts, so under the eyes of countless forces, left the sphere of influence of the Red Sea Thieves, and then went straight to the last four emperors, white beard Edward Newgate.

The beard's sphere of influence is the largest of all the four emperors, and not just the forces of the new world, but many other places, all belong to the territory of white beard, hanging the banner of white beard.

For example, the fisherman's island at the entrance to the New World is the place covered by white beards and belongs to the sphere of influence of the white beard.

Even if I like dessert, I even want to kill a country's BIgmom. I have been trying to fisherman's island, but I have never dared to start.

The name of the white beard is not just the name of a sea thief, but a banner, a protective umbrella, sheltering the countless islands in this sea!

Although twenty years have passed, the white beard is too old, but no one dares to slap him, and no one can take the title of the world's strongest man.

Twenty years ago, the white beard was the only one of the three legendary pirates. Twenty years later, the white beard was still the four emperors in the eyes of countless people!

Although the night of the night did not kill the Shanks, but the sword that defeated the sword of the Shanks has already shaken the world.

In the eyes of countless people, who can fight against the night, perhaps only the legendary, the world's strongest man who can destroy the power of the world, white beard!

This war, even without the deliberate propaganda of the world government and the navy, has already attracted the attention of the whole world.

Countless people are either awkward, or awe, or worship.

Nearly all the navies, the name of the night, is worshipped to the extreme, even the naval lieutenants of the naval headquarters, the hearts of the feathers are incomparably awe.

Yu night in the Navy headquarters ~ ~ rumors to visit the words of the four emperors, it seems to be vivid, everyone at that time felt that this is a joke, not at all, but now, Yu night but I really sat down!

Destroyed a four emperor pirate group, BIgmom pirate group, killed a four emperor, the beast Kay, defeated a four emperor, red sharks, a sword out of the sky!

Today, visiting the Four Emperors, there is only the last white beard!

Visiting the Four Emperors, perhaps a naval general like Huang Hao, can do it by virtue, but defeating a four-magic pirate group and losing three emperors is just a joke!

"Whether this battle is winning or losing, he has done it..."

"It is impossible to imagine that he can do this."

Most of the Navy lieutenants are involved in the encirclement of the Beast Pirates and the BIgmom Pirates. Some of them are also guarding the Navy's headquarters. These naval lieutenants are almost all looking at the sea.

"The last battle, whether it is winning or losing, his name will become a legend!" (To be continued.) 8