MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 16 intoxicated

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Following Deng Sang's reminder, Min Yue entered the hospital cafeteria an hour earlier, ate an egg more than usual, and drank half a cup of soy milk less.

After going to the department and saying hello to the doctor on night shift, he put down his personal belongings and went straight to the operating building.

As the key department of the First Affiliated Hospital, Cardiac Surgery is the top medical level in the country, so there are many patients who come here for medical treatment.

Unlike general surgery, orthopedics and other departments, cardiac surgery has no non-operative days, and at least one or two operations are arranged every day.

In addition, considering the sudden deterioration of the condition of SICU patients requiring emergency surgery, the surgery building is next to the No. 10 building where the cardiac surgery is located, and is connected by a corridor.

After swiping the access control card, Min Yue entered the surgery building. Seeing the unfamiliar face, the roving nurse stepped forward to inquire.

Min Yue hurriedly introduced herself: "I am Min Yue from the Department of Cardiac Surgery. I have just practiced for more than two months. Today, I will talk to my teacher..."

Min Yue bit her tongue, changed her words, and said, "Surgery with Director Xu, as a second assistant."

"Director Xu..." The roving nurse heard Xu Mai's name, took out two keys and handed them over. "Go change your clothes and shoes, Director Xu hasn't arrived yet, you should wait in the locker room."

"Oh, good."

The itinerant nurse was wearing a mask, so she couldn't see her expression clearly, but her tone was undeniable. Min Yue took the key in trepidation, thinking that it was just like what everyone said, interns were always looked down upon by the nurses in the operating room.

Many people have a lot of opinions on this, and feel that after eight years of clinical medicine, why should they be despised by people who have studied nursing. But Min Yue is quite open about this, she feels that she is a newcomer, has no skills, and does not understand the rules of the operating room, so it is easy to cause trouble for others, and there is nothing she can do to be rejected. In the future, when she becomes more powerful, she won't.

Others' respect for oneself is earned by ability. This is the first thing she learned from Xu Mai.

The novice with a very humble attitude obediently put on his surgical shoes, walked into the women's changing room, stripped himself down to his underwear, put on a green short-sleeved scrub suit, and locked his personal belongings into a locker.

Glancing at the phone, it was more than half an hour before the scheduled surgery start time. With her heart pounding, Min Yue was a little nervous and wanted to chat with someone.

Open WeChat and find out the weather forecast group of the Cardiac Surgery Department.

Mingyue near the water tower: 【@妹妹的老妈妈, I’m in the locker room, where are you? I'm so nervous! 】

Soon Deng Sang replied to her: [Hug Xiao Mingyue~ Don't be afraid, you have to hold back when Master Mo scolds you, come to me and cry after surgery~]

Heart-breaking Hu Yidao: [Don't be too nervous, everyone came here like this, the eldest girl got on the sedan chair once, and it will be fine if she gets on a few more times in the future. 】

Chen Sitian replied a little slowly: 【I'm still in the cafeteria, I'll be here soon. How does Master Mo look like today? 】

Mingyue near the water tower: [I don't know, I haven't seen Master yet. 】

The old aunt who just wants to eat cookies: [I hope today is a good day. 】

After Chen Sitian finished speaking, he posted an emoji package of Sunshine Doll, and the others followed suit. Min Yue smiled, and just about to follow suit, she caught a glimpse of the door ajar from the corner of her eye, looked up, and her eyes collided with the person who came.

Min Yue was so shocked that she almost dropped her phone. "Master, Master!"

"En." Xu Mai nodded, opened the cabinet to get clothes.

Min Yue quickly muted the phone, threw it into the locker, and locked it. Turning his head, Xu Mai's smooth and fair back came into view.

Min Yue swished her face back and turned her back to Xu Mai, her little face was steamed pink silently.

Master is changing clothes...

Master in only underwear...

The heart that had just been stabilized by the comfort of the senior brothers and sisters was beating violently again at this moment. For a moment, countless thoughts were spinning at a high speed, and Min Yue felt dizzy, so she put her forehead against the locker, closed her eyes, and unconsciously licked the door with her fingertips, and a line of lyrics suddenly sounded in her mind—

The hustle and bustle is invisible, are you intoxicated?

Numerous little white flags were raised in her heart, and Min Yue deceived herself: she was drunk, she was drunk after drinking milk tea last night, and her heart beat was fast today, not because of Master.

"What are you doing?"

Suddenly a question came from behind, Min Yue trembled in fright, opened his eyes, but did not dare to turn his head, stared straight at the cabinet door and said: "I am waiting for Master."

"Go out."

"it is good."

Hearing the sound of the door, Min Yue tentatively turned her gaze away, saw that Xu Mai had already put on the hand washing clothes, and then breathed a sigh of relief, put on the mask and hat quickly, and followed.

Entering the operating room area, passing by the hand washing pool, Xu Mai did not stop, and walked directly into the first operating room from the sterile passage.

Because it was the first operation in the morning, the 2-bed patient was sent directly to the operating room without transitioning in the waiting area.

When Min Yue entered, she saw that the patient was already lying on the operating table, the laryngeal mask had been put on, various monitors had been connected, and the infusion pump was injecting sedative, analgesic and muscle relaxant drugs into the body at a constant speed.

The instrument nurse had set up the sterile table and was counting surgical instruments, gauze, needles, threads, etc. with the roving nurse. Seeing Xu Mai walking in, she greeted with a smile: "Good morning, Director Xu."

Even through the masks, Min Yue still clearly felt that they were smiling because their eyes were bent like crescent moons.

When I saw myself just now, I was still as cold as ice, but now I am so happy, it is not a polite smile, but a smile from the bottom of my heart.

Master's charm is really great...

The anesthetist was staring at the data on the monitor, and when he heard the sound, he turned around and laughed, "Today is Director Xu's operation, so I can play with my phone without worry."

Xu Mai checked the patient's condition and said, "Doctor Zhang, this patient has serious heart failure, and all the important organs in his body are also declining. I will finish it as soon as possible. Please help me hold it."

Due to the particularity of their profession, anesthesiologists do not have a strong sense of presence. Most patients do not understand the importance of anesthesiologists, and even mistakenly believe that their job is just to make themselves fall asleep.

In fact, in addition to assessing the patient’s physical condition for surgery, the anesthesiologist is also responsible for monitoring data such as blood pressure, blood oxygen, and heart rate during the operation, adjusting various control buttons, valves, and air bags, and controlling the dosage, route, and time of administration. Ensure vital signs are stable. In addition, they have to cooperate with the rhythm of the chief surgeon to adjust the patient's physical status.

This requires the anesthesiologist to have extremely high professionalism, act quickly and decisively, and have a calm and calm mind. They may be unknown, willing to serve as a foil to the green leaves of the chief surgeon, but they play an important role and are the protectors of patients' lives.

However, due to historical reasons, some anesthesiologists were converted from nurses, and the older generation of surgeons called them anesthesiologists. Although more and more anesthesiologists came back to China with high education and overseas training, they got used to calling it and it was difficult to change their words. From words and deeds, the younger generation of surgeons followed suit, which made anesthesiologists very dissatisfied.

Xu Mai didn't follow the crowd, but called him "Doctor Zhang" and asked him to help him adjust the patient's condition, which made him very happy.

So he said boldly: "Don't worry, Director Xu, I will see through the monitor today!"

Xu Mai thanked Min Yue with a polite smile, then called Min Yue to him and asked, "Mitral valve replacement surgery is usually performed with the heart stopped, but the two-bed patient is performed without the heart beating. Surgery, do you know why?"

Min Yue's heart tightened suddenly, here it comes, the quiz in **** mode has begun!

After thinking for a while, Min Yue answered cautiously: "Because this patient's heart failure is relatively serious, we should pay attention to myocardial protection to avoid postoperative heart failure. And clinical verification, in the case of mild hypothermia and extracorporeal circulation with the heart beating The operation does not block the ascending artery, does not infuse cardioplegia, avoids myocardial ischemia, hypoxia, and reperfusion injury, and has a good protective effect, so..."

After answering, Min Yue stared at Xu Mai guiltily, waiting for the evaluation.

Most of Xu Mai's face was covered by the mask and hat, but a pair of clear eyes were exposed, looking at her rightly. "Well, go brush your hands."

"Okay." Min Yue breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the first question was answered correctly.