MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 82 door to door

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Hurrying quickly, the two arrived at Min Yue's parents' house by the time of meal. Jiang Hui and Min Guangyang had already prepared the meals and waited. When they heard footsteps at the door, they immediately walked over to greet them.

Min Yue took out the key to unlock the lock, pushed open the door, and rushed in happily: "Dad! Mom! My master is here!"

Xu Mai then followed and closed the door with his backhand.

The two elders walked into the porch, and when the four of them met, Min Yue let out a howl and made a fuss, "Why are you dressed like this?"

Usually at home, they all wear pajamas, and sometimes they also wear casual sportswear for the convenience of going out for a walk. Uncharacteristically today, Min Guangyang wore a neat suit, a tie, pomade, and even a new pair of gold-rimmed glasses, looking elegant.

Jiang Hui was even more exaggerated, wearing a cheongsam in winter, a long shawl, and a large string of pearl necklaces around her neck, dressed like a beauty in an old pictorial.

Min Yue looked at them, and then turned to look at Xu Mai. The three of them were dressed very solemnly, almost going to attend an international academic seminar, while she, who was dressed casually, was a mischievous student who got in to make trouble.

Min Yue's eyelids twitched: "Mom, aren't you cold?"

"Why is it cold? The heating is turned on at home." Jiang Hui passed her to look at Xu Mai, and saw that the latter was wearing high heels barefoot, she immediately asked concerned: "Is Xu Mai cold? I'll fill you with a hot water bottle to warm your feet."

"Auntie, don't worry, I'm not cold." Xu Mai handed the gift bag and carnations forward, "I bought it in a hurry, I don't know if you and uncle like it..."

Jiang Hui sighed: "Oh, you child, you said don't spend money, don't spend money, you still bring things here, don't do that next time."

Jiang Hui took the two bags and handed them to Min Guangyang to carry, then found a pair of fully wrapped thick cotton slippers from the shoe cabinet and put them at Xu Mai's feet. "This is warm, you wear this."

"Thank you." Xu Mai thanked, took off his coat, folded it in half and hung it in his arms, took off his high heels with one hand, and put on cotton slippers.

Min Yue unloaded the cat bag, opened the zipper, and let Pang Pang out. Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, she raised her head and groaned, "Where are my shoes?"

"You take it yourself." Jiang Hui walked towards the living room with the flowers in her arms without giving her a look, signaling Xu Mai to come too. "Stop standing at the door, come in quickly."

Min Yue sighed, only to hear the newcomers laugh and hear the old ones cry. The new daughter is a child from someone else's family in the legend, but you are so happy that you immediately abandon the old daughter who is not a talent.

Desolately, she took out her shoes and changed them. Min Yue walked into the living room and found that the three of them had already opened the presents peacefully, and no one was waiting for her.

After coughing loudly to increase the sense of presence, Min Yue squeezed to sit next to Xu Mai, stretched her neck and looked into the bag.

There were four wooden boxes in the bag in Min Guangyang's hand, with the push-pull lid removed, there was a bottle of red wine inside. He took it out, held it in front of his eyes, looked around carefully, and Min Guangyang said with a smile:

"This wine is good, but it's too expensive. It's a bottle of three or four thousand. Fortunately, you gave it to me. If I bought it, I would have been told to death by Yueyue's mother. I will open a bottle after dinner, and we will all enjoy it." .”

"Who's talking about you?" Jiang Hui desperately gave him winks, the children are all there, so be careful when you speak, don't act as if I'm abusing you.

On the other side, Min Yue also stared at Xu Mai vigorously, asking with his eyes, what's the matter, it cost more than 10,000 yuan just to buy wine? ? ?

Seeing that Xu Mai ignored her, he kept coughing until his throat was dry. Xu Mai finally looked back at her, smiled faintly, and handed the teacup to Min Yue. "Moisturize your throat."

Min Yue took it and took a big gulp angrily.

It was Jiang Hui's turn to open the presents. Compared with Min Guangyang's four big boxes, her gift box was very small, only the size of a palm. However, after opening it and seeing the contents inside, Jiang Hui raised her eyebrows, nodded with satisfaction, and brows were beaming with joy.

What Xu Mai gave her was a jade bracelet, the whole body was emerald green, and the transparency was not very high, but for the full green color, the price was by no means cheap.

Min Guangyang compared: "Is yours more expensive than my wine?"

"What do big men know? Add all your wine and multiply it by four, and you can't buy my bracelet." Jiang Hui was so happy that she completely forgot to hold it. Seeing her husband's ignorance, she couldn't help showing off.

Jiang Hui carefully took out the bracelet and put it on her left wrist. She admired it for a while before stretching her hand to the side for her husband, who had never seen a good thing, to observe carefully.

"It's beautiful! It's so beautiful!" The wife slave reflexively praised, and then couldn't restrain the straight man's thinking, and asked in an unpleasant way: "But what's the difference between this and the green glass on our balcony?"

Jiang Hui rolled his eyes at him: "Vulgar, no appreciation of beauty."

Min Yue calculated the price in her heart, one bottle of red wine was 4,000, four bottles of red wine was 16,000, multiplied by four, the bracelet was at least 60,000, rounded up, it was almost 80,000.

Damn! ! Eighty thousand! ! Master, are you crazy? ? ?

Min Yue's eyes were wide open, she looked at Xu Mai without blinking, and conveyed her inner shock and incomprehension with facial expressions.

Xu Mai unwrapped the fruit he brought, picked up a cherries, and handed it to Min Yue. "Try it."

On the coffee table was the imported fruit that Xu Mai bought in the supermarket, a small box cost seventy or eighty yuan, and he bought several boxes. When paying the bill, Min Yue thought it was quite expensive, but looking at them now, it was as cheap as a free gift.

Min Yue took a mouthful of cherries, chewing with her cheeks agitated. Eighty thousand...More than half a year's salary!

Does Master have a mine in his family, or is he a second generation? But Master's family members are no longer alive.

Min Yue stared at the people around her in bewilderment, and reached out to get some fruit, but Jiang Hui slapped her paw off. "Stop eating, wipe your mouth, and the three of us take a group photo."

Min Guangyang held the phone horizontally, looking for a suitable angle, looked at the screen on the phone, and raised his head to signal them: "Yueyue sit on the right side of your mother, and Xu Mai is closer to your aunt. Hey, okay, laugh , let's go!"

With a click, Min Guangyang straightened up, handed the phone over to the three ladies to review the effect, and at the same time asked belatedly, "Should I be on camera too?"

Jiang Hui checked the photo carefully, and returned without raising her head: "You don't need it, this is a group photo of our three beauties, and you are not good-looking, so don't join in the fun."

"I was handsome when I was young, otherwise how could I have married such a beautiful wife as you." Min Guangyang was not angry, stroked the cat, and urged with a smile: "It's time to eat, three beauties, if you are not satisfied, wait until after dinner." shoot."

Jiang Hui lives a delicate life, pays attention to food therapy and health preservation, and cooks excellent dishes. Today, in order to entertain Xu Mai, she put in all her efforts and started preparing dishes early in the morning.

Four people were seated, and the table was full of sumptuous dishes, exuding the taste of mother's own cooking.

Min Guangyang poured red wine into everyone's goblet, and taught everyone how to shake the glass and how to taste it.

Jiang Hui took a sip and said bluntly, "It's not much different from the dozens of dollars a bottle in the supermarket."

This time it was Min Guangyang's turn to mock her: "You don't know how to appreciate."

"You're a drunkard, you know best. You drink it yourself, we eat vegetables." Jiang Hui never gave up when it came to raising the burden. Her husband was speechless with a few simple sentences. She picked up the braised chicken nuggets and gave them to the two little A chicken leg was put in a bowl for one person.

"Thank you." Xu Mai raised the bowl and took it.

"It's okay, eat, you are a bit too thin, eat more, you will be healthy if you are in the same shape as Yueyue."

Xu Mai's long hair was draped behind her back, and it slid down as she lowered her head to eat, smoothed behind her ears, and soon fell down again.

Jiang Hui watched from the side, seeing that it was not convenient for her to eat, so she reached out to touch her hair. Xu Mai was startled and his whole body froze.

"I'll tie it up for you, so it won't get in the way." Jiang Hui said as she naturally brushed her long hair into a ponytail with the elastic band on her wrist.

Her hands are warm, her movements are very light, and she smiles kindly, as if she is tying her daughter's hair when she was a child.

Feeling hot in his heart, Xu Mai turned his head and took a sip from the red wine glass to cover up his turbulent emotions.

Jiang Hui smelled too much oily smoke, and she was full after a few mouthfuls, but she didn't put down her chopsticks, and picked food for Min Yue and Xu Mai from time to time. Neither Jiang Hui nor Min Yue liked to drink red wine, so Xu Mai drank a few glasses with Min Guangyang alone.

"Okay, it's time to drink to your heart's content. Let's eat, let me fill you with half a bowl?" Jiang Hui went to the kitchen to help Min Guangyang fill half a bowl of rice, put it in his hand, and took away some cold dishes with wine for the sweet soup Make room.

"Can you still drink it?" Jiang Hui walked back to the dining table with a small clean bowl, looked at Min Yue, who shook his head with half a yellow bone fish in his mouth.

"A bowl for you? Corn soup, it won't take up your stomach." Jiang Hui looked at Xu Mai with a smile.

"it is good."

After Min Yue finished eating the fish, she yelled that she was too stuffed and put down her chopsticks. No matter how much she persuaded her, she was unwilling to take another bite. Min Guangyang couldn't eat too much after drinking, so he persuaded him again and again, and a lot of food on the table went into Xu Mai's stomach.

When Jiang Hui tried to give Xu Maisheng a second bowl of sweet soup, Min Yue couldn't help but stop: "Mom, don't persuade my master to eat anymore, she can't eat anymore."

Jiang Hui hung the spoon in the air, and asked hesitantly, "Are you really full?"

Xu Mai's appetite is actually smaller than Min Yue's, but in order to make a good impression, she will definitely eat whatever Jiang Hui puts in her bowl. After eating until now, it is really too much to hold on, and Wen Yan replied honestly: "I'm full."

"That's fine. Let's go play when you're full." While talking, Min Guangyang also put down his chopsticks, and Jiang Hui started to clean up the dishes and prepare to wash.

Xu Mai stood up to help clean up, but was stopped by her. "Don't move, your clothes will be troublesome if they get oily, put them here and let your uncle wash the dishes."

Min Guangyang voluntarily walked to the master bedroom, took off his suit, changed into casual sportswear, and went to wash the dishes very obediently to his wife.

Xu Mai wanted to help clean the table again, but Jiang Hui pushed her arm away: "There is no rush to work, go to Min Yue's room, take a nap, and help me make dinner when I get up."

Xu Mai felt that the elder was still working, and it was not good for him to go to rest first, so he stood by the dining table and watched until Min Yue came out of the bathroom, took her hand and walked to the second bedroom. "Master, come here, let me show you something."

Jiang Hui watched them enter the bedroom, closed the door, and went to the porch with a smile to carry the carnations into the kitchen, ready to cut off the roots and put them in the vase.

Min Guangyang filled his hands with dish soap bubbles, hummed a song and brushed the dishes. When he saw her come in, he asked in a low voice, "I'm right, Xu Mai is very good, and he's good to Yueyue. The two are very suitable. I said you were blind before." Don't worry, you still blame me for being too wide-eyed."

Jiang Hui turned on the faucet and poured a little water into the vase, covering the roots of the flowers. "She is good, but Yueyue said that her family is gone, so I am a little worried. Falling in love is not only about the two of them, but also related to two families. I don't know her family well, so I always feel uneasy."

Min Guangyang reassured: "If you're not worried, just ask."

"Well, ask tonight."