MTL - The System Asks to Uninstall: The Male God is Poisonous-Chapter 18 Giants abandoned less 18

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Xiao Mi Mi: [...Master, there is something, Wah is struggling to tell you. 】

Luo Bai: [Darling, don't talk about anything without nutrition, thank you. 】

Little fans: [...] Let me tell you, is the matter of blackening value considered unnutritious? Don't make it!


"Sir, can I have a drink with you?!" The melodious female voice is very nice, like a ding-dong of spring water.

Luo Bai turned his head when he heard the words, and saw a woman in a white dress walking towards him with two wine glasses.

The woman's appearance is not outstanding, but she is more delicate, but the dress she wears can be seen to be extremely fine workmanship, and the broken diamonds adorning the neckline are extremely precious.

Luo Bai smiled gracefully, took the wine glass handed over, "I'm very happy to be able to drink with Miss Feng."

Feng Ziyue was stunned, her eyes overflowing with joy, "Do you remember me?!"


Luo Bai's mother Gong Ya, and Feng Ziyue's mother You Shishi are best friends and have a very good relationship; when Luo Bai was young, Gong Ya also took Luo Bai to Feng's house to play.

But speaking of it, Feng Ziyue is actually a passerby, or a passerby who left the scene very early. Her existence is entirely to set off the heroine Peng Mingyue...


"My cousin left me suddenly, so I found a new love; hey, the handsome man is late, sad, sad..." The man with a bit of a smile and a pretentious melancholy A voice sounded behind the two of them.

Feng Ziyue blushed and turned around quickly, "Cousin, what did you say, he is Luo Bai! He even played with you when he was a child!"

Luo Bai also turned around.


However, when she saw the man walking towards her, her pupils shrank slightly.

It was a very handsome man.

Although the facial features of men are far less delicate and beautiful than those of Luobai, they combine to create a strange charm.

There is a trace of evil in the warmth, the complex temperament, and the unforgettable face.

When he saw this face, Luo Bai doubted for a moment, wondering if he was the same as himself, like... a traveler!

Because that face is clearly the face of Xiao Zhou, Prime Minister of the Great Xia Kingdom in the previous life, it is really exactly the same, even when he smiles, there is a small dimple on his left cheek!


At the moment Luo Bai turned around, Feng Yuan's phoenix eyes flashed with surprise.

The black-haired boy a few meters away is too outstanding, whether it is the impeccable face, or the black eyes with the ends of the eyes slightly raised, they are all too beautiful and moist.

The man was standing in the hall with a wine glass in his hand, and just a faint smile attracted the attention of the audience.

And this scene made Feng Yuan inexplicably... familiar!


Feng Yuan took a few steps forward and extended his hand to Luo Bai, "I'm Feng Yuan."

Little fans: [Fuck, heavyweight male supporting role, such a big thigh! ~Lord Host, be fascinated by him~]

Luo Bai: [Baby, can you tell me what's going on? Why is this Feng Yuan so similar to the Prime Minister of Xia, who was in contact with me in the last world? They are so meticulous that they even look the same. Is this a bug in your system, or is this person in front of me the special group you mentioned before? ! 】
