MTL - The System Asks to Uninstall: The Male God is Poisonous-Chapter 19 Giants abandoned less 19

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Little fans: [Ding-! ~I don't have enough authority, I don't know wow~]

Luo Bai: [Tsk. 】

The smile on Luo Bai's lips became a little more real, and he reached out and shook hands with Feng Yuan, "I'm Luo Bai, hello Brother Feng; I haven't seen you for many years, Brother Feng is getting more and more handsome, don't you? Say, I didn't even recognize you just now..."

Feng Yuan laughed softly, "I haven't seen you for many years, but you have become slick."

Luo Bai blinked innocently and said seriously: "Brother Feng, is it wrong to tell the truth in this era?!"

Feng Yuan patted Luo Bai on the shoulder, "If you are free another day, come out for a drink, we..."

"Ah—!~ Don't be sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry..." The female voice was anxious and crying.

And that voice belonged to Pei Jinxiu!


"You don't have eyes, don't you? Really, a good coming-of-age ceremony, how can I meet you such an unlucky thing! Hmph, if it's not for face brother, I'll kick you out now!"

"Sorry, I...I really didn't mean to..."

Pei Jinxiu was in a terrible mood at the moment.

It wasn't all her fault that she bumped into someone, if it wasn't for this woman suddenly rushing out, how would she have bumped into someone...

"Jinxiu, what's wrong?!"

Qing Yue's calm voice reveals a sense of concern.

She didn't even know why she suddenly felt wronged the moment she saw Luo Bai, and suddenly wanted to throw herself into his arms and cry.


Little fans: [Master host, Wa found that your acting skills are amazing! The female supporting roles who have always looked down on you and scorned you in various ways will actually show aggrieved expressions to you! 】

Luo Bai: [When people are isolated and helpless, negative emotions tend to dominate. At this time, if someone is genuinely caring and considerate, as long as they are not extremely indifferent and extremely selfish, they will always The other party has a more or less favorable impression; in fact, the principle is similar to sending charcoal in the snow. And if this happens to those little girls who have not experienced big storms, the effect will be doubled; many little girls who lack love due to family misfortunes will be deceived by bad money, and this is also the reason reason. 】

Xiao Mi Mi: [The host can really care about her and give her the deepest love! If it is spicy, the task will be completed quickly! 】

Luo Bai: [Baby, Pei Jinxiu's mother is in the night scene, and Pei Jinxiu grew up in the night scene, she is just a little stupid, but definitely not pure; It's so fast, in fact, it's a matter of minutes to drop the 30 points. 】

Little fans: [! ! 】For Mao, it feels more and more that it binds a rational to a terrible host...

Pei Jinxiu walked over a few steps, almost leaning in Luo Bai's arms, she held Luo Bai's clothes tightly, "Brother, I didn't mean to bump into her... "

This is the first time that Pei Jinxiu called Luo Bai 'brother', and it was the kind of willingness...
