MTL - The Track of Dawn In the World of Marvel-Chapter 562 28. People's personalities are all harmonious, and I forget later,

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  Chapter 562 28. People's personalities are all harmonious, and I forgot later, in short, I want to make a hole!

  The Queen of Justice still doesn't quite agree to hand over her child to Martha and Thomas for upbringing. Although she agrees with the weird ethical relationship between space-time aliens, Martha's identity as a clown makes her very worried.

  Before the lord's world has not been designated order, the clown is also one of the most troublesome enemies of the Justice League. No one knows better than Diana the threat that an uncontrolled chaotic brain will bring.

  She was quite critical of Mason's arrangement.

  However, Martha quickly proved her sincerity with practical actions. The clown grandma chose the most direct way, wrapping the lasso of the Queen of Justice's truth around her wrist, and asked her to ask herself various questions about treating little Bruce.

  In this kind of forced and frank questioning by divine power, Martha's decisive answer made the Queen of Justice unable to find any fault.

  She confirmed that the clown in front of her with eyes shining with prayers was sincere in her love for her children, and Martha was even willing to voluntarily accept the psychiatric treatment from the White Queen Emma in order to fulfill her duties as a grandma.

   You know, she has been resisting this kind of treatment before.

   She, like Halle, thinks it's good to be crazy.

  This kind of chaotic thinking is not always a bad thing. If you can't predict what you will do next, it means that no enemy can use this to attack them.

   "I'm still not at ease. Although I can feel Martha's sincerity, this is not the most important issue. The clown cannot control his own thinking.

  Their danger comes from this uncontrolled chaos. "

  The queen of justice was sitting on the sofa in the lounge, and she felt uncomfortable when she thought of her son being breastfed by a clown next door.

  Wonder Woman sitting next to her didn't know how to comfort her, but the next moment, the Queen of Justice seemed to have made up her mind. She looked at her space-time alien and said:

   "Diana, can I trust you?"

   "Of course, we are allies, we have the same blood and origin, and even the same warrior thinking."

  Wonder Woman nodded immediately and said:

   "Although it is frustrating that I am not as strong as you, when I live to your age, I will definitely not be weaker than you. I know what you want to say, another Diana.

  I will assure you that little Bruce will not be harmed in our world!

  I will protect him like my own child. "

   "That's your child!"

  The Queen of Justice emphasized:

   "Half of his blood belongs to you, you must fulfill my responsibilities in your world."

   "I swear by my name."

  Wonder Woman solemnly said the oath of protection, which made the Queen of Justice nod her head, and then she asked another topic, saying:

   "I heard from Mason that you have been entangled by another space-time alien?"

   "Ugh, that's an awkward topic."

  Diana covered her face in embarrassment and said:

   "I don't know what's going on, but since Mason kept discovering my space-time heterogeneity, I have been suffering. It's not as good as you. The richness of the battles you participated in is an experience I have never had.

  But I can't accept that the crazy war queen is also stronger than me. She was obviously born in a chaotic world, and she is the product of the extremeization of the war part of our character.

   I don't know where the problem is.

   But every time I confront her, I will fall into a disadvantage, especially after she captured Ares' war **** helmet.

  She has entered Paradise Island in a grand manner, and my mother didn’t know what went crazy to admit her identity, which made me bear great pressure even when I went home.”

   "Too weak!"

  The Queen of Justice scolded:

   "This is not what Diana Prince should think, get up! Come with me!"

  She pulled out the replica inspection ax with her backhand and put it behind her back, and said to Wonder Woman:

   "Sister will take you to find a venue, let the inferior product experience the pain of being humiliated, and let me teach you how to control the divine nature of war by the way.

  You’re always trying to separate Diana Prince from Wonder Woman, but without realizing it, you’re always contradicting the source of your power.

   It’s not me saying that you in this world are too weak.

  When did this timid mentality start? "

   Facing the Queen of Justice's questioning, Diana hesitated for a moment, probably because she felt that there was no need to hide it from her other self, so she answered honestly:

   "I wasn't like this before. Ever since I was psychologically shadowed by Mason, I feel uneasy every time I face these things."

   "Ah, it's Mason again!"

  The Queen clenched her fists and said:

"After I help you teach the Queen of War, the three of us will discuss how to deal with Mason. That little guy is so crazy because he has the Black Death Sword in his hand. Even I cough, it's nothing, only by facing failure Make you stronger.


  Go to Paradise Island first, and then beat up the little **** who bullied you after meeting your mother. Speaking of which, is dad in this world okay?

   Is he still sealed under the gates of **** on Paradise Island? "


  Diana's heart suddenly thumped, she widened her eyes and said:

   "What dad? Aren't we made by mother and Zeus out of the divine power of Mount Olympus?"

   "Oh, you don't know yet?"

  The Queen of Justice curled her lips, shook her head and said:

"It's not with Zeus, it's Hades. Our mother is Zeus' lover in name but in fact she has an affair with Hades. As for us, we were born because Zeus drank too much at a banquet one night. Our mother and Hades made us out of a whim during a tryst Well, I probably understand why you always look weak.

  You in this world seem to have misunderstood your own life experience, and stubbornly believe that your power only comes from Zeus.



  Death is also one of your sources of strength. Why do you show this expression? Does having two fathers, two sources of strength upset you? "

  Diana covered her face and cried out in grief:

   "No, it's nothing, it's just that the image of my mother has collapsed in me, that's all."

   "Ann, what a big deal."

  The Queen of Justice patted her other self on the shoulder carelessly, and said:

   "We are from the Greek gods. Don't be too entangled in your own life experience. It is easy to find the truth that destroys the three views. For example, don't you wonder why Hephaestus always repairs our weapons for free and enthusiastically?

   Do you think the **** would be so kind?


  I will tell you these old things slowly on the way, I hope your heart is big enough to bear all this. "

   "Ding Dong"

  The sound of the communicator in the office made Mason look up. He put down the pen in his hand and glanced at the source of the communication signal. When he found that it was from Tony Seven, he got up immediately.

  The other party did not send a communication request, only one sentence:

   "See you now! It's urgent."

  The number of words is very small.

   This speaks volumes about how big things are.

  Mason quickly left the office and went through the gate of the world to the secret contact point that he and Tony No. 7 had agreed on last time. While thinking in his mind, it was probably the results of the research on the theoretical model of world fusion that came out.

   This is exactly what I need most now.

  My own shock response plan still lacks some theoretical support. Without this thing, the various means at hand cannot be well blended together.

   It's like a bunch of unfamiliar parts in front of my eyes. Without drawings, even a pair of ingenious hands can't put them together perfectly.

  Although Mason's manufacturing is close to metaphysics, it is still based on science after all, rather than patting your head and saying something.

  This is really regrettable.


  His voice crossed the starlight curtain and appeared in a garden world.

  This is one of the nearly 100 peaceful worlds carefully protected by the Council of Hope. There are no supernatural forces of any size, maintaining a prosperous and stable social system, and removing all unstable factors from it.

  Everyone has their own work and tasks, just like a well-functioning large-scale machine, constantly injecting strength into the Hope Council.

  From the stable situation of these garden worlds, the existence of the council does not seem to be a bad thing. Hundreds of billions of ordinary lives continue to exist under their management, and there is no need to worry about shocks and doomsday situations.

   Like Truman living in a movie shooting scene, he is as happy and happy.

   "A glass of 'Dune Sunset'."

  Mason walked into a small roadside bar, sat on the bar counter and said something to the bartender girl in front of her who was wearing short sleeves with her arms exposed and a large tattoo on her upper body.

  The latter's face sank when he saw Mason.

   She scolded:

   "Wade didn't come with you? You better not bring him with you!"

   "Calm down, little Emma."

   Mason sighed, and said to the young bartender in front of him:

  "I didn't come to expose your hidden identity, and you don't have to worry that I will send your news to Utopia to Silver Fox. Didn't I tell you last time?

  I'm another White Queen's child, and theoretically, I'd have to call you Mama. "

   "Don't! I'm just two years older than you."

   This Emma Frost hiding in the garden world, that is, the young version of the White Queen who was tricked out of Utopia by Wade, while rubbing the goose bumps on her arms, complained to Mason:

   "I am not the White Queen, and I have never planned to become the White Queen in my life. I have no interest in anything you are planning. I think it would be good if I am a bartender here.

  My boyfriend will come over soon, I don’t want him to see me with you who are tall, mighty and handsome, this is hard to explain, and it will cause him a lot of psychological pressure.

   Are you here to meet someone?

  Go to the box inside.

  You are a 'big shot' now. Although the council has not officially wanted you, if the guys on patrol see me, this small bar won't have to open. "

   "Okay, thanks, 'little mother'."

  Mason jokingly said something and walked towards the box on the second floor of the tavern, causing the young White Queen to roll his eyes, and soon a glass of orange cocktail was brought to him.

   But the guy who delivered the wine was not a waiter but a gorgeously dressed blonde.

  The latter sat across from Mason with a handbag in a coquettish posture, looked left and right and threw a lighter on the table to form an electromagnetic field covering the two of them to guard against snooping, then turned his watch to dissipate his optical camouflage.

   "Do you need to be so careful?"

  Mason took a sip of wine and said to Tony Seven in front of him:

   "You are not a dangerous 'repeat' like me, should no one follow you, a highly respected scientist?"

   "The situation in Fox's Nest has changed recently."

  No. 7 Tony didn't explain much, but said in a short tone:

   "The superior organization issued a deadly order that we must come up with results in the fourth shock, perhaps because the mutual killing among the directors has become a raging fire.

  They urgently need a big event to divert everyone's attention and re-form a unified force. In short, all the research groups have been under a lot of pressure recently. My unexcused absence is already dangerous enough, and I can't stay here for longer. "

   "Then you asked me out. Is there any result from the last entrustment?"

  Mason nodded and asked:

   "Has the data model been made?"

   "Well, fortunately, it's not a disgrace."

  Tony shook his head, took out a hard drive from the bag at hand and handed it to Mason, who connected it to a portable reader and projected it in front of his eyes in the form of optical projection for viewing.

   But after reading a few pages, Mason frowned.

  He said to Tony Seven:

   "The model analysis results are so much worse? Is it a miscalculation?"

   "I really want to tell you that it is our calculation error that caused the difference between the theoretical result and the actual parameters so much, but unfortunately, the Tony Legion used the other six methods to check and calculate three times, and the conclusions are all exactly the same."

  Tony No. 7 lit a cigarette a little irritably, and while the smoke was rising, he said:

"If the maximum external pressure that the two newly fused earths can withstand is taken as a standard value and defined as 1, then when the impact reaches the second stage, the minimum instantaneous pressure produced by the extrusion of the two planes is also 12.

   This is why Utopia's world fusion in the third impact will be crushed instantly after entering the second stage, just like two ants holding hands and preparing to bear the full blow of the giant.

  It is absolutely not feasible in theory.

  According to Sister Tony’s bold assumption, we need to expand the scope of fusion to two galaxies in order to barely withstand the whole process of plane extrusion.

   But this sample size is too large.

  Even if Fox’s Nest’s equipment can’t calculate the follow-up reaction and theoretical model, and I don’t think Team K has the power to conquer six galaxies in the next twenty days. "

   Mason fell silent.

  He looked at the complicated models, experimental processes and various data in front of him. After a while, he took a sip from his glass and said:

   "But you didn't write a sentence at the end of the conclusion telling me to give up, so I guess, Tony, you would at least give me one suggestion, right?"

   "Well, there are indeed ways to improve."

  Tony Seventh breathed out a smoke ring and said:

   "But it's very risky. It may put you under more external pressure, and I can't guarantee that it will work. Do you remember that you wanted to intercept the timeline of the Speed ​​Force Matrix as a record after the failure of the shock response plan?

The Tony Legion has also carried out a theoretical verification of this plan, and it has been proved that it is feasible. By adjusting the internal parameters of the speed force matrix, the speed of the intercepted time axis to be broken can be greatly slowed down, and it can even be extended. The theory of near-perpetual time loops with continuous loops.

   But this is not the point.

  The point is that Mister Fantastic 4, the guy named "Ultimate Reed", accidentally discovered another usage of the Speed ​​Force matrix when he was doing an improvement experiment on the Speed ​​Force matrix in a low-level plane.

  This kind of power that is higher than reality and not affected by any physical law will create a short-term "space-time wormhole" when it is first introduced into a parallel plane where there is no speed force.

   It's like opening a hole on the edge of an internally consistent system. This strange hole that cannot be explained by the laws of physics will exist for at least ten to fifteen days before it can be eliminated.

   This is only in the case of a small amount of Speed ​​Force input. "

   Having said that, Tony No. 7 extinguished the cigarette **** in Mason's wine glass. He scratched his messy hair and said to the captain who was staring at him:

"This is what I want to tell you. If you have a speedster in your hand, find a few more! Modify the cosmic treadmill, start from a certain plane in your hand, and 'open holes' towards other planes !Use these space-time wormholes to connect as many planes as possible before the impact occurs.

   Do you know why you do this? "

  Mason rubbed his chin, and after a few seconds he replied:

   "Using this method to break Hope Council's monopoly on cross-plane communication and contact, the space-time rift opened by the Speed ​​Force can allow life to travel freely, and you plan to use this method to release pressure in advance?"

   "Yes! Release the pressure in advance! This word is very expressive."

  Tony Seven waved his hands and said:

  "If you can't change the terrifying pressure generated by the extrusion of the two planes when the impact occurs, let each other enter the pressure relief process in advance, so that all internal pressures in the two and even the entire system can be shared to achieve a balanced level.

   In this way, when the impact occurs, the pressure of the collision between the two planes will be greatly reduced.

  According to our calculations, as long as the time wormhole opened is large enough to allow the internal pressure of the two colliding planes to be evenly distributed, the pressure exerted on the earth during the collision can be reduced to below the standard value of 4.

  Although it will crush the earth, at least it will not happen in an instant, and with the help of other means, the fusion of the world and the next step can become a reality.

  Although I don't know what method you will use to assist, I believe you will be able to find it.

   This is the only feasible solution we can give, Mason, if you don't plan to change the plan temporarily, then hurry back and prepare. "

   "Opening a big hole in the current parallel plane system that is on the verge of universe change, what is the difference between swinging a hammer in a dangerous building and hitting a load-bearing wall?"

  Mason rubbed his eyebrows and said:

   "Although I can imagine the benefits of doing this, it would definitely cause a super mess. You are suggesting that I create a big problem to solve another problem, which is really a good idea for me, genius Tony."

  (end of this chapter)