MTL - The Track of Dawn In the World of Marvel-Chapter 579 45. This shot! Through the stars!

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  Chapter 579 45. This shot! Through the stars!


The golden Speed ​​Force flowed like a speeding sharp arrow from the Lord's World as the starting point into the sky and then disappeared, but it did not die, but plunged into the tunnel of Speed ​​Force under the special rules of Speed ​​Force, and began to appear in various places. Shuttle back and forth in the plane.

  In a laboratory in Osborne Tower, all the researchers of the K Legion have gathered here.

  They are responsible for observation.

And the instrument they used for observation is a model group built with a silver-gray peculiar material. This thing operates chaotically in a very special system like an armillary sphere. It seems that there is no law at all. The **** represent the next plane in the current parallel world system.

   This thing is a parallel world observatory made by the Mason Manufacturing Group not long ago. It adopts a new gadget made by the cosmology knowledge from Uncle Tun's tower star database.

Dr. Otto looked at the model group with a special eye. In his eyes, those spheres of different sizes were lighting up one after another, and a strange picture was drawn in different order of lighting among each other. network of.

  Behind him, Professor Stein used the images received in real time to compare a set of complex model diagrams completed before the action, in order to confirm that the Speed ​​Force fired by the Speed ​​Force Cannon moved forward according to the path they had originally calculated.

   "The trajectory of the Speed ​​Force is 100% consistent with the prediction! It is preliminarily determined that the 'Speed ​​Force Cannon' operation was successful."

  Grey-haired Professor Stein let out a sigh of relief, while Little Black Jacks beside him stared intently at the coordinates of the newly marked planes in front of him.

  He couldn't help asking:

   "Mason's plan says that this arrow of super speed and force will pass through all parallel worlds within ten minutes, that is to say, we can also see the picture of it passing through here?"

   "Yes, the estimated time of arrival at our side is 2 minutes later."

  Ms. Janet was holding a timer to record, and without raising her head, she threw a camera-like instrument to Professor Stein's stupid apprentice and said:

   "You can go to the top of the tower and wait to capture the picture. It travels through our world for less than three seconds, but if you are lucky, you should still be able to see it.

  This is valuable video data and must be well preserved. "

   "Gee, isn't that bad?"

  Jakes held the camera instrument in his hand and said:

   "I still want to stay here to help, lest the old professor say that my head is empty."

   "You can't help us by staying here except disturbing our attention with your big body. Go and watch the astronomical landscape with your little friends."

  Mr. Dr. Freeze, holding a stack of monitoring data reports just printed out, walked in.

  Although the "recruited" villain researcher has begun to cure his hypothermia, his speech is still cold and temperatureless, which makes Jakes a little scared.

  So he rushed out of the laboratory with the camera in his arms, leaving only a bunch of researchers here to celebrate the successful completion of this near-impossible operation in their own way.

At this time, on the top of the Osborn Tower, all members of the young K team and some Amazon muscle sisters and sea people who have heard the news have gathered here, pointing various equipment at the sky with long guns and short cannons, preparing to capture the super speed The image of the arrow of force flying across the sky.

   There is also an artistic female Amazon painter who is adjusting paints and plans to paint a classic handed down from generation to generation.

   "Come here! Jacks, this position is the best."

   When Xiao Hei rushed up with the camera in his arms, the blue beetle who had seized the best position waved him, and a group of super teenagers were chatting about the scene to be seen in a while.

   "It's like a golden shooting star streaking across the dim sky here, just like a legendary story, maybe we should take this opportunity to make a wish or something."

   Little Morgan Stark was sharing snacks with her girlfriends, and she was holding a book in her hand to add a bit of a literary girl to herself.

  Valeria, who is sitting in a wheelchair, is holding a pair of binoculars. She has wisdom that is difficult for ordinary people to match, so she also understands how the speed force works.

  She shook her head and explained to others:

   "With that kind of surreal power, I think we can see at most a golden arc breaking through the barriers of the plane and then disappearing. It's just a fleeting scene, not as gorgeous as you think.

   And the most interesting thing about unscientific speed forces is that they defy the laws of physics to work, so whether it's here or at the end of the universe, we can see the same light in different places at the same time. Gee, it's amazing. "

   "The countdown to penetration is ten seconds!"

  Little Qiao, who was suspended in the air, held a countdown atomic clock, waved to the others and shouted:

   "Let's count down together, it's rare that we all get together."

   Under the call of this good boy, everyone in the boy K team began to shout collectively.

  Damian thought it was childish, but the mysterious girl in the cloak who joined the Boy K team a few days ago pushed him beside him, forcing him to join in this very childish game.

  The Amazon muscular big sisters roared especially loudly, making this moment as lively as a festival.

   At the moment when everyone's countdown reached 1, a bang exploded in the sky, and everyone looked up and saw a golden streamer suddenly appear from an invisible place.

  The golden arc is far larger and more splendid than they imagined.

  The ray of light streaked across the gloomy sky like a shooting star, and it continued to sprinkle golden light spots during its flight. This scene made everyone cheer in satisfaction and surprise.

   This also caused Valeria, who was sitting in a wheelchair, to hold on to the armrest. Miss Zhidoxing widened her eyes and muttered to herself:


  According to Mason's plan, the energy gathered by the Speed ​​Force shouldn't be so strong. It has passed through at least 37 planes before reaching our world.

  Its energy loss makes it impossible to maintain such a powerful form.

  There are also those rains of light, which should be the embodiment of the collision and fusion of the fragments of the speed force and the rules of the world where such power does not exist in the material world.

  What the **** did Mason do? "

   "Huh? Isn't this a good thing?"

Ashley Parker, who was pushing the wheelchair, asked in surprise. Miss Zhi Duoxing was not in a hurry to explain, when she heard a bang, and the arrow of super speed and force smashed the barrier of the real plane just like it appeared. The beacon outside the world is a guide to enter the next plane.

   Things should have ended here.

  But the fact is that the cheers of all the people on the entire tower who came to watch this astronomical phenomenon were all choked up at this moment, and silence fell suddenly.

  Because everyone saw something incredible.

  Valeria in the wheelchair stared dumbfounded at what was left in the sky. She was so shocked that she grabbed the armrest and stood up suddenly. The moment the wind blew across the roof, the smart girl murmured to herself:

   "The barriers of the planes have been permanently destroyed. The walls that hinder the communication between the various planes have collapsed. Is this really in your plan? Mason."

In the royal palace of Attilan, an alien city thousands of kilometers away from the Osborne Tower, old Aunt Martha, who is basking in the sun with little Bruce Kent in her arms, is now holding her crying grandson in her arms. My husband yelled:

   "Thomas! Come out and see God! Little Mason's messed up again."

  The old man who was wearing an apron to cook lunch for Aunt Martha and make milk powder for his little grandson rushed out immediately grabbing a loaded gun when he heard the exclamation.

   As a result, when he raised his head, this well-informed veteran also froze in place.

  In the sky above his head, there is a rotating crack that is shining with purple-red light and is slowly expanding, like a scene where a complete glass is shattered with a bullet hole.

   It's like... a starry sky demon eye that is opening? —

   "What's going on? Why did the siren sound all of a sudden for the entire Starsburg? And why did they have to gather urgently? The Conqueror has come in?"

  The swordsman, who was still wearing pajamas with big eyes and devil's head pattern, with disheveled hair, carried the sword of soul and rushed into the dome observatory of Stars Fort. She woke up from a deep sleep and was still a little dazed.

   But in front of his eyes, hunters and wizards were looking up at the sky, and around them were more than a dozen assembled A-level members.

  Everyone was silent.

  The special plane where Fortress of Stars is located is the intercepted wreckage after the demise of Ciri's world. It is not considered a complete world, so it is not in Mason's plan, and there will be no arrow of speed and force passing through here.

  But what is happening in front of these pioneers right now is more frightening from the bottom of their hearts than that damned astronomical phenomenon.

   Master Swordsman followed their gazes and looked up, and was startled immediately.

  Since the day when the Constellation Society was established, it has been placed on this observatory, and the armillary sphere, which represents the operating rules of the parallel world system, is slowly collapsing.

  It is like the collapse of a quantum vortex, the process of collapse from the inside out is slow and full of power.

   This obviously means that some kind of change that can affect the parallel world system is taking place, but for the swordsman's already overwhelmed mind, thinking about this symbolism undoubtedly means terrible torture.

  So she decisively chose not to, but directly sought the answer from the wise man.

"what happened?"

  The swordsman leaned on his soul sword and asked the wizard:

   "What happened? Why did the armillary sphere, which symbolizes the operation of the parallel world system, collapse like this? I heard from the dead warlock that when this thing is destroyed, it means that the terminally ill parallel world system can no longer be maintained.

   So, is the world we live in finally doomed? If it's true, I'll have to go back and open the bottle I've been saving for fifteen years, and get drunk with the big guys before the end. "

   "You're not dead, are you?"

  The hunter replied very unhappy:

   "So the world isn't over yet, it just happened unplanned and I suspect it has something to do with that man"

   "Just say it's Little Mason."

  The swordsman yawned and said:

   "The people here are all our own people. Who doesn't know about the **** about you two? It's just that you two are pure lovers and keep it a secret, so there's no need to hide it.

   But you still didn't answer my question, what happened?

  I heard that Mason is preparing a way to run through all parallel worlds?

   Is this a sign of his success? "

   "Yes, he succeeded."

  The wizard Lao Sha praised his hand, and released a magic on the collapsed armillary sphere in front of his eyes, making the complex golden light connecting different planes appear as if a filter had been added.

  Speed ​​Force's shuttle trajectories in different planes together constitute this too complicated Speed ​​Force network that can make people dizzy at a glance.

   This means that Mason really used the speed force as a thread to connect all the planes together.

   "The only problem is, he might be too successful."

  Old Sha Zan sighed:

   "What a powerful tailor, look at this gorgeous technique, but he is too young to know how to hold back his strength, his shot has made the already weak parallel world system even worse.

  Although it is not yet the last straw that breaks the camel's back, it will undoubtedly add more variables to the future. "

  When she heard the word "tailor", the cheeks under the hunter's mask turned red. She hurriedly shook her head to stop herself from thinking about what was there, and asked in a cold voice:

   "So, will this phenomenon have any impact on the impact?"

   "No, it won't, it won't have any effect."

  Old Shazam shook his head and said:

   "The source of the shock is the rules of the epoch change of the universe, and it will not stop just because the parallel world system is more fragile. The weakness I am talking about refers to the further imbalance of the order where there is no one in ten."

   "Don't be a riddler, bastard."

  The swordsman shouted:

   "Take care of us warriors who are not good at thinking, give me an example."

   "Okay, let me give you an example."

  Old Shazan deeply felt the heavy pressure Lord Warlock had borne in the small group of three back then. He made his words so obvious that this stupid swordsman still didn't understand.

   Alas, I feel tired.

  Master Wizard thought for a moment and said:

   "The development of the Star Club uses the gate of the world, and the conquest of the conqueror uses the enhanced version of the sonic boom channel. What are the common points between the two?"

   "Uh, both sides are bad guys?"

  The swordsman blinked his eyes and said something. This clumsy answer made the hunter really unable to listen.

  She put her hand on Liana's shoulder and replied:

"We have to use tools to travel across the world, and both tools are in the hands of the Hope Council. I probably understand what you mean. Mason broke the barriers between the planes and allowed each other to have a permanent wormhole tunnel .

  This is larger than the time wormhole planned to discharge the internal pressure of the plane, which means that many forces that are isolated from each other now have the ability to freely travel to other planes.

  Hope that the technical monopoly of the council on large-scale plane travel is broken!

  Although it was Mason's unintentional move, it will undoubtedly cause great psychological pressure on the members of the Council of Hope, and they will have to face the coveting of all third-party forces from all planes.

   Sounds like a good thing, though we get distracted too? "

   "Well, it's not a bad thing."

  The old wizard pinched his white beard, he blinked, and said to the hunter and other thoughtful A-level personnel:

   "But do you really believe that this is Mason Cooper's unintentional mistake? No, I don't think so. If I have to come up with a conclusion, I guess he should have temporarily modified the plan.

   It is not Robin of Honor's style to make a rare mistake on such a big event, so this result is in his expectation at the moment.

   This is what he planned. This is a situation that Mason Cooper set up for his enemies temporarily. Ah, it really is formidable. "

   "We need to send someone to ask him."

   Lord Hunter said in a deep voice:

   "Although the result is not bad, we must know all the truth to make a perfect response. Huh? Why are you all looking at me like that?"

   "Hey girl."

  The swordsman showed a weird smile and reached out to slap Ciri on the buttocks, saying:

   "Hurry up and change your clothes, just wear the one he ordered for you last time, what? Do you need other people to do this kind of little lover thing?

  Don't worry, in this big battle to win love, we 'mother's family' are all on your side!

  Give Harley and Quinn some color and see.

  Chong, hunter.

  I order you to rush bravely! "

  At the same time, in the office of the arbitration tribunal of the Council of Hope, old A stood in front of the window and looked gloomy at the space-time rift that was slowly opening in the sky above him.

  He felt once again that things were out of his control.

  Although there is no evidence, the instinct of the conspirators tells him that Mason must have done this! This must be Mason deliberately trying to show them off!

   The question is what does he want to convey?

   "Doing this kind of thing when the fourth impact is about to start? How is this different from lighting a cigarette while holding a gas tank? What kind of way is this?"

  Old A played with the soul gem in his hand, thinking in his heart:

  "What exactly does he want to express? What is the underlying logic of his doing this? Where is the top-level design? Or is this purely a threat? I don't see any benefits for him.


  That **** will not do things so simple, he must stand at a higher level to see the overall situation. Or did he already know the council's final plan for Utopia, so he decided to act first?


   This is a secret room decision, and it is impossible for someone to send him a private message.


   This little **** who doesn't follow the routine is getting more and more unconstrained, and more and more unpredictable, my brain, what does this **** want to do? "

  Ps: Ask for a monthly pass through the stars! !

  (end of this chapter)