MTL - The Track of Dawn In the World of Marvel-Chapter 580 46. ​​After organizational research, it is decided that we want the sky

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  Chapter 580 46. After organizational research, we decided to name the thing that appeared in the sky as Scary Eye

  Old A's world is very efficient in operations. Almost within 30 minutes of the time-space rift in the sky, a very professional response team has completed the blockade of both sides.

   Precisely "plugged" this loophole through a series of operations on this plane and several adjacent planes.

  As the headquarters of the Council of Hope, such a reaction is not unexpected. After all, in the past seventeen years, the phase coordinates of this world have been kept absolutely secret.

   Only a few people know its precise existence, and any plane vibration and travel about this world must go through layers of review.

  To give the simplest example, Ciri, one of the three mentors of the Gathering of Stars, doesn't even know the exact location of this world, which shows the high degree of secrecy.

  As for why they are so ineffective, the answer is actually very simple. Only those who have done bad things know best how much they are hated.

   A slight mistake in self-protection would be catastrophic.

  But at the moment when the fourth impact is approaching, there has been such a big mess that cannot be concealed, it is really unreasonable to hope that the council will not come forward to say something.

  So soon, as the chief officer of the arbitral tribunal in charge of the council, old A received a special meeting notice.

  When he arrived at the conference hall, the other members had already taken their seats. Of course, this was not a big meeting, and there were no more than ten people present. They were all members of the council who held key powers or had real power.

  If Mason can seize the opportunity to throw an Ultimate Eraser into this small room at this moment, this story will probably end in hundreds of thousands of words.

  Old A is sitting in his seat.

   While other people were whispering, he saw two vacant chairs in the conference hall at a glance, one of which belonged to Lord Fate who had been absent all the year round, and the other belonged to another important person.

   "The supreme professor is absent again?"

  Haledan asked the conqueror Kang beside him in a gentle tone:

   "How many times is this the month?"

   "He hasn't attended such a gathering since last month, so he also missed a meeting that is very important to Utopia."

   Wearing casual clothes, Kang took off his headphones for listening to music, and said in a casual tone:

   "But considering our Charles has always been decisive, I guess he and his people are in the final stages of preparations, and he knows as well as us that some conflicts that have been suppressed for many years have reached the moment of explosion."

   "No one forced him, we gave him a way."

  Another voice responded with a strong tone:

   "As long as he nodded, things wouldn't go to the worst step. Unfortunately, he still responded with silence, which is no wonder to us."

  Old A and Kang turned their heads to look at the speaker at the same time.

  The latter was wearing coquettish sandals and a golden battle armor, but it still couldn't cover the plump waist, and he even made his hair into quite chic curls.

   This is Zeus.

  The king of the gods originated from a certain plane, and is the "rotating representative" sent by the power of the gods at this meeting.

  The reason for emphasizing this point is because of the high degree of chaos within the forces of the gods and the rampant thinking of various ideas, they cannot make any unified decisions at all, and even send different representatives at every important meeting.

  God knows which faction of the gods this seemingly unreliable guy in front of him belongs to. If it weren't for the lack of a leader who can really call the shots in the high-level council, this group of internally chaotic guys would not be qualified to appear here at all.

   But it is a pity that although these gods can't reach a unified opinion, everything will only delay, but their strength after uniting is really strong.

   If you can’t get rid of it, you can only pinch your nose and recognize it.

   What's more, these guys did help a lot in the early days of the council, and they worked hard without credit.

   "It was our decision, and you abstained as usual."

  Conqueror Kang said to Zeus in front of him rather rudely:

  "Every decision made in this meeting, regardless of whether it is important or not, you will only abstain! This matter has nothing to do with you, and you have no share of the benefits, and I don't think you have a say.

  So be patient and listen to today's events, and go back and have chaotic quarrels with your brothers and sisters until the end of the universe. "


   This sarcasm made Zeus curl his lips.

  But he didn't have any more rebuttals, but took out a box of donuts and started tasting deliciously.

The other people sitting at the table exchanged glances. It was obvious that the topic brought up by old A just now affected their thoughts, but considering that it was a decision already made in the last meeting, it should not be brought up for discussion at this time. time.

   "The thing that suddenly appeared in the sky, that is the focus of today's talk."

  God Lord Dum, dressed in white, reached out and knocked on the table, and said in a hoarse voice with a kingly attitude in a slow tone:

   "It created exactly the same space-time tunnels in all parallel planes that currently exist within thirty minutes. I have done a sample analysis, and its essence is caused by the one-time release of the Speed ​​Force after being highly concentrated.

   No accident.

  Because the route of that group of energy traveling through the worlds is quite precise, it is obviously the correct conclusion drawn after long-term and complicated calculations.

   It can be seen that the initiator of this incident has superb attainments in the construction of parallel world systems and ultra-dimensional space science, such a person cannot be unknown.

  But folks, the most important question now is"

"find him!"

   Zeus, who was eating a donut, waved his hand and shouted:

   "Being able to make such a big commotion in the entire parallel world system is definitely not an ordinary unstable factor, and we must strike hard!"


   God Lord Doom glanced at this guy from under the mask with cold eyes, and he said:

"The most important issue now is still our response to the fourth impact. This hyperspace rift that exists in the sky of each plane has not impacted the basic framework of the parallel world, although the connection between the planes it caused will indeed be in the future. A lot of unnecessary little problems are caused in a short time.

  But from a macro perspective, it is not an issue that needs attention so far, and there are still ten days before the arrival of the fourth shock.

   This is a fermentation period.

  My opinion is to wait until after 4th Shock to discuss this 'Eye of Chrono' chaos, and I don't even think it's going to be a problem.

   Also, is this your first time attending a meeting?

  Remind you, Sir Zeus, I don't like to be interrupted when I speak. "

This blunt warning made Zeus curl his lips, and then picked up a donut and gnawed on it. Judging by his active appearance, he really wanted to integrate into this "high-end circle", but he didn't have much friendship with these guys in front of him. .

   "Your Excellency Doom's understanding is correct, and his overall view has always been excellent."

  After Dum finished speaking, Tony Stark, who was sitting opposite Old A, rubbed his eyes and said:

   "I also agree with him. This eye of time and space does objectively connect the planes that are separated from each other in a way that we don't want to see, and the timing of its appearance is very clever.

We have decided to start a real fusion of various forces after the end of the fourth shock and enter the process of 'integration', so the appearance of this eye of time and space can make our military forces no longer have to rely on sonic boom channels or the world With the gate, it will be more convenient to travel between the remaining planes.

   According to my calculations, its presence can reduce the time consumption of the integration process by a fifth, which is a pleasant surprise.

   However, His Excellency Zeus's opinion also has some truth. "

  The weary Iron Man lowers his fingers and looks around.

  He was the weakest-looking one of them all here, years of intense thinking seemed to overwhelm the guy's body, but no one dared to ignore his opinion.

  Because there is something quite special in the mind of this Ultimate Iron Man, which gives him the top intelligence in the multiverse.

He said:

"This person who can single-handedly cause such a large-scale chaos in the parallel world system must be found. He is an unstable factor. According to my prediction, if he can also survive this shock, then he will be executed immediately. The 'integrated' program creates a threat.

   As for this point, I think Lord Fury can give us some useful information? "

   Now all eyes are on Old A, but the old fox responded calmly:

   "I'm checking his identity, and I have already made a rough guess. You have to understand that this happened too suddenly. Of course, once I have news, I will notify you as soon as possible.

  However, is it really okay to just let this 'Eye of Time and Space' go?

  In the past, cosmic-level forces between different planes could not conduct large-scale contact with each other, which gave us the opportunity to cooperate in a low-key manner and develop secretly.

   But now, the Eye of Time and Space stands there and gives them a channel for exchanging information. What I worry about is whether there will be another organization like ours that will rise strongly in a short period of time? "

   "Your worries seem a bit unnecessary at this time."

  At the edge of the conference table, the black shadow between the left side of the **** Doom and the empty chair of the supreme professor vibrated. This person with the most mysterious identity and the most low-key behavior among the senior members of the Council of Hope said calmly:

   "I hope that the greatest value of the council does not lie in how powerful the union of so many powerful worlds is. In the face of the changing situation of the universe, power is the least worthy of attention.

  The most valuable things in our hands are methods, wisdom and strategies. We know how to survive the crisis, we select members with harsh conditions, and we rationally use the power of the world to polish this system.

  Three impacts will eliminate all the weak, and the fourth impact will forge the 'Star of the End'. Now this step has been reached.

  So what if other cosmic-level forces really unite?

  They have power but no method. They have lagged behind us for seventeen years on the road of self-salvation and pursuit of transcendence. Let them unite.

   Or cannibalism.

  Think of it as another **** selection, the outstanding winner will be given grace, the ark under the doomsday has been cast, and only the strong can board this ship sailing to the other shore. "

   There was silence in the conference hall.

  The speech of this mysterious lord really sounds reasonable, but those who can sit here are all real spirits, and they will not be persuaded by such babbling language.

  But just when everyone was about to have an in-depth discussion, a messenger suddenly walked into the hall and handed a message to God Lord Dum. The Conqueror Kang seemed to have received other versions of the message he sent back.

  Old A's cell phone rang and turned it on, and it was a text message from Steve Rogers, the commander of the Conqueror's third sequence.

  Everyone at the meeting seemed to have received information about the changes from the outside world. Even Zeus, who slaughtered the donuts like revenge, heard about the distant events from the thunder and lightning beating in his ears.

   "The tenth sequence of conquerors patrolling the Garden World star area, the flagship of the 23rd Fleet's Pillar of Autumn, which was serving as a security mission, encountered an attack."

  Old A read out the SMS message on his mobile phone, he said:

   "The assailant is an army of Apocalypse demons from a certain plane under the super-time flow N52 system. It has been confirmed that the other party has not contacted us. There are already three garden worlds in the opponent's attack zone."

   "I got about the same information."

  Conqueror Kang said with a gloomy face:

   "The two central nodes of the Time Management Bureau were destroyed, and it was done by a strange Loki. She used the eye of time and space to jump at high speed and escaped."

   "Well, I got better news."

  Zeus touched the food residue on his beard, and said with a smile:

   "Another Zeus came to the door with a lot of his mistresses. He came from a plane that was collapsing itself, and he brought his family to join us."

   "Utopia has begun to shift!"

  God Lord Dum finally spoke, telling a piece of bad news that no one wanted to hear.

He said:

   "They are using the Eye of Time and Space to send members who have no combat effectiveness to unknown places, and the thing that suddenly appeared is not within our blockade.

  Professor Supreme was as decisive as ever, he seized the opportunity and was quite courageous. "

"What are you waiting for?"

  Old A suddenly got up and said with a final word:

   "We need Utopian resources to create the framework of the 'Star of the End', we need to kill the strongest among us who have two hearts, and we need a shock to other members to unify our thinking.

  Start it!

   Send our friends off with dignity when the shock comes, their relics will help us walk into the light of the next era. "

   After a while, the meeting ended prematurely.

  Old A, who left the conference hall, was full of thoughts, and he glanced at the purple crack outside the corridor window, which seemed to be covered with a layer of gauze to filter out the luster.

   His worst guess seems to have come true.

  It is really possible that Mason knew in advance the Council of Hope’s decision on Utopia. It is very likely that the guy who made such a big deal is really helping his people avoid disaster in this unstoppable way.

  Then thinking about it in the worst case, maybe some of the guys who had a meeting with him just now have secretly hooked up with Mason.

   "You once said to me that you want to end this era, that you want to put everything back on track, that you want to help anyone you meet who needs help.

  I thought you were just young and energetic.

  I thought you would learn to behave better after hitting a wall and recognize the reality clearly, but I didn’t expect that the obstacles and cruel status quo not only did not make you retreat, but made you more radical.

  You are playing for real.

   Sure enough, all the truth was told in a joking tone. "

  Old A reached out and put his hand on the glass in front of his eyes, covering the eyes of time and space hanging in the air like purple eyes.

  He has seldom been afraid of anything in his life, whether it is in his career as an agent or at this moment, there are really very few things that can make a marinated egg fear from the bottom of his heart.

  However, at this moment, he rarely flinched.

It seems that the rotating crack in the sky is like an eyeball that brings fear, more like the gaze from Mason. Thinking that the little guy may soon stand on the opposite side of him, old A can feel a little bit in his heart. trembling.

  Neither of them is the kind of person who will give up self-adhesion just because they are threatened, and this is doomed to a bad ending between the two.

   "I'd be intimidated by someone old enough to be my grandson."

  Brine Dan withdrew his palms and clenched his fists. After a few seconds, he straightened his collar and turned to leave. As he walked, he sighed and said:

   "Young people nowadays are really amazing."

  At the same moment, in the same corridor of the same building.

   Lord Zeus stuffed the last donut into his mouth, licked his fingers like a funny old man, and said to himself while grooming his beard:

   "Your Excellency Kong Su, please tell our little friend that he has not been exposed after such a big event, and old A helped him hide his identity.

  But Ben Wang felt that the braised egg head was definitely not out of good intentions.

   In addition, let my good eldest son Hermes stay there, deeply participate in the children's self-help plan, observe and study hard, don't rush to come back, just look and walk more when you go out.

  Since you have decided to help, help to the end. It has never been my style to retreat halfway through the work. "

  The well-built king of the gods just showed a bit of a royal aura, but before half a second, he returned to his funny look before, nodding and bowing to the old A who was walking across.

  The marinated egg also responded politely but without losing the sense of distance.

  The moment the two passed by, Fury, who was preoccupied with something in his heart, suddenly stopped and looked back at the golden armored Zeus. He narrowed his eyes thoughtfully and made a decision in his heart.

  After the destruction of Utopia, the next target might as well be this unloyal gods.

   These vacillating guys who always think about sitting on the wall are a threat wherever they are placed.

  (end of this chapter)