MTL - The Track of Dawn In the World of Marvel-Chapter 582 48. If there is no accident, then it is estimated that

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  Chapter 582 48. If there is no accident, then it is estimated that there will be an accident

   "So, that's what you wanted to tell me when you called me early in the morning?"

Two hours after the invasion of Senegon in another world, on an island in the Atlantic Ocean, in the warehouse of the fallen starship that has been taken over by the Atlanteans in this world, Mason wearing alchemist gloves sorting the raw N metal Without looking back, he said to the projection of the Moonlight Knight projected by the communicator suspended behind him:

   "Isn't it normal that my identity has not been exposed at the top of the council? I theoretically serve the old A, although those bigwigs have their own forces and basic boards, and they are secretly working hard to weaken the power of their collaborators.

  But this kind of sabotage cannot be put on the table.

  If old A chooses to disclose my existence at this time, then he is asking for trouble, and a wily guy like him would not do such a thing.

   What's more, he and I have a very personal agreement on the fourth impact. Before the showdown between us is completely clear, he still thinks that he may be able to persuade me or win me over.

   This is the value.

  I have value, so he is not willing to give up.

   At least, I don’t want to for the time being. "

   "I'm just sending you a message. I don't really care about your attitude and opinion on this matter."

  The Moonlight Knight in the projection spread out his hands and responded:

   "You said that cooperation requires sincerity, and we expressed our sincerity. One of the leaders of the gods even went so far as to carry out a 'close investigation' without hesitation, and we didn't sell you out, did we?

  But I'm curious, Mason, did you not have any psychological pressure to make such a big mess?

  In the 17 hours since the eye of time and space appeared in the sky, several garden worlds have encountered the invasion of alien forces.

  According to the information we have received, some worlds have been occupied by doves and magpies.

Obviously, those lunatics who have never been in contact with us and who ran out from some remote place already know that they hope that the Council can shelter these worlds during the impact, so they chose to take it all at this point in time. .

   This looks like a bad thing.

   But in fact, it is a great thing for the expansion of the strength of the Hope Council.

  As long as they show their strength and means, more rogues from other planes who can't protect themselves will take the initiative to join them. "

   "You said that I'm not worried, that's a lie. After all, my world just encountered an unplanned invasion of another world. Although there was no trouble, there was indeed a bit of panic."

  Mason recognized that the raw N metal ore in his hand was of extremely high quality, nodded in satisfaction, and then released the service robot in the pocket factory to transfer the ore.

   When he walked out of the starship warehouse, he saw the Hawkwoman of this world who had joined Zhenglian, accompanied by Hal II, having a difficult exchange with his compatriots in another world.

  Although they are all Senagon warriors, the same civilization born on the two planes has the same difference as the space-time aliens, and the details are by no means the same, so the communication between the two sides does not seem to be successful.

  The sharp-eyed Mason also saw that guy in Hal No. 2 gently holding the lost Hawkwoman's hand, and whispering comfort.

  Yo, this single visitor from another world actually found a second spring in this world?

not bad.

   But considering that there is no John Stewart in this world, Hal II's road to love will probably be smooth sailing?

  Mason, smiling with his aunt, took off the alchemist's gloves, turned around and held the communicator suspended behind him, and seeing the beautiful things made him feel good, so he continued to say to Moonlight Knight:

   "The key to the problem is not the eye of time and space!

  It has already appeared, so don’t think about making it disappear. Adapting as soon as possible is the truth. Now that the situation has advanced to this point, power has become the most insignificant factor in winning or losing.

  I hope that the board of directors can show toughness to absorb the planar rogues, and we can naturally, it's just to see who has better means.

   But there is no time to say more.

  I now formally extend an invitation to you, Mark, come to us with your team and servant army, choose any world to live in, and leave after the shock is over.

  I mean, it was you who were here with me to participate in our planning when the shock happened.

  Thinking of the good, maybe you can witness the first miracle of the Dark Ages with your own eyes. Even if we fail, you can escape through the World Gate before the world is destroyed.

   Not bad at all. "

   "You just want us to help you do the hard work, you know that this time the shock will definitely not just deal with the shock itself like in the past.

  There are too many uncontrollable factors, you need more combatants on duty as a reserve team. "

  Moonlight Knight complained:

"And you know that we can't refuse, and the gods also want to send an observation team to observe your methods, so, under this crazy stage of dancing with the doomsday at close range, remember to leave us a place where we can see all the wonderful things! front row position.

   Every time I talk to you guy, I die a lot of brain cells, it's so annoying, the communication is over! "

  The envoy team cut off the communication, and Mason also walked out of the main body of the Senegon starship.

Before leaving, he reached out his hand to touch the deck of this strange but majestic starship. With the blessing of super engineering knowledge, he got all the data and complete structural diagram of this starship in a few seconds. But this wonderful knowledge doesn't help much in the present situation.

  As Mason said, in the current situation, strength is no longer the main factor affecting the outcome, unless a peerless fierce man who can smash the "shock concept" with both fists suddenly jumps out.


   Just when Mason was about to leave the area blocked by the front and return to Osborne Tower, a silver light flashed and opened a crack.

  The chief captain turned his head and saw Mr. Hunter walking out of it.

   But his face was strange.

  Because the mentor robe Ciri was wearing was the one he made for her last time.

   It is not a big problem to have a perfectly outlined figure showing feminine charm, but it is not Ciri's character to go out in such defenseless clothes.

   "What are you looking at! Have you never seen a woman?"

  Master Hunter didn’t seem to be in a good mood either, and threatened Mason who was staring at her:

   "If you look at it again, it will dig out your eyeballs."

   "Okay, okay, I was wrong, although I don't know where I was wrong, but if I am wrong, I am wrong."

   Mason covered his eyes and asked:

   "So our honorable Lord Hunter came here in the midst of his busy schedule, is there any important purpose that needs to be conveyed to your loyal subordinates?"

   "I'm just here to ask what's going on with this Eye of Time and Space."

  Shirley pushed her mask, stood beside Mason and looked at the Senegon flagship, half of which was buried in the waves of the Atlantic Ocean. She listened to the tide around her and said softly:

   "Because your actions caused the collapse of the armillary sphere, which can observe parallel worlds with stars, it made everyone feel uneasy, so they sent me?"

   Before she finished speaking, she felt a pair of hands wrapping around her slender waist from behind. This movement made Ciri struggle uncomfortably. She whispered:

   "Don't be like this, there is someone next to you."

   "There are still nine days, and the shock will come. It is not certain whether I can survive this time. Even if I do survive, I still have to fight wits and courage with the old A group of bastards. I am already tired enough to live.

   So, what do you care what other people do?

  I already knew what I should have known, Harley already knew it, God, I didn't know it was told to her by a bitch, she was trying to get me back from you.

   But to be honest, the feeling of being snatched away as a treasure is really good. No wonder girls enjoy the feeling of being pursued. "

  Mason closed his eyes and sniffed Ciri's silver hair lightly. He asked:

   "You said the rest of the Constellation were disturbed by my actions, what about you? Do you feel disturbed too?"

   "I didn't, but not for any other reason, but I trust you a lot."

   Ciri grabbed Mason's hand and wanted to push him away. As a great mentor, Your Excellency naturally needs to be decent, and she doesn't intend to push the overly ambiguous relationship between the two to the next level.

  But at this moment, Mason said in her already hot ear:

   "I'm just implementing my promise to you, dismantling the foundation of the Constellation, and returning the power of communication to everyone who needs it in this era.

  The moment the eye of time and space was born, the existence of the gate of the world was meaningless.

  The foundations of the Stellar Society are crumbling.

  This is enough to ensure that after we destroy this **** organization that has messed up our lives, the situation will not fall into the cruel law of the dark forest again.

  Once the door of communication is opened, no one can easily close it. "

  Mason let go of his hands, kissed Ciri's earlobe lightly, and said:

   "I'm just telling you this. I don't want you to misunderstand me. As for whether to tell others or not, you can decide."

   "So, after this shock, are you going to officially start a war with old A and Mephisto?"

  Hiri turned around suddenly, looked at Mason, and said in a hoarse voice:

   "So how long do I have to live? One month? Two months?"

   "I won't let you die."

  Mason said seriously:

   "Until I find a solution to the problem, I won't take them lightly"


   Ciri put out her finger and blocked Mason's mouth.

  She took off her mask, brushed her fluttering silver hair, looked at him, and said solemnly and resolutely:

   "Don't give them more time to react and prepare, don't interfere with your plan because of me, don't think too much, this will keep your chances of winning lower.

  If you want to win quickly, you have to seize the best opportunity.

  He is using me to interfere with you.

   And I won't be your stumbling block, if you can't do it, I will do it myself! "

   Mason fell silent.

  Obviously he was unwilling, but Ciri held his wrist with his backhand, and pulled him into the office of Starsburg amidst the flashing silver light. She unbuttoned her robe and said to Mason:

   "Do you want to finish what you didn't finish last time?"


  Mason looked at the pair of determined eyes in front of him, he stepped back resolutely, shook his head and said:

   "I will not consummate regrets at this time, it will only accelerate your ongoing self-destruction and that noble desire to sacrifice, you listen to me, I will find a way, trust me again.

  The days to come are still long.

  Don't let me spend my doomed long life alone with eternal guilt and self-blame. "

   "I just don't want to be a burden to you."

  Ciri lowered her head and said in a hoarse voice:

   "We shouldn't have started at all, Liana is right, this is the wrong relationship."

   "Don't listen to her nonsense, the **** lord is just used to being a single dog, so she doesn't like others throwing dog food in front of her, but she also knows that I will come up with a solution."

   Mason put his finger on Ciri's chin, lifted the face, smiled, and said:

   "It's not that desperate yet, okay, calm down, and report on the operation of the Stars Association during this time."

  The chief captain jumped over the desk with a splash of water and sat on Lord Hunter's chair, and said to her:

  "Many people call me 'Lord of the Constellation', so I should really shoulder the responsibility and guide this organization that is about to be destroyed to the final journey."

   "You are just an A-level member, don't treat yourself like a dish."

  Hiri wiped her eyes and snorted, but seeing that Mason was really going to listen to the work report of the great mentor, she curled her lips, picked up the document on the table and was about to read it out.

   But Mason stopped her and patted his leg again.

   meaning is obvious.

  Master Hunter bared his teeth at him, but Mason grabbed his wrist and pulled him over. He was obviously a powerful mentor, but he could only be forced to sit in the arms of the captain like a delicate secretary.

  She sighed and started the report in such an intimate way, leaning on Mason's chest, flipping through the documents in her hand, and whispering to Mason the various preparations that the stars will deal with the fourth impact.

The head captain leaning on the chair closed his eyes as if he was resting, but even with the beauty in his arms, his brain was still running at high speed, his left hand was gently wrapped around Ciri's hair, thinking about what the stars would do. In what way should the forces be arranged in this shock event.

  Actually, Mason had a faint feeling.

   It is absolutely impossible for that old devil Mephisto to be ignorant of Team K's influence in the current Gathering of Stars, but he did not intervene to prevent the three mentors from moving closer to Mason.

   Even delegating power.

   Seems desperate to see Mason in action and performance in the fourth rush.

   Of course, this can be understood as the cunning old devil hoping that Mason will create a miracle so that he will completely turn against Quint who wants to control Mason, and create big trouble for Mason and the K team.

  But it can also be understood that the old devil took the wrong medicine and just wanted to see a miracle.

   Ciri didn't think as deeply as Mason, she just leaned on Mason's arms and continued her report, obviously she didn't hate this kind of private mode when the two were alone.

   But a few minutes later, after Ciri finished talking about the movements of all the A-level teams, the two of them jointly noticed a problem that they hadn't noticed before.

   "You said, the Anna team has lost contact with Utopia for a week?"

  Mason frowned. He checked his communication log with the other side, and found that he had indeed not received any information from Utopia for almost fifteen days.

   The last time the two sides talked was before the confrontation with the Red Queen in the Lord's World.

   "Something must have happened over there."

   Mason frowned and said:

   "But instead of asking for help, they have blocked all information channels. What exactly does this mean?"

"do not think too much."

  Healy persuaded:

   "Utopia is definitely the first tier of strength in the Hope Council system, and they can even be recognized as the most powerful independent force in the Council.

  They are much better than us.

  The Supreme Professor and his followers are capable of dealing with any danger. "

   “Strong doesn’t mean safe.”

   Mason shook his head and said:

  "If you were a member of an evil organization, before you prepare to start a final contest with each other, what strategy would you adopt in order to ensure that you can go to the end as much as possible?"

   Ciri froze for a moment, then heard Mason say to her:

   "Join the rest of the underdogs, take out the strongest before the fight begins, and share and eat for the last bit of supplies. Something happened to Utopia, and it's definitely a big deal.

   Maybe I should check it out.

   No, I feel a strong sense of unease.

  I have to go now. "


  I feel a strong sense of unease, I have to start begging for monthly tickets immediately!

  (end of this chapter)