MTL - The Trainer’s Surname is Uchiha-Chapter 260 Showdown, flame white!

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   Chapter 260 Showdown, Yanbai!

   At this time, in the channel of the alliance.

   "Daigo, how is it?"

   "Well, I've adjusted to the picture near the meteorite, but the smoke is filled with dust, and it's a bit blurry..."

  Daigo moved his neck, his voice a little hoarse.

   "Ha, the smoke is gone, everyone seems to be in good spirits!

  Especially the kid Ash, I thought he would make himself scarred again on impulse! "

  Dr. Ogi is more optimistic.

   "Don't be careless, from just now, the pressure we face has suddenly decreased a lot, but this is not a good thing."

  The high-level alliance officials in the Chengdu area reminded them in a deep voice.

   "Yes, this means that the heavyweights after the vanguard are about to appear, and the remaining meteorites may be attached to the giant meteorite, and they will attack us with it!"

  Zhulan's voice was cold, and she is still facing the meteorite attack at high altitude with the Bite Lu Shark.

   "The signal of an unknown spacecraft and a high-energy body were detected over the sea area of ​​Hoenn just now, and it was confirmed that it was the spacecraft of Team Rocket Sakagi."

   "Sakagi is also planning to stop the meteor this time, so he is standing with us for the time being, so we don't have to fight him."

   "Ha, I saw Yu, and Lie Kongzai, he really belongs to him!"

   Adek suddenly made a sound, furiously brushing his presence.

   "Is that the super-evolution of Ritsu Kongzai, he has unimaginable strength in the first place, and now he is super-evolutionary..."

   "If that power can be used by us... Sorry, I seem to have said something I shouldn't have said."

   "Hey, those of us who made the decision should be sorry, after all, I am also responsible for that incident..."

   The top officials of the Hoenn Alliance suddenly fell silent.

   "Stop arguing about these things."

  Daigo broke the silence and tried to cheer people up: "Look, they should launch a general attack on the meteorites, with a super strong air seat, plus so many powerful elves and trainers, they will definitely win!

   "Yeah, such a powerful configuration, if this doesn't work out, then even the old guys like us can't do anything about it."

  Adek was nodding in agreement, but when he saw the ice-blue figure that suddenly appeared on the screen, he was stunned: "That is, Kyurem? Why is he here? Didn't he escape to the giant's cave!"


"he is…"

  Blake was startled when he saw Kyurem, who appeared out of nowhere, and the memories of that icy and snowy day resurfaced in his mind, and his whole body felt a little aching.

   And Reshiram was also stunned. I don't know why this big brother came over suddenly. He didn't receive any news in advance!

   There were Zekrom brothers and sisters fighting against this one before, but now he is suddenly fighting alone? !

   "Don't be nervous."

  Uchiha Yu's voice entered the ears of Black and Reshiram, and the voice contained the use of spiritual power, soothing the emotions of one person and one elf.

   "Kyurem, follow me now."

   Yu casually said this fact that shocked everyone present. Now, he no longer needs to hide some of the strength behind his back.

  Who can't have a good relationship with the legendary elves or what?

   Kyurem almost destroyed Ssangyong City before, and Kyogre and Groudon almost destroyed the Hoenn area, aren't they fighting together now?

   The strength that he Uchiha Yu has shown now is enough to prove that he is worthy of having this kind of spirit.

   As for whether the Alliance will be jealous of him, isn't his previous strength enough to make the Alliance jealous?

   Those who should be afraid have long been afraid, and now the two sides are still at peace with each other, and there is not even a lot of intentional or unintentional suppression, which has already shown the attitude of the alliance.

   As Boss Ju said at the beginning, the alliance itself also has two colors of black and white. As long as the order is not destroyed, the contradiction will only be a contradiction after all, and it will not be too intensified.

   In other words, the current Four Heavenly Kings, Gym Masters and Pokédex holders all fought to the death back then, and now they coexist peacefully?

   Of course, if there really is that kind of conspiracy theory, for example: Uchiha Yu suddenly appeared, the origin is unknown, and the original Kyurem attack may have been instigated by him, in order to give himself credit.

   Maybe in the ninja world, there may be such voices, and there are many, but here, the attitude of the alliance to the strong is similar to the attitude of humans to those legendary elves: peaceful coexistence and peace.

Taking a ten thousand steps back, if Yu really tore his face with the alliance one day, let’s not say whether the alliance can get a good deal. Just by making this decision, the alliance will have to cause civil strife, and maybe there will be a split. .

   The people in this world are not so stupid and loyal, such as Dawu, and those who hold the picture book, all have their own independent thoughts and will not be easily influenced by others.

   And the image that Yu has always managed is not so easy to be broken.

   Even, one day, if Yuzhen is doing something that hurts the heavens and the truth, she is caught.

   There may also be arguments in Yu's favor such as "I believe in Yu, he must have had a hard time doing this / must have another secret / must have been manipulated / must have been framed" and so on.

   Just like the Black in front of him, he has almost 100% trust in Yu since I don’t know when.

   Maybe the moment Yu freed him from the stone, or maybe the moment Yu showed up to rescue him from Kyurem.

   In short, facing Yu's words, Black instantly calmed down.

   He looked at Kyurem in front of him, and found that the aura on the other party's body was very different from the brutal bloodthirsty he used to say: "Reshiram."

"Ok, I know."

  Reshiram nodded and flew over slowly to meet Kyurem: "Your truth, practice it with your own body."


The    light lit up, and Kyurem became Dark Kyurem after absorbing Zekrom.

   And now, the white and clear flame-white Kyurem floated quietly under Black.

   "Reshiram, how are you feeling?"

"I feel…"

Reshiram's voice sounded as usual, and he said in a tone that even he could not believe: "I feel so good, never been so good! Maybe a long time ago, but it's an era I can't remember. …”

   "Of course you feel great!"

   Kyurem's somewhat hoarse voice sounded: "Because this itself is our power, just like the green dragon over there regaining its own power, we also regain our own power!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

  Blake suddenly exclaimed excitedly: "If that's the case, let's fight the meteor together!"

  Flame White Kyurem: "Exactly what I want!"

   "Very good, so..."

   Uchiha Yuyi swept the field one by one, and the current lineup is a "fairly safe" level in his opinion.

  Uchiha Yu, super strong empty seat.

  Black, Flame White Kyurem.

  Ruby, Super Latios.

  Safia, Super Latias.

  Red Flame Pine, the original return to Groudon.

  Water Parasol, the original return to Kyogre.

   Then, add the dream demon, Pang Yanguai and other elves and Xiaozhi Xiaolan, two champion-level powerful trainers who master super-evolution.

   Then, Sigana... Yu naturally skipped Sigana, the super stormy dragon in the sky, one is enough!

   As for Milat and Hupa, they were on the ground.

   Yu's line of sight passed through the atmosphere and looked at the universe. He stretched out his hands suddenly: "Gravity, magnetism."


   Pangyan turned his head to look at Groudon, shouted loudly, his body radiated dazzling light, and the strange patterns of Greer's Stone were crawling all over his body.

   In addition, Yu's kaleidoscope was strengthened, and Yu and Yu were manipulating the gravity magnetic force. Under Groudon's shocked gaze, his heavy and huge body began to slowly shake.

   Then, it was a giant pulling, dragging…


  The waves surged, filling the huge hole that suddenly appeared in the sea.

   As for Groudon, he stared blankly at the white cloud beside him, and then looked at his feet.


   Groudon turned his head sharply to look at Uchiha Yu, and suddenly had the urge to die for his confidant!

   (end of this chapter)