MTL - The Trainer’s Surname is Uchiha-Chapter 261 Hit it up!

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   Chapter 261 Attack!

   "Ah this...doesn't it matter..."

  Blake looked at Groudon flying in the air, and his pupils trembled: "Will it affect Yu's performance with such a heavy elf?"


   Groudon turned his head sharply to stare at Blake, what more to say, you are too busy before the big brother he just recognized has spoken? !


Black was stared at by Groudon, and couldn't help shrinking his neck, but he felt the confidence given by Flame White Kyurem, and suddenly he did it again: "Just say, just say, in case something goes wrong at a critical moment because of you How to do!"


   A question mark appeared on Groudon's head, but he still turned his head to look at Yu Uchiha, for fear that the flight experience card would be taken back.

   "Ah, no problem."

   Yu glanced at the Pangyan monster and shook his head: "It's just to change the gravity and magnetism, we didn't use much effort."

   Also, wouldn't Ohnogi's light and heavy rock technique also temporarily grant others the ability to fly?

   "Oh... Since Yudu said so, it should be fine..."

  Black nodded, his face full of energy: "Okay, then let's go!"


  Safiya said: "Are we going to space like this, elves... Oh, and Yu might be able to survive in space, but we can't!"

   "Ah this..."

   Everyone looked at each other, Ruby scratched his head: "It seems to be the case, so you should prepare a special space suit..."


   Yu shook his head and pointed to Super Hudi: "Hudi's psychic shield can do the job, and it is more convenient and safer than a space suit, and can help resist most of the impact.

   Moreover, Hu Di will also use his mind power to pull us into the same spiritual channel, so that the communication problem in space can also be solved.

  Because the job is more important, for the sake of insurance, Hu Di will not directly participate in the battle to prevent negligence after being injured. "


   The spoon is flying beside Super Hudi, give it to him!

   "That's all set!"

  Xiao Zhi shouted: "Super fossil pterosaur, let's go!"


   The super fossil pterosaur roared in the sky, and its momentum was not inferior to those legendary elves.

   In the original story, the super fossil pterosaur is already a level 85 powerful elf, lower than the level 88 Pikachu, but higher than the level 80 mosquito coil swimmer.

   And Mosquito Coil Swimmer is the first elf in the true sense of Xiaozhi!

  If I remember correctly, the amber of this fossilized pterosaur was given to Ash by Sakagi. It is a ruthless character who can fight back and forth with the flame bird just after being resurrected.

   At this time, he has super-evolved, and his strength has turned over a few times. There is no need to worry that he will drag these legendary elves back!

   As for Uchiha Yu's elves, don't worry.

"one two three four five six seven eight…"

   In the picture that Dawu and others can see, the eight trainers and the multiple elves under their respective command go straight into the sky and run straight towards the universe!

   "Michael, Naki, can you hear me?"

  Daigo's voice sounded in the channel: "Notify the team in the sky that the welcome time has advanced.

   They are responsible for dealing with huge meteorites, and those small meteorite fragments need us to finish. "

   "Well, Daigo, I'm listening."

  Mikeli's voice was gentle: "And everyone in other regions, please notify the trainers in your own region!"



"Of course."

   "They're off!"

   Adek's voice was serious and solemn: "Yu, and Black, I hope they can come back safely, there are still people they care about on this planet!"

   "They are all characters who can do miracles."

  Dr. Damu commented confidently: "Xiaozhi's child has never let me down, and Xiaolan is also very clever!"

   "Ruby and Sophia were also the ones who saved the Hoenn area and deserved to be entrusted."

  Daigo laughed optimistically: "Although that couple always quarrels, their relationship is very deep!"

   "Safiya, this child is really great, and it is his blessing that Ruby can be with other girls."

  Chisato commented sharply from the perspective of a parent: "Dr. Oda Maki, don't worry, I won't let Ruby bully Sophia."

   "Ah this..."

   Dr. Odakimaki's voice was a little embarrassed: "What I'm afraid of is that Sophia will bully that kid Ruby. After all, he has a gentle personality, and Sophia, um...please be more tolerant!"


   "In such a serious occasion, why did it suddenly make the parents feel short."

  Zhulan's slightly smiling voice sounded: "But those children are really great people. I really want to communicate with them more. Compared with that, there will be many memorable encounters."

   "After all, no matter how serious we are, we can only watch them now."

   An Interpol senior officer said in a complicated voice: "Shui Wutong and Chi Yansong are both internationally wanted criminals. I never thought that one day I would rely on criminals to save the world. It's ironic."

   "Is that also impossible?"

   Yulongdu's cold and serious voice suddenly sounded: "Even if we were the Four Heavenly Kings back then, didn't we go astray? After all, the laws of the alliance stipulate... Well, it is very flexible!"


There was a moment of silence in the    channel.

   After a long time, Dawu smiled and changed the subject: "Well, just now, the Space Center of Green Ridge City also detected the real-time image of space, I will send it to everyone."

   "Oh, okay, thank you."

   "Thank you very much."

   "You still have to see it with your own eyes to feel at ease."

   "May all the best."


   There was a whistling wind in their ears, and everyone looked at the sky with a serious look on their faces. The psychic shield on their bodies allowed them to fight against the meteorite without any worries.

"I saw!"

  Blake's voice resounded in the minds of everyone through the mental network: "That is, is it a super-large meteorite...Although I have been prepared in my heart, this is...too big!"

   "Shocking! Incredible! Even beautiful!"

   Ruby used a series of gorgeous contest words to express his shock: "This majesty that seems to wipe out everything is like an overlord patrolling his territory..."

   "What do you say!"

  Safiya couldn't help complaining: "That's not an overlord, that's a hateful, evil, ruthless and cruel intruder, an executioner who wants to destroy our homeland!"

   "Hey, I'm just describing it, don't be so excited!"

   "You still have the heart to appreciate it at this time, I really... can't stand you anymore!"

   Sophia and Ruby quarreled for a while, and then, under Blake's shocked gaze, Latios and Lattias approached, and then the two held their hands tightly together.

   "Ah this..."

  Blake couldn't understand it, but he was shocked inside. Could this be the reason why the relationship between him and President White has never been able to progress?

   Sure enough, he still has a lot to learn!

   "Red Flame Pine, as I said before..."

   "Of course, Mr. Shuiwutong, if we can survive this time, let's work together in the future..."

"it is good."

  The hearts of everyone gradually calmed down. Although the huge meteorite was shocking, no one felt uneasy and worried, but quietly waited for the final moment.

   It was they who successfully saved the world and returned to their normal lives amid the cheers of the crowd.

   Or, will it turn into dust in the universe?


   Yu, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said, "Attack together!"

   (end of this chapter)