MTL - The Twelve Zodiac Guardian Gods-Chapter 317 Another press conference (below)

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The small building is wearing a long white dress and dancing in the forest. Her body, without any decoration, even the white dress is the simplest style, but it is full of vitality around. Against the backdrop of the big forest, she is like an elf in the forest, and the whole person is fully integrated into the big forest.

With the beautiful singing voice and the graceful dance steps, a circle of light green light was released from the small building. Nature seemed to hear her voice. A strangely shaped beast appeared around, but there was no One is close to 30 square meters around the small building. They all seem to be wise, listening to the sound of the small building quietly there.

Suddenly, the dance of the small building ended with a head up to the sky, and then a golden light descended from the sky. The low and old voice sounded throughout the auditorium. "Nature goddess! You finally wake up."

The low voice was full of deceptive effects, but it was so pure, as if it was really an appointment from heaven, shocking everyone's heart.

With the golden light falling from the sky, a golden crown appeared on the forehead of the small building. She slowly closed her eyes and opened her arms. The green light around her body turned into a green light. Released outside, gradually, the body of the small building turned. "I gave it in the name of the goddess of nature."

The green light, wrapped around the plants, also fell on the animals that watched the ceremony. There is a layer of golden brilliance in the body of the animal, but the plants have changed to varying degrees. Magnificent fruit. Growing on those plants that have changed. The faint light and shadows are constantly flashing, and the direction in which the plants grow is actually going toward the body of the small building.

The sound of the old voice sounded again. "The power of nature is endless, and the brilliance of life will always be spread with the power of the goddess of nature. Give people real vitality."

The small building's delicate body slowly fell to the ground, looked up at the sky, her eyebrows, I do not know when there has been a diamond-shaped jade. It looks more beautiful.

The lens is pulled away in an instant. In the air, the purple, blue, red and blue colors condense. A huge and illusory black and silver figure appears in the empty space. The light condenses and the four colors shine in a diamond-like shape. In the middle of the sky, outline four characters, "Kirin Group."

The green atmosphere, from the forest straight into the sky, set off the four huge fonts. The fruits that were growing before were vacated by the green leaves. The old voice reveals a feeling of approval, "the heaven and the earth give, the fruit is born."

Boom--as if everything has disappeared, and everything seems to be scattered, the impact of the visual, everything has returned to normal, the last scene of the commercial is to think of the small building's delicate body in the green light I vacated and flew in the air. And those crystal fruits are revolving around her delicate body.

It’s over, the commercials are over, and the video and earthquake are not only the reporters present, but also Qi Yue. He clearly saw it. The virtual shadow in the air is the form of ink unicorn! Although the light and shadow is very light and can't be seen clearly, but who is the energy fluctuation, in addition to his four clouds and unicorns, who else?

"Moongate sister, this idea is made by Snow Maiden." Qi Yue asked some helplessly.

Yue Guan smiled and said: "Yes! Snow Jurchen is a genius, and only she can think of such a shocking effect. Let our group products be as natural as the goddess of nature, adding a bit of sacred color. The company's products are sold. Great. I have deliberately maintained a certain number of restrictions. Now there are some small countries that are not enough quotas, even in the auction situation."

Kirin Group is really a "Kirin" group! Qi Yue has some helplessness, but he also has to admit that the effect of this commercial film is very powerful. Especially the voice and voice of the small building are higher than before. Don't ask. This is the effect she brought back from the ancient behemoth period.

The entire Yanhuang Hall was quiet for three minutes, and the reporters were waking up from the previous shock. The press conference also officially began. Everyone has a stomach problem and wants to ask.

Yueguan looked at the look of humanity and smiled. He said: "Reporter friends, please be quiet first. So, I know that everyone has a lot of questions to ask. And there are many people in our group. Work, if you have any questions about the chairman, you can start now. After that, I will introduce you to the latest series of products."

"Oh..." Qi Yue’s body has obviously become stiff. He knows that Yueguan is obviously revengeing that he has never contributed to the company, but he has no way. The Yueguan has already said this, he only I can recognize it.

After a whole hour, almost all topics were centered around Qi Yue. When Qi Yue took the small building and left the Yanhuang Auditorium, he felt that he had developed a feeling of collapse, even more tired than a battle with Satan.

"It seems that your charm is much bigger than me." Looking at Qi Yue's wolverine look, the small building could not help but smile.

Indeed, at halfway through the press conference, the problem with the small building was less than one-third of the alignment.

Qi Yue smiled bitterly: "The last time, I will definitely not participate in this activity next time. God! The strength of these reporters is simply too strong."

The small building sneered and said: "Well, let's go. Otherwise, if the reporter finds that the chairman of the Tanglin Kirin Group has slipped away in the name of rest, I don't know how it will be difficult for you."

Qi Yue looked back at the Yanhuang Auditorium, the heart of the dark road, the month Guanjie, you can not blame me, I can't help it! If I don't leave, I am afraid I can't go. As he thought about it, he quickly took the small building and left the Yanhuang Auditorium. He sat back on her sports car and headed for the direction of the Dragon Field.

"Qi Yue. Where are we going?" asked the small building while driving.

Qi Yue took a moment and said: "Go home!"

The small building turned his head and glanced at him. He said, "You forgot what you promised me before?"

"Oh... I remembered it. I just forgot it." Qi Yue’s way.

"Where is that place? I really can't believe that there is a natural environment on Earth that can compare with the ancient behemoths.

Don't tell, I am Hawaii, it is impossible.

Qi Yue shook his head and smiled. "Of course not. Ok. I will take you to a trip. You don't worry about the province. However, you can only go and see now. After you have completely built it, you In order to move in. You must keep it secret, and it will be the biggest secret of the group in the future."

The little downstairs nodded consciously. Under the guidance of Qi Yue, she drove the car to the Dragon Field Hospital and stopped.

When I got out of the car, the little building wondered: "You won't tell me, the place you said is nearby."

Qi Yue shook his head. Road: "No, of course not. When you get there, you will know. Little girl, don't be too surprised if you see something later."

The small building bit his lip and said: "My heart is very good, let alone, you have let me see too many things that are not ordinary people."

"Okay. Then let's go now." Waiting for the small building to open again, the invisible energy has wrapped her delicate body, and in the small building, the body of the two instantly vacated. In the blink of an eye has come to the air.

The eyes of the small building are full of horror, just in the middle of the dragon field, but in the blink of an eye, only the clouds at the foot. This, what is going on? Is it an illusion?

"It's not an illusion. Now we are flying. That place is still a bit far away. It doesn't matter if you want to fly in the past."

The small building was surprised to see Qi Yue around, Qi Yue seems to be nothing, so floating next to her body, a black coat under the white clouds against the feet is so eye-catching, silver long hair behind the back. She obviously can feel it. My body is flying forward at an unprecedented high speed, but I can't feel the cold airflow caused by any flight.

"Qi Yue, are you really human?" It was hard for the small building to calm down.

Qi Yue glanced at her and said, "What? You think that I am not like humans?"

The small building despised him: "It's not like everywhere. Can humans fly? Can humans pass through the ancient behemoths?"

Qi Yue smiled lightly and said: "Some things. You still don't know how good. Know too much, but it will bring you a lot of troubles." The blue wind. Suddenly, the clouds under the feet ran at a speed ten times faster than the previous one. A feeling of embarrassment makes the small building unable to speak. After all, this is really amazing.

The flight time was not long. After about half an hour, Qi Yue had already taken the body of the small building through the clouds and gradually fell towards the bottom.

Pointing at a small black spot in the sea under the feet, Qi Yuedao: "Is there there? It is our destination."

The small building is very clever, turning to look at Qi Yuedao: "Is that a small island?"

Qi Yue nodded and said: "You also know that the Kirin Group's product source is the ancient behemoth period. As the group continues to develop, although we control the number of product sales, it is still increasing. It is feasible to bring back fruit in the ancient behemoth period. But it is risky after all. Who knows what will happen in the process of crossing? Besides, I just told you that I did not want to destroy that era. Earth balance. So, we should try to be as little as possible in the future. The island below is one of our yellow sand islands. It has nothing but an ordinary island. We spent some money to make this small The island has been rented. In the future, it will be the production base of the Kirin Group. At the same time, it is also a good place for our own people to spend their holidays and leisure. The entire island is about a dozen square kilometers. I have set aside one-third. For the holiday, the rest will grow the fruit we sell. How do you see it?"

Buy a small island? No, it is rent. With the financial strength of the Kirin Group, it can indeed be done. I saw Qi Yue, a small hall: "But, the fruit brought from the ancient behemoth period can really be planted on this island? You should know how much the difference between the environment of our time and the ancient behemoth period. ""

Qi Yue behind his hands, while carrying a small building to the direction of the island, said: "Others may not, but I can."

The small building was slightly shocked, and she suddenly felt strongly that every word that the man said was so credible. Even if what he said now is like a fantasy, it is impossible to achieve it from the common sense.

In fact, this small island was proposed to the country when Qi Yue went to see General Ji Changming. After all, the Kirin Group has grown to the size of the present, and the group needs a base. The inland shackles are not like Qi Yue and the zodiac warriors. After the discussion, they chose this place.

Soon, Qi Yue has come to the top of the island with a small building. Looking at it, most of the island is covered with rocks, perhaps because it has never been developed, the sea around the island is blue and looks very transparent and pure. Suddenly brought a great impression to the small building. On the small island, there are not many plants, and it looks like a ridiculous sight.

Qi Yue pointed to the north side of the island, saying: "There will be a place for us to go on holiday, and we will build some simple villas or wooden houses like the ancient behemoths. And here, there is this. I will be the production base of the group in the future. I intend to integrate it again in a few days. Since you want to see the scene of the ancient behemoth, let us develop it now. When I was developing, I would like to see you again."

The small building was staring at Qi Yue. Until now, she did not understand what Qi Yue was going to do. However, her sorrow did not last long, and Qi Yue moved.

The small building still floats there, and Qi Yue himself has dropped another 20 meters. The blue light rose, Qi Yue slowly closed his eyes, huge wind, formed a tornado, floating on the small island below.