MTL - The Two-Faced Side Character Fantasizes that I Love Him Everyday-Chapter 245 Achilles heel

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   Chapter 245 Death Point

   With an innocent expression on his face, as if he was inadvertently saying something to stab someone's heart, the boy seems to have an extraordinary talent in this matter.

   Will Miss Butterfly regret it?

   She didn't even leave her body, the answer was already obvious.

  The girl in green who was sitting on the boat that night did not speak for a long time until the boat came to the shore, she suddenly looked at the night and said, "If he loses control, you must kill him."

   The "he" she referred to was Xuanqing.

  Shen Wu finished listening to the ins and outs of the matter. To be honest, his current mood cannot be described in words. For so many years, he has only regarded Xuan Qing as an elder in his division and never put him in the role of a father.

   Indeed, that person never got along with him as a father.

   If you want to ask Shen Wu how he feels about Xuanqing, saying that there is a kind of affection between father and son, this sentence must be false. Since he has never cultivated affection between father and son, where does this kind of affection come from?

  Shen Wu suddenly asked: "Now that you know his relationship with you, what will you do if he continues to hurt people's lives?"

  Shen Wu clenched the sword in his hand, "Do the way for the sky."

   "Then now, here's your chance."

  Shen Wu looked forward, where before he knew it, a man in white with a face mask was already standing there.

   Xuanqing deserves to be Xuanqing, even if he was slowed down, he was still one step ahead of them.

   He took off the mask on his face, and finally revealed his face that he had not seen for many years.

   The white-haired man's face is picturesque, so perfect that one can't pick out any flaws at all, but as long as they see his face, everyone can't help but feel that he has something to do with Shen Wu in their hearts.

   Just because his and Shen Wu's faces are so similar.

   But he was smiling, his smile was very gentle, like a good-natured elder, without danger, even in his peaceful aura, there was no killing intent.

   But he is a dangerous lunatic.

   Rather than saying that Shen Wu is similar to him, it is better to say that Shen Wu, who was brought up by him, is more similar to him.

In Shen Wu's long life, he could only see Xuan Qing and the green-robed girl "two people", so he only imitated these "two people". Shen Wu's strange temperament was formed in this strange growth environment.

   Xuanqing threw the mask in his hand, he smiled slowly, "My long-cherished wish for many years is finally coming true, Shen Wu, don't you want to see your mother?"

   He was looking at the young man in white clothes and holding a long knife saying these words. For a while, it was unclear whether what he just said was "Shen Wu" or "Shen Wu".

   This just means that he is more insane. To this day, he still remembers the names of these two teenagers, which is considered very good.

  Shen Wu said: "She is already dead."

   Xuanqing then looked at Shen Wu. He reacted for a while before realizing that this was his child, but he smiled without embarrassment, "It doesn't matter, I can bring her back to the world."

   "People cannot be resurrected from the dead, you should recognize the reality."

   It seemed that he heard a joke, Xuan Qing raised his hand and realized his face, and laughed out loud.

  If he could recognize the reality, he would not become the person he is now, and he would not subconsciously create another girl in green to comfort himself.

   Shen Wu's mood was light, "I used to control this lunatic, now it's your turn."

  Shen Wu frowned.

   Shen Wu lowered his voice and said something to Shen Wu.

   Xuanqing tilted his head slightly.

Suddenly, without warning, Shen Wu suddenly raised his sword and came, but no matter how fast Shen Wu's movements were, Xuan Qing's reaction was faster, as soon as he raised his hand, Shen Wu's sword seemed to collide with one another. Under the transparent air hood, it can no longer fall.

   At the same time, Shen Mist also moved.

The    black long knife fell heavily, splitting the air hood several cracks.

   The sword in Shen Wu's hand became stronger and stronger, and the air hood shattered.

Xuanqing was still calm, and he easily took the long sword that Shen Wu was attacking in a seductive manner, but in a flash, he realized that something was wrong. When the long sword was about to pierce his Qihai cave, his figure disappeared, and in an instant Appeared three steps away.

   Xuanqing suddenly remembered something, he looked at Shen Wu, "So you attacked me that day."

It was the day when Dengxian Mansion was invaded by the demons. Shen Wu went to Changmeng Peak alone. As Shen Wu, he successfully approached Xuanqing. At the cost of his serious injury, he left behind at Xuanqing's Qihai Cave. A knife gas.

   Now this has become Xuan Qing's weakness and his Achilles heel.

   Shen Wu just said this to Shen Wu.

   How powerful is Xuanqing?

  It is a miracle that he can do this alone.

   Now, Shen Wu put away the knife and smiled evilly at Shen Wu, "You can solve your housework by yourself, Ran Ran is still waiting for me."

   As for making it possible for Shen Wu to kill his father and stage a drama of family ethics and ethics, Shen Wu did not feel the slightest guilt for Shen Wu.

  Xuanqing took a step forward, and was stopped by the remaining teenagers in an instant.

  Shen Wu figured in front of him, motionless like a mountain, his brows froze, and he said with consciousness: "I won't let you go one step further."

   His killing intent was so strong.

   Xuanqing laughed softly, "You and Chaochao really look alike."

   They are all equally ruthless people.

Wen Ran was still squatting in the corner of the stone room. It took a lot of effort to dig a small hole in the ground. Occasionally, she could hear movement from outside, and she guessed that someone was looking for her. Yes, but she can't get out of here.

   The fire of war outside seems to be unable to burn her here.

  Wen Ran couldn't help but wonder if the girl in green kept her here to protect her?

   "Ran Ran?"

   A familiar voice came from outside Shimen.

  Wen Ran hurried over, "Shen Jiaojiao!"

  Shen Wu said outside: "Ran Ran back up a little, now let me know."

  Wen Ran hurriedly took a few steps back and moved away from the door, "Okay!"

  In an instant, the stone gate collapsed.

  When the dust filled the air, the figure of the boy ran over.

  Wen Ran immediately jumped in his direction and was picked up by him. She hung on him like a little raccoon.

   His dark eyes stared at her tightly, "Ran Ran, are you okay?"

   "I should ask you this!" Wen Ran touched his face and then touched his body, "Are you injured anywhere?"

  If she is injured, it will only affect him, but if he is injured and doesn't say anything, she will not know at all.

   (end of this chapter)