MTL - The Venerable Swordsman-Chapter 2965 : He is weak!

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Seeing the person coming, Ye Xuan was stunned!

big brother?

How did this big brother come?

Soon, he looked at the man in black armor, who was the one who was shouting invincible!

Ha ha!

Ye Xuan laughed directly!

Seeing Ye Xuan laughing loudly, everyone in the field frowned!

What happened to this young man?

Boundless Lord glanced at the cloud-white sword repairer, frowning slightly.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in front of Jian Xiu, he smiled and said, "Brother, long time no see!"

Jian Xiu smiled slightly, "Long time no see!"

After speaking, he glanced at Ye Xuan, then nodded, "Your strength is a little stronger than before!"

a little bit!

Ye Xuan's face is full of black lines!

Jianxiu suddenly glanced around and said, "Are you fighting?"

Ye Xuan nodded quickly, "Yes!"

As he said that, he pointed to the man in black armor in the distance, "Brother, it is this person who is invincible!"

Jianxiu looked at the man in the black armor, and at this moment, the man was also staring at him!

Jianxiu glanced at the man, then shook his head slightly, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, "It's still weaker!"

Everyone: "..."


The man in black armor was suddenly furious. He jumped into the air, spread his right hand, and the next moment, his right hand slammed down to the next palm, "Destroy!"


In an instant, countless time and space were directly lifted up by him at this moment, and then swept down from the sky!


Endless time and space rolled down layer by layer, and the powerful coercion instantly swept the entire heavens and the world!

Below, everyone only felt that the sky was falling. The powerful pressure directly suffocated countless people, and many people were pale as paper. In the face of this pressure, they could not raise the slightest idea of ​​resistance!

Absolute power!

Absolute crushing!

The Boundless Lord's face also became extremely solemn at this moment!

He found that the strength of these gods is much stronger than him!

At this moment, Jianxiu suddenly took a step forward, and the next moment, the sword in his hand shot up into the sky!


A sword cry suddenly resounded!

In the eyes of everyone, that sword is like a ray of sunlight rushing into the endless dark abyss, and wherever it passes, it is like a broken bamboo!


As a tearing sound resounded, the endless time and space were divided into two at this moment, and then, the sword pierced straight into the eyebrows of the man in black armor.


Endless time and space shattered at this moment!

The man's eyes were wide open, and he stayed where he was in disbelief.

And behind him, the countless gods are also stunned at this moment!


Just lost?

A sword?

Jianxiu stared at the man and shook his head slightly, "With all due respect, you are... weaker than I thought!"

Everyone: "..."

Jianxiu said again: "You, let me down!"

Everyone: "..."

The man who had ever suffered such a humiliation and humiliation immediately roared, "Jian Xiu, I can't kill you!"

Jian Xiu frowned slightly, "Are you sure?"

The man stared at Jianxiu, "Please kill!"

Please kill!

Jian Xiu suddenly raised his right hand and pressed it lightly!


Between the man's eyebrows, the sword suddenly trembled violently. The next moment, the man's pupils suddenly shrank. In his eyes, something seemed to be passing quickly. In the blink of an eye, his entire body and soul turned into a wisp of blue. The smoke is slowly drifting away!

"Do not!"

At the moment when the man completely disappeared, he roared in horror, "You... cut my body... FUCK..."

The man disappeared completely before he finished speaking!

Cut the body through the clone!

Seeing this scene, the gods in the field were directly frightened and their faces were pale, and the red-robed gods headed were also pale!

Ye Xuan was able to kill the gods because the sword was special, and it was only a clone of this world!

However, the sword cultivator in front of him is different, this sword cultivator directly chopped them off!


All the living beings are numb at this moment!

Everyone here at Ye Xuan was stunned!

With just such a sword, he beheaded a super **** powerhouse?

Where is this sword repair sacred?

The Boundless Lord took a deep look at Ye Xuan, and cursed in his heart, Damn, this **** supporter is not a supporter!

This is because Ni Ma has many backers!

The patriarch of the **** clan below is also looking at it in cold sweat at the moment!


In the very beginning, the God Race actually dared to provoke this backing king... How dare you!

Right at this moment, Jian Xiu suddenly looked at the divine tree of Absolute Beginning below!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan was stunned.

Does this big brother want to beat this Absolute Beginning Divine Tree?

At this moment, Jianxiu suddenly said: "In this tree, there is a stronger one than the one just now!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan was stunned.

Wasn't that the sinner just now?

At this point, Ye Xuan looked at the divine tree in the beginning, "King of sin, don't hide! Come out quickly!"

At this time, the Divine Tree of Absolute Beginning suddenly trembled slightly, and then, it actively opened and lifted all the seals.

Everyone: "..."

Ye Xuan glanced at the Absolute Beginning Divine Tree, this tree is also quite a chicken thief!

Under the gazes of everyone, a middle-aged man slowly walked out of the Absolute Beginning Divine Tree. The middle-aged man was wearing a robe with long hair and a shawl. His eyes were pitch black without any color!

Sin King!

The moment the middle-aged man walked out, the gods in the field immediately knelt down on one knee and said in unison, "I have seen the sin king!"

Sin King!

Ye Xuan looked at the sinful king below. This sinful king was different from the man in black armor just now. The other party had no breath, just like an ordinary person!

After the sin king came out, his eyes fell directly on Jianxiu, he stared at Jianxiu, "Why have I never heard of you?"

Jianxiu thought for a while, then said, "'re pretty weak too!"

Everyone: "..."

Hearing this, those gods were instantly furious, and they were about to attack, but they were stopped by the sin king.

The King of Sin stared at Jianxiu and chuckled: "Jianxiu, I have been suppressed for tens of millions of years, and my strength is not at its peak. If you make a move now, even if you win, you won't be able to win!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Hey, the sinner, if you are afraid! Just say it straight, don't do this kind of retreat!"

The King of Sin looked at Ye Xuan, "Don't talk to me, let's discuss it? Don't worry, it's absolutely fair, I will never bully the less!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Come on!"

With that said, he walked towards the sin king!

At this time, Boundless Lord suddenly said: "Ye Shao..."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Everyone named me! How can I be coward?"

As he said that, he took a step forward and spread his palms. In an instant, all the zero-dimensional space and time in the field were directly folded by him, and at the same time, endless sword intents suddenly poured out of his body.


The powerful breath instantly swept the world!

Seeing this scene, everyone's expressions were moved!

Boundless Lord was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Ye Xuan's strength to become so strong!

Ye Xuan looked at the sin king and grinned, "Come on!"

The voice fell, and he suddenly turned into a sword light and disappeared in place.


The moment he rushed out, all the sword intents around him turned blood red!

The power of blood!

This sword, do your best!

In the distance, the king of sin narrowed his eyes, and he suddenly punched out!

Just a simple punch, no bells and whistles!


This punch forced Ye Xuan's sword to stop abruptly, and the time and space around the two turned into nothingness in an instant, and when the two entered Wujie, Wujie's time and space were also shattered and annihilated in an instant.

At this moment, Ye Xuan's eyes flashed a ferocious look, and he raised the Qingxuan sword in both hands and slashed forward again!


A **** sword light swept down!

The sin king narrowed his eyes slightly, and punched out again!


Countless sword lights shattered, but the next moment, these sword lights condensed again!

Human Sword Intent!

At this time, the sin king once again punched out!


In an instant, everything in the field began to die quickly!

The power of a punch directly knocked Ye Xuan back hundreds of thousands of feet, and when he stopped, his palm suddenly spread out, and the Qingxuan sword was suspended. The next moment, the endless human swords gathered in the Qingxuan sword. Disappear in place!

The sin king narrowed his eyes slightly, took a step forward, and punched again!


With a burst of sword light, the sin king was directly slashed back by a sword, and as soon as he stopped, countless swords in the world swept up!

Soon, a strange scene appeared in the field!

There are more and more swords in the world... At the beginning, there were only a million swords, but at this moment, there are nearly ten million swords in the world, and they are still increasing!

The most terrifying thing is that even the power of the sin king can't destroy these human swords!

Seeing this scene, the Boundless Lord's face suddenly became solemn!

He knew that Ye Xuan's swordsmanship in the world was about to become a reality!

The power of this faith is getting more and more terrifying!


At this moment, in the endless dark time and space in the distance, Ye Xuan's voice suddenly resounded, and then, tens of millions of human swords were slashed down. Wang drowned.


For a time, in the entire endless dark time and space, one after another sword cries continued to resound!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field saw some scalp tingling!

These human swords are really terrifying!


At this time, a powerful force suddenly rushed out from that piece of sword light, and then, an afterimage rushed to disperse those swords in the world, and then slammed into Ye Xuan!

At this moment, all human swords suddenly turned into a sword light and converged in Ye Xuan's Qingxuan sword, and Ye Xuan stabbed out!



A sword light erupted, and Ye Xuan and the Sin King retreated hundreds of thousands of feet at the same time!

When the two stopped, everyone looked at the sin king. At this moment, the sin king's right arm was completely cracked, which was caused by Ye Xuan's last sword just now.

got hurt!

In the field, the expressions of those gods suddenly became extremely solemn!

The King of Sin looked up at Ye Xuan in the distance, "I underestimate you!"

Ye Xuan chuckled lightly, then turned to look at Jianxiu who was beside him, "Brother, how about my sword just now?"

Big brother doesn't speak.

Seeing that Big Brother didn't speak, Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, "Big Brother, comment!"

The elder brother thought for a while, then pointed at the sin king, "He is weak!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

Sin King: "..."
