MTL - The Venerable Swordsman-Chapter 2964 : Invincible I am back!

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Hearing the words of Boundless Lord, Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled!

Boundless Lord seems to be a bit undead now!

However, he was still a little shocked!

After this guy came out, he was so fierce!

It can be seen that this guy has not been a little mixed before, otherwise, with this guy's talent, his strength must be far more than that!

Taking back his thoughts, Ye Xuan looked at the South Hall Master, who looked alert!

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Master South, this False God is about to die! What are you thinking about now?"

The South Palace Lord glanced at the Boundless Lord, and then said: "Young Master Ye, he killed it, not you, I just want to see your strength!"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "Isn't calling someone a kind of strength?"

Hearing this, Boundless Lord's expression froze.

Oh shit!

This is **** up!

Is calling someone a kind of strength?

Strictly speaking, it seems so!

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, the South Hall Master was silent!

She can't refute it either!

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Master South, give me an answer! Don't worry, I'm a reasonable person. Even if you don't want to follow me, I won't kill you, really!"

Everyone: "..."

After a moment of silence, the South Hall Master said, "Young Master Ye, I am willing to follow you!"

She knew that if she dared to shake her head today, her head would move immediately!

Ye Xuan smiled, then looked at the North Hall Master, "North Hall Master, how about you?"

Hearing this, the face of the North Hall Master suddenly changed!

He could see Ye Xuan's intention!

This guy is going to take over the False True Temple directly!

Oh shit!

Good way!

Just now, he and Ye Xuan were in the same group, and the South Palace Master was an outsider, but now, if he does not agree, he will be an outsider instead!

Great ambition!

At this time, Ye Xuan said with a smile: "Beijing Hall Master, don't worry, I'm not very interested in the Void Real Temple, I want to take charge of the Void Real Temple, just for one thing, that is, I hope to unite the entire Void Real Temple to fight against the gods, that's all That's it!"

After a moment of silence, the North Palace Master shook his head and smiled, "I don't seem to have any other choice!"

Ye Xuan glanced at the cemeteries in the field, and then said: "Two palace masters, how many people are sleeping in these cemeteries here?"

The North Palace Master said solemnly, "A lot!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Everyone who is sleeping, wake up."

He knows that these people in the virtual world alone cannot fight against the entire gods!

This is only possible with the addition of these powerhouses of the older generation!

The North Palace Master said solemnly: "Wake up all the sleeping ancestors..."

Ye Xuan looked at the North Hall Master, "What?"

The North Palace Master smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid of an accident!"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, he glanced at the cemeteries, and after a moment of silence, he said softly: "After waking them up, see if they are willing to continue to fight the gods with me, if not, let them go! After all, they Already fought for the world once...I have no reason for them to fight again!"

The North Palace Master glanced at Ye Xuan, then nodded, "Okay!"

The South Hall Master also glanced at Ye Xuan, and then said: "Break the seal left by the Master of the Dao Pen here, and they will wake up!"

Ye Xuan's eyes slowly closed, and soon, he felt a powerful seal!

Ye Xuan raised his head, his palms spread out, and the Qingxuan sword broke through the air!


In the sky, a mysterious force suddenly shattered!

Seal lifted!

The earth began to tremble, and countless powerful breaths poured out from those cemeteries. Of course, more cemeteries did not move at all!

Ye Xuan suddenly looked at Lord Boundless, "Boundless, why do you have to stay and help me this time!"

After a moment of silence, Boundless Lord said: "Actually, I don't really want to stay and help! guys can do something for this universe and the universe below, I Boundless Lord can't be beaten by you. Compare it!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Thank you!"

At this moment, tens of thousands of people suddenly appeared in the field. These people's breaths are extremely powerful, and the weakest breaths are comparable to those blood-eyed gods.

And these virtual world powerhouses who have been sleeping for countless years, after resurrection, their eyes are a little dazed.

At this time, a man in a broken armor suddenly walked slowly to Ye Xuan and the others. He looked at Ye Xuan, "Did you wake us up?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Yes!"

Hearing this, all the powerhouses in the virtual world in the field all fell on Ye Xuan.

The man stared at Ye Xuan, "Did the gods break the seal?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

The man's eyes slowly closed, his right hand was tightly held, and he was silent.

In the field, the powerhouses in the virtual world were all silent.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "If you don't want to fight any more, you can go to the Guanxuan universe below. Here, I, Ye Xuan, will protect it!"

Hearing this, all the powerhouses in the virtual real world looked at each other and remained silent.

At this time, the man in the broken armor shook his head slightly, "The six **** emperors have already died in battle, and the **** generals have fallen by more than 80%. Now..."

"What are you afraid of!"

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly pointed to Lord Boundless, "We have a new God Emperor, God Emperor Boundless!"

Boundless God Emperor!

Hearing this, everyone looked at the Boundless Lord.

Boundless Lord's face suddenly turned dark, can you pretend not to bring me?

Ye Xuan said again: "With him there, those gods will never come back!"

The leading man glanced at Ye Xuan, then turned to look at everyone, "If you don't want to stay, you can leave by yourself!"

In the field, none of the powerhouses in the virtual world moved!

Back then, they fought to the last moment to protect this virtual world.


Where can they go?

Seeing that no one left, the man looked at Ye Xuan, and he slowly knelt down on one knee, "Meng Ke has seen the palace master!"

And behind him, a group of powerhouses in the False True Temple knelt down on one knee, "I have seen the temple master!"

Looking at the tens of thousands of virtual real powerhouses in front of him, Ye Xuan said solemnly: "You must think clearly! If you are willing to leave, I will not insist, because you have already sacrificed for this universe once."

Meng Ke smiled proudly, "So what if I die again? Those gods didn't treat the people in our false world as human beings at all. In their eyes, they are gods above and above, and all of us can be trampled and slaughtered at will! Since They're making a comeback now, so I'll kill them again later!"

"Kill again!"

Behind Meng Ke, the strong men suddenly roared in unison!


Ye Xuan was about to speak when the North Hall Master suddenly said solemnly, "Young Master Ye, I just got the news that those gods are heading to the Zero World!"

Zero world!

Hearing this, Ye Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, "They are going to save that sinner!"

Sin King!

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Meng Ke's face suddenly changed, "The sin king, one of the six **** kings?"

Ye Xuan looked at Meng Ke, "Do you know this sin king?"

Meng Ke said solemnly: "Among these gods, there are six **** kings, and this sin king is one of them. He once fought two **** emperors alone in the past, and his strength is extremely powerful!"

Ye Xuan immediately looked at the Boundless Lord, "The King of Sin will be handed over to you at that time!"

Boundless Lord's expression froze.

Ye Xuan said again: "Follow me to the Zero World!"

As he said that, he directly rose up with his sword and disappeared at the end of the sky.

The crowd followed quickly!

No matter what, the Absolute Beginning Divine Tree cannot fall into the hands of those gods, otherwise, it will be extremely unfavorable to them!

The role of that tree is too outrageous!


Primordial Protoss.

At this moment, in the sky above the Divine Tree of Absolute Beginning, there are as many as a million gods standing densely!

The leader was the man in the red robe, and behind him stood thirty-six twin-eyed gods!

On the opposite side of the red-robed man, there are tens of thousands of God Race powerhouses in the beginning!

The leader is the patriarch of the **** clan at the beginning of time!

At this moment, the patriarch of the God Clan in the beginning was extremely solemn!

He did not expect that so many gods would come!

Play Ni. Ma!

Are all the people in the Temple of Void Reality dead?

At this moment, the red-robed man suddenly said, "Kill!"

No nonsense!

Go straight to dry!

Hearing the words of the red-robed man, the thirty-odd twin-eyed gods beside him charged directly towards the divine tree of Absolute Beginning!

Seeing this scene, the face of the **** clan patriarch of the beginning suddenly sank, and at this moment, the **** tree of the beginning suddenly trembled violently, and the next moment, millions of golden lights burst out!


The thirty-six twin-eyed gods were directly slammed and retreated again and again!

Seeing this scene, the patriarch of the **** clan in the beginning suddenly breathed a sigh of relief!

And the red-robed god's face sank, and he suddenly spread his palms, "Haotian Divine Mirror!"


Suddenly, a golden mirror rose into the sky from the palm of his hand, and in the air, the mirror suddenly shot a ray of radiance that went straight to the divine tree in the beginning!

Aware of the crisis, the Absolute Beginning Divine Tree suddenly burst out with a dazzling golden light and slammed into that ray of light!


As soon as the two terrifying forces came into contact, the entire zero-degree world instantly turned into pitch black, and the shock waves of terrifying forces oscillated all around in an instant.

And at this moment, the Clear Sky Divine Mirror suddenly vibrated violently, and then, a slight crack appeared on it!

Seeing this scene, the red-robed deity looked extremely calm.

At this moment, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from the divine tree in the beginning, and then, a black light shot up into the sky from the divine tree in the beginning.


In an instant, the entire sky above the Absolute Beginning Sacred Tree was filled with black air, and powerful breaths spread out like a tide. Under these breaths, the breath of the Absolute Beginning Sacred Tree was directly suppressed!

At this time, Ye Xuan and others suddenly appeared in the field.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Ye Xuan's face suddenly sank!

It's too late!

Ye Xuan looked at the black light, the black light dissipated, and a man in black armor appeared in front of everyone. His hair was very long, reaching to his heels, and his pupils were red!

Red god!

Sin king?

Ye Xuan frowned!

Beside Ye Xuan, Boundless Lord glanced at the man, and his face gradually became solemn!

At this moment, the man in black armor suddenly burst into laughter, and the laughter oscillated toward the surrounding sky like thunder.

After laughing for a while, the armored man took a deep breath and roared, "The invincible Lao Tzu is back!"

The sound was like a thunder, suddenly resounding in this zero-degree world, and instantly penetrated countless time and space, and spread toward the depths of the universe!


At this moment, a sword cry suddenly came from nowhere. The next moment, the space and time suddenly split not far away, and then, a sword cultivator in a cloud-white robe walked out slowly!


Around nine o'clock, vertical and horizontal novels, new books are released, see you!

Happy 520!

If you don't have a girlfriend, hurry up!

I have several.

You don't have one, it's a bit unreasonable!