MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 133 Research Dad (Fan Wai Yi)

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For Mo Linqing, there are two accidents in his life.

One is that suddenly there is a little soft and soft-loving daughter in her life.

The other is that one day I heard my daughter shouting swearing at herself. It feels like it is - suddenly I saw the tooth print with saliva on the face of the group...

He found himself more personal in his body. Strictly speaking, he derived a second personality.

This personality is rebellious and overbearing. He has no heart and no heart. He wants to do things every day. Especially Mo Linqing finds him very dangerous. This is a personality without morality. He may at any time, for some reason, sneak out Things, for example - making a virus destroy the world.

Mo Linqing made a hypothesis. If there is no daughter of Mo Yinyin in life, can he never find a deputy personality?

The uncontrollable personality of the deputy personality does not have a person or thing that loves to fall in love in this world. Will it be willing to create chaos, or even destroy everything?

Mo Linqing later learned some of the confessions that Lin and Li Jiaxing said. They said that they were people who passed through and were born again. They vowed to say that "he" is the big villain who will destroy the world in the future, and tormented people.

With the promotion of z-agents, the nationwide and even the world's terminally ill people have been redeemed. Mo Linqing has been elected as the father of raw medicine, and is adored by countless people who have acquired new life.

Over time, half a year, one year, two years, patients who inject drugs are alive and kicking, the body is better than before they were sick, and some dark diseases have also been cured, fully confirming the powerful efficacy of the z-agent.

At this time, no one will believe what Lin and Li Jiaxing said in the past, only when they are sick and rushed to the doctor, for the so-called "salvation".

Mo Linqing received many honors. He won many international awards, and even the people who have been cured around the world, including many wealthy senior officials, gathered together to set up a foundation in the name of Mo Linqing and created A medical award.

This international-level folk medicine award is widely recognized, and researchers in the field of raw medicine are proud of this award, and can even be said to be the supreme award in the pharmaceutical industry.

At this time, Mo Linqing is already an academician. He is a representative figure in the Chinese medical field and one of the top ten most influential figures in the world in the past decade.

People respect him, fear him, admire him, no one will doubt his words and deeds.

Only Mo Lin is clear, if there is no such thing as a sticky person, if he does not find his other personality.

As Lin and Li Jiaxing said, it is very likely to happen.

This is the result of Mo Linqing's innumerable inferences.

In his spare time, Mo Linqing had consulted a psychologist, consulted related issues, and also studied psychology himself. He also testified that both the expert and himself told him that he wanted to cure the dual personality, only two people. The lattice is merged into one, and the sub-personality is incorporated into his consciousness. The second is one, and the second consciousness is the real cure.

There is a strict difference between dual personality and schizophrenia. The schizophrenia is that consciousness cannot remain awake and somewhat chaotic. However, Mo Linqing is the two independent consciousnesses that exist in the brain. Like a normal person, he is conscious, able to think independently, and even better than the average person.

Mo Linqing has been to friends who have studied psychology twice. When hypnosis is in the instant, the voice of the group is shouting, and the voice of the good father and dad always appears in the ear.

She said: "Hey, I haven't seen gangrene for a long time, do you want him? Anyway, the sound is thought."

"Hey, gangsters took me to the square today, and I bought a pig kite, which is especially fun!"

"Hey, gangsters kiss me, so what about you?"

"Oh, if you don't take the initiative, the sound will be eccentric!"


Of course, hypnotism could not be carried out. After Mo Linqing gave up the fusion of his deputy personality, his life was very "exciting."

It is called a chicken flying dog.


After Mo Linqing became an academician, there were not many projects that he needed to lead the team. He has almost achieved the ultimate in this field and entered the state of pensioners in advance.

The annual Children's Day is a day of flying chickens and dogs.

This festival has nothing to do with the academician Mo, but his daughter, who just went to kindergarten in this year, is a child.

The group was so happy that her six-year-old birthday had collided with the Children's Day.

Early in the morning, my grandfather, my cousin, and the fruit buddies called the group and sent the driver to send a gift.

A gift full of cars, the scorpion sat in the pile of gifts, holding a fat smile and a smile of satisfaction, sighed: "Hey, I am not rich now?"

"It's no wonder that the girls in our class said when they made a wish that she hoped to have a gift every day. Before the sound, she felt that she was too greedy. Now the sound is very good."

The group looked at Dad’s eyes, "because, because the sound also appreciates the happiness of collecting gifts, so..."

Mo Linqing looked down at her daughter. The squad sat cross-legged on the carpet, surrounded by gifts, dolls, dolls, snacks, and beautiful little skirts.

She held a gift in her arms and hugged her in her arms. She was embarrassed with a small head and her cheeks were red. "So, when I was eating a cake this birthday, can I make a wish to receive a gift every year?" ""

“Why not every day?” Mo Linqing asked.

"Because, the story says that it is too greedy, and the sound should leave some blessings to Dad!"

"Dad is so good..."

The squad is like a slap in the face, holding a gift one by one, and counting very happy.

The six-year-old squad is still innocent, even if there is nothing missing, but a beautiful little skirt is enough for her to be happy, can say that tomorrow can not finish.

Mo Linqing counted with her, he thought, even if he was eight, eighteen, eighty, he was still his innocent girl.

The bad dad always loves to bully the squad, and his six-year-old birthday banquet suddenly appears, and he is messed up by him.

Grab the cakes and eat them, and hide the baby-like gifts that the dumplings received, leaving only an ugly handmade doll that they sent.

The dumplings were blown up.

The gangrene disappeared and disappeared. The corps knew that they could not vent their anger. In the face of good deeds, the corps could not say what you said.

Put the still sleek little body back and take the head to the father.

Even if it is not a person, it is also a father, and she should always bear her anger.

On the second day after the birthday party, the deputy personality came out again. The group was now fine, and Dad said that he would eat the well-sold chicken cake on East Street, saying that as long as Dad bought her back, the transliteration would not be angry. It is.

Mo Linqing made a snap, isn't that simple?

Pick up the car key and go out.

He also wears a special mask. The fans who are the protagonists are really annoying. When they go, they must watch, take pictures and sign.

This foolish people!

In the big living room, the dumplings and the big dog were sitting on the ground, and the group picked up the phone book and called one phone after another.

First... call my grandfather.

Mo Guosheng received a good phone call from his granddaughter in the morning, and it was almost a second. The voice of his granddaughter was soft.

"Grandpa, Dad bullies me."

Mo Guosheng raised his eyebrows.

"Dad, he grabbed my gift, ate my cake, and broke one of my little bear dolls."

Mo Guosheng snorted, "Wait, Grandpa will avenge you! This rabbit scorpion!"

The group hangs up the phone and snickers in her mouth. She is not idle, and immediately presses the phone again.

"Hey? Grandpa is also?"

"Nothing, that is, the gift you sent yesterday was stolen by the gangster..."

Mrs. Su, the old man, Mrs. Su: "!!!!!"

"Hey? Hey, he bullied me..."

"Oh, what are you doing?"

"The sound is not worn in a pretty little skirt. Can you give me one?"

"The little skirt that was sent yesterday? Hey, he was taken away by the cockroach..."


"Wang Wangwang." The little master, such as the black back, screamed twice after the phone was hung, and the tail fluttered cheerfully, as if calling the little master.

The system is stunned, and the younger the little cub is getting worse. She is now a cub who knows how to use her resources to avenge herself. ”

The system cleaned the root candle for Mo Lin.

Why not be the deputy personality of Mo Linqing? because……

However, it was a multi-row team for half an hour. When Mo Linqing returned home, he felt a little wrong.

There are several familiar cars in the garage downstairs.

When he went upstairs, he had to open the door with the key and found that the door opened himself.

His awkward squatting is staring at him, rubbing his head and waiting for the look of a sultry person.

Look again, hehe, it’s full of people inside, and yesterday’s birthday party has not come so well.

The grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather’s three little cousins ​​came to the whole family.

And their old man.

Everyone sat in the living room, saw him coming over, turned his head and stared at him.

Master Mo knocked on the cane and took the lead. "Are you bullying the sound again?"

"How do you be embarrassed? For so many years, the academicians have become unreliable things?"

"Hand over the sound of clothes and toys!"

"How ugly are the toys you make yourself? Are you in your heart?"

"Doing something so unreliable..."

When Mo Lin was awake, he was being beaten by the blood of his dog. The elders around the group were staring at him, as if they were inconsistent.

The squad was guarded by her three little cousins, and a bunch of presents were placed around.

Mo Linqing: "..."

There are still many such days, and they are still growing in the future.


[The following is irrelevant to the main text, it is to wear back to the end of the original world]

This is the third year after the end of the world...

Mo Linqing is alone, although there is always a group of followers behind him.

The stupid master finally found his existence after the outbreak of the z virus.

Mo Linqing was prepared for this. He swallowed his master's character one step at a time. Since then, this body is his own.

In the past three years, the world has become a mess. People who have been infected with the virus have come up with a small amount of it. The body's genes have mutated and produced powerful abilities. They are called abilities.

The other part is not infected with the virus, but it has no ability to mutate. It is still exactly the same as the last day. It is an ordinary person.

Half of humans, mutated into monsters, became another new species, losing their sanity and ugly appearance, and people called them zombies.

It’s been like a purgatory world, it’s been three years.

These three years are enough to make Mo Linqing tired.

He thought, it would be better to die in this light. He also did a good thing for these stupid humans. Was it saved?

Although Mo Linqing is the public enemy of the whole world, it is the most terrible existence in everyone's nightmare.

But most of the time, Mo Linqing walked on the street, no one would recognize him.

He likes to play a disguise game, likes to toss people, likes to see people being stupid and being covered in bones, just like teasing small animals.

Ordinary people who have been in the process of cleaning up and passing through are also equipped with extraordinary ability to lead the team out. Listening to their hardships and cursing his appearance, Mo Linqing feels happy.

But recently Mo Linqing did not want to disguise, this game has been enough for three years.

Mo Linqing let the dog leg send a notice in his name to tell people that he was destroying the base and wanted to find him, even though he came.

As soon as the news came out, the survivors of the major bases packed up their bags and teamed up to rush to the base of destruction.

The major bases launched a call to destroy the base in the name of Mo Linqing.

#杀那恶魔# Become the slogan of survivors.

In the past three years, because the world is in disorder, no one is going to work anymore, and no one is going to produce food. Most people don’t have enough supplies. It can be said that it is very poor, and it’s a barrenness to make a pack of instant noodles. Break your head and fight for it.

So all the way to the base of the destruction of the Molin Qing base camp, the survivors are looking for food while rushing.

I firmly believe that Mo Linqing must have been survivors of the base camp, and Mo Linqing is also in these teams.

He was tall and long, his face was long, he was dressed in black, and he wore a black trench coat. The slight cleanliness made him dressed very clean even in the last days, and his clothes were like new ones.

In the last days, the strong usually does not see how good you are, but how well you wear, your mental outlook, to judge whether you are strong.

After all, if such a person with a thin face and a dirty body is destined to struggle on the line of survival, only those who are clean and tidy and full of energy are recognized as strong.

Mo Linqing's appearance is obviously strong, even if he has not shot a few times, there are still a few small tails behind him along the way, consciously headed by him.

At this point, they are in the bottom warehouse of a supermarket.

This is a relatively fresh warehouse, has not suffered many times of looting, there is still something to eat inside.

Even if three years have passed, most of the things have passed the shelf life and are still good rations for the survivors.

Mo Linqing went into the lazy and was obviously not interested in what he was eating around. Others did not dare to ask, and the strong might not lack such a thing.

Killing a few zombies who came in, Mo Linqing walked in front of a dusty container.

He kicked his toes at random and suddenly heard the sound of a scream in the container.

Soft and soft, with a little bit of milk, the small squeaking sounds intermittently... like crying?

Others have also heard that although the couples are not very good, but they are good-powered, the ears are savvy, and this movement will not be heard. If you can’t hear it, you should let the zombies eat.

They are coming around.

Looking at Mo Linqing, the temptation asked: "Adult, have you heard it?"

"What is the sound?"

"How... feels like a cry of a child?"

"How long has this underground warehouse been in, how can a child hide inside?"

In the last days, there is a huge risk in any unknown, and everyone does not dare to act rashly and subconsciously look at the most powerful of them.

Mo Linqing narrowed his eyes with interest and approached.

"Adult, you are careful. I heard that some zombies with vocal abilities have now camouflaged human voices to attract prey."

The group did not dare to scream in the cabinet. She was so hungry and hungry. The system uncle didn’t know why she was thrown here. She was here for a day. The uncle of the system said that it was dangerous outside, and she was not allowed to open the door of the cabinet. She waited for her father to save.

The door outside the cabinet was closed, and the vent was on the other side of the wall. The dumplings did not smell Dad, but she was dying.

Hungry and tired.

Can't help but want to cry, she wants to smash.

The group thought about tears, and when she saw it, she had to eat ten big hoes! Also drink yogurt, strawberry flavor!

The author has something to say: There is also a chapter outside the Fan, waiting for me to add more!

The end of the day is purely addictive, has nothing to do with the text, can be seen as an independent world, do not like to see can skip the next chapter, and wait for the new world!

[Devils, stop your evil hands--the soul roar from **** by the author of the first codeword]

Netizen: Xiao Lihua Comments: Sorry everyone! I am dragging my feet for everyone! I only have twenty bottles, come big, there is no reason! You can, I tell you that if you owe money, every day, more than 500 words are right, I am the devil!

Netizen: Eno comment: Haha, I also come to contribute to the big rollover business.

User:38531685 Comments: Anyway, I am giving you the nutrient solution! It’s a little goblin!

Author reply: Fairy is you! I am the approval of this batch!

Netizen: Daily sound-absorbing 崽崽 comment: sit and wait a lot more to bald, 嘿嘿

Netizen: Angela's magic book comment: I can only get the nutrient solution, I can only send it to the big porridge to taste it. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Netizen: Remarks: After a long time of writing, I will see this story today, and I will see a big rollover event.

Author's reply: The car that has been turned over has not climbed up (forced laughter)

Netizen: Purple Ice Lotus: Comment: Can still sleep a lot, it seems that we are still not enough effort to reduce the amount of nutrients can not be satisfied. I am a big man, I should be calling some friends.

Author reply: You can accumulate a point!

Netizen: The last month of the comment: Sorry, I am not the one that is easy to satisfy before, two thousand words are not enough to fill my stomach goose goose goose [laughing tears

Author's reply: What made you swell to this? Is it a nutrient solution?

Netizen: Wei Yu Meng commented: Is it necessary to have a more than five big bangs, look forward to

Author's reply: It may be in late October or early November, and the rationale and the manuscript should be written. This book may have to be written until the end of next month.

User: karroy comment: Was it a big wake up? Come more out! Knocking bowls and other food

Author's reply: This knocking bowl can be really loud!

Netizen: Green blank comment: Hey, I want to know how much nutrient solution you have filled. If this is finished, you can continue to use it in the next article.

Author reply: No (smile)

Netizen: Xiaoying comment: Hahahahaha (??) Xiaoyun Yun, I gave you a pot of porridge called nutrient solution. When you wake up to eat (??), you don't have to dream, oh~( ≧▽≦)/~

Author reply: Oh, woman!

Netizen: Flower Magician Comments: Will this gambling contract continue? The nutrient solution that I have been licking for a long time is already ready to move (●\'?\'●)??

Author reply: Am I such a stupid person? It’s enough to turn over the car once, and want to smash it?

Netizen: Ten Li Changting Comments: You look at how much you love you, anyway, your nutrient solution is not drinking.

Just ask me what tree you like in your deposit box. I will help him grow one, three pillars every day, thank you for its sacrifice! !

Author reply: You play Kai!

Netizen: A reward comment: Great, good sympathy for you, but still want to see you bald, come and come, nutrient solution

The author replies: This hypocritical human!

Netizen: Yun Yan Yanyan comment: ah ~ ~ West Lake's water ~ my tears ~ ~ ha ha ha, greatly regret it, it is definitely the brain into the water ( ̄ ▽ ̄) o ╭╯ ☆ # ╰ ( ̄ _ ̄ ) Hey?

Netizen: Love Xiamu's fish comment: Dad is too cute to blow!

Netizen: Yinyou sent a week comment: Hahahaha, if I don’t want the nutrient solution, I want to participate, ah, during the military training, you are my source of happiness! hahahahahahahaha

[I have posted it here, I have a handache, I want to praise me on the wall, don’t be tempted to use it! 】Thanks to the little angel who gave me a bully ticket or irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast out [rocket gun]: one clear;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: warm 2; 璇, poikilotherm, bitter hahad, 30968734, dream dream, He An, 23287956, purple ice lotus: 沅沅 1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

345 bottles of corn; 141 bottles of leaves; always 90 bottles of books; no salt ld, smile? 80 bottles; 3906646270 bottles; 69 bottles of search; 67 bottles of burning frank; 62 bottles of weak water; frances? 55 bottles; Indifference, leaves, linxuan, 666, mints, crepe 50 bottles; biu sunny 46 bottles; yunqingyixi, 风 hyacinth, pomelo love, 3096873440 bottles;: Qingxu, home teacher's Xiaolongbao, yhl Yang Hualu, Nian Nian Nian, Eno, 3730499830 bottle; static 28 bottles; today 26 pills; shallow summer as summer 24 bottles; May sound, small pear flower, peony jade rabbit, Wen Yu, 喵喵喵, 阿辞, l?b warm, source home small basin friends 20 bottles; Huan Yu Liu Nian, 嘿嘿嘿 strength, 1999071319 bottles; harukaya, butterfly 蓝 blue, 咿 16 bottles; krisyeol 15 bottles; Mu Mumo, today also In the pursuit of the text, night away from the blasphemy, relying on the wind to listen to the wind, Acacia to whom, 29906009, floating clouds, ina, Qingqing?, Luo Luo, dumplings, A-review, Castle Peak, love in the rain cherry sr, Lin Xi, Yunxiao Yanyan, cat Mei Yi people, not Xiao Bai, pond fish thoughts, the real life, I am called the king to go to the mountains, Lin Biao, dark night fragrant, hundred miles, nine songs, Nai He 10 bottles; unfamiliar, light 8 bottles; 筠 dance, steamed buns 7 bottles; 琢 琢, 夕影, 350546296 bottles; 23287956, cocostar, peony, ghosts, tanyueyan12, 阑珊, 飘叶, 殇翎, 子非鱼, 婉婉, pouting cat, drunk, good 5 bottles; . . . 4 bottles; I am inflated with small mushrooms, lazy autumn, autumn, autumn and autumn, bamboo, deer, deer, Lulu, lotus, and shadow; 3 bottles of cola potato chips, smoke, 2 bottles; red beans, Yan children, Fat ninety-five, Qingzha, difficult to smash, Jingyue Liunian, love novels, Ajiu will be thin, Northern Qi Ji, 37547735, green qingzhi, green clouds, sister, a bottle of braised pork in the upper case;

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