MTL - The Villain Runs Wild-Chapter 5 Second generation ancestor x illegitimate child

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Lin Sui lay on the bed for a while, and sat up after the heat subsided.

Very good, if he changed his body in the cultivation world, it would be difficult to solve it without going to the bathroom.

He walked to the window sill, looked at the back of the young man squatting and digging in the garden, and said to himself, "He is so obedient, he should be rewarded."

The system is under traumatic stress after being destroyed, and the subconscious is that kind of thing, and the voice is weak: [That kind of thing is not allowed. 】

Lin Sui said in surprise: [Your thoughts are so dirty. 】

System:  …

Who the **** is dirty!

Lin Sui thought about the reward to be given in her mind, took out the pen and paper in front of the desk, and started to draw.

After ten minutes, he went out with the paper in his hand.

"I'm going home for a few days, and your work will continue."

In front of Lin Sui closed the car door, she instructed the servant, who nodded quickly and watched Lin Suiyuan go away.

Lin Sui first went to a shop specializing in silver jewelry, generously gave a sum of money as an expedited fee, and then returned to Lin's house.

The original owner is just a young master who has just grown up and has not taken over the family's business, so the sweetness he promised to the Yan family's boss must be discussed with the family.

It is said to be negotiable, but as long as it is notified.

The Lin family doted on the original owner to the extreme, otherwise they would not have cultivated such an arrogant personality.

, so their union is destined to give birth to a child that will be multiplied at birth.

Inheritance, and the original owner's sister was also brainwashed to dote on this younger brother.

Lin Sui From an outsider's point of view, this concept is actually traditional and deformed. Putting these aside, this identity is too easy to use, so Lin Sui promises benefits without blinking, because he Know that it can be achieved.

Lin Sui received all kinds of caring greetings as soon as she came home, and a large table was full of his favorite food.

The image of the original owner at home is more well-behaved and lovable, and her sweet mouth will please people. Lin Sui plays this image dutifully, saying hello to her parents and grandparents. Have fun.

So after he put forward the benefits he promised, Lin Dad didn't hesitate to show that he knew.

"What good things did they give you to nod?"

An An is the nickname of the original owner, and the family hopes that he is safe.

Lin Sui smiled and said: "Priceless treasure."

The Lin family said curiously, "Bring it home another day for us to take a look at?"

Lin Sui smiled and nodded, indicating that there is a chance.

The room that Lin's family prepared for Lin Sui was no smaller than the place where he lived. After washing up, Lin Sui was a little bored and looked at the phone on the bed, which showed the picture of the home.

Yan Qin was sitting on the table in the living room on the first floor and writing something, when Lin Sui saw the book next to him and found that he was doing his homework.

Yes, Yan Qin is already in the third year of high school, and he is about to take the college entrance examination.

The college entrance examination... Lin Sui's fingers rubbed the edge of the phone, and there was an unexplainable light in her eyes.

Watching Yan Qin's homework for a while, Lin Sui yawned, stepped out of the door with her slippers, and knocked on her sister Lin Min's door.

Lin Min just finished skin care, still holding a folder in his hand, looking at his brother with a confused expression.

"Sister, have a drink?"

It was rare that my brother took the initiative to meet, and Lin Min agreed immediately.

There is red wine on the small balcony, and the natural wind blows people very cool.

"Why did you suddenly ask me to drink?"

Lin Sui poured wine for her, and said obediently: "You are too busy after work, I haven't talked to you like that for a long time."

Lin Min graduated last year and joined a family business.

Lin Min was a little surprised: "You rarely want to talk to me more."

Lin Sui knew that this was not Lin Min's mocking. After all, the original owner's temperament felt that the entire Lin family would belong to him in the future, and he didn't care much about this sister who was going to marry sooner or later.

Lin Min suddenly felt that she was a little suspicious of talking to death just now, and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter, is there something on your mind?"

"Does my sister feel happy at work?"

Lin Sui clinked glasses with her and asked.

"I can't say I'm happy or not, I'm very busy and fulfilling every day, and the project I'm in charge of..."

Lin Min talked about her project with a vivid expression.

"And I still have new ideas, but the boss of the branch thinks it is better for me to play steadily. For them, I am a newcomer who has just worked for a long time. I told my father , he also thinks that it is best for me to be steady, so my new idea may have to be postponed."

Speaking of this, Lin Min felt a little pity, she shook her head and smiled, obviously it was her brother who came to talk to her, but she complained a lot, and Lin Sui couldn't listen to things like work Understand.

"I really support your idea, but there are still some ideal and immature places. For example, if you are doing real estate development here, have you considered the surrounding factories and water sources..."

Lin Sui extracted a factor from the rough idea she heard and discussed with Lin Min.

"You're right, I haven't considered the water source..."

Lin Min did not expect that Lin Sui could understand, so she excitedly opened the project idea in her mobile phone and discussed with Lin Sui.

The siblings talked for nearly an hour, Lin Min said that her mouth was dry, and after taking a few sips, she said happily: "A Sui, you are awesome , It seems that you have this talent at such a young age, and Dad doesn't have to worry about it in the future."

Lin Sui echoed: "With you here, Dad won't be worried."

Lin Min was stunned, not quite understanding what Lin Sui meant.

Lin Sui said with a sullen face: "I just want to be a second-generation ancestor who is a **** and waits to die. Sister, I will ask you more for the family's business."

Lin Min was a little flustered, and she was accustomed to being attacked by brainwashed thinking and her own ambitions, making her at a loss.

She said angrily: "What are you saying, Asui, be careful that Dad hears and beats you, you are the only boy in the family..."

Lin Sui interrupted her: "You are also father's child, you are also surnamed Lin, your child can also be surnamed Lin, sister, people make choices, not being chosen. As long as you have Ability, why not?"

Lin Min's mind became active, but she still joked: "Obviously, your talent and ability are better than mine."

"Everyone has their own aspirations," Lin Sui said lazily, he did not humble the words of compliment others said, and those passionate eyes looked at the person beside him and said slowly, "Sister, you have this Such an ambition, why not realize it?"

The system asked in confusion: [Why do you do this? 】

Lin Sui was tangled, but why did Lin Sui hand over power to others so happily?

Lin Sui did not answer it, and let this divine being be confused because it did not understand human nature.

Lin Sui likes power. In his original world, the capital was the power that he climbed up and made him stand on top of invincibility. ability, so he was eager to find a way to get rid of his physique and become stronger.

As for now, if his task is to stop the son of luck, he can go to the business world on the day he wears it, and there is still room for Yanqin to develop?

But his mission is not this, so why does he need to work so hard, just waiting to give Yan Qin a head in the future.

The system wanted him to hold the power and then bowed three times to the future Yan Qin and called him long live, and then handed over the power to others.

It's not that cheap.

Lin Sui has her own plan, but this plan will not be made public to the world, especially to prevent the system from understanding.

He looked at Lin Min, who was a little confused, and after taking the last sip from the cup, he turned his wrist and put the cup on the table.

"Sister, think about what I just said, the opportunity is yours, and I will always help you. If you have any undecided thoughts, you can come to me to discuss, and rest early."

Lin Min looked at the back of the boy leaving in a trance, but felt a little strange.

Is this person really her brother?

Lin Min couldn't help shaking her head, she might be too dizzy, that's not who her brother is.

Lin Sui stayed at Lin's house for four consecutive days before returning to her villa under the reluctant sight of her family.

The moment Yan Qin saw Lin Sui, his heart subconsciously tightened, and he lowered his head to him silently.

He went to the hospital to see his mother these few days. She was still in the same place and the treatment was still going on. He couldn't understand Lin Sui's thoughts, so he could only wait and see.

The first day Lin Sui left, he was not at peace.

He thought he would be treated as an exhibition to show his face at various gatherings and be humiliated, just like Yan Zhou did, but four days later, Lin Sui seemed to have forgotten him.

The illusion of the owner who lives here.

He couldn't help but find someone to ask him if he needed to do anything, the man answered him with sincerity and fear, and asked him if he needed to serve, causing him to be silent for a while.

He thought this might be Lin Sui's trap, so that he knew that being his dog was much better than being a man.

How ironic.


Lin Sui went upstairs and waved to Yan Qin.

"The gift I've been waiting for for days has finally arrived, let's see if it fits."

Lin Sui handed the gift box in front of Yan Qin and motioned him to open it.

Yan Qin untied the ribbon and looked at the thin chain lying quietly in the box.

This is undoubtedly a pair of accessories, with a necklace and a bracelet at each end, and a long silver chain interwoven in the middle.

A small pendant hangs from the bottom of the necklace, with the lettering side facing up.


"I drew it myself, and you seem to like it."

Yan Qin had no expression on his face, but Lin Sui said he liked it, so he did.

"I'll put it on for you."

The silver pendant was tucked into the neck, which brought a chill on the skin, and what made Yan Qin even colder was Lin Sui's finger, which slid across his neck , like a thin snow-white blade, as if the next moment will cut people's throats and trample people wantonly in the mud.

Lin Sui admired it for a while, and said with great satisfaction: "Not bad."

"Put it on for me too."

Lin Sui smiled and handed her wrist to Yan Qin.

The bracelets are intertwined, with a delicate silver plate engraved with the word 'Lin'.