MTL - The Whole Family Went Crazy Listening To My Thoughts, I Was Responsible For Feeding-Chapter 320 Southern countries are country bumpkins

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 The emperor took a deep breath.

 A pair of eyes that are so bright and burning.

The brocade box that I didn't care about just now is now tightly held in my hand.

He has attended numerous birthday banquets, including those of the Queen Mother and the late Emperor. Before he succeeded to the throne, he even attended the birthday banquet of the Duke of the State.

I’ve never seen anything like this before!

Who would give a longevity charm as a return gift?

 It’s as casual as attending a wedding banquet and giving everyone a box of wedding candies! She even just threw it on the table so casually that everyone got a copy!

The emperor and grandson of the Southern Kingdom just sent one, and he was still reluctant to part with it.

Does he know what a return gift is?

The emperor coughed lightly, suppressing his excitement and thinking, he will be the last one at the banquet later!

According to his past experience at banquets, no one usually wants the return gifts at the table!

 The emperor glanced around and felt that the courtiers were particularly quiet today.

 In the past, we used to take advantage of banquets to make friends with officials, but today...

 Everyone ate and drank seriously.

After a while, I heard Xiao Guogong shouting: "Come here, serve the wine." Then he saw the maid bringing a new wine jug and taking away the empty wine jug.

 After a while, I heard King Jingxi shouting with a red face: "Serve the wine."

 “Serve the wine…”

 “Serve the wine…”

The sound of wine being served kept coming and going, and I watched helplessly as everyone drank, their faces red and their eyes blurred.

emperor? ? ?

There is a strange aroma of wine in the air, which is mellow and strong, but also has a faint aroma.

 The emperor couldn't help but ask: "What kind of wine is this?"

 Lu Yanshu doesn't drink alcohol on weekdays, and he couldn't help but twitch the tip of his nose at this moment.

"I brought it from Chaochao. It is said to be good for the body, but I don't know what kind of wine it is..." But Chaochao moved several large vats, so it shouldn't be a valuable thing, right?

 The emperor picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

With just one sip, you can feel a rush of energy rushing into your internal organs. He sighed softly when he felt comfortable...

 In the winter, your whole body will feel warm after drinking it.

 The emperor's eyes suddenly lit up.

“Hey, there is obviously a smell of wine in the wine. But it’s not like fruit wine...” Only a hint of peach fragrance can be smelled.

 The prince sat next to him. Before he could reach his crown, he only took a sip, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

 It is flat peach wine.

 At that time, the flat peach wine she brewed was the best in the world of cultivation. Brewed with Lingmi and flat peaches.

 Unexpectedly, she still has it in stock.

 The prince cherished a cup and drank it, and then used it no more.

The emperor originally wanted to take this opportunity to express his friendship with his ministers, but at this moment, he didn't have much time to talk. Cup after cup without stopping.

 Lu Chaochao’s stomach felt so full after eating.

 When she looked up, most of the courtyard had fallen.

Mr. Xu doesn’t drink alcohol, so he didn’t know the appeal of this wine. At this moment, he was quite dumbfounded: “Why are they all drunk?”

 Xu asked Rong Che to send it to the emperor in person.

The emperor clapped his forehead and waved his hands: "Let me rest for a while and send the ministers off first."

Xu had no choice but to agree.

"Come quickly, send all the adults back one by one. You must take good care of them and don't get hurt." Mrs. Xu asked her attendants to help the drunken guests out.

Uncle Xiao Guo held the wine pot in his hand: "One more pot."

"This...what kind of wine is this? I have never drunk it before." Uncle Xiao Guo burped and was sent to the carriage, still holding the wine bottle in his hand and refusing to let go.

 As the guests were leaving, the emperor immediately raised his head.

“Your Majesty, are you not drunk?” Rong Che was stunned.

Then the emperor waved his hand and calmly ordered Wang Yuanlu: "Take all the gifts on the table back to the palace."


 No, you are pretending to be drunk just because of this thing?

“The servant has ordered the palace servants to bring a carriage and will send it to the imperial study in a moment.”

 The emperor shook his head: "Carry these boxes to my carriage."

Wang Yuanlu? ?

 Watching the emperor get into the carriage, he was overwhelmed by a pile of brocade boxes.

 As night fell, all the guests left the table. There are still some women who have never been drunk, and they hold on tightly to their return gifts: "It must be a good thing to make His Majesty care so much."

“Your Majesty didn’t even bother to sit down on the table to return the gift, and didn’t hurry up and take it away,” said a lady.

 After everyone had left, Mrs. Xu waved her hands tiredly.

 “Have your friends from Chaochao come?”

 The Sixth Prince and Xie Yuzhou are close relatives. Chaochao has never had a friend of his own.

“I haven’t come yet. I fought with him last time, so I guess I’m still getting angry.” Lu Yanshu said with a smile.

“By the way, what’s the return gift from Chao Chao today?”

 Lu Yanshu asked about the jade book.

 Chaochao is getting older and has his own ideas. Today's wine and gift in return were obtained by herself.

 Yushu's expression was tangled, and he took out a brocade box from his pocket.

 “Open it and take a look…”

Lu Yanshu opened the brocade box and took a look.

   ! !

His hands trembled slightly as he took out the treasure sent from the South Kingdom.

 Longevity Talisman!

Moreover, Chao Chao's longevity talisman is so dazzling that it looks extraordinary. I don’t know how many times more valuable than the southern country’s gifts!

 “Hiss…how many gifts have you prepared for the imperial court?”

Yushu calculated in his mind: "One hundred and sixty copies."

Lu Yanshu had a lump in his throat. No wonder His Majesty pretended to be drunk and took away the gifts on the table without showing any shame!

“Southern countries still regard this thing as a treasure... In our family, there are more than Chinese cabbage.” Yushu snickered.

Lu Yanshu helped his mother into the house, and the maid took care of the main courtyard.

"We can't cover up Chaochao's light..." Ms. Xu sighed, her Chaochao couldn't be hidden.

 “The South Country will soon find out about me.”

"Mother, don't be afraid. We will definitely protect you!" Lu Yanshu felt heavy in his heart.

“Mom, don’t think too much. The day after tomorrow is your wedding. Just be beautiful and get married with peace of mind. The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Just cherish your own happiness.”

Yun Niang concealed her worries and nodded with a smile.


“You actually brought back the return gift from Princess Zhaoyang?” Nan Mubai raised his eyebrows and said with a low smile when he saw Minglang playing with the brocade box in his hand.

 “What good things can a mortal have?”

“For them, golden melon seeds are the best return gift.”

"If it is more precious, maybe I can give you a luminous pearl as a gift in return? Do you still lack such a thing? It would be embarrassing to hold it." Nan Mubai said lightly.

 “It’s hard to refuse Mr. Lu when he’s in his arms.” Ming Lang is very measured in his dealings with others.

Nan Mubai raised his lips mockingly.

“Only ten longevity talismans are produced in the southern country every year. This shows how precious they are…”

"This longevity talisman will probably break the heads of everyone in Beizhao..."

The brocade box was placed casually on the table. When the waiter stepped forward to pour tea, he accidentally knocked the brocade box to the ground.

The talisman appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

 Minglang was suddenly startled: "Wait? What is this?!"

Ming Lang stepped forward to pick up the talisman, his eyes were shocked and his face was shocked.

"How does this... look like our life-increasing talisman? No, the runes on it are written in one stroke, and the whole talisman paper is full of brilliance. The life-increasing effect is better than ours!" Ming Lang said in shock.

Nan Mubai grabbed the longevity talisman. He did not believe in evil temptations.

 The spiritual energy in it is actually stronger than that from the Southern Kingdom.

 “How...could this happen?”

“How could these rubes have such treasures? Wait! You said...”

“You said, each guest at the banquet will receive a gift this time?” Nan Mubai’s voice was sharp and full of disbelief.

Ming Ming nodded his head, shocking beyond words.

They actually gave a life-enhancing talisman as a gift in return? !

Recalling what he did at that time, Nan Mubai only felt that he had received a loud slap.

 Who is the bumpkin after all? ! (End of chapter)