MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 23 don't have to

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Yu Bai called Lin Qiushui to complain, she said with red eyes, "I just wanted to buy a birthday present for Yue Bai, but I didn't expect..."

Lin Qiushui stood at the window and said to Yu Bai, "Then you can change the gift."

Yu Bai bit his lip: "But that one is specially matched with Moon White."

Still very dissatisfied.

It seems that what is lost is not only the gift, but also something more precious. Lin Qiushui said: "The special match was also bought by her, you can change it to something else."

Yu Bai is silent, she always seems to be one step behind.

Going back to China one step later, Jiang Liuyi and Song Xian got married in a flash, and one step later chose the necklace, which was bought by Song Xian, she bit her lip, and the fishy smell gushed out, she said: "I still want it."

Lin Qiushui frowned, and said in a harsh voice, "Yu Bai!"

Yu Bai was called into a daze by her, biting his lips.

Lin Qiushui heard that something was wrong with her voice and softened her voice: "Okay, let's go and choose another gift, there are so many suitable for Yuebai, and I don't have to ask for a necklace."

She comforted Yu Bai so much, but she was also thinking about Jiang Liuyi.

Jiang Liuyi is obviously different from before. Recently, she seldom contacted her, and almost never responded to her messages. This is something that has never happened before. Thinking about it, it is the change that started after Yu Bai came back.

At the beginning, she also wondered if she was still angry, deliberately ignoring Yu Bai and friends like them.

But in today's phone call, the reason why she blocked Yu Cai was something she didn't expect.

Jiang Liuyi said that she bullied my wife.

He said it so naturally, as if it was right to vent his anger on his wife, but she married Song Xian, wasn't it because Song Xian resembled Yu Bai?

She was suddenly not sure about a question that was conclusive before.

Because she clearly felt that Jiang Liuyi was staying away from their friends.

In the past, although she didn't come every time for friends' gatherings, she would rush over whenever she had time, but not now. She sent many messages, and Jiang Liuyi only replied one or two.

She is deliberately alienating.

Jiang Liuyi couldn't do anything that would break her face. They had helped Jiang Liuyi before, so it was impossible for Jiang Liuyi to quarrel with them. If she was really unhappy, she would just ignore them.

She still remembers that once Qian Shen drank too much and insisted on making a video call with Yu Bai at the birthday party. Jiang Liuyi was not happy, and when she was about to leave, it was Zhao Yuebai who smoothed things over. But since then, she never took the initiative to talk to Qian Shen again. I've spoken.

Although she has a dull temper, her thoughts are very simple. She was with Yu Bai before, and she didn't know how to fall in love. When she asked their friends, they all told her that it was enough to be nice to Yu Bai, so she was nice and considerate to Yu Bai. , Of course, the unhappy mood is also obvious.

For example, Yu Cai directly blacked out.

Or because of her wife.

Lin Qiushui was a little at a loss. She had always thought that Jiang Liuyi used Song Xian as a stand-in, so she would give the pair a chance. But if this is not the case, these are just her subjective thoughts. If Jiang Liuyi has let go of Yu Bai .

What should she do as a friend?

Lin Qiushui sighed softly, and suddenly got a headache when she heard Yu Bai was still talking on the other end of the phone, she said, "I still have a meeting, so hang up first."

Yu Bai opened his mouth, but didn't make a sound.

She didn't understand that she had only been abroad for three years, why everyone was different when she came back, Zhao Yuebai ignored her, Jiang Liuyi was indifferent to her, and now even Lin Qiushui didn't protect her anymore.

If it was in the past, Lin Qiushui would not have seen her being wronged and remained indifferent.

Lin Qiushui hung up the phone and stared at the phone, wanting to ask Jiang Liuyi a lot of questions, but finally turned to her profile picture but couldn't ask anything, the headache intensified, she finally sent a sentence to Jiang Liuyi: [Yiyi, are you there? ? 】

Jiang Liuyi tilted her head and saw the screen light up. She thought it was a message from Song Xian, but when she saw Lin Qiushui's name flashing past, she fell silent: [Is there something wrong? 】

Lin Qiushui asked: [What are you doing at home? 】

Jiang Liuyi changed her position on the sofa: [Lie down and rest. 】

Lin Qiushui: [Talk? 】

Jiang Liuyi lowered her eyes, and sent it a few seconds later: 【What are you talking about? 】

Lin Qiushui: [You and your wife—] She typed and deleted the words. Several times, the top kept showing that she was typing, but no message came. Jiang Liuyi will send after she is silent: [If it is related to Yu Bai, except for business , don't need to tell me. 】

Lin Qiushui clutched his phone when he saw the news.

A few seconds later, she sent: [Yiyi, how do you feel about Song Xian? 】

Jiang Liuyi felt baffled: 【She is my wife. 】

Lin Qiushui: 【What else? Yiyi, did you use her as Yu Bai's substitute? 】

Jiang Liuyi frowned, not knowing why everyone thought so. The time she brought Song Xian to meet everyone, Qian Shen had said that, and then Song Xian and Gu Yuanyuan left first, and they were still saying that she was very Not happy, she put down the bottle immediately after drinking, and even had an argument with Qian Shen. Zhao Yuebai was not there that day, and no one fought, so she and Qian Shen quarreled fiercely. She thought that she had made her attitude clear, and these friends should understand her Therefore, during this period of time, Lin Qiushui's deliberate behavior made her very unhappy, and also consciously alienated her.

Unexpectedly, Lin Qiushui was still thinking of someone as a substitute.

She directly sent: [No. 】

Seeing these two words, Lin Qiushui frowned fiercely.

Jiang Liuyi didn't need to lie to her, so she really didn't use Song Xian as a substitute, and she really put down Yu Bai and wanted to live with Song Xian.

Lin Qiushui sat on the office chair, feeling dizzy.

She never replied to Jiang Liuyi, and Jiang Liuyi didn't care. After some hesitation, she decided to send Song Xian a message: [Have you bought the dress yet? 】

Just as Song Xian sat down and faced Gu Yuanyuan face to face, Gu Yuanyuan sneered: "Who is it? Give it to her, do you want to say that you also give Jiang Liuyi to her!"

"Song Xian, this man is full of puns!"

Song Xian nodded, her phone vibrated, she looked down, it was Jiang Liuyi's message, and asked her if she had bought the dress, she replied with one hand: 【Buy it. 】

Jiang Liuyi looked at the news and poked the phone screen.

I bought it, so I should be back soon, right?

She sat up from the sofa, paused and sent Song Xian: [Where have you been? 】

Song Xian looked around: [I'm eating. 】

Jiang Liuyi's mood fluctuated inexplicably, she asked: 【With Gu Yuanyuan? 】

Gu Yuanyuan frowned: "Who are you chatting with?"

Song Xian didn't raise his head: "Jiang Liuyi, she asked me if I bought a dress."

"That's okay, I really care about you." Gu Yuanyuan said, "But I don't think that Yu Bai is a fuel-efficient lamp. You have to pay attention to her friend's birthday party this time."

Song Xian nodded casually: "Understood."

When the waiter served the food, Gu Yuanyuan took the fat beef roll and put it in the boiling hot pot. She glanced at Song Xian and sighed softly.

Jiang Liuyi's friends all considered themselves noble and arrogant. The last time Jiang Liuyi introduced Song Xian to those friends, she also followed. When Song Xian went to the bathroom with him, two girls also came to the bathroom and said Why is Song Xian and Yu Bai very similar, Jiang Liuyi was looking for a substitute, she was about to rush out to scold people, but was held back by Song Xian.

"No, you can bear this? Are you not angry?" She was completely puzzled at the time, but Song Xian said, "Why are you angry?"

One sentence stunned her.

Song Xian said indifferently: "They didn't lie."

She didn't know until that night that what Song Xian said was appropriate, not that the two people's personalities were suitable, but that the conditions were suitable. Jiang Liuyi had a person she liked, who was two points similar to her, so she chose to marry.

And Song Xian also had an impure purpose.

But even though the two of them have other plans, she knows Song Xian's personality, and she will never do anything like cheating in marriage, that's why she was so angry when Yu Bai appeared next to Jiang Liuyi.

She was afraid that Jiang Liuyi would not be able to control herself.

Looking at it now, it seems that she was worrying too much.

Gu Yuanyuan picked up the fat beef roll and put it in Song Xian's bowl: "Do you want to go shopping again after eating?"

Song Xian will rest on weekends, but she always stays at home, and after getting married, she can hardly meet anyone.

This time is also a rare opportunity.

Before Song Xian could speak, seeing the screen of the phone light up again, Jiang Liuyi sent: [Didn't you receive the message? 】

The above one is: [He Gu Yuanyuan? 】

She forgot to return.

Song Xian typed with one hand: [Well, He Yuanyuan is having dinner. 】

Jiang Liuyi received the news and walked to the window to see the lights of thousands of houses downstairs. The lights lit up one by one, and the logo on the food street also flashed red and blue. In the circle of friends, designated Song Xian can be seen.

When Song Xian saw it, she should have asked her if she had gone to the movies. When the time came, she would go along with the flow, saying to buy an extra ticket and let Song Xian come with her.

Perfect plan.

Jiang Liuyi waited with her mobile phone in her arms after posting, but Song Xian never took the initiative to send a message to ask her about the movie ticket. Jiang Liuyi frowned and deleted the circle of friends.

In the end, she still couldn't hold back and took the initiative to send Song Xian: [What time will you be back? 】

Seeing Song Xian's mobile phone screen light up, Gu Yuanyuan teased: "Why are you so busy, people keep looking for dinner, who is it, could it be Jiang Liuyi again?"

Song Xian glanced at her, said nothing, and looked down at the phone.

What time do you go back?

What time do you leave work? What time do you get home?

These combined words are more like secret codes, Jiang Liuyi will not ask her the time for no reason, Song Xian understands Jiang Liuyi's meaning, she typed: [I will finish eating soon, I will go home later. 】

Jiang Liu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately sent: [I booked a movie ticket for this afternoon, when you go home, let's go to the movie theater. 】

Song Xian was eating frozen tofu, turned his head to look at it, choked on the juice, coughed several times in a row, water splashed in his eyes, Gu Yuanyuan saw that she was choking and quickly handed her warm water, Song Xian drank it, his throat The mouth was still burning hot, the frozen tofu was soaked in spicy juice, and when it touched the warm water, it would add fuel to the fire, and Song Xian's cheeks flushed from coughing.

Gu Yuanyuan poured her another glass of cold milk, Song Xian took a sip and put it in his mouth, feeling much more comfortable immediately.

"What's the matter?" Gu Yuanyuan asked puzzledly, "Why did you choke?"

"Are you all right now?"

Song Xian shook her head, her voice was slightly hoarse after coughing, and she said calmly, "It's all right."

After she finished speaking, she looked sideways at her phone.

Now the family can't satisfy her anymore? Want to go to the cinema? Thrill seeking?

No, you don't have to.