MTL - The Whole World Wants Them To Get Divorced-Chapter 63

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Si Yu had the impression that Lu Xi had Weibo, but that Weibo was never used after registration. She thought that a dull person like Lu Xi would not care about gossip. She was a little surprised when the other party said about Liang Yufei and Lin Yiyan, but the last sentence directly surprised her.

God TM lost love together…

Looking at the red wine that Lu Xi handed over, Si Yu couldn't describe his mood.

Judging from the solemn expression of the other party, the purpose of this glass of wine is definitely not to celebrate. So, Lu Xi thinks that she knows that Liang Yufei and Lin Yiyan have a public relationship, so she feels uncomfortable and wants to ask her for a drink?


In fact, apart from being surprised and sighing for Lin Yiyan, Si Yu didn't feel anything about the fact that Lin Liang and the two were together. It was only in the morning that she swore to admit that she liked Lin Yiyan, and it seemed inappropriate to not express sadness when she heard such "bad news".

Si Yu gritted her teeth, reached for the wine, and inevitably touched Lu Xi's finger, she almost threw the wine glass out as if she was scalded.

Lu Xi looked at her face with deep eyes, without blinking for a moment.

Si Yu quickly covered the trace of panic in her eyes, and under her complicated eyes, she raised her head and drank the glass of red wine.

Seeing her drinking that glass of wine like she was venting, Lu Xi's heart darkened, thinking: The person she likes is with someone else, she must be very sad.

Otherwise, how could you drink so fast.

Lu Xi picked up another glass of red wine and took a sip, looked at the woman opposite through the glass, and frowned when she saw that Si Yu had finished drinking and started to gobble again.

She should say something comforting, but she doesn't know how.

Thinking of what Chen Yan said in the office: "Miss Si must be very sad now. If you really care about her, you can give her more warmth, maybe she will change her mind."

She understands the meaning of warmth, but since going downstairs until now, Si Yu hadn't even looked at her, which made Lu Xi feel very uncertain.

She just silently watched Si Yu finish the bowl of rice quickly, watched Si Yu take out a piece of paper and wipe his mouth randomly, when she stood up to leave, she couldn't help saying: "I There is a problem."

Si Yu's back stiffened slightly and paused.

Lu Xi put down the unfinished wine glass and stood up, looking at the thin profile of her side face, pondering, and whispering, "Why don't you like me anymore?"


"Am I making you unhappy?"

Si Yu glanced at Lu Xi in surprise, bumped into those slightly darker eyes than usual, shrugged his shoulders and pretended to be relaxed: Tired, the enthusiasm is gone, and naturally I don’t like it.”

Lu Xi's lips moved.

Si Yu was afraid that she would ask another terrifying question, so she ran upstairs after speaking.

Lu Xi pursed her lips as she watched her fleeing back in a hurry.

I slept too much during the day, and Si Yu had insomnia at night.

Lu Xi's dejected look lingered in her mind for a long time, and those questions surrounded her ears 360 degrees.

Why did Lu Xi ask that? Is it because he was unwilling to be rejected?

The more you think about it, the more confused you become, so you can only find something else to distract your attention.

Suddenly I thought of that weird dream. In the dream, she was lying on a hospital bed with various instruments placed next to her. She couldn't move, but the instruments still showed signs of life, like a vegetative person.

But she clearly remembered that Xiao B said that she had died in the real world. What does this dream imply?

Si Yu was busy asking little B.

Little B said: "You are indeed dead, and your body is still lying on the road. The time in the book is different from your original concept of world time. It can be understood that when you perform a task During this period, the time of that world is frozen. As long as you complete the task, you can return to the original world and come back to life. As for why you have that dream, it may be because your desire to go back is still relatively strong.”

Go back?

If you want to go back, you have to attack Lu Xi and make Lu Xi fall in love with him.

Don't go back, she has nothing here.

Si Yu spent the night in such conflicting emotions.

The next room.

Lu Xi brought up the unfinished bottle of red wine and poured himself into the dark night.

Next day.

After washing off the smell of alcohol, Lu Xi drove to the company.

Chen Yan came in and saw Lu Xi sitting on the executive chair in a daze, putting down the coffee, and cautiously said: "Mr. Lu, there have not been many things in the company recently, do you want to give yourself a vacation? "

Lu Xi knew that her condition was not very good these two days, but the holiday could not solve any problems.

She took a sip of coffee without saying a word, frowning bitterly.

Seeing this, Chen Yan hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I forgot to add sugar. I'll make you another cup."

Coffee is bitter but refreshing. Lu Xi waved his hand to indicate that there was no need to be so troublesome, pointed to the sofa next to him, and said, "Sit down, I want to chat with you."

Chen Yan sat down with kindness.

Lu Xi stared at the black coffee in front of him for a while, and then said leisurely, "Si Yu is the daughter of President Si."

Chen Yan thought she was going to talk to her about work, but she didn't expect to say Si Yu, she was stunned, and said, "I know this."

When the company's shareholders paid dividends at the end of the year, Chen Yan saw that Si Yu's name was in the list of shareholders on the financial statement, and thought it was the same name and surname. After comparing other information, she found out that it was the same person.

Lu Xi glanced at the unfazed special assistant, paused, and then said, "Three years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Si died unexpectedly, and Mr. Si's fifteen percent of the shares went to his daughter—also It's in Si Yu's hands. Lu Dong wants to buy the 15% of the shares, but Si Yu doesn't agree, and he also makes a request to marry me."

Commercial marriages between giants are common.

Knowing that Si Yu is one of the company's three major shareholders, and that Si Yu is Lu Xi's wife, Chen Yan guessed that they might be married. Her face was still calm, and she was a quiet listener.

In the next time, Lu Xi was well organized and told her a complete story in a hurry.

To sum up, Si Yu used to have a lot of bad habits, and it was annoying and annoying. Lu Xi wanted to divorce her every minute. Suddenly one day Si Yu changed, all those bad habits were changed, and it got better and better, Lu Xi was unknowingly attracted to her. In the past, Si Yu loved Lu Xi to death, but when Lu Xi found out that he liked her, Si Yu didn't like her anymore.

Chen Yan sighed after listening: This is really a story of deep sadomasochism!

Looking at the always cold and hopeless BOSS showing a sullen look, Chen Yan had the feeling that she didn't know Lu Xi.

No matter how you make decisions in the market, once you encounter emotional problems, no matter how strong people are, they will become weak.

After all, Lu Xi is a woman, and women are always more emotional when it comes to emotional issues.

What Lu Xi just said was more than what he said in the past year combined. Chen Yan didn't know what to say except for the emotion and shock. At work, she can help Lu Xi share the burden, but it's really not easy for her to interfere in emotional matters.

And the relationship between Lu Xi and Si Yu sounded very complicated. She didn't understand the situation, and she was powerless to help.

But looking at Lu Xi's expression, it seems that she doesn't need her help, she just treats her as a tree hole to talk to.

Lu Xi never said irrelevant things during working hours, and today she broke her own rules. She held back a lot of words in her heart and didn't know who to talk to, and Chen Yan was a good person to talk to. She couldn't hold back, and all the things that should be said and shouldn't be said were poured out.

I didn't feel better after speaking, because the problem has not been solved.

The coffee is cold.

Lu Xi pressed her eyebrows and asked Chen Yan to cook a cup for her again.

Chen Yan was very knowledgeable and left without asking anything.

Lu Xi opened the drawer next to it, and saw the temporary new gift box - which contained a watch, which was returned to her by Siyu on the Qixi Festival last year, and she opened it once.

She took out the watch and found it was still a little loose after putting it on. She didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

The watch Si Yu bought for her was not suitable for her, and the earrings she bought for Si Yu could not be used by the other party.

Are they really incompatible?

In a trance, she remembered what Si Yu said at dinner last night.

Tired, no enthusiasm, so I don't like it.

If she saw her heart earlier and confessed earlier, would the result be different?

Whether it is suitable or not, you have to try it before you know.

Si Yu was half asleep when she heard a knock on the door, she opened her eyes reluctantly and came to the door: "Auntie, what's the matter?"

Aunt Zhao looked at her as if she didn't wake up, and said, "Miss Lu is afraid that you will sleep all day like yesterday, so she called me just now and told me to come up and ask you to have breakfast. "

Si Yu, the sleepy bug, ran for most of the time, and said indifferently: "She called and asked you to come up and call me?"

"Yes, otherwise I would dare to quarrel with you at this time."

Si Yu was speechless.

She has clearly rejected Lu Xi, why should Lu Xi care if she eats breakfast or not?

Are you still not giving up?

Is she worried that she will be too sad?

Si Yu couldn't understand Lu Xi, so he answered vaguely. When he was about to go back to wash up, he noticed the things in Aunt Zhao's hand and asked, "You drink early in the morning?"

"Hey, it's taken from Miss Lu's room." Aunt Zhao raised the empty wine bottle and glass in her hand, looked at it, changed her mind, and said, "Miss Lu has been old for the past two days. It's a drink alone, do you know what's going on?"

"..." Si Yu was asked.

She couldn't figure out why Lu Xi hid in the study the night before and drank alcohol, couldn't he just take the opportunity to kiss her?

Thinking of that wine-scented kiss, Si Yu subconsciously touched his lips, slightly absent-minded.

Did Lu Xi secretly drink again last night?

Si Yu didn't notice anything unusual about Lu Xi during dinner, and didn't expect that she would hide back in the room to drink. Looking at the wine bottle in Aunt Zhao's hand, it seems to be empty. Is this another bottle?

Si Yu is in a complicated mood.

Drinking alone, is it sad because she was rejected by her?

Are people like Lu Xi also sad?

Aunt Zhao waited for a long time without seeing her answer, her eyes were dull as if she was sleepwalking, so she had to go down with an empty wine bottle.

Lu Xi still comes back here every day after work, although Si Yu deliberately avoids her, but under the same roof, looking up and not looking down, there is always embarrassment.

She didn't know why she was running away, she just didn't want to face Lu Xi.

Especially every time Lu Xi looked at her, her eyes were full of meaning, and she was afraid that she would accidentally fall into it.

She felt that this was not the way to go.

She contacted Zhu Qi and asked Zhu Qi to quickly arrange work for her, the sooner the better.

Zhu Qi wondered: "You just finished the project, why are you so eager to work?"

"I'm short of money." Si Yu said nonsense.

Zhu Qi scolded her: "You, a rich lady, are still short of money? Don't bluff me."

Si Yu couldn't tell her that she was trying to hide from Lu Xi. She closed her eyes and said, "I can't be idle, you can arrange a job for me, even if you don't give me money."

"..." Zhu Qi was speechless for a moment and said, "Miss, you entered the entertainment industry to do charity, right?"

Si Yu ignored her teasing, and said, "If I don't have a job, I'll go on a tour."

Zhu Qi thought about it and said, "I was approached by an editor of a beauty magazine before, saying that he wanted you to shoot the cover of the weekly magazine, and he would also do a short interview on the inside page. That magazine sold It's very poor, it's not well-known, and the pay is very low, if you want to pick it up, I can contact you."

"Take it!"

The magazine shoot is scheduled for a week later, during which time Si Yu has one more important thing to do.

The Qingming Festival is coming, she has to go to the cemetery to worship the parents of the original female partner.

Many people came to sweep the tomb. According to the instructions given by Xiao B, Si Yu accurately found the tombstones of the parents of the original female partner.

This is a separate cemetery, and it is very expensive at first sight.

Si Yu put down the chrysanthemums he bought, looked at the middle-aged couple on the tombstone, and said softly, "Hello, uncle and aunt. I'm not your daughter, and I don't know where she is going. Where is it, since I took up her body, then I will come to see you instead of her."

She bowed respectfully, looked up at the distant horizon, and muttered to herself, "Grandma, Mom and Dad, I can't go back to see you this year, I hope you don't blame me."

When Si Yu tilted his head, he caught a glimpse of a white figure. He thought it was a ghost in the daytime. He fixed his eyes and saw the man's facial features. His heart skipped half a beat.

Why is Lu Xi here? !

Lu Xi didn't hear what she just said? !

Si Yu was so frightened that she was so frightened that when Lu Xi walked in front of her, she didn't respond.

Lu Xi looked at her for a few seconds, and placed the flowers in her hand in front of the tombstone.

It wasn't until Lu Xi straightened his waist that Si Yu came back to his senses and looked at her blankly: "Aren't you going to worship your mother?"

"The sacrifice is over." Lu Xi looked at a man and a woman on the tombstone, hesitantly said, "In a legal sense, they are also my parents."

"..." was speechless.

The two did not speak after that.

They are always like this, staying together will never have a common topic, like people from two worlds.

Lu Xi didn't take the initiative to ask her, thinking that she didn't hear what she said.

Si Yu put his heart back into his stomach, left the cemetery, and was about to get his car back when he suddenly heard the person behind him say, "I didn't drive."

Si Yu turned around and looked at her puzzled: "How did you come here without a car?"

"The driver at home sent me." Lu Xi looked at her eyes and said confidently: "I'm afraid he will wait too long, so I let him go back first."


"Can I go back in your car?"