MTL - The Words of the Number One-Chapter 20 shake

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Most of the time, there was no trace of pain on Ji Yu's body. He seems to be a noble son who has come here smoothly all the way by relying on his talent, always personable, elegant and intelligent, calmly playing with everyone in his hands, and inflicting pain on them without guilt.

He looks like a man who has no conscience and doesn't hurt.

As I thought about it, I suddenly realized that Mo Xiao had said the same thing about me. Since my mother died, no one can hurt me anymore, so is it the same for Ji Yu?

With whose death did it begin? His sister, brother, mother, or Gu Qi who was killed by him?

At this moment, he was beside me, wearing a deep bamboo-green coat, with his left hand holding the sleeve of his sleeve and right hand holding a piece of tribute meat into my bowl, and whispered to me: "It's a bit cold, eat slowly."

Mo Lan, who was on the main seat, glanced at him, and then said to Yang beside him, "Look at how considerate Boss Ye is, you should learn more."

Yang Ji laughed helplessly, shook his head and said, "... madam."

The word "madame" with a long ending sounded a bit begging for mercy, Mo Lan sighed twice, but couldn't hide the smile in her eyes.

Two months after we came to Muyun, Yang Ji also returned to Muyun.

When the news of his return to Muyun came, Mo Lan happened to be learning cooking with me. She jumped up for joy when she heard what the butler said, and rushed out while talking about why so fast, even forgetting to understand the apron. When I followed her to the front hall, I saw her running all the way to throw herself into Yang Ji's arms, a person with such great momentum and strength would stagger.

Yang Ji was a head taller than Mo Lan, and she just hugged him in her arms. Before he took off his armor, he stood there for a moment, raised his arms and hugged her while blushing, and whispered, "Ma'am, Ma'am, this is the front hall."

Mo Lan raised her face from his arms, and pushed him away with red eyes, causing Yang Ji to stagger again.

"Whoever hugs you so rarely, you still know how to come back!"

While talking, their two sons and daughters were also brought by the nanny. Yang Jizheng coaxed Mo Lan without any mistakes. When he saw the children coming, he took the youngest son from the nanny's arms, and squatted down to hug the elder daughter as well. , It seems that for a while, I don't know what to say except laughing.

I stood by the door and looked at this couple, and suddenly remembered my father and mother, and I have seen many marriages of princes and nobles in this world.

In this world, there are cold feelings maintained by profit, just like father, queen and queen; there are also people who love and be loved sincerely, just like they and Nan Huaijun and his wife.

To be able to live in love is really enviable.

Ji Yu withdrew her hand, smiled and said to Mo Lan, "Madam Yang, don't tease Ye Mou anymore."

Mo Lan laughed, and pulled me to sit next to her without any explanation, saying that she wanted to talk to me personally so that Ji Yu could avoid it. Ji Yu started chatting with Yang Ji from the very beginning, but Yang Ji was not good at words. Fortunately, Ji Yu was an excellent talker and knew how to guide the topic without jumping off or embarrassing. Yang Ji relaxed a lot while chatting.

They chatted about this year's rice harvest. Ji Yu talked about the heavy rice losses caused by the flood in Fan country, and then very naturally said that when he was harvesting rice in Zhao country, he found that the rice had been bought by the people of Fan country.

"On the way here, I heard that Fan Kingdom is going to send troops. I don't know what I think. Although Fan Kingdom's treasury is rich, how will we deal with food and grass in this disaster year?" Ji Yu frowned slightly, as if he really didn't understand.

Mo Lan interjected, "It's not Mr. Ji Yu, there's no one who can't stand the number one lobbyist in the world."

Yang Ji glanced at Mo Lan: "He is your husband's enemy."

"I'm telling the truth, but since he is your enemy, I naturally want you to kill him." Mo Lan responded nonchalantly.

Ji Yu just smiled and said nothing.

Yang thought for a while, then turned his head and asked Ji Yu: "You just said that Fan Guo is buying rice from Zhao Guo?"

"It's not in the name of Fan Guo either. They are all retail rice merchants from Fan Guo. They just come and collect a lot. We people have nothing to collect." Ji Yu smiled.

"The local officials didn't care?"

"It's also strange. Although this year is a bumper harvest year in Zhao State, in the past, a large amount of grain was always stored in the granary. This year, the amount of rice stored in the granary is much less than before, and most of it is sold in the market. A rice merchant in Fan State The price of harvested rice is not high, but you can always buy the best rice, it’s almost like delivering rice to them.” Ji Yu said lightly, but Yang Ji frowned.

Fan Guo harvested a large amount of rice from Zhao State. It is impossible for Zhao State to not know anything about it, but allow them to obtain food that is in short supply. There were rumors that Mr. Ji Yu would disintegrate the Wu-Zhao alliance. At this time, Zhao Guo was so kind to the enemy that it could not but be suspected as a signal of goodwill.

Ji Yu took a leisurely sip of tea, met my eyes, and smiled.

What he said was probably half-truth and half-false. If Yang Ji went to investigate, he should be able to find out that the fact that Fan Guo bought the rice was true, but the reason and whether the upper echelons of Zhao State knew about it are worth scrutinizing, and this part is precisely the most difficult to know.

Ji Yu was able to know these things so carefully, how could he have such a huge intelligence network? Just like Han Bo in Muyun City, if you want to come to other countries and cities, there are many of his people, besides Ye Sichen, he has many identities.

Such a terrible person would say that I am terrible.

"Sister? Sister!"

I came back to my senses, looked at Mo Lan beside me, and she whispered to me: "In a few days' Laba Festival, Mrs. Chang Yibo held a banquet and invited the female relatives from all the prefectures to attend. You can come with me."

Mrs. Changyi's banquet should be Mu Yun's highest-level female family banquet, so naturally I didn't receive the invitation.

"I haven't received the post, I shouldn't be able to..."

"What are you afraid of? Just follow me. Let me see who dares to say anything?" Mo Lan was rather aggrieved, glanced at Ji Yu across the way, and whispered to me: "Recently, some people who don't have a brain are gossips. It is said that you and Song Changjun are too close, and there are still a lot of ugly guesses. I sent someone to investigate, and it was all rumored from Changyibo's mansion. Pooh, I don't know whose lady is relying on Mr. Song Don't let him go, and now you are framed? You will follow me this time, and dare to bully you without looking at me!"

I looked at her with a smile, and comforted me: "I'm just a merchant's wife, and it's my sister who thinks highly of me and recognizes me as a younger sister. In fact, I don't have any special skills, and I'm afraid I'll embarrass my sister by going there."

Mo Lan was surprised and said: "Sister, don't belittle yourself, you are the only one in Muyun City who can congenial with me. Look at the other ladies and ladies, they are weak and startled, you are so indifferent His temperament is much stronger than theirs."

She still had an angry look on her face, she said something without thinking, and she was so angry that she drank a glass of wine.

I looked at her for a long time and said, "Why does Madam like me so much?"

This question stunned Mo Lan. She stroked her hair and thought for a while.

"It's fun to be friends with you. I also know that not many people can stand my bad temper. Every time I get angry, I see you so calm, and I don't know why. And I can see that you are not A flatterer who obviously hates me and pretends to like me, how could he not like you?" Mo Lan laughed as she spoke, waved her hand and said, "Look at what you're asking, it seems like no one has ever liked you Like."

I smiled and nodded: "Okay, I'll go then."

After I agreed, Mo Lan immediately started making arrangements to attend the banquet. She took me to Jinxiuxuan and made several clothes for us, including regular clothes and formal dresses. She chose the best materials and the most fashionable patterns at the moment. There is a great momentum to overwhelm the crowd.

Looking at the fabrics that Mo Lan picked out, I couldn't help but think of the few dresses I had when I was in the Qi Palace. My bland appearance can't support gorgeous clothes, and I'm not as good-looking as plain clothes. When Mo Lan made the selection, I couldn't get in the conversation at all. I could only be thankful that we all had to cover our faces with white gauze in the end, so we couldn't hold our faces up and couldn't see them.

I've heard that Mo Lan has always disliked gatherings and banquets for women's relatives, and most of them would shirk them whenever they could, but now they are preparing them with such fanfare to vent my anger.

Although the development of this matter was expected, I still feel grateful.

When the master of Jinxiuxuan delivered the clothes to the house, Mo Lan asked me to change them on the spot for her to see, and let the master change them on the spot if there was anything to be changed.

I was wearing a light pink dark coat embroidered with golden lotus flowers, and I raised my arms and turned around twice in front of Mo Lan. Mo Lan supported his head and looked at his work with satisfaction, and sighed: "This light-colored one is the best looking." , you go back and walk around in front of Boss Ye twice, I'm sure he's lost his eyes."

I lowered my arms, smiled slightly and sat down on the chair.

Mo Lan peeled the walnuts and said, "I don't know what they think. They say you like Song Changjun. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that you like Boss Ye."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that you like Boss Ye.


"Ah." I yelled softly, Mo Lan looked over, and quickly wrapped my fingers with a handkerchief: "What are you thinking, this is a paper-skinned walnut that shatters when you pinch it, and you can even break your fingers."

I took her handkerchief and wrapped my fingers layer by layer, and said with a light smile, "I was just dazed."

Mo Lan looked at me for a while, and said with a smile, "Excuse me? Oh, what's wrong with you liking Boss Ye? You are husband and wife, so there is nothing to be shy about."


"Sister, you are usually very quiet. No matter what happens, you are not in a hurry. Only when Boss Ye is mentioned will you have emotional ups and downs. Sometimes I feel that you don't care about anything, only Boss Ye is in your heart. "

"Is it."

Mo Lan became interested as she was talking, and she asked her servants to bring more fruit baskets, and asked me, "Sister, how did you and Boss Ye meet?"

I looked at her sincere smile, and lowered my gaze to the white porcelain bottle on the table. The white porcelain bottle reflected my appearance and those dark eyes. There seems to be a piece of sea in those eyes, a certain old ship broke free from the anchor and floated over, swaying and full of things, full of things that I want to throw away, give up, forget, it just wants to open alive come to me.

Come to me so that I know I can't break free for the rest of my life.

how so? I just misjudged a person, I already know that I was wrong, and I have already abandoned him.

"When I first met him when I was very young, he came to my house as a guest, taught me to sing and played the piano for me. At that time, I was very lonely and sad, because he was with me so much better. At that time, I felt that he He's really kind." I said softly.

"Wow, childhood sweetheart!"

"No, I haven't seen him for many years after that time." I smiled and looked into Mo Lan's eyes.

"But I always think of him when I am alone in a daze. He is not only a gentle person to me, but also a distant world. I always think about what he will do, what scenery he will see, those things that I I can't do what I can't see in my life, I hope he can do it and see it. He is like another me I imagined in the world, and the existence of this connection comforts my loneliness."

"I lived as he taught me, and he was my only dream of freedom in the long days of solitude."

I heard that my voice was gentle, so I would have such a gentle tone, so I could also say such words. Mo Lan looked at me, her eyes flickering a little moist, she stretched out her hand to hug me, and comforted me: "These years of constant wars, you must have suffered a lot. You must miss him very much."

I was silent for a while, then nodded slowly.

"It's okay, it's all fine now. Didn't you reunite with Boss Ye? You married him as you wished. Be happy." She patted me on the back.

I chuckled softly.

That's the saddest thing, he's not the one I miss anymore.

In fact, after so many years, I also know that the Ah Yao I have been thinking about is mostly just my fantasy, so I don't expect to meet again, and I shouldn't blame him after the reunion. I should throw him out of my heart, whether it is him now or in the past His.

I know very well.

It's just that it took me fourteen years to remember him, how many years should I forget him.