MTL - The Words of the Number One-Chapter 81 postscript

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Dear readers and friends, the novel "The First Diction" will be finished today.

Come, come, traditional programs, let me look through my small warehouse and post my poorly discarded clips.

1) Looking at Jiujiu from the perspective of God:

She is actually talented, but judging her from a worldly point of view, she is a failed girl. But even so, even if no one understands her, no one loves her, she is not sad.

Her all-powerful weapon in this world is that she doesn't love anyone and doesn't expect anyone, which makes her very powerful.

But one day, she also has someone she likes.

She carefully hides this weakness, like a clam maintaining a hard shell, secretly wrapping a grain of sand with her soft body in pain, unable to digest or reveal it for many years, until one day it turns into a pearl and is discovered by others .

2) Jiujiu's inner monologue:

1. I am not envious of those who live a bright and beautiful life that attracts the attention of the world. But I knew early on that I would not be that kind of person.

Probably the only thing I can do is to live a little longer than them. Watching them shine and then watching them fall, watching them silently, living an ordinary but long life.

That's a win too.

2. Realizing that I like him a lot is when I realize I'll never meet someone like him again.

3. I like watching the moon very much. He is always bright in the dark, never absent but always different. There is such a moon in everyone's heart, it is the light that never dies in the darkness, and every side is likable.

He is my moon.

I thought he was gray and dusty, falling from my night sky.

I fell in love with him again on the day of Mu Yun, he recognized me at a glance when I was wearing new clothes with my face covered.

He only looked at me in the thousands of people, smiled and called me Jiujiu.

He doesn't remember, many, many years ago, he used to call my name like that.

He also doesn't know that I once loved him who called me Jiujiu and taught me how to sing.

For fourteen years I had ups and downs, loved and not loved and ended up falling in love with him again, and he didn't know it.

He is the moon, and the moon is so radiant that there are always people who like it. He will not notice a pair of silent eyes in the dark, nor will he know the thrilling story behind those eyes.

Falling in love with someone like Ji Yu is probably the case, and I am not immune to it.

4. I will never give up on myself.

Because the only thing that cares about me in this world is myself, and the only thing I have is my life, how can I give up.

The poor are always stingy, and there is really no room for generosity.

5. I live on indifference and he lives on anger.

He has boundless anger, he never forgives and never intends to explain, he only wants those people to be burned in his anger.

3) If Song Changjun was deleted:

In fact, Ji Yu knows how to be a good person, a good person who makes everyone comfortable. He can see other people's tempers, guess their desires, but he doesn't want to play superficial things and go along with them.

He once said to me that it is comforting to be able to greet people who hate them with a smile, so how should we treat people we like?

4) Ji Yu left a note in the cave as originally envisioned to leave:

That piece of paper reads: You told me that you once loved a boy, but he died. At that time I said, how can a man protect you if he can't even take care of his own life? He doesn't deserve your love.

Now I still say this, ninety-nine, not worth it.

The above are the abandoned fragments (why are they all abusive, is it because they are too abusive?), ah, I still like some sentences, but it is strange to insert them into the article... because there are many psychological activities in the first person.

This novel was first conceived when I was reading Shi Ji in high school. I read "Historical Records of Li Sheng Lu Jia Biography" and thought it was super handsome, so I wanted to write a lobbyist story. But in fact, my favorite lobbyist is Zigong. He is good at eloquence and business. Legend has it that he once lobbied all countries to achieve the results of preserving Lu, chaotic Qi, breaking Wu, strengthening Jin, and dominating Yue (this paragraph is super Su! Comparable to novels Goldfinger). So Ji Yu has some references to Zigong's image, for example, he is also good at doing business while lobbying. In fact, I originally planned to watch "Warring States Policy" to focus on the lobbying scene, but it failed... I am still not smart enough.

The initial interest came from the image of the lobbyist, but what attracted me later was the image of the heroine I conceived. She is cold and rational, with a strong sense of self-protection, never complaining but never opening up. When the first three chapters of high school were written, my friends all liked Jiujiu very much, and Jiujiu was also the main reason why I chose this pit to fill in among the many pits. I also wrote it in the first person because it was written in the first person when I tried it... I didn't change it later.

In fact, I didn't know what kind of story this was at first. After writing Ji Yu's past, I gradually realized that this is a story about a predicament.

Everyone has their own predicament, Ji Yu is, Jiang Jiuqing is, Shen Baiwu is, Gu Ling is, and the Son of Heaven is also. Nothing in the world is black and white, they are all gray people, some love them and some hate them. It seems that everyone just made what they think is the right choice. Everyone seems to be forgiven, but I don't know why there are so many tragedies.

Jiang Jiuqing is like a dandelion, she always feels that her life is going to be drifting with the wind without root or foundation, if she wants to float, she has to be light enough not to fall into the quagmire of any human world, especially Ji Yu who is so deep. quagmire. Ji Yu's appearance is as perfect as jade, but his heart is a quagmire, and he allows himself to sink into the mud.

In fact, they are not suitable, as Jiujiu said, they are too rational and cautious, but they have changed themselves in order to be together. Jiu Jiu learned to believe in love and dare to give, while Ji Yu learned to let go of her pride and downplay her hatred.

The dandelion fell into the mire, and the dandelion took root and sprouted, and the mire gradually turned into soft soil.

People can't expect others to save them. Everyone has their own predicament. It is often the case that the person who asks for help drags others into his predicament and cannot get out of it. So in this story no one can be saved by others, they have to learn to save themselves, face their own predicament and try to heal themselves. Cherish the people around you with a better mentality, learn to love and let go. The appearance of Ji Yu and Jiu Jiu is a reason for self-saving for each other.

I like Ji Yu's monologue very much, which is—"Jiujiu said she couldn't save him, and she really didn't reach out to save him in the torrent. But as long as she stood on the other side, he would flow through the torrent and kill the demons in his heart, Get rid of the spikes all over his body to walk in front of her. She doesn't have to save him, he saves himself to love her."

I think this story is a bit cold, but it is also warm, and at the end they were able to start again.

When I wrote "Chang'an Has a Demonic Aura" before, I regretted that because of the space, each character's characteristics were very distinct but a bit "thin", lacking the sense of complexity and thickness, and being too clear in black and white. In "The First Word of Color", I think I have fulfilled this regret, so that everyone can see the complex emotions and contradictions of the characters.

Speaking of which, I write in a substitutive way. In order to understand Ji Yu’s contradictions, anger and awkwardness, I have to make myself depressed (just kidding). Ji Yu’s personality is much different from mine, so it is very difficult to deal with his logic. Readers, you have to believe that I cried all the plots that made you cry when I wrote it. I still remember the chapter where Zikou died. Am I a masochist?), the chapter where Ji Yu celebrates Jiujiu's birthday made me cry like I found a boyfriend.

To tell the truth, words that can’t move one’s own can’t move others even more. Only sincere words have value. As a matter of course, the author must first respect the characters and treat the characters as flesh-and-blood people, so that readers can feel a sense of faith. But this is also the reason why I couldn't write candy when everyone wanted to send out candy at the beginning of Volume 3... I don't think the **** of these two people can be sweet at that stage. I wish it was "they both fell in love" instead of "I made them both fall in love".

So when I wrote this story, I was really suffocated! The writing style of "The First Ci Se" is restrained, very restrained, and the happy little theater in my mind was slapped to death with my claws. So my next story will be warm and cheerful! When writing, you have to laugh more happily than cry!

The inspiration for the next book is Zhou Shen's song "The Answer to Everything", which contains a sentence "But no matter how cold and indifferent this world is, the blood in your heart will still be warm".

I was hit, and the boy in white clothes in the ruins appeared in my mind, full of scars and his faith was about to collapse. An old man stood in front of him and said, "Even if the world is chaotic and cold, you must have enthusiasm. Because you are goodness itself, as long as You live in this world, goodness never perishes."

This scene gave birth to our male protagonist Ju An, Tianji Xingjun, and Zhu Shan.

This is a happy story! Mainly because the heroine is very lively and funny, while the hero is already a mature and gentle person. Generally speaking, it is a male protagonist who "I have the common people in my heart and more you" and a female protagonist who "will never do evil even if I am notorious for you".

Afterwards, I will add Xi Heng's episode of "Chang'an Has a Demonic Aura" first, and then I will write about Liu Yuan if I have time. Then it’s time to stock up on new manuscripts and wait for twenty chapters to be published~~~~

Finally, I would like to thank all the readers! At the beginning, I couldn’t help but doubt myself when I was single-player. Later, there were more little angels who commented. Every time I read your comments, I know that you like the characters in this story and discuss with me seriously. I feel very happy! This book has been updated for four months, thank you for your company, I wish you all a smooth and safe life, do what you like, and live happily~~~

I also hope that my work will go smoothly, and I will be able to arrange a good time to stock up on manuscripts in the future.

See you next book!