MTL - The World Civilization Million Lords-Chapter 5002 , the answer revealed (2)

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A careerist like O'Neal may find it difficult to understand Liu Junjie's approach of focusing on the overall situation.

The reason why Liu Junjie agreed to this request at first was because Liu Junjie himself was a person who advocated 'cooperation and win-win'.

For Liu Junjie, it is actually not good for everyone that the entire known universe continues to be in such turmoil.

In this era, various civilizations have developed to this point. In many cases, wars have actually done more harm than good for them. "Win-win cooperation" is the future direction.

Because of this proposition, Liu Junjie naturally hopes that the turmoil in the known universe can be brought under control as soon as possible.

Taking this as a starting point, they had just owed some favors to the Ye's Chamber of Commerce before, and now that Ye Qingxuan came to her door, she just took advantage of this opportunity to pay it back.

At the same time, Liu Junjie could not deny that doing so would be of direct benefit to their Far Eastern Federal State.

Because once the situation is stabilized, Ye's Chamber of Commerce and the Seven Star Alliance can gradually control the situation of the entire known universe.

At that time, considering what the Usai United Kingdom has done so far, it will inevitably be liquidated by the Ye's Chamber of Commerce, and even the entire Seven-Star Alliance!

And once the United States of Yosai is sanctioned, in the fourth universe, they have now returned to the ranks of the first-tier powerhouses, and naturally they will be dominated by one family.

Therefore, whether in public or private, Liu Junjie has no reason to refuse.

At the same time, on Calum Bell's side, Robert and Huo Qiguang, who also confirmed the news, couldn't help but stare at each other and smile bitterly.

Should I say, is she really worthy of that Miss Ye?

This wave is really turning all of them around.

But anyway, with the emergence of this news, can the dust settle on their side?

Next, it depends on whether the Otto Empire will withdraw its troops.

For the calculations of the Otto Empire, Robert and Huo Qiguang also basically know what to do.

In fact, they are a small country on the planet called Karum Bell, living in such a position, they have already prepared psychologically to be annexed.

If the Otto Empire does not retreat in the end, then they can only choose to surrender.

After all, after this period of time, in the face of the joint offensive of the Alto Fleet and the Yousiai Armed Fleet, the pressure on them has also doubled, and it is not worthwhile for them to continue to hold on.

In this way, on the day when the armistice agreement between the Elf Kingdom and the Dark Iron Empire was officially signed, Karen Bell also sent a ‘request for help’ towards the Otto Empire, expressing their willingness to submit, hoping to obtain the rescue of the Otto Empire.

This rhetoric, to put it bluntly, is to give the Otto Empire a step down.

Since the Otto Empire itself did not directly reveal its identity, then when they were about to surrender, they naturally had to pretend they didn't know, and gave the opposite side a better way to make the Otto Empire's division famous.

Otherwise, who can guarantee that the Otto Empire will do something crazy when it becomes angry?

After receiving the news, John Sal was undoubtedly very satisfied with Karen Bell's style, so Robert can be said to be quite good. …

In this way, as the emperor of the Otto Empire, John Thrall quickly stood up. After making a righteous declaration, he said that the Otto Empire would immediately send troops to support Karen Bell and fight against the siege of the card. Rumbell's forces have strongly condemned and demanded that those forces immediately stop their aggression against Karen Bell!

Regarding the drama that Otto Empire was about to be directed and acted in, many 'audiences' couldn't help but rolled their eyes and cursed in their hearts 'shameless', but they couldn't help it.

After all, as the biggest victim in this self-directed and self-acted incident, Karen Bell didn't say anything, so they have nothing to say.

At the same time, on the Far Eastern Federal State, the Dark Iron Empire and the Elf Kingdom successfully signed an armistice agreement, while on the side of Karen Bell, they surrendered directly to the Otto Empire, which was about to be incorporated into the Otto Empire.

After coming and going, O'Neal directly became the biggest loser here!

It is not an exaggeration to say that Ye Qingxuan killed him.

As Ye Qingxuan, who operated all this, undoubtedly received news from Robert and Huo Qiguang in advance. At this time, she had turned into an ordinary citizen of Callumbell, mixed into the crowd, and hid in Callumbell's house. Underground shelter.

That's right, she hasn't planned to leave just now.

It's not to say that there is still something to do, but the current situation, she can't leave.

The easiest way for her to leave Karen Bell is to have a spaceship and open the space door to get in.

But at this point in time, the unknown armed fleet that still surrounds Karen Bell is using the space magnetic field to interfere with the device, covering the entire Karen Bell.

In other words, there is no way to open the space door, and it is very risky to forcibly open it!

Back then, Ye Qingxuan, who suffered from spatial turbulence in the unstable space channel, was involved in the subspace, was directly lost in the subspace for decades, and almost died in it, definitely did not intend to take this risk.

At the same time, she didn't need to take this risk, because her current situation, to a certain extent, was actually very safe.

The reason why the Otto Empire blocked the space was to ensure that he could get the technology of the 'psycho-sensing frame' and prevent this technology from being taken away.

And as long as this technology is successfully obtained, the space blockade will most likely be lifted. At that time, Ye Qingxuan wants to leave, even if it is with a big fanfare, the Otto Empire will not embarrass her.

Because of her existence, for the Otto Empire, it is equivalent to a hot potato. If the Otto Empire kills her, it will offend Ye's Chamber of Commerce to death. After that, this matter is doomed to fail.

So not only could the Otto Empire not hurt her, but it even had to ensure that she left the third universe unharmed.

Otherwise, if anything happens to her in the third universe, this black pot will have to hit the Otto Empire's forehead. UU Reading

And this is the biggest reason why Ye Qingxuan dares to use herself as bait and has no fear!

In this way, she only needs to stay here honestly now, and then wait until the space blockade is lifted, and then find a chance to leave.

And under the serial calculations of the two sides, as the biggest loser in this game, O'Neal looked hideous.

In this wave, the Otto Empire made a profit, Ye Qingxuan made even more money, and even Karen Bell, who surrendered, didn't lose much, and he was the only one who lost!

"Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan!

Don't think this will end like this!


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