MTL - The World of Gods Rises From the Zerg-Chapter 1438 Underworld shot

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   At this time, these ghost creatures were not found at all. At this time, it seemed that they were fighting these spiritual masters. It seemed that if it was only a difference in strength, they would have the upper hand at this time.

   It's just that the opponent used missiles to attack them at this time, so they were suppressed.

But what they didn't realize was that at this time, people on the entire planet had already mobilized for war, so all kinds of technological weapons had already been aimed at them at this time, just because these spiritual masters hadn't issued orders at this time, So at this time, they didn't make any response.

  But if there is a need, at this time, various shell attacks will come to them immediately, and it is conceivable that it will cause huge damage to these people around them.

After all, it is a technology-based development world. It is conceivable that the opponent's development of technology has reached such a point at this time, especially for various weapons at this time. From the perspective of the high-level executives, they have no enemies to fight, so these technological weapons are basically in a state of storage. In fact, these technological weapons used now are all antiques thousands of years ago, because For them, some technological weapons are still necessary, so they have been preserved. Otherwise, many people have proposed to completely destroy these old antiques, because there are no enemies in the federation. So it means that war weapons are useless at this time.

After the completion, what happens and what symptoms need to be solved, basically these spiritual masters communicate with each other and then make a decision. Use, especially at this time, can not be used to target the personnel inside the Federation, so without the consent of some of their precision masters, these technological weapons will naturally not be used easily, but this is aimed at The insiders are now targeting these. When outsiders enter the country, they will not be restricted in the slightest when they use these technological weapons.

All kinds of old antiques from the past are built here, and as long as there is an order, the powerful weapons of the pig's head can hit directly, and these technological weapons can accurately hit directly in the process of coming directly. These opponents, And at this time, its power will only destroy these earthquakes, and will not cause any impact on the surrounding flowers and plants or the land. This is the power of science and technology in this world now, and it is under such circumstances that we can It can be called the pinnacle of technology.

And the reason why that reputation can faintly feel threatened at this time, it seems that as long as he enters this world, there will be a risk of falling at that time, because at this time there is something in this world that can threaten his existence , That's why he is given such a perception that the strong person at the level has it himself. It is a compulsory ability at the district level, so it is very normal to have such a feeling at this time.

Therefore, the Underworld God did not enter this world at this time, so everything behind can only be handed over to these Nether Great Masters, but at this time these Nether Great Masters have no ability to fight at all, and are completely overwhelmed. These nine-level spiritual masters were involved, so they could only watch helplessly as the shells hit them one after another. The drawn ghost creatures and dark energy were completely bombarded by a shell, and then the entire area was completely blank, and everything was evaporated and disappeared.

as a. In a world with highly developed science and technology, for them at this time, this kind of shell is just the most common attack method, just because the ghost creatures they are facing at this time are not very powerful, so At this time, there is no need to use higher-level shells to attack. Just this kind of ordinary air-to-air missile can completely eliminate these ghost creatures and dark energy.

It’s just that for the nether world at this time, the energy in the world they live in is relatively exhausted, so under such circumstances, fighting these pyloric creatures from time to time is actually very stressful for them. If it continues like this, this place will be like a bottomless pit, and they will not get the slightest benefit, so that at this time, these Nether Lords even thought about whether to retreat, after all, the opponent has a strong strength here , It is not something that can be taken down in a short while, even if you know that this side of the world is very huge, but what you need to know is that if the other side is very difficult to deal with at this time, it means that it is not so easy at this time. If you can win the opponent, how much power you will continue to invest in the later period is simply unknown for now.

If the **** juice can be easily taken down, no matter how much strength you have at this time, it is very worthwhile, because you can double the harvest later, but if you don't see the slightest disappointment at this time, then for the For them, the situation is very bad. After all, if it continues to grow like this at this time, if the Nether World is huge in the past, so the consumption of bending energy is not considered by them at all, but at this time they themselves are concerned about it. Energy is very scarce, and each battlefield has a huge demand for energy, so if one more battlefield is opened up at this time, it means that they will have to pay a greater price at this time. Being in the quagmire would obviously be very detrimental to their development.

   It's just that at this time, so much effort has been put in before, and they are naturally very unwilling. If they just retreat like this, it means that all the previous efforts have been completely in vain.

And at this time, that Minsheng was silently watching all this and after thinking about it, he finally decided to continue to increase investment. Since the other party's world is very huge at this time, it means that if the entire world is captured later, it will be possible at that time. To obtain greater benefits, although it seems that there are some spiritual practitioners in the opponent's world at this time, in fact, those spiritual practitioners, the most powerful ninth-level spiritual masters, are only equivalent to the level of the main god. At this time, if they have obviously entered it, they have already lived in the level room, and they can completely sweep this away. Because of this, they naturally have strong self-confidence at this time, and feel that they can use it in the future world. The entire world was conquered precisely because the world where the other party is located is very large in size, but compared with the world where they are, the cultivation system is obviously very backward, which means that at this time it seems that the other party's The size of the world is huge, but in fact it is possible because there is no strong practice competition. It caused huge checks and balances, so what we faced in the subsequent realization was just such a few spiritual practitioners, and the number of these spiritual practitioners in the other world was actually not as many as imagined, especially It is those top-level existences, the number is even less, only a few, if this is the case, it seems that a certain price needs to be paid at this time, and the results obtained in the following time are of course even greater, so at this time After thinking about it, In the end, the people's livelihood decided to do it by themselves.

But at this time, Myojin does it himself. In fact, there is another problem. After all, if he wants to do it himself at this time, he needs to come from the nether world to the insulating universe, and then do it from the side of the insulating universe. If it is only him If he personally enters the opposite world, even if he has a reputation, he will be suppressed by the other world at that time. With the size of that world, his strength may not be able to be created after being suppressed. Compared with the spiritual masters blessed in the main urban area, the number of opponents is more than him, and it may not be possible to have any advantage at that time, so obviously even if you want to do it yourself at this time, you have to think carefully. Only when you are fully prepared can you really move forward.

After thinking about it, at this moment, I only saw this **** of the underworld doing it himself, and then easily missed the connection between the netherworld and the academy and the pillars, and then only saw the passage where he was originally. After that, it was enlarged a lot, so that in a short period of time, crazy dark energy gushed out from it, so that the energy on the asteroid that originally received this flower girl was madly moving towards the technology. The big world rushed over, but now other than pouring into the technological big world from that channel, more dark forces have nowhere to go at this time, so that they are floating on the desolate asteroid at this moment, even if at this time If you continue like this, the power that your asteroid can hold obviously has its limit at this time, but at this time, these powers are restricted to this asteroid, preventing it from penetrating Going into the void means that there will be crazy darkness in the world afterwards. Coming here, the result is that these dark forces are constantly growing at this time, causing the energy concentration in this area to be constantly increasing, and even this time there is a tendency to liquefy.

And at this time, this reputation is really unmoved at all, just quietly paying attention to all this. At this time, it seems that he is not doing anything, but in fact he is just doing the preparatory work in the early stage, because later If there is no preparation in the time, it is obvious that the situation is very wrong, and at this time it seems to be just waiting silently, but after the energy reaches a certain level, only this Myojin is seen at this time, and finally It was mobilized, and after he thought and moved, some dark forces were directly called upon by him, and then he only saw these energies rushing towards the top of his head crazily, and then only saw this wave The dark power rushed over the top of the head, forming a thin dark sky.

Although this layer of dark sky is only the beginning, although the covered area is very small, it is enough for this people's livelihood to fully exert their own strength without worrying about any big troubles. There is no need to worry about your own strength being suppressed by the will of the insulating universe at this time.

It is precisely because of this that at this time, there is the shelter of the dark sky. After that, at this time, this Myojin can finally unscrupulously display the strength of his dominance level, without worrying that he will be punished by the sky, and he does not need to worry about this time. If there is too much noise, it will attract the attention of others. Even if you know that the dark sky will be created at this time, the dark power will fluctuate at this time and the area he is in will attract the attention of others, but for the current people's livelihood. Even if it was discovered by the civilization I belonged to, in fact, it was just like this at this time. This place itself is the most edge of Xinyu where the other party is located. can not see.

So at this time, even if it is a fluctuation of dark energy with fibers, it will take a long time for the other party to respond to the other party's response and send people over to carry out normal opening. time, and this is exactly where these civilized criminals are very mechanically backward. After all, when encountering some incidents, they cannot respond quickly at all, but this is for their existence on the contrary. It is the most beneficial, because it means that in the future, you can take advantage of this mechanical coping method to do some things.

   Wait until this reputation can unscrupulously exert its power at the level of dominance, and then directly hit the one that he missed originally. The connection between the nether world and this desolate asteroid was torn apart by him again at this time. At this time, there was this huge portal across the sky, and then a steady stream of dark energy gushed out directly from it, and Originally, the purchase of this dark sky curtain itself required consumption. A lot of power, so money is the power accumulated on my asteroid, which has already been consumed, and at this time there is a lot of power from the nether world Converged, so at this time, I began to draw on this asteroid continuously, so that in a short period of time, the dark power on the asteroid was condensed, as if to form a substance, the dark energy of Miss Sisi It was completely gathered together, and then it seemed that it was about to be atomized.

These dark forces are just some dark forces, but when the number of dark forces condensed is large, they can naturally gather together quickly, and then form an atomization, and when the atomization evolves towards a higher level, Naturally, it is liquefied. Although it is not liquefied now, it is actually only one step away from liquefaction. This means that at this time it seems that this is just a small planet, but this small planet is exactly Because there is a huge amount of dark energy, which is being carried out among neighbors, and as a result, at this time, in a short while of natural fact, a large amount of power has completed gathering here.

   At this time see this one asteroid, so many forces are here to draw this one. Myokami couldn't help showing a look of joy, because it means that at this time, he can naturally start his future layout, so that at this time, he only saw that under his control, these dark forces on the entire asteroid began to wreak havoc. Going back, only to see that at this time, he suddenly stretched out his hand to the original connection between this asteroid and the Great World War of Science and Technology. Under this action, the entire portal was directly opened.

But in the original time in this technological world, there was a huge gap in itself, and from this gap, there was a steady stream of dark power gushing out from it, and at this time, suddenly a hand with great will came from this gap. It rose out of the portal, and then under the eyes of these spiritual masters, this huge pitch-black arm suddenly stretched left and right, and then directly tore the entire gap, at this time in the sky It was as if there was an invisible sky, and a gap appeared at this time, and then a huge arm tore the sky violently, so that at this time, it was even far away. They can see the situation on this side all the time, but even though they have seen the situation on this side at this time, for these ordinary people, they actually have no way to make any response at all. He just watched all this happen.

And the ninth-level spiritual masters who thought they had already lived in my circle at this time, when they saw this scene again, all of them had very considerate faces. With such a change, I thought that there were no powerful beings in the other party's world at all. In the past, there was just a lot of dark power, and there were some powerful beings. At this time, they restrained those ghostly people Stopped, in the ensuing battle between the two parties, they had almost completely gained the upper hand, but they never thought that there would be a more powerful existence in the opponent's world at this time.

It's just that this reputation doesn't care what these spiritual masters think. Forcibly missing the channel completely at this time, although it is not possible to tear a big hole in the sky, but at this time, let his huge body get out of it. It was more than enough to get out, and as he completely tore apart the entire passage, the passage was expanded by more than ten times than it was originally, and as a result, a steady stream of dark power emerged from it at this time, so that At this time, there were a lot of dark forces pouring in. The number of dark forces has increased by more than ten times compared to the original time. As a result, the surging dark forces in a short period of time began to expand in all directions. At this time, it was attacked by some artillery shells, but it is obvious that when these missile attacks face these huge dark forces at this time, although they can evaporate part of them, but when they put this on their front feet. Electrical energy evaporates from the rear corners out of the channel. The emerging dark power will cover up these vacancies early on, and even continue to spread to farther areas, so that at this time, although these shells continue to attack, the exhaust fans below, At this time, they are constantly absorbing these dark forces beyond a certain limit, but at this time, because there are too many dark forces permanently stationed, they even feel a little overwhelmed at this time, especially At this time, when the people's livelihood of this dominant level entered this world in person, the situation was even more different from the original time.

At this time, this Myojin is standing in this dark area, because at this time there is a small piece of ground above his head that is covered by them, and there is this layer of dark sky, so there is no need to worry about himself at this time. Being suppressed by this side of the world, as a result, it seems that he did nothing at this time, but in fact, facing the protection of this layer of dark sky at this time, he can fully exert his power at the level of dominance, although this It is only within this area at this time, and once it exceeds this area at this time, it will no longer be protected by the dark sky, but for him, this area is enough for him to form at this time. Once there is a place to stand, it means that in the future world, you can let yourself do whatever you want here.

Ah, at this time, those long-term spiritual masters certainly understand that in this dark area at this time, the strength of the opponent can be increased infinitely. Anyway, as long as they enter the dark area at this time, they will naturally They will be suppressed by the opponent's power, so that at this time, they are very scruples in their hearts, and they dare not enter this dark area and take the initiative to attack their reputation, even if they feel the invasion of other places for a while at this time, so that At that time, some of them were suppressed to a certain extent, so that their strength could be doubled, but no matter how the business grew, after all, what they were facing at this time was a person who could fully exert their strength. Yes, think tanks at the dominance level and people's livelihood realm cannot be made up in a short period of time, even if their strength is blessed by the will of the world at this time, and the number of spiritual masters at the ninth level is not one or two , but after all, when faced with this reputation at this time, it is obvious that they are not opponents of each other at all.

But at this time, although this Myojin said that his strength can be fully exerted, the area he can cover is only the area covered by dark energy. At this time, those spiritual masters are blessed by the will of the world outside, so it seems that this Sometimes he can display the strength of the dominant level, but in the end his strength can only be maintained in this dark area, so there is no way to directly threaten the opponent at this time.

So much so that at this time, I only saw this reputation entering this dark area, and nothing was done in the following time, but at this time, after the passage was directly opened, there was a dark force frantically It poured in from it, and at this time, there were more and more dark forces in this area, and as a result, the area where the dark forces changed was also many times larger than at the beginning.

Even though there is an exhaust fan that is constantly extracting these dark forces at this time, and missiles from the distant sky are constantly projected over, so that a lot of power is continuously evaporated, but it is obvious that the surging power at this time is not at all. I am not afraid of this loss, so the area covered by them is getting bigger and bigger at this time, so that at the beginning, there is still a need for the master of the magical world of the nether world, but at this time, they can completely open their hands and feet, not to mention At this time, there is a huge amount of dark power in this area, so at this time, it is only seen that it starts to drive this power to draw on the top of its head, and originally there was a small dark power made by those Nether Lords. The dark sky, at this time with the blessing of a large amount of dark power, is spreading in all directions like a layer of black clouds. Originally, it was just a thin layer formed above the head. It's just a thin slider, now this one slides this one. I did start to spread towards the surroundings, so that at this time the area covered by him is getting bigger and bigger, and at this time the area covered by the slide cover means that under the coverage of this dark sky, the sky has been completely shielded at this time But at this time, the existences in the nether world can display their power wantonly in this area, so for them at this time, it is obviously very comfortable in their hearts.

Ah, the most important thing is that for this people's livelihood, at this time, on the one hand, the area where one can move is larger than before, and on the other hand, at this time, one can pass through the area covered by the dark Celestial Eye. I can do it to a farther area, which means that these spiritual practitioners seem to be far away from me at this time, but if I continue to expand like this, one day I will be able to completely cover the entire planet. In that case, the entire planet will be within his attack range. In this way, with the strength of his dominant level, when facing these spiritual masters, he will just crush himself one-sidedly That's all.

   It is for this reason, so this time. After this reputation came to this area, he didn't rush to target these ninth-level spiritual masters around him, but let them continue to challenge those Nether Lords, but at this time he just stood there. Here, I am quietly managing my own records.

Because at this time, as time goes on, at this time, he can completely let the other world pass on a large amount of dark power, and in the following time, he can use these dark powers to increase the range covered by the dark celestial eye , so that at this time, when the dark sky grows stronger and stronger, the entire planet will be included in it at that time, and at that time I can attack as I want. If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his weapon.

For him, now it is just waiting for a while to consume more power, but in the following time, he can completely bring the entire planet under his control. Now, how can you return without success at this time?

Although in the insulated universe, these master levels of them have a certain tacit understanding with each other, but the world he encountered at this time does not have the existence of a master level, so there is no need for him to abide by this rule at this time. Relevant agreement, not to mention that although he said to make a move at this time, he didn't make a move against anyone at all, he just missed a space barrier. For him, what he did at this time was just ordinary. So even if someone comes to make trouble for him, for him, he has something to say.

At this time, the ninth-level spiritual masters were very delicate after seeing a big guy coming from the other party. After all, at this time, they could clearly feel it just by feeling the breath of the other party. The army of worrying people to be dealt with must be stronger, which means that the opponent is obviously very difficult to deal with at this time. It is obvious that the strength of the opponent is far higher than them, so if you fight the opponent at this time, Some of their ninth-level spiritual masters are not opponents at all, and they still have self-knowledge about this at this time.

Therefore, at this time, they began to run at high speed. After all, they had to protect their homeland at this time. At the beginning, they felt that the arrival of these dark energies was naturally a very good thing for them. Absorbing these dark forces will allow them to grow up quickly, but now it seems that they are just a bait for the opponent. Now that they have taken the bait, the opponent directly took the opportunity to attack.

At this time, they directly increased the attack strength. In the previous period, they were just using some ordinary air-controlling missiles to attack. These air-controlling missiles can accurately drown out the surrounding ghost creatures and dark energy. Does not cause any damage to any surrounding land.

What they need to do now is just to upgrade these air-to-air missiles. The effect is similar, but the power is naturally greater than the ones used now. After that, in this way at this time they will It is necessary to destroy these dark forces first, because they have already seen it at this time. At this time, the other party seems to want to continue to expand through these dark forces, and then cover a large number of areas with dark forces. In this way, the other party can travel in their world as they like, and this is obviously impossible for them to see, so at this time, directly upgrade the power of these missiles, and then These missiles have a higher equivalent than the original ones, and you can only see them on the first floor. Amidst the roar, missiles began to bombard this area wantonly, because at this time, some of their spiritual masters have no It did not enter the range of the missile attack, so at this time the missile fell at this time, and the knowledge exploded. It's just to drown out these dark energies, and by the way, also get rid of some ghost creatures living in this dark world.

Faced with these egg-beating roosters, the reputation is also very troublesome at this time. I know that this is a world with highly advanced technology, but I never thought that the opponent's attack power can reach such a level. Under his gaze, it can be clearly seen that these missiles are only accurately eliminating these dark forces and ghost creatures in the process of launching an attack, and they have no harm to the world where the opponent is located. The attack power is really beyond his expectation. After all, it is not that he has not fought against people from other civilizations. The other party used all kinds of high-tech weapons to attack, but those high-tech weapons are powerful, but once they are used, they will be like destroying the world, so that whether it is their dark forces, ghost creatures or Or those areas of the opponent's world will also suffer together. Control, so every time you are supported by these shells, it is naturally a mess, so it is completely God's self-injury before, and it will not be like it is now. Lifting weights lightly and easily eliminated some of their ghost creatures and dark forces without causing the slightest damage to themselves. It seems that the two seem to be the same in nature at this time, but the information revealed from it, It's really scary to think about.

It’s just that for Minsheng at this time, no matter what the other party’s current salary is, all I need to do at this time is to spread these dark forces in this world, and in the following time, I will completely destroy the other party’s entire world. Now it is only one of the planets, and it will naturally use this planet as a starting point to continue to attack in other directions. It seems that at this time, this planet is not very prosperous, but there is no one on it. How many people exist, but in fact, it is only because most people have been evacuated directly, because at this time, for this group of people in the world, this place has become their battlefield, so in the following time, it will naturally be Those ordinary people need to be evacuated, so at this time, except for some spiritual practitioners like them, there are basically few ordinary people on this planet.

Both sides know each other's plan at this time, and also know what kind of situation they will encounter in the future, so at this time, one side is working hard to let these dark forces spread in all directions, and completely occupy this entire planet as soon as possible. Come down, and what the other side has to do at this time is to wipe out these dark forces as much as possible, firmly control them, and prevent them from continuing to spread outside, so at this time, where the huge gap is, At this time, only the missiles of Yimeimei were thrown directly towards him, and finally these missiles were directly near the passage. According to inspection, although it did not directly cause space turmoil near the passage, making the entire passage larger, but at this time, as these missiles exploded near the passage, the explosive power directly shattered the surging darkness. The power pushed the trade workers, and as a result, the speed at which the dark power gathered was slightly delayed at this time.

At this time, the dark power where the passage to this world is located has been eliminated. The dark power below seems to be very large at this time, but at this time one after another treasure missiles continue to bomb here, resulting in At this time, when this beautiful missile was bombarded, the huge power spread towards the surroundings at this time, and as a result, a large amount of dark power was swallowed up, so that when these dark powers were bombing at this time, they were directly destroyed. After the notification, a blank area appeared in the area. Although the nearby forces quickly flowed back and occupied this gap, the huge attack power created at this time is very important for these ghostly moves and In terms of reputation, it still shocked them to a certain extent. After all, this is a purely physical attack, but using this kind of physical attack, they can use some of their dark energy and such a large-scale evolution point. Nature is completely beyond their expectations.

Especially when they experienced battles of other civilizations before, when they attacked them, it seemed that those technological weapons had a certain impact on them, but in fact the efficiency at that time was actually very low. When bombing with advanced missiles, the amount that can be evolved is nothing more than a hundred doubts. Therefore, for these civilizational disputes, using such technological weapons to strike is really not worth the candle, which led to that one A netherworld stronghold can really gain a foothold.