MTL - The World of Gods Rises From the Zerg-Chapter 1500 melee

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  Chapter 1500 Melee

  People on both sides had their own ideas at this time, but they were very restrained at this time, and neither of them made a move.

  The Lords of the Furnace are recovering rapidly as they get closer to the Gods Continent.

  Similarly, the main gods on the side of the dark camp and the order camp, and the top powerhouses of the dominant class are also constantly gathering.

  The order camp basically descended from the astral world.

   On the side of the dark camp, they are in the outer domain of the Gods Continent, so they flew directly there at this time, but because the distance is too far, they basically arrived at about the same time as the strong men on the order camp.

   Didn't say hello, as the people continued to gather, then naturally began to fight.

  Although it is not in its heyday, the power of the old gods is also fully displayed at this time.

   Except for Canaan and Yezu who were able to fight against them, the others can only rely on the number of people at this time, so as to fight more and less.

   After all, they are just avatars, which are far worse than the main body.

   What's more, top masters like the Lord of Storms and Lord of Thunder, even if the people from the dark camp and the order camp were originally here, there are not many who can confront them head-on.

   Not because they are old gods, nor because they were born from the original land.

  It is because the Mechanic God Seat has changed the world, so now at the same level and realm, the gods of the new **** period cannot beat the old gods.

   As before, a legend is a legend.

  But now legends are divided into ordinary legends and domain legends.

   This is the difference, which is equivalent to being cut by a level.

  The reason for this is that the battle was too fierce at the beginning, and the entire world of the gods was almost torn apart. Therefore, the Mechanic Seat specially made this kind of restriction in order to weaken their destructive power.

   It's just that now these dark camps and order camps are pitted.

  The Lords of the Furnace and the others have just come out of the cage of the gods. They haven't really set foot on the land of the gods, and they haven't been restricted by the rules. One's strength is affected, and the other can go all out. Naturally, there is a huge difference in combat effectiveness.

   Plus one is the real body, and the other is nothing more than a clone.

  Especially the biggest difference between the old gods and the new gods is the endurance.

It seems that the new gods improve very quickly, but they do not have the ability to improve independently. When fighting, they can only replenish by consuming faith crystals. The rich and powerful gods naturally have enough faith crystals to replenish, and those who are generally developed can't do it at all. Same.

  There is not enough faith crystallization as a supplement. They are just some soft-legged shrimps, and their combat effectiveness has dropped sharply.

   On the contrary, the old gods need to improve their strength step by step, which is much slower than the new gods.

   But when fighting, they can absorb the free energy between the heaven and the earth anytime and anywhere. It seems that it is not as fast as the replenishment of the crystallization of faith, but the victory is long-lasting, especially with the power of the master, it is naturally very terrifying to absorb.

  Especially when fighting in such a void, these gods are just avatars at this time, and if they continue, they will be dragged into the quagmire.

  Many masters, the battle between the gods is extremely fierce, the space trembles, and the movement is very loud.

   It's just because they are in the void, and everyone's main target at this time is the void demons in the outer domain of the Gods Continent, so except for these top powerhouses, no one else knows that the Lord of the Furnace is coming.


  Being above the line of defense of the gods, Qing Chenzi sighed.

  Even in the outer void, very far away from the world of the gods, Qing Chenzi naturally knew about such a major event as the Lord of the Furnace getting out of trouble in the group chat.

  After learning about the Lord of the Furnace, Qing Chenzi was not sure of winning.

  Although he is a swordsman with fierce attacks, the Lord of the Furnace is not an easy person, so naturally it is not so easy to solve.

  Especially considering the current situation in the world of the gods, coupled with the Lord of the Furnace and their intervention, it is simply a hodgepodge.

   It's just that at this time, Qingchenzi can't do anything other than keep paying attention.

  The line of defense of the gods and the world of the gods are too far away.

  Even if an existence of his level wants to go back, it will take a few years. By the time he goes back, the day lily will be cold.

   "I didn't expect the master of the furnace to escape at this time."

  Xu Luo didn't expect that he had met the Lord of the Forge just before traveling through time and space, and the other party would be out of trouble at this time.

   "What I'm afraid of is not the escape of the furnace."

  Qingchenzi shook his head.

   "The escape of the furnace means that there is a problem with the seal. The seal is closely related to the Mechanic Throne. We lost contact with the original land before..."

  The latter part doesn't need Qing Chenzi to be too straightforward, Xu Luo naturally knows what he means.

  The seal is closely related to the Mechanic Throne. They lost contact with the original land before, and now the Lord of the Furnace has appeared again. This can only show that there is something wrong with the Mechanic Throne in the original land.

  This is a devastating blow to the order camp.

   One mistake, everything they have now will no longer exist.

  Xu Luo naturally understood this too, so of course he knew what Qingchenzi was worried about at this time.

  Just with his current strength, it is obvious that he can't do anything in front of this level of existence.

   It seems that he has a large number of Zerg, among which there are not a few main gods and masters.

   But once he appeared in front of an existence of the level of the master of the furnace, it was not enough to look at.

  New God can also exhaust the opponent's divine power, but the Lord of the Furnace's great power belongs to himself, and all the power is cultivated by himself. As the incarnation of the sun, his abilities are endless, so it is unrealistic to exhaust him.

  Therefore, when Xu Luo's only support is useless, it means that at this time he is nothing in front of the Lord of the Furnace.

   This kind of ancient existence is too powerful, unless Xu Luoduo has cultivated a few master bugs to have a certain chance.

  Now he doesn't even have the chance of the ants killing the elephant.

   Ants kill elephants too much, that's because the elephants gave them a chance.

  But now when ordinary ants face a mammoth, they can't even get close to it, let alone kill it.

  The Lord of the Furnace The power of the furnace is released, and most Zergs can't do it close to the past, let alone launch an attack?

   Regarding this point, Xu Luo is self-aware.

   Fortunately, when the sky fell, there was a tall man supporting it.

From Xu Luo's point of view, it seems that the Lord of the Furnace and the others are a great threat at this time, but the order camp has existed for so long, and there are not one or two powerhouses like Qing Chenzi, who are unlikely to face the Lord of the Furnace Still helpless.

  At this time, the Immortal Dao World was originally under the command of several top powerhouses, and was accelerating the entire world to wander from the boundary sea and return to the Gods Continent as soon as possible.

  After discovering the existence of the Lord of the Furnace, only the master practitioners left without saying a word.

  Although there are no such top powerhouses, the advancement of the world is still going on.

   The top powerhouses fight each other, the momentum is huge.

  The Outer Domain of the Continent of the Gods is surrounded by void demons and is impenetrable.

  The Lord of the Furnace and the others came directly to the Continent of the Gods. Although they were still far away, with such a huge momentum, they naturally discovered the existence of these void demons at the first time.

   "Where did these things come from?"

  The Lord of the Furnace was puzzled.

  In their era, there were no such things as void demons, so they felt very strange.

   Especially when it was discovered that the continent of the gods was being besieged by these creatures, the master of the furnace and other masters were very dissatisfied.

  When will cats and dogs besiege the Continent of the Gods?

   Discovering this scene, he was fighting his opponent at this time, only to see the Lord of Storms create a few hurricanes and go straight in the direction of the Void Demon.

  Void demons are all in sight, so there is no need to aim specifically, as long as there is no problem in the general direction.

  The Lord of Thunder is even more popular.

  The power of thunder traveled through the void at the speed of light, hitting those void demons at a speed faster than expected.

  Although it is a very long distance, for this kind of existence, this little distance is nothing at all, and it can be completely ignored.

   In contrast, the Lord of the Furnace didn't do anything on purpose.

   But at this time, he also let out his breath.

  The aura of the furnace wandered around unscrupulously, and spread rapidly towards the surrounding area. It was only a matter of time before it got close to the Void Demon.

   Regardless of how far they are from the Continent of the Gods, he released his aura directly. Once those void demons touch the aura of the furnace, there is only one end waiting for them.

  The battle at the master level is too noisy, and the fighting breath spreads unscrupulously in all directions.

  Although it is in the void, there is nothing in the void.

  What kind of void beasts, gods and the like are wandering in the astral world.

  Especially the Void Demon, who is bearing the brunt now.

  There are too many of them and they occupy a large area, so they naturally become the targets of attack.

  Even if they are not specifically targeted at them, but their number is there, it is normal to be unlucky.

  As for the master-level existence among the void demons, at this time, they dare not show their faces at all.

  The battle of many masters makes the void tremble.

   Feeling that a large number of Zergs had lost contact with him, Xu Luo immediately cast his gaze there.

   Discovered that invisible fluctuations came from unknown places. When encountering such fluctuations, his own Zerg disintegrated silently.

  In addition to his own Zerg, the nearby Void Demons are naturally doomed at this time.

  Seeing this situation, he naturally knew that this was formed by the aftermath of the attacks of those masters.

  Although the combat power of his divine power avatar is already impressive, it is still not as good as this kind of fluctuation.

  Because wherever the fluctuation passes, any tangible objects encountered in the silent period will disappear.

  No matter what level of existence you are, it is obviously not enough to look at in front of the mixed attacks of many masters.

   Only seeing this wave of fluctuations is like an eraser, erasing everything completely without leaving any traces.

  After the fluctuation, there were some voids densely packed with void demons and Zerg, but only the void remained, and nothing else remained.

   And this is not a small area. The scope of the fluctuation spread is too large, and everything that passes through it disappears.

  It seems that these masters acted with discretion and deliberately avoided the Gods Continent. Otherwise, they would have sunk the Gods Continent long ago with such a reckless attack.

  The current Continent of the Gods is only one billionth of what it used to be, and it seems quite fragile.

  If it weren't for the existence of the will of the world of the gods, the world of the gods at this time is just a ninth-level world.

  Even because it is the urban boundary, it is very fragile, and a main **** can annihilate it with all his strength.

  Now it is the will of the world of the gods to limit them to go all out.

  Seeing the disappearance of a large number of Void Demons, Xu Luo was not happy, but subconsciously felt that a business grabber was coming.

   At this time, he can only let his divine power clones speed up the speed of killing and devouring.

   Let the killing continue like this, and then these void demons will be killed.

   After finally finding such a place to generate energy, Xu Luo naturally didn't want to end it so soon.

  Even if the devouring divine power is enough for him to reach the pinnacle of dominance, Xu Luo still wants to accumulate more power if possible.

   After all, the more you accumulate at this time, the smoother it will be when you want to be promoted.

  Xu Luo doesn't think that if he reaches the peak of dominance, he can sit back and relax.

  For these masters, what they pursue is an opportunity to transcend.

   It's just a pity that over the years, there have been too few people who have transcended the supreme, and most of them can only be trapped as masters.

   This is also the reason why there are so many peaks and tops among the Juggernauts, and even more than one of the strongest.

  Because this is actually accumulated from generation to generation.

  After Xu Luo went all out, he only saw tens of millions of divine power clones start to exert their strength, and their killing speed and efficiency have greatly improved.

   Quickly killing these void demons and devouring their power has become a basic operation.

  Even at this time, these avatars each release their divine power to form a black mist, so that even if they are in this black mist area, even if these void demons do nothing, their own power will be drawn.

  After being weakened in this way, it is naturally much easier to kill, which makes these divine power avatars more efficient.

  Others didn't think so much at this time, the Void Demon's rear strength was greatly reduced, and those who were well-informed naturally knew this at this time, and they were watching the situation there through their own means.

  Some gods may not be strong, but their abilities are all kinds of strange things.

   Now using a little trick to see the situation over there from a distance of hundreds of millions of miles is nothing more than pediatrics to them.

   So everyone is watching a movie.

  They hoped that more void demons would be killed, so that their pressure would be much less.

  (end of this chapter)