MTL - There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place-Chapter 1253 Qingqiu startled change

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The barrier of the ice wall collapsed and dissipated, the gate of the barrier slowly closed, and all the monks on the entire northern ice field gathered to watch.

Although there was no ceremony, all the monks felt a sense of solemnity when they watched the gate that was about to close.

The avenue is vast and the universe is boundless.

The heavens and worlds are ruled by rules, and the gate of this world in front of you is one of the rules, which is mysterious and unpredictable.

Standing on a high place, Baiyun Tower has a lot of emotion.

Looking at it from today's point of view, this gate that connects all worlds is just another way to make moves, and the chess player has already appeared...

Using the heavens as the chessboard and the ten thousand worlds as the chess pieces is really a good method.

As a pawn, Master Bai doesn't have the slightest awareness of a pawn, let alone the temperament to let it be at his mercy.

This was the reason for the decisive extermination of the black panther true demon before, and the same reason for closing the gate of the boundary wall ahead of time.

The gate of the realm is about to close, but the general trend at that moment has not risen...

Master Bai was not in a hurry, and An Xin became a spectator.

Knowing that there are demon cultivators from outside the territory who are secretly investigating the descendants of the nine-tailed sky fox, Nangong Xiaojing hid Luo Li.

Since then, the little fox fairy Luo Li has secretly returned to Qingqiu, lived in seclusion, practiced in seclusion, and even the elders and demon cultivators in Qingqiu did not know where the Patriarch had gone.

As for Xiaojing's arrangement, Baiyunlou was noncommittal, just watching the changes...

Just as he was thinking about the ups and downs, an accident happened at the gate of the boundary wall under the eyes of everyone.

Beside the gate that was about to close, the void suddenly vibrated, and a beautiful figure eagerly flashed out.

The person who came was the source of the momentum at that moment, the little fox fairy Luo Li.

"Xiao Li..."

Nangong Feiyang's mind was agitated, and he couldn't help calling out: "You've finally passed the test, I'm here..."

"Cangjiu..., Ayao..." Luo Li ignored Nangong's call, and eagerly used his supernatural powers to search among the many demon cultivators in Beiyuan.

"Ayao..., what's wrong with Yaomei?" Ayao is Luo Li's most beloved clan sister. It must be that something happened, and Luo Li became so nervous. Although she asked, Nangong Feiyang was still quite upset. He calmly turned his head to look at the senior brother in charge.

At the same time, Luo Li also woke up, and immediately landed in front of Senior Brother Bai, and described the changes in the Qingqiu Ancestral Hall in a few words.

It turned out that the jade plaque that Elder Cang Jiu kept in the ancestral hall suddenly shattered, and then, the aura of the little fox demon Ayao also dropped by half, and then disappeared without a trace.

Relying on the inherited supernatural powers of the Qingqiu saintess, Luo Li noticed all kinds of changes, and also sensed that the place where Ayao's aura finally disappeared was the extreme northern ice field.

"This method of transformation is really mysterious..."

After hearing Luo Li's words, Baiyun Tower jumped up and propped up the sword field barrier outside the gate of the boundary wall.

While speaking, Baiyunlou waved his sleeves, and dozens of sword lights flashed out, trapping a human monk in an instant.

This cultivator's appearance and figure are extremely ordinary, and his cultivation is only at the golden core stage.

If it wasn't for deliberate detection, it would be really difficult to detect the abnormality. Even if he faced Jian Feng, the master Bai, he still didn't rush, as if he was not afraid at all.

It turned out to be something to rely on...

While Baiyunlou sighed secretly, a sword glow shot out, and immediately cut into the monk's Dharma body.

Hearing a soft "bang", the monks in the sword domain immediately changed their appearance, it was Elder Cang Jiu that Luo Li had just been looking for.

"Cang Jiu... No, who are you? Where did you hide A Yao?"

Luo Li saw that the Elder Cang Jiu in front of him seemed to be in harmony with each other, and that the former White Fox seemed to have only skin left, so he was suddenly furious.

The demon cultivator banned in the Sword Domain simply appeared in the body of a three-tailed white fox, but there were also some wisps of life in the billowing death energy gushing out of the monster's body. phase.

"Senior brother, can we still separate?" Xia Zhaoyang opened the Tianyantong, and saw the clues, the fairy seal was condensed on his fingertips, but he didn't know how to do it for a while.

"Let me try…"

Bai Yunlou sighed softly, his eyes narrowed slightly, the remnant body of Cang Jiu immediately floated into the air, and a sword intent exploded in his body.

In an instant, the wild laughter stopped.

In the eyes of everyone watching, a childish face emerged between the eyebrows of Yaohu.

Such a strange demonic supernatural power immediately elicited exclamations.

Baiyunlou recognized the appearance of the manifested girl, it was the little fox demon from Qingqiu, Luo Li's sister Luoyao.

The little fox demon's body was sealed in Cang Jiu's demon body by unknown magical powers, and it merged with the demon soul from outside the domain.


Seeing Yaomei's appearance, Luo Li exclaimed angrily, and under the surge of anger, the seven-tailed demon body directly appeared.

The long tail swayed, the aura was shocking, the entire void oscillated continuously, and the gate of the boundary wall that was slowly closing was floating for a while, as if it was about to shatter and dissipate in the next moment.

The seven-tailed celestial fox's dharma form can fully exert its soul-stirring powers. In desperation, Luo Li forgot Xiao Jing's instructions, and directly appeared in the form of a demon in front of many monks from outside the territory.

"Tianhu's bloodline!" Several big demons recognized the true nature of this dharma.

Only the blood of the true sky fox can cultivate the seven tails. Although the foreign monks in the field exclaimed, they lost the excitement when they first saw the Suzaku divine bird.

Ever since Sect Master Bai slaughtered the real monsters casually, all kinds of extraordinary existences in the human world seem to have become a matter of course.

Just when all the demon cultivators were secretly sighing, that Cang Jiu's remnant body suddenly exploded, and the power of unknown rules instantly tore off the seal of the sword domain, and fled to the vicinity of the gate of the boundary wall in an instant.

The law of the void avenue!

The existence that has been hiding its true finally showed its true strength.

Only one incarnation of demon consciousness can be so powerful. This person's body is definitely like a demon king.

It's just that although this avatar is powerful, it still can't escape the Yin Guang of Master Bai.

Feng Tianyin fell down quickly, and the invisible pressure directly slapped the struggling Cangjiu demon body on the ice field.

It's just that Luo Yao's demon soul is too fragile, and it is difficult to completely separate it from the soul of the foreign demon king in a short while.

Luo Li's seven magical powers were thrown out, but nearly half of the little fox demon's demon soul was taken out, but as the demon king's incarnation showed a ferocious smile, he had no choice but to stop.

"Brother..., let him go for now." Luo Li was concerned about Yaomei's safety, and finally chose to give up temporarily.

After some probing just now, it can be seen that the incarnation of the demon king is ruthless.

If they were torn apart again, the little fox demon Luo Yao would be the first to perish.

If there were no accidents, the incarnation of the demon king was not in a hurry to escape from the human world. He was just preparing to wait until the gate of the boundary wall was about to close, and escape in an instant, so as to save a lot of trouble.

After thinking about it for a while, Baiyun Tower immediately withdrew the Yinguang, and the incarnation of the demon king immediately took advantage of the trend to escape, and instantly sank into the gate of the boundary wall.

The majestic monster force collided, bringing out huge void ripples from the closing gate of the boundary wall.

After all this tossing, the gate of the boundary wall instantly distorted and blurred.

"Ayan, wait for me to come back..."

Luo Li flashed back to the original human form, looked at the void that was about to be torn apart, greeted hurriedly, and resolutely moved the gate of the void.

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