MTL - There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place-Chapter 16 Pulse

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The flames scattered in all directions, as if trying to burn the surrounding mountains and jungles.

At this time, a burst of rain poured down, instantly doused the raging mountain fire.

The torrential rain was pouring, and after a while, the creek turned into a mountain torrent, roaring and rushing downstream, and some trees and rocks along the coast rolled down, with extraordinary momentum.

Suddenly, the earth and rocks on both sides of the river surged, and the embankments along the river increased and widened. The roaring river gradually slowed down and slowly flowed into the ocean.

After the mountain torrents, the weather cleared up after the rain, and the embankments gradually became green and shady.

After a while, the seeds buried deep in the embankment gradually germinated and grew, and the strong wild vines drilled thousands of windows and hundreds of holes in the embankment.

Seeing that the dam was about to break, the iron mines in the distant mountains turned into knives and axes, and flew up in the air, cutting off the dead branches and vines on the dam.

A ray of flame followed, and the knife and ax melted into golden water, which was cast on the dam.

This change can be described as dazzling, and the way of the five elements' mutual generation and mutual restraint was vividly interpreted by several teachers.

While all the disciples were amazed, the teacher in gray who had been standing quietly came out.

The gray-clothed instructor stepped forward and counted on the sand table, and the clouds and mists around a lone peak gradually formed until the lone peak was hidden in the clouds and mists.

Several other instructors mobilized their mana one after another, and saw a huge boulder on the top of the mountain flying high, turning into a stream of light and smashing into the clouds like a meteorite.

The jungle around the clouds turned into giant vines and entangled in the clouds, and the gold and iron turned into swords again, shooting into the clouds like meteors.

There was only a sound of clanging and clanging, the boulder was ejected from the clouds and shattered into several pieces in mid-air, and the sword was thrown from one side, most of it was worn out and damaged.

A column of water suddenly shot out from the big river not far away, flying above the clouds and mist, like a huge wave approaching the sky.

Breaking through the clouds and mists in an instant, I finally saw the scenery inside the clouds and mists.

A hemispherical barrier envelops the isolated peak. Outside the barrier, the vines are scorched black, floating in a pool of water. Inside the barrier, there are still clouds and mist steaming, and the shadow of the isolated peak can be faintly seen, but it is not damaged at all.

The Fire Master smiled and pointed his finger, and the fireball hanging high in the sky shot strands of fire towards the barrier.

Light and shadow rippling on the enchantment, a round of dozens of lines of fire bombarded indiscriminately, the enchantment gradually crumbled, but finally carried it over, and then stabilized.

The Fire Master frowned slightly, grasped slightly with his right hand, and threw it vigorously. The fireball that had been hovering and rotating blazed brightly, and then smashed towards the barrier like an angry bull.

In an instant, a wave of light visible to the naked eye exploded to the surroundings, and the mountain leader waved his sleeves to block it for a group of disciples. The disciples saw that the barrier had disappeared, and a huge charred black stone was left on the isolated peak. pit.

The head of the mountain caressed on the sand table, and all kinds of scenery on the sand table turned into dust one after another, and the original appearance of the sand table was restored.

The stunned disciples came back to their senses one after another, and only then did Professor Huiyi say: "From today onwards, I will teach you the Five Elements Formation, you can ask me to teach you strictly."

The head of the mountain continued: "Now you have seen the skills of the six teachers. In the future, there will be opportunities to ask for advice. Take this opportunity to show you the door of cultivation. You don't know where the door is, so how can you talk about entering through it. "

After speaking, the mountain master waved his sleeves, and the clouds and mist rose on the sand table, and the five-color aura gradually appeared in the clouds and mist. Shan Chang said: "There are five elements of spiritual energy in the heaven and earth, nourishing all things in the world, and the spiritual energy cannot be seen by the naked eye."

An illusory figure appeared and sat cross-legged on the sand table, the spiritual energy of the five elements was ingested into the body to nourish the body, and gradually gathered towards the dantian.

The head of the mountain continued: "Among the ancestors, there were those with abnormal spiritual perception and those with innate Taoism. They sensed the existence of the five elements' spiritual energy, and tried to introduce them into their bodies, temper their bodies, and refine their souls."

"After countless generations of monks explored and tried, they gradually formed some similar cultivation methods, which are the cultivation methods mentioned today."

"It is said that in ancient times, cultivation was at its peak. Ancient cultivation can be roughly divided into three stages, Human Immortal, Earth Immortal, and Celestial Immortal.

"Earth Immortals have Nascent Soul, Out of Body, Distraction, Fusion, Crossing Tribulation, Mahayana six realms. After Mahayana, Ju Xiafei ascends to Heavenly Immortal Realm. It is not known what realm is beyond Celestial Immortal Realm."

"More than 3,000 years ago, an unprecedented catastrophe swept across the entire cultivation world, and the inheritance of cultivation was almost broken. Now, after 3,000 years of cultivation, the remaining monks have struggled to find out the inheritance in the fragments of Taoism scriptures left by their ancestors. None of the monks broke through to the fairyland."

"The reason why ancient comprehension flourished is not only because of the profound cultivation skills, but also because ancient comprehension practitioners can exchange for various comprehension pills."

"There is a kind of elixir called Foundation Establishment Pill, which can remove impurities in the meridians during the Qi Condensation Period, greatly shortening the Qi Condensation Period, and allowing monks to break through to the Foundation Establishment Period with a greater chance."

"Nowadays, there is no trace of the Foundation Establishment Pill. If you want to step into the door of cultivation, you must have good enough aptitude. After a long period of time, it is possible to break through the condensation period and enter the real realm of immortality."

Shan Chang’s narration stopped for a while, and the sand table also stopped changing. Don't be afraid of hardships and seek the Dao, all disciples know why?"

Bai Yunlou thought for a while and said, "Pursue the truth."

The head of the mountain laughed loudly: "What Yunlou said is right. Gu Xiu is really looking for the truth at the end of his cultivation. These three thousand years of cultivators have not only practiced hard, but are also looking for the truth of that catastrophe."

"So many cultivation powers have been annihilated in ashes, and their inheritance has been cut off. Only the higher you stand, the more chance you will have to see the truth. I don't know when the next catastrophe will come. Only by advancing bravely in the rapids and surmounting the thorns, is our generation The true color of a cultivator."

The disciples' blood boiled with enthusiasm, and their eyes had direction. The words of the head of the mountain not only pointed out the direction of cultivation, but also strengthened the hearts of the new disciples.

Shan Chang smoothed the sand table with his sleeves, and said: "If you want to practice, you must first understand what your own aptitude is, and then use this sand table to test it."

After finishing speaking, the head of the mountain pointed to the youngest little **** the far right and said, "Xiaoxi, from the moment you report your name, let's get to know each other and put your hands on the edge of the sand table."

The little girl's face was flushed, she was a little shy, and she bowed slightly to the head teacher, "My name is Tan Xiaoxi, ten years old." She put her hands on the edge of the sand table.

The sand table was suddenly lit up with fire, and the whole sand table was ignited with raging fire, and the little girl screamed out.

The head of the mountain comforted: "Xiaoxi, don't be afraid, this sand table can not only perform Taoism, but also test the attributes of the spiritual veins of junior cultivators. It ignites a raging fire and fills the entire sand table. I have a pulse, and I can ask the fire master for advice in the future."

Xiaoxi weakly looked at Master Huo, Master Huo was very happy, he had never seen such a pure pulse of extreme fire, and now he had a top disciple to teach him.