MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 639 exploded

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on site.

   After the players' cheers broke out suddenly, they didn't stop for a long time.

   It lasted for more than two minutes.

no way.

   The players are so excited.

   What kind of game can't be done by a big manufacturer...or more accurately, ordinary companies don't want to touch it at all.

  The "open world" must have a place.

   For a while, the open world was even hailed as the threshold of a 'masterpiece'!

  The so-called open world, strictly speaking, does not have a clear definition here.

  Because it can't be defined either.

  Computer technology and the narrative structure of stand-alone games limit the upper limit of the game world to some extent.

  The open world can be said to be open, but it is not completely 'open'. It is still strictly restricted by the underlying rules of the game.

   An open world in the true sense does not exist.

  Because no matter what the game is, there will always be boundaries in the end, and there will be things that cannot be done.

  So many times, this type of game is more of a gimmick.


  Even so.

   Players still eat this set.


  Because this type of game gives players a brand new gaming experience...or in other words, players expect such a type of game to give them such an experience.

  In general games, no matter how big the map is, if the player does not do the main line, it will still be difficult to move forward.

  Many things, such as which way to go and which boss to fight, are all designed in advance.

  You can't say it's bad.


  As the times progress, players really hope that there will be a game that is more... free.

  Developers with ideals and businessmen with a keen sense of smell also intend to make larger games.

  Because they know very well that a real virtual world is really too attractive.


  The game type of open world came into being.

  The concept of an open world appeared in this world equally early.

   But it really became popular because of technological progress.

  Due to the large investment and time-consuming of the early open world games, most of them are unmatched by latecomers in terms of gameplay and game depth.

  This unprecedented type of game, at the time when linear games were the mainstay and Hakoniwa World was popular, had a huge impact on players.

  With such a large investment, the manufacturers are of course very fanciful at the level of publicity.

   So soon.

  Open world, the impression of being equal to a 'masterpiece' or even 'above others' is established.

   So far, this genre has become a luxury item, a reflection of the technology and strength of the game production company.


  In this type, the companies that took the lead in eating crabs also got rich harvests from it.

   Various manufacturers are watching the wind and developing their own open worlds one after another, in order to keep up with the trend of the times and rub this sweet pastry.

   This type is really popular.

  At the same time, the concept that an open world is equal to a masterpiece has also become popular among the player community.

   And then...

   Problems followed.

  What are the characteristics of open world games?

  Large-area maps, seamless connection, 3D, diverse gameplay, sufficient game content, and strong interactivity.

  In summary, it is necessary to build an extremely real world, and even make the whole world come alive.

  In addition to interacting with players, NPCs must also have their own activities. The world in the game exists independently of players, and it has a complete set of operating rules.

  But this set of standards, I have to say, is too strict...

   Not everyone is Rockstar or Nintendo.

  Although many games are under the banner of an open world, players will soon find out.

  Many open world games are beggars' version...

  In addition, the map is very large, and many branch lines are added to the game, and a variety of collection elements and development elements are placed.

   But that's all.

  The map is large, but the content is too repetitive, and there are only a few ways for players to come and go when playing the game.

  The elements in the map are highly repetitive, and there is basically nothing new.

  The so-called big map is just a big map.

  It has a huge skeleton, but there is not enough content to fill it, and it cannot give players a good game experience.

  The concept of "open world" is making a lot of noise.

  But apart from the freshness at the beginning, players find it quite interesting.

  Other times, players never really come across an 'open world' game that satisfies them.


  Linmu Studio was born.

At this moment.

  The players only know.

  Brother, this is the open world!

   This is also one of the opportunities for the game type of "open world" to truly determine its status.

   So far.

  The open world has become the most 'powerful' game type in the minds of players in this world.


  After The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

  This game type has returned to the old way, although there are many similar games under the banner of "developing the world".

  But basically all are beggars’ editions…

   Mostly just big maps.

   Just don't name a Nintendo and Rockstar.

   Not even Company B came out with one.

  It’s all Ubisoft’s canned open world…

  Players leave with high expectations every time, buy the game, and leave disappointed.

   They want a real open world game more than anyone else.

  How to say, you can't do Zelda like that, you have to at least like that?

but no.

   So this leads to a very awkward situation.

   Players agree that the game type of "open world" is awesome and want to play it.

  The manufacturer also agrees that the game type of "open world" is awesome, and wants to release it.

  This game type is very popular, it can be said that everyone knows it.

  But there is no work that satisfies the players...

   That’s where the awkwardness lies.


   Just now.

   Zhong Xiu said.

  Linmu Studio is going to make an open world game...

  The most high-profile game company, to be the most high-profile game type!

  Linmu Studio makes open world games.

  Although Zhong Xiu didn't say it clearly.

   But the implication is really too obvious.

   The player hears this.

  How does it feel?

  —Damn it! Professional here!


That's all.

   The cheers did not stop for a long time.

  Zhong Xiu was able to wait patiently at the beginning.

  But soon he discovered that if he didn't speak, the players would keep cheering.

  He couldn't bear it...

  This is a head.

   "Yes, you guessed it right, it is the open world."

  Zhong Xiu had to speak, interrupting the players' cheers.


  He personally admitted that the next game that Linmu Studio will announce will be an open world game.

  Although there was a moment when the cheers of the players stopped.

   But then.

  All the audience in the audience cheered louder and louder.

   Someone even whistled directly.

  For example, Li Yu, after hearing Zhong Xiu's confession, he immediately waved his fists, so excited that he couldn't help himself.


   Zhong Xiu saw this scene on the stage and smiled slightly.

  I really can't say...

  He has nothing to do.

   Can only let the players vent their excitement first.


  The player really yelled for another five minutes.

   "We have been preparing for this new game for a long time. Yes, the new game, you should be able to guess it when you see me on stage."

   “This is not a console game.”


  Zhong Xiu found an opportunity.

  As soon as he said this, the player calmed down a little.

  Because this means that it is not a sequel to The Legend of Zelda.

  It is a new work in the PC department.

   The most impressive open world game for players is still Zelda.

  The game is not out now.

   Players can't imagine a game they haven't played.

  So calm down for now.

   Instead, he stared straight at the stage, waiting for Zhong Xiu's next words.


  Zhong Xiu found that the endless cheering finally stopped.

   breathed a sigh of relief.

  However, he didn't just watch the player's heart go cold, and quickly said something to raise the player's expectations again: "I heard that Zhu Nianqiao is also preparing a surprise."

  He said this.

  The player's eyes lit up again instantly.

  Zhu Nianqiao is the person in charge of the console department, as players know.

   "However, the theme of this meeting is not Zhu Nianqiao. I won't disclose the specific content. Let's talk about the new game of our PC department."

  Zhong Xiu saw the expressions of the players and nodded in satisfaction.

   Then he stopped and changed the subject.

   It’s enough to draw cakes here…

   “First of all, there is no doubt that this will be an excellent open world game.”

  Zhong Xiu began to pace the stage, laying the groundwork for the game to be announced next: "As for what an open world game is, to tell you the truth, I don't really understand it."

   "To tell you the truth, I have checked it carefully."

  “The definition given by many manufacturers is that an open world game can be regarded as an area where players can freely explore and achieve goals.”

   "But this definition is too broad."

   "According to this standard, many games are actually open world."

   "I was not satisfied with the answer, so I went to ask Lin Yao."

   "The answer Lin Yao gave is that traditional linear narrative games drive players with fascinating plots, sandbox games maximize the creativity of players, and open worlds... allow players to explore."

   "Explore the game world itself."

   Following Zhong Xiu's narration.


  The audience slowly calmed down.

   "However, I still don't quite understand."

  Zhong Xiu smiled at the player and continued: "Then I asked her if she could be more specific."

   “Then, she gave me specific advice.”

   “According to her, first of all — the world needs to be big.”

   “So, we made a city, a city called… Los Santos.”

  Zhong Xiu's words fell.

   On the big screen of the stage.

  The three characters of "Los Santos" appeared.


  It's like a clip of a real cityscape introduction film.

   Start playing.

  The camera passes over the scenic Vespucci Beach, and then slowly advances.

   At dusk.

  Countless men and women in bathing suits are walking on the beach, and the occasional biker wearing a helmet roars past on the bicycle lane.

  Further forward, various entertainers, weightlifting performers, bohemian-style residents and exotic boutiques on the street make it particularly exciting.

  All kinds of hippie-style street art fill the entire beach.

   Entire screen.

  With the blessing of the Blue Star Engine of Linmu Studio.

   If you don't zoom in to see.

   It makes people feel that this is a real shot!


   There was an exclamation from the audience.

  Many players looked in disbelief.

   And further back.

   There were more and more exclamations of disbelief.

  Because the camera starts to move forward, after a montage.

  Row upon row of skyscrapers appeared in the center of the screen.

   Maze Bank Building, FIB Building, IAA Building, Union Savings Bank, Vinewood Sign…

   Various landmark buildings began to appear one by one.

  Although the name has changed.


  Many overseas players, especially North American players, couldn't help standing up.

   Damn it! ?

  As for players who don’t know, although they weren’t that shocked, they were still shocked by the map demonstration video.

  Open world?

   Is this tm an open world?

   "Los Santos, the most developed city in San Andreas, is also the most densely populated. The county government of Los Santos County is located here."

   "Los Santos is a huge city with rich and colorful culture. The area of ​​the whole island is about 300 square kilometers, most of which are hills and highlands, covering an area of ​​about 70 square kilometers..."

on the stage.

   Play along with the 'scenery film'.

  Zhong Xiu also began to introduce the main stage of this game.

  The player listened with a dazed expression.

  “…This will be a super large area that players can freely explore.”

   "This is the stage of the game."

   "But it doesn't make sense to just have a big map. These are Lin Yao's original words."

  Zhong Xiu continued to pace the stage, not giving the players time to react, and continued: "So this is the second point, the degree of freedom is strong."

  “After we create a virtual world for everyone, we have to give players freedom in the game so that players can freely explore.”

   "After all, it's an open world."

   "So, with our efforts, you can do whatever you want in this world, playing the role of evildoers who burn, kill, and loot."

   "Of course, you can also be a good citizen who has to wait for the red light to cross the road."

   "We have prepared a lot of gameplay in it. If you like racing games, you can buy racing cars and motorcycles in the game, and you can also modify them, and then drive unscrupulously on the road."

   "You can also rob banks in the game, stand out from the siege of police and agents, and get money."

   "You can also go to nightclubs, climb mountains, playgrounds, fly airplanes, race cars, sports, drive, shootouts, adventures, fights..."

  Zhong Xiu has the same name as the dish in the report.

   began to talk about how to play the game.

  No picture.


   All players.

   Breathing became rough.

   Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! ?

  “All in all, with diverse gameplay and sufficient game content, we have created a world with its own social system and a complete background.

  It will not cause the whole world to stop because of the player's standing still. It will serve the players, but it can operate independently from the players. "

  After Zhong Xiu talked about a lot of ways to play, the topic changed again: "However, if it's just a big map and a high degree of freedom, it still won't work."

   "So let's talk about the third point, to satisfy the player's desire to explore to the greatest extent."

  “In this game, in this world, there are countless stories, just like a black box. If you don’t lift the curtain, you will never know what’s inside.”

   "Every time a player discovers a new NPC, they can experience a new story. Every time they find a new way to play, it is equivalent to starting a new game..."



  Many players half stood up.

   Breathing became heavier.

  So many people stared at Zhong Xiu.

  It looked like he wanted to swallow him alive.

   Tell the truth.

   It's quite infiltrating.

   Although knowing they just want to play games...

   "In addition to the above three points, there is the most important point."

  Zhong Xiu wiped the sweat from his brow indiscriminately, and before he had time to reflect on whether he had laid the groundwork for too long, he continued: "That's the story."

  “Although the open world is different from linear games, it also values ​​the plot of the story.”

  "The main plot in the open world should focus on the shaping of the characters and the construction of the game world, and use various hidden plots to guide the players."

   "To put it simply, it is to let players have a sense of identity with this world."

   "So, in this city, players will be able to act as three monsters at the same time."

   "Then, control them to draw their own blueprint for survival and success in the face of the rolling financial storm in the huge and sunny bustling city."

   "This is the game I'm going to announce."

   "We call it—"


  Zhong Xiu said the last sentence.

   went straight to the side.

   Waiting for the players to react.

  The lights on the stage were directly dimmed.


  The promotional video starts playing.

  The rap music full of street atmosphere sounded.

   It is completely possible to appear on the screen as a fake picture.

  The camera flies past the row upon row of skyscrapers.

   aimed at a villa located in a rich area.

   Neat and clean streets, luxury car pools with deck chairs...

  A slightly fat middle-aged white man was holding a glass of whiskey. Hearing the family quarrel coming from the other side of the house, he shook his head, then lay down on an open-air lounge chair, and put on sunglasses.

  The screen changes.

  Give the slums that are in sharp contrast to the rich areas.

  The slums are full of drunken drunks and drug addicts.

  In the bar, a scruffy middle-aged man with a Mediterranean hairstyle kept uttering vulgar words starting with F, while holding down the head of a passer-by and smashing it against the bar counter, **** and bloody.


  The scenery of the street flashed by.

  The scenic Vespucci Beach just appeared.

  Two black men ask directions to a man resting in a chair.

  The other party kindly pointed the way.

  Next scene.

  The two drove the stolen luxury car, whizzed away, and started racing on the road.

three people.

  One is a young man who is at the bottom and is looking for opportunities.

  One is a middle-aged man with a big belly, who is worrying about his uneasy wife and children, and hopes to be able to live a better life with peace of mind in the future.

  The last one is a middle-aged man who is already bald, but never admits defeat, always feels full of strength, and seems to be suffering from mania.

  Three different characters, three different lives.

  They have different annoyances.

   They have completely different lives.

  Drag racing, driving a helicopter to chase the sunset in the canyon, skydiving, mountain biking, swimming...

  In the game, various gameplays appear in sequence.

   Come to the end of the promotional video.

  The lives of the three protagonists meet.

   While leaving room for players to imagine wirelessly.

  The name of the game appears.

【"Grand Theft Auto"!】

  【Next spring, it will be officially released! 】

  This is the only one.

  The release date is next year's new game.

  The other four new games were all released in the past two months.


   Neither the live players nor the players in the live broadcast room noticed this.



   But don't take it seriously at all.

on site.

   After the promotional video was broadcast, the lights on the stage were turned on.

  Zhong Xiu just wanted to say the closing remarks.

   found out.


  Everyone in the audience stood up.


   Immediately after.

   Huge cheers broke out again.


   This time.

  In any case, Zhong Xiu couldn't speak anymore.

  Because the cheering has not stopped...


  Sky fox.

  Mou Feng looked at the game LOGO on the screen, looked at the audience standing up under the stage, thought of everything he saw just now, and slowly put a question mark?

  Open world?

   also zoomed in! ?

   Zoom in like this! ?

  Your Carnival will not be held next year, right?

   You just have one meal, right?

   You are not finished, are you?

   You don’t think about the future, do you?

   You just want to kill your colleagues, right?

   "Obviously the first four games are already very good... Still come? Still tm Wang Zang? I want to see what you guys do next year!"

  Mou Feng thought about it.

   Laughed outright.

  Because it's really crazy!



【new game! A new game from Forest Studios! ! open world! ! "Grand Theft Auto"! ! A whole world! ! Awesome! ! 】

   Such a post.

   Before the meeting ended, it was sent out.

   It was also sent by the administrator of the forum...


  He even forgot to relay the content of the meeting.

   Just posted a title.

  No content.

   But even so.

   There are still countless players who clicked in...

   And at the same time.

North America.

  Although it is late at night.


   There are still overseas players participating in the carnival, and the promotional video of "Grand Theft Auto" was released immediately.

  Not an official promotional video.

   It's a gun version promotional film shot on the spot!

  But even if it was a gun version of the promotional video, it was still spread everywhere within an hour after it was sent out.

  Because it spread too fast and too far.

  Many players don't even know the source.

   Start asking.

what game is this?

   What kind of game is this tm! ?

   All it takes is for someone else to get on their knees and beg them to tell me what game this is and when it's coming out.

if we assume.

   "Dead by Daylight" almost every advantage stepped on their sensitive points.

  Then this game is directly grown on their sensitive points...

   So, half an hour later.

  When the official account of Linmu Studio on social media, the official version of the "Grand Theft Auto" promotional video was released and uploaded to the video website.

  Players in Europe and America.

   It exploded.

  Game giants in Europe and America.

   also exploded.