MTL - There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem-Chapter 152 The temptation to go home

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Tall men are black and face to play silent, Ye Zhizhou can only follow the silence of the sly.

The weather in early winter and early spring was not too high. He was so anxious that he only wore a thin coat. The pavilion was ventilated on all sides, and the back collar was broken by the crane. When the wind blows, it cools directly from the back to the heart.

Sneaking and pulling the collar, I hope that I don’t want to leak any more. He shrinks his neck and is uncomfortable on the side, avoiding the sight of the tall man looking straight.

"Small continent."


It is silence again.

Ye Zhizhou turned his head and looked at him. He couldn’t understand what the young master of the building was doing. When the two talents meet for the first time, Xiaozhou Xiaozhou will not be too close.

The Oriental book looked at each of his expressions and endured the urge to hold people into his arms and asked, "What is my name?"

Ye Zhizhou licks his ears. "You are asking me, what is your name?"

The Oriental book nodded.

"Mr. Lou Qiang." Ye Zhizhou frowned, very natural to touch the small mirror in the pocket, touched it and then stunned a little, retracted his hand and carefully said the words, "x2 is not yet officially mass-produced. New agents, some unknown side effects may not have been discovered, do you want to... do a detailed check?"

The oriental book is dark.

Ye Zhizhou’s heart was raised. What is the meaning of this building move to the end? First, I said a bunch of words inexplicably. Now I ask some mentally handicapped questions. I still can't move my face with black air and my eyes are black and horrible. The brothers are right, this young man is really right. The brain is broken... can he still walk out of this hospital today?

The Oriental book pressed down the fierce emotions in the heart and turned to the wheelchair. "Go eat."

Ye Zhizhou returned to God and said that he did not understand the conversion of the topic. "What did you say about Mr. Lou?"

"Eat, you are hungry." The Oriental book turned to the wheelchair and walked over to him. He pulled his wrist and squeezed it. He quickly retracted his hand and said, "I still have a little cold, go back to the ward, I let Xiaoyi send it." And the coat came over, it was my negligence, I shouldn’t see you here."

The place where the wrist was touched still had the temperature of the other's finger. Ye Zhizhou's eyes were sent to the pavilion with a wheelchair, and the hand was pressed to press the heart. Strange, how suddenly the heart beats faster, frozen?

[After the scan, there are toxin residues in the body, the gene collapse is initially relieved, and it is necessary to rest. Applicable medicinal herbs: Huadu Dan, Shangpin Washing Mulberry, Shiquan Dabu Pills. ]


He reached out and touched the pocket. He suddenly felt that the scene was vaguely familiar. "Small mirror, did I know you before...Is it, have you forgotten?" Too many habits that were not there before, too many inexplicable thoughts And impulsive, but he clearly only lost the memory of just a few days before and after the car accident... In just a few days, he can raise so many habits that he did not have before, and learn so many things that he would not have?

Why do you feel intuitively touching the small mirror in your pocket when you think that you should go to check your body? And the small mirror actually knows his test results... No, the original small mirror, in addition to saying something messy, also has the function of checking the body?

"Small continent?"

The low-pitched sound, but no longer with the repression of the first meeting, but a hint of care and gentleness. He looked outside the pavilion and still patiently waited for his tall man and stepped forward. There is also this person, obviously a very rude and inexplicable guy, but why not feel annoying, too strange.

Lou Yi entered the ward with a newly bought coat and a well-prepared lunch in the kitchen, trying to control her expression and not making herself too stupid and stupid.

"I heard that you had a car accident some time ago? Is the injury good enough, is there any sequelae?"

"It’s so good, there are no aftereffects, thank you Mr. Lou for your concern."

"But I heard that you lost your memory for a while?"

"In fact, the memory of a few days before and after the car accident is not very clear. It is not a memory loss. The doctor said that this should be a natural reaction after trauma. It can only be regarded as a little fuzzy and chaotic memory."

"It turned out to be the case." The oriental book Shen Mei knocked on the arm of the chair, and looked up and looked at his looks carefully. He suddenly smiled. "Xiaozhou, you look good."

The beautiful man smiled for a thousand dollars, and the atmosphere of conversation that has been gradually relaxed has confessed to Ye Zhizhou, who can't help but blush, avoiding his sight and embarrassed return. "...Mr. Lou looks better."

"I have traced what you have been in my mind for a long time."

"Ah? Ah..."

"Real people look better than you think, I like it."

"Mr. Lou, Lou... I, let's talk about something else..." Ye Zhizhou's face was completely red.

Lying in the trough! When did the older brother say so badly? !

Lou Yi turned his head and looked at the wall with a shocked and distorted expression. Then he quickly took a deep breath and adjusted his emotions. If he turned his head to his own big brother, he said to Ye Zhizhou while he was having lunch. "Lunch is simple, please ask Mr. Ye. Mind, I have already set a nutritious meal for the original vegetarian restaurant. Please stay with me at night to eat."

The vegetarian meal of the original vegetarian restaurant is famous for its supplement. Ye Zhizhou has just recovered from a car accident and is really suitable for eating this.

Ye Zhizhou was somewhat uncomfortable by Lou Yi’s glaring eyes. He wanted to refuse the invitation, but his eyes touched the look of the opposite building, and somehow he swallowed the words he refused.

"In the afternoon, my brother has several small checks, and I also ask Mr. Ye to bother." Lou Yi hit the snake with the stick, put the tableware and then glanced at the back of the Ye Zhizhou sofa and shook his head and wanted to be close and dare to pick up the little crane. Silently distorted the expression and left the ward with a full scream.

The Oriental Book naturally noticed the sight of the stupid younger brother of the original Lord, but he did not care, and now nothing is more important than the opposite person. He picked up his coat and walked over to the other person's body. His fingers inadvertently rubbed each other's hair, gently rubbed it, and then recovered without a trace. He said, "Your body just needs to keep warm, eat, sleep for a while." ""

The heartbeat began to accelerate again, and Ye Zhizhou nodded in a random way, feeling that his head was a little dizzy. The gentle young master is really... so people want to be close! No, you have to restrain, this is not right! Although he is bent, he is very reserved!

Not long after eating lunch, Ye Zhizhou fell asleep. The little crane jumped from the back of the sofa and hit him. The relatives posted the stickers and turned into spiritual strength.

The Oriental book took him to the hospital bed, helped him cover the quilt, and bowed his head to kiss his forehead.

"Small continent."

The person on the bed has entered a deep sleep, naturally it will not respond to his call. He smiled and went to bed and gently put the person in his arms to feel the satisfaction of his lover. Then he touched the small mirror in the other's pocket and asked, "What happened?" The soul of Ye Zhizhou was expelled. After that, he and Tongtian immediately split up, one to chase the soul of Ye Zhizhou to protect, and one to find a suitable body to prepare for birth. Only two people did not think that Ye Zhizhou actually returned to his own world after being expelled. It is expected that the lack of it, coupled with the intentional interference of the soul flag, they were slightly injured. In addition, the body he found is an empty shell with a gene collapsed everywhere. It is very troublesome to repair, and the power is suppressed by the heavens. His consciousness has been unable to wake up until the body is slightly improved under the influence of x2. I finally woke up.

After a short silence, the child rang, "The host soul was swallowed by the soul-eater, causing wear and tear, plus the serious injury of the body when returning to this world... The host is connected with my soul, and his soul is damaged. I also have Certainly, the purple space is closed, I can't take the medicinal herbs and give them to the host to cure the wounds. In desperation, I can only find ways to save the power and let the host soul enter the space autonomously, guiding him to take medicine to rest, but unfortunately..."Unfortunately every time Being interrupted, it is now self-repairing, and it is necessary to protect the stability of the host soul. It is not easy to save one power, but it is interrupted every time.

The small mirror said that this shocked, and he was so wronged that he wanted to cry. "I am sorry, I am too useless..."

"Don't blame you." The Oriental book put it on the chest of Ye Zhizhou and gently touched the cheek of Ye Zhizhou. "It's my problem." If it wasn't for his self-assertion in the last world... Xiaozhou's way of doing things has always been mild. If it is not his own concealment, Tong Jia may not die, and the soul flag will not be organic.

"I am arbitrarily..." He re-entered the man into his arms, and the heart that had been hanging for a long time finally settled down. In the past, I lost my memory. Xiaozhou never gave up. Now I am replaced by Xiaozhou, and suddenly I feel a little fortunate. The memory of the last world is too painful, and the small continent is temporarily forgotten.

Lou Yi’s face is tangled and standing outside the ward. He wants to remind his older brother that even if he likes it, he can’t take advantage of Mr. Ye’s sleep when he sleeps, but swipe his eye in the ward through the observation window and his eyes and eyes. Transparent cranes can only bury all the three observations. Fortunately, my brother, this is to take the savior of savior, the building is over.

"What are you doing at the door of the ward?" Shao Feng took out a fruit basket and smashed his shoulder. "Let's leave, I want to talk to your older brother."

Lou Yi was almost injured by him. He glanced at his bear-like figure and shook his head. "My brother is still in a coma, not seeing guests, please come back." Shao Jia, a mutant bear, will fight with his eldest brother every time he comes over. She must never let him in!

Shao Feng is not happy, put down the fruit basket and start rubbing his fingers. "Lou Xiaoyi, are you itchy?"

boor! barbarian! Not preaching the stars! A simple **** with a well-developed mind! Despite the snoring in my heart, I still have to be polite and embarrassed. "Mr. Shao, we are not familiar, please call me Mr. Lou, thank you."

Shao Feng sneered, bending over to open the fruit basket, rubbing open an apple, handing over the past half, "eat?"

This person is sick. Lou Yi firmly refused.

"Don't eat and pull down." Shao Feng took back the apple himself and took a sip. He randomly took a list from his pocket and said it was vague. "It’s the same with you. It’s the Shao family. Ministry of compensation."

Lou Yi calculated the possible benefits of several projects on the list, nodded with a slight satisfaction, and asked, "What benefits does Renjia give you so that you can help?"

Shao Feng curiously raised his eyebrows. "Hey, don't you call someone smart now? Didn't you still protect her before, but also for her to quarrel with me."

The past was unbearable, and Lou Yi wanted to take the longan in the basket and poke it into his nostrils. He turned his face back. "I used to look away. I thought that there was a small white flower in the mess of the family. You also said I, yourself, haven’t you been away from Ren Qiao, how can you help her now?”

"Do you think I am willing?" Shao Feng's face stinks, killing the apples in three or two, throwing away the core and rubbing his hands and irritating back. "Don't mention, my old man owes a family, and he is very sick recently. Just see the sky and go to me in front of me... forget it, don't say this, I have something to ask you, the Ye Zhizhou who was crushed, you help me, this time I am sorry for the Shao family, wait for I have personally apologized for my family."

The ward door was smashed twice. Shao Feng glanced at the window and looked at the translucent crane that he was glaring at him. The brow was pumping. "Your big brother is still in a coma? Why don't I believe so..."

"Please come back." Lou Yi side stepped over the observation window and smiled. "You don't have to ask for it. Ye Zhizhou is my family member. The contradiction between him and Ren Jia Shao is the contradiction between my family and Ren Jia. This account is slowly calculated."

Shao Feng’s eyes widened. “What do you mean? You are a family member? You were stimulated by Ren Qiao. I decided to bend from the corner and then turn to the arms of Ren Qiao’s enemies. Is your heart a problem?”

If you don’t speculate, you can go back and go straight back, then slam on his ass. “Walk away, don’t come, see you, you’re annoying!”

"Hey, you are wearing the scum of Sven, the broken flat glasses don't wear, the more you wear the more stupid!" Shao Feng stood firm, indifferent to pat the **** on the gray, back and left, "Look at your small body, If the military can't get along, come to me. I have a lot of jobs for your image."

"Look at yourself first!" Lou Yi took off his glasses and pulled his hair. The appearance of the Sven elite was broken and became sinister and fierce. "The idiots who have long brains are not long, and sooner or later they are eaten by the political circles." The guy who spit the bones is dead, and Shao Jia has you bad luck!"

Shao Feng’s whistle blew a whistle and turned and waved. “Go, don’t think about my little fox.”

"Thinking of your uncle!"

[The chances of Shao Feng's love with the protagonist have dropped to 50%, please support the host. ]

[The probability of Fang Yixing and the protagonist's love has dropped to 0%, the first soul flag is pulled out, congratulations to the host, please the host to make persistent efforts. ]

Ye Zhizhou’s communicator suddenly began to scream, and the Oriental book opened his eyes, and then he had a big eye and a small eye with the waking Ye Zhizhou.

The bed was very narrow, and the two were very close. Ye Zhizhou was sensitive to the contours of the other side of the body. The confused consciousness was sober, and then he did not hesitate to stretch his legs and slammed the man out of bed. rogue!"

Holding a lover, kiss and kiss, and make yourself a little excited about the oriental book again.