MTL - There’s A Beauty-Chapter 56 Painted skin

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The Wang stared at Fu Yi a few times, surprised, "Oh, what's the matter? This peace charm is well placed in the purse, how did it ignite? I didn't even feel it at all." She quickly hooked her head. Going through my clothes, I was relieved to find that there were no signs of scorching. The cloth used for this dress was satin, which was one of her most expensive dowries of the year. It was burnt out and no more.

Feeling helpless, holding her arm and asking again, "Who has been here today?"

Wang ’s eyes were a little dodged, and he racked his brains and thought for a while before finding cover words. “Do n’t say, you do n’t believe who came here today. It ’s the second nephew Xinna ’s little sister Zou. Without contact, she was humiliated by her second nephew and ran to my yard to complain, and held me crying, looking really pitiful. You do n’t know her looks, awkwardness, what a misfortune. The men who see it will definitely cause a lot of trouble. "

Suddenly remembered that there were also two men in his family. Wang's throat was squinting, and he felt uncomfortable like eating a fly, so he didn't mention Zou's appearance. She held her son's arm with her backhand, opened her mouth several times, but did not know how to start, her expression was very tangled.

Youyi didn't pay attention to her strange expression, and her mind was full of the phrase "hugging me for a while and crying". No doubt Fu was triggered at that time. Where did Zou need comfort, it was the murder! If you hurt it yourself, it will destroy the person you care about the most.

Youshou grew more and more angry, and her eyes, which had been swollen with only a slit, had been opened a lot, and she had shed a cold glow. He told Wang to stay away lately, so he went back to the house and drew a peace charm and stuffed it into her purse. From last night to the present, the killer has been killed twice in a row, and he can be safely escaped by being pierced through his head. You've been alert to that monster's alertness.

He understood that he had to kill it as soon as possible, or it would continue to provoke. But it now appears as a living person, and is still the servant of Zhao Yulin Xinna. How many people have noticed its existence in the morning? Therefore, you ca n’t kill it blatantly. You need to think of a way that the gods do n’t even know it.

If he is still alone, naturally he doesn't need to consider a lot, just run away after slaughtering. But now, he has a master, a father and a mother, and if he spreads his life lawsuit, it will be a smear on their faces, and they will also be caught injustice.

After thinking about it, I decided to use Thunderbolt to handle it. The so-called Thunderbolt Rune is the first fierce rune of Taoism. Once triggered, it is like the thunder of five thunders. Youzhe is very strong in spirit, but she can barely draw two lowest-level runes.

He meditated for a while and waited for the best adjustment of his mental strength before spreading out the amulet and slowly portraying it. The little ghost who had been sitting on the desk helping him to polish his ink walked away at the first fall of cinnabar and escaped ten miles away Only then began to tremble. Tian Lei is the devil's nemesis. Feeling the powerful thunder power in the rune, how can he not be afraid? And this thunder is not an ordinary thunder, it actually brought a wispy of purple gas, the power is even greater.

That monster is also dead, who is bad to remember? I want to remember my lord, some of them have suffered! The little sighed, as if very worried, but rubbed inwardly, feeling refreshed, and decided to pay attention to go back and watch the fun later.

Thunderbolt is a legendary fetish. Generally, priests do n’t say anything, they do n’t even think about it. If the Taoist priests are extremely advanced, it will take at least one year to draw a picture of three months in a row. After completion, there may be a depletion of the spiritual platform, a decline in mana, and a very serious sequelae. However, you only feel tired, and just meditate for a while.

This is why the old man would rather swear to keep him. Such talent is rare.

Right now, two thunderbolts were placed on the table, and purple light was faintly flashing in Zhu Hong's runes, looking very amazing. A cormorant folded them into a triangle and wrapped a layer of invisible charms on the outside, and then pushed the door out. Just then, the little ghost who fled outside came back and stood arching, "Master, the demon is now cool in the octagonal pavilion in the back garden. Come on."

He couldn't wait to see the power of Thunderbolt.

Someone nodded slightly, walked towards the back garden, met many people along the way, all showed curiosity to his red and swollen eyes, repressed the expression of gloating, and didn't know what kind of absurd plot was conceived in his heart. In the back garden, Guo Jian leaned on the fence of the gazebo leaning on a fluttering gauze and a peerless woman, she was shaking the fan around, looking very delicate and agile.

Others only thought that she was beautiful, but somebody noticed that the other was searching for prey like a mutant beast. If she is not resolved, Zhao Fu will probably kill many people and endanger her father and mother. Thinking about this, he took a few steps quickly, but suddenly stopped, only to see Zhao Yusong shaking a jade fan, Shi Shiran entered the gazebo, and did not evade salute to the woman.

The two men looked serious, but their toes were facing each other's toes. This was an expression of desire. Youyi is still hesitant to give up this opportunity, but the woman has found him, and smiled softly, "Oh, isn't this Zhao Xiaogongzi? The slaves have seen Zhao Xiaogongzi so that he knows that the slaves have now been renamed Zichang, in the future, will never commit the taboo of the son. "The words pointed to the corner of the young man's eyes, as if very concerned," What is wrong with Zhao Xiaoren? How did the eyes swell like walnuts? Could it be wronged? " A moment later he said, "His Highness Nine loves you so much, and after being aggrieved, he tells him that he will decide for you."

The boy's eyes swelled after entering the palace, and most people would think that he was punished by His Highness Nine. Therefore, these words seem caring and full of irony.

Zhao Yusong was more straightforward. He slowly closed the jade fan and laughed, "You do n’t know. The fifth brother ’s eyes are fine in the morning. It ’s like this when he came back from the palace. Xu was angry at His Highness Nine. Do not dare to speak up. "

The woman has suffered many setbacks in recent days. Her heart has been full of flames, and she immediately covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Did you have been punished by His Highness Nine? It's no wonder that Her Highness Nine had a burst of temper and could not tolerate people. Fortunately, one who doesn't look good to the eye, Xu head fell to the ground! "Then Luo raised his arm and beheaded.

He said he could, but he wanted to get involved with the master. Where can I bear it? He said gloomily, "The master has a good temper. If you talk wildly again, be careful I cut your tongues." At the same time, he put his hands behind his back and hit a very complicated trick.

The Fuyu who was lying quietly in the palm of his hand suddenly disappeared, and flew towards the woman silently like a butterfly, one into the eyebrow and the other into the left chest, eventually becoming invisible. The woman didn't even feel it, and repeatedly yelled, "Oh, the slave family is so scared, Zhao Xiaogong's life, the slave family will never dare!" Having said that, he laughed and laughed as if he was a clown.

Youyi decided to look at her for a while, then turned to leave without refuting those humiliating words. The woman and Zhao Yusong sang a little, taunted, and she was still very interested. Seeing that the main child was not even enough in the corner of his eyes, he went straight, and felt very embarrassed, and then slowly became silent.

When the cricket went out far away, the little ghost got out of the ground and asked, "Master, what's your Thunderbolt? Why are you missing?" I don't know what the prince wrapped in the outer layer of the fuji. The coercive Fu Ji suddenly had no breath, and when he took it in his palm, he suddenly disappeared, and he did not know whether to let it go.

He waited eagerly to watch the show, but in the end the monster was not only unharmed, but also thought about hooking up with men. Want to come, the eldest son of the Zhao family has been in her hands at this moment.

You Zhi said with his mental strength, "I want to watch the show until tonight." His existing mental strength is only enough to draw two Thunderbolts, one into the brain, and one heart, whether it is an animal, a human, or even a zombie. Neither of these devastating destructions is likely to survive.

The little devil was convinced of the adult's words, and quickly plunged into the ground and touched the woman's boudoir. He was really afraid of her before, but after learning that she could not live for a few hours, he did not take her seriously.


Because the wife had a quarrel in the morning, she also found the old lady's comment. Zhao Yulin, who was somewhat afraid, was afraid to go to Zou's again, and she fell asleep.

The small courtyard where Zou lived was very quiet. Mo said that the birds were singing slowly, and even the shrieks were inaudible. This was extremely unusual in the summer season, as if it had fallen into silence. The little ghost hiding out of the window was a little panicked and couldn't help but retreat.

Just at this moment, a dark shadow quietly came to the courtyard wall, and easily turned over by a few bricks piled up in the day. The dark room immediately lit a candlelight. The woman, with only a water-red bellyband and smoke-green bloomers, pushed out the door generously, and rushed to the shadow, and said, "I'm waiting for you! "

"Be careful of the liver, are you anxious? Let me touch it and feel it." Hei Ying ran quickly to hug her, the little ghost borrowed the light from the room to see, but it was Zhao Yusong, the second-room sister-in-law.

This **** thing has to come here tonight, won't it be split by the master's Thunderbolt? The little ghost was worried on his face, but was more excited in his heart. He rubbed his hands, stomped his feet, and walked around the window a few times.

The woman had long noticed, using the secret word of hex, "Go away if you don't want to die!"

Instead of rolling, the little ghost drilled through the window into the house, and found a good position on the beam, squatting, "I'm sorry, I've been dead for 60 or 70 years."

The woman was gritted with anger, but because the prey was in her hand, she had to enjoy it while it was hot.

When you're full, it's not too late to pinch the ghost. Thinking of this, she shoved Zhao Yusong onto the bed, and then leaned down to poke his lips. The word "啃" is not an exaggerated rhetoric, but it is truly realistic. If Zhao Yusong didn't close her eyes at this time, she would surely see the woman's mouth full of fangs.

The fangs touched his tongue and immediately cut through the wound of the boss, which made him scream in pain, and quickly reached out and shoved.

I saw a purple light spot on each of the woman's eyebrow and left chest. First, it was looming, and then it became brighter and brighter. When the light emerged through the body, she heard two "bangs", and the woman's head and left chest were actually The large holes in the two bowls were blasted open, and black and red rotten meat ran out of it, and an extremely pungent stench quickly permeated the air.

All this happened too suddenly. Mo Yu said that the nearest Zhao Yusong was the fool on the beam of the room, and he was so frightened, his mouth opened, his eyes like bronze bells.

The rancid smell seemed to have a magical power, attracting all the cats, dogs and dogs nearby, and it was only a quiet courtyard. Now I know that there is a noise, and many dark spots are illuminated in the dark night. Get out.

By the time the little ghost returned to life, a wildcat had been stabbed-the woman's right chest was dead on the ground, and a beating heart was scooping from under Sensen's ribs, and ran away. As soon as it ran, the smelly magic power disappeared immediately, and the wild cat with picking mouth left one after another. The wild dog without picking his mouth started tearing the corpse, and his throat croaked out of food.

Zhao Yusong was awakened by the roar, and then he began to scream. The voice that went straight into Yun Xiao almost shocked the little ghost on the beam of the house, and several wild dogs whined and ran away with their tails. The little ghost abruptly returned, and flew down to Fangliang toward the adult courtyard.

No need for him to return to the situation, you have been awakened by Zhao Yusong's shouting, wearing clothes and shoes, pushing the door to check. Wang and Zhao Zhizhou also ran out with their candlesticks and asked in a loud voice. Even the most remote large room was alarmed, not to mention the second room and the main courtyard, which lived very close to the third room.

When you arrived with your father and mother, everyone in the Zhao family had gathered in Zou's small courtyard. Several servant women rushed in, and then screamed aloud, their voices were tense times worse than Zhao Yusong.

"Old lady, old lady, Zou's, she had two big holes in her head and chest. It's already dead!" A daring servant girl rushed out of the house, and after entering the situation, she got into the flowers. Vomiting. The others were weak in legs and feet, and fell in a pool of blood and could not move.

The old lady and the old lady never saw such a strong smell, let alone go in, just standing outside the door for a while also felt dizzy, and I heard that Zou's death was extremely horrible. Several strong family members were sent to help the young master.

Zhao Yulin came hurriedly wearing only a robe, and heard that Zou was dead, and when he died, his elder brother was in her room, and he couldn't care about everything immediately. Your Zhao Yusong is not as good as a beast! Not only did you use me to frame the five brothers, but also to hook up with me in the late night! Everyone else boasted that you are a gentleman, and I see you as a beast in a costume! I will fight with you today ... Ah ... "

The rest of the words were replaced by a series of screams. He ran up and down, incoherently, "Fried, fried, fried! Zou's fried!"

The family member pushed by him also came to the door at this time, looked inside, and never dared to enter again.

But looking at Master Er's blood-stained breeches and the rotten meat from the soles of the shoes, I wanted to know what was going on inside. Mrs. Zhao quickly asked people to help her fainting wife back and crossed the threshold of entry with her second son.

He is the owner of two of them, and one of Zhao Yusong's dad. Several more junior juniors hurried over, and after being informed of the situation, satirized Ertang-brother as timid as a mouse, followed while entering. But soon, they can't speak anymore. You help me, I help you, leaning against the corner with trembling, I have no strength to climb out.

You have to understand what happened. Regardless of the obstacles of her father and mother, Shi Shiran went in.

The blue bricks in the house had been soaked with black blood, leaving a lot of ling-chaotic footprints on the semi-dried blood clots, and there were traces of people rushing to get up after they fell, and they looked very embarrassing. Zhao Yusong was sitting paralyzed in a pool of blood. The light blue gown was completely dyed black and red, and his hair, head, face, and front were covered with splashing blood spots. It can be seen that he and the monster should face each other during the explosion. The psychological impact must have been very severe. huge.

There is no time to pay attention to the mental state of others, who made him unlucky and chose to steal jade-fragrant at this hour? He walked two steps, stepped smoothly over the blood clot, and came to the body.

Due to the presence of juniors, the old lady and the second master were strong and supportive, but their legs and feet were completely soft, standing only five meters away, beckoning to Zhao Yusong, hoping he could come by himself. They were shocked when they saw a cricket walking away, and they saw him picking up a feather duster to poke at the dead body, all the more shocked.

"You, what are you doing?" The old woman squeezed the sentence out of her teeth.

"Let's see if it's dead." He didn't lift a **** and lifted it with a feather duster to look inside. This corpse is weird! First, after being struck by a Thunderbolt, it did not show its original shape; second, the outer layer of skin was very fresh, and the bones, meat, and blood inside had completely rotted, like a mass of garbage wrapped in plastic bags. The bad smell he had smelled before, must be the rotten meat emanating through the skin.

What the **** is this? The more you look, the more you do n’t understand, and you shake your head.

He didn't think so. The people in the room couldn't bear it anymore. They wanted him to stay away from the corpse but didn't dare to speak.

"Son, what's going on inside? Come out soon, don't watch!" Wang cried outside. The others in the other rooms are also appealing.

The housekeeper had to walk in with a group of people under the scolding of the second wife, holding sticks, knives and other things in his hands.

When I saw so many people coming in the room, some were screaming, some fell, some were syncope, and some were scaring urine. One was more useless than the other, and I was inevitably bored. He pouted, stood up, and walked towards the door, as if thinking of something and stopped, bent down and pulled out of the boot-a dagger.

Ben had already reached out and asked some of his cousins ​​who were helping him out, and turned back when he saw him, still holding a weapon, he could n’t help but asked, "What are you doing, let ’s go out, this The mess is left to the next person to deal with it. "They will also need to pee their pants if they don't go out.

When I heard nothing, I used a knife handle to pry open the locked teeth of the corpse and squeezed my tongue to cut it off.

The warm liquid penetrated the crotch, and there was a faint stench in the air. Several cousins ​​were really scared and slumped in a pool of blood. Even the old lady who used to see big scenes could not help showing shock, and trembled, "What are you doing? Why should you cut off her tongue?"

If I didn't answer, I threw my tongue away and wiped the blade with a clean cloth under Zhao Yusong's armpit. Then I left slowly. At noon, he once said that if he demurred again, he would have to cut his tongue. This is not a joke.

Until this time, Zhao Yusong, who was stimulated by the double, suddenly returned to his soul, stumbled up, and ran towards the door, shouting as he ran.

Isn't it hell? A good person, the brows and the left chest emit purple light, and then suddenly burst, how can there be such a means in the world? He ran to the garden, jumped into the lotus pond, raised water to wash his body, and then spit on the rocks on the shore.

Jiading was awakened by the scream of the young master, and he couldn't care how he was embarrassed, so he went to help the masters. Such major incidents in the family, except for the aging wife, did not dare to leave the other rooms. He didn't leave even if he was gone. He was taking off the shoes and socks soaked with black blood, and let the younger sister rinse with water.

The second sister-in-law chased Zhao Yusong, and the third sister-in-law, the fourth sister-in-law, and the fifth sister-in-law were surrounding him to inquire about the inside. He washes his feet slowly, rubs his hands slowly, his expression is indifferent, but he never speaks a word, making people grit their teeth.

Before the anger provoked public outrage, the men who entered the room finally came out. If they were not supported by the family, they would fall to the ground. Seeing the five cousins ​​sitting idly, they shook uncontrollably, and then set their eyes aside, showing the color of fear. They didn't understand how the five cousins ​​could stay calm in the pool of blood, how to have the courage to dial-up the corpse, and how to cut off her tongue without changing the face. Is he really a normal person?

The old lady and the second master did not dare to go to see the uncle, and let the two perfunctoryly let everyone loose.

That night, Zhao's house was brightly lit and noisy, until the morning dawn gradually calmed down. The female relatives did not dare to ask more questions. After returning, the mother-in-law stayed at the couch all night and was not allowed to leave. The men gathered in the main courtyard to discuss how to deal with the matter.

"Yu, why are you going to cut Zou's tongue?" The old woman took a bath and could not see the previous wolverine, so she caught Yulian first and asked, as if he was doubting him.

Youyi was seated next to his father, and was kicking the chair leg with his heels one after another, and said flatly, "Rather than judge me, first ask Zhao Yusong why he stayed in Zou's house in the middle of the night and what he saw."

Yes, Zhao Yusong is the only eyewitness. If you want to know the truth-just ask him. What do you ask the farthest house in the family? In the middle of the night, lonely boy and daughter, Zhao Yusong is going to do what, the old man understands without asking the big guy.

Zhao Yulin, who was still scratching his head, remembered the stubble before, and holding Zhao Yusong was a good fight.

The second and third masters rushed to persuade them, and could not help but have to pull them apart, and each gave a slap. Then it was quiet in the hall. The old lady asked Jiading to hold his grandson, and said that if he did not honestly explain it, he would go to school. Zhao Yusong couldn't help it, and finally detailed one by one before and after, and finally fainted on the ground.

The steward stepped forward and was shocked, "Not good, Grand Master has a high fever, Xu is scared!"

Except for the father and son in the big room, who was not scared? The old lady couldn't, but had to let go of the matter lightly, and then signed a password. Zou's death was very evil, and he was also involved in the grandson's grandson, who was still the princess's horse. If these scandals were introduced into the palace, the Zhao family would be guilty. 2k novel reading network