MTL - There’s No God in Show Business-Chapter 51

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For a while, the embarrassing atmosphere seemed to blow out, and suddenly spread throughout the lounge. Lin Xizheng raised his hand in the air and suddenly froze. There was a stun in the white delicate cheek, and he opened his mouth without knowing what to say.

Following the rhythm of this conversation, the next sentence he should ask Onuo, who is that person. But it's clear that his relationship with Uno hasn't let him care about this too closeness, but he's really curious--

The man who made himself look up for more than ten years was planted on that flower.

But in the end, reason still overcomes impulse. Lin Xi reached out and stroked the smooth and warm diamond-shaped glass wall, slightly lipted, and said, "That person is really lucky to be treated like this." As soon as the words fell, Lin Xi didn't find Onuo's depth. His eyes dimmed for a moment, and he quickly opened the topic again: "By the way, I remember Shu Shan also lived here. It happened that I wanted to find him if I had something. Let him send me back at night."

Lin Xi moved his left foot backwards, just pushed the chair and planned to get up and leave. Suddenly, Uno raised his eyes calmly, looking calm, and opened his lips and said, "He went to G city to promote the new single."


How come you're not at home so coincidentally! It was so hard to find a reason to leave, and that was so bad? !!

The corner of Lin Xi's mouth twitched half a bit, and he retracted his left foot indifferently. Before speaking, I saw Uno pushed the table with both hands, and Nanmu's wooden chair moved back with his movement. Half step.

The feet rubbed against the floor and made a harsh noise, which was particularly loud in a quiet and spacious room.

"Do you want something to eat?"

Lin Xi froze slightly, and before he could react, he saw Onuo turned and walked to the ice-blue double-layer refrigerator, reached for the silver-white stainless steel armrest, opened the left-side sliding door, and turned his head Looking at Lin Xi, he asked, "Is vegetable OK?"

From the perspective of Lin Xi, the food inside the refrigerator was blocked by the tall and tall figure, and the contents were not visible. As soon as he came back to God, he immediately stopped and said, "No, I'll just stay for a while, it's not necessary ..."

"Green vegetables and beef are okay." Without hearing Lin Xi's words, Onuo turned and rummaged in the refrigerator. Although the words were inquired, the tone was firm and could not be refused.


The straight and lean waist is only covered by a thin layer of dark gray cardigan. The back is very thin but does not make people feel weak, as if the power hidden beneath it can be felt through a layer of fabric.

Lin Xi reluctantly watched Onuo's busy back and swallowed the words back into his stomach. Just a few seconds later, he suddenly remembered that Onuo seemed to have said that he would not cook vegetables, so the so-called green vegetables and beef are ...

"I just made it in the afternoon, and the taste should be good." Holding the meal just heated from the microwave, he gently placed it on the dark brown wooden table. Onora pulled her chair back down and handed the chopsticks to Lin Xi, who was still sluggish. Seeing the other side seemed to be distracted, the forehead of Xiu Lang's eyebrows tightened slightly, and Onuo said, "What?"

Suddenly, when he came back, Lin Xi reflexively took the bowl and chopsticks he handed to him, his movements were smooth and proficient as if he had practiced countless times. Realizing that he seemed a little too casual, he looked up at Uno, who was holding his chopsticks and looked indifferent, and asked tentatively, "Is ... a little disturbing?"

Uno did not seem to understand Lin Xi's question, Jian Mei raised a question and asked, "What bother?"

"... I used to come to your house to avoid the wind and wait for a while, but now I have dinner ..." The contract was resolved. Later, Lin Xi was a bit embarrassed to say, after all, he and the other party still belonged to each other a few months ago.

"Anyway, I did a little more from the beginning." Onuo's slender hands are commensurate with white jade chopsticks, which has a pleasing effect.

After hearing what the host said, Lin Xi had no choice but to take his chopsticks and put a green leaf in his mouth, chewing slowly. The hour hand moves and a "tick-tick" sound is emitted. No one spoke at the table. Uno's dining etiquette was very good. No sound of chewing, swallowing, or collision of tableware was heard. Under such circumstances, Lin Xi had to pay more attention to his image and chew slowly.

This meal was not a hearty meal, and the two ate for ten minutes. Lin Xi's bowl was full of white rice. Just when Lin Xi was going to make a long-term revolutionary struggle, he heard a simple and pleasant pear cell phone ringing suddenly. Uno took a moment's notice and then gently put down his chopsticks and took out the phone from his pocket.

Looking down at the flashing name on the screen, Onuo's cold and dark pupil flashed a surprise, he nodded to Lin Xi and nodded, then got up and walked through the living room to the small balcony outside , Pulled the sliding glass door and started talking.

I don't know whose phone it is. Lin Xi thought secretly in his heart. Although something happened suddenly, this call temporarily resolved his embarrassing situation. After Onuo left, the feeling of restraint and restraint disappeared. Lin Xi quickly clamped some vegetables and beef, and resolved the white rice in the bowl within a few seconds.

Put your own chopsticks in the sink, Lin Xi took the cleaning ball aside and scrubbed it a few times before cleaning it. He bent over to open the cabinet, and before putting the tableware in his hand, the empty cabinet surprised him--

Beside the clean, dust-free, stacked and neat dishes, there was only an empty wooden cage and no pair of tableware!

Lin Xigang wondered why there were only two sets of tableware in Onuo's home, and suddenly his mind flashed a cold and cold sentence from the other party--

But this house is not only for me, but also for my future half.

"..." Shouldn't all take this into account?

Suddenly I felt like I was scratching my throat, and seemed to secretly use something that should belong to a woman. Lin Xi's face turned black, but he had no choice but to put the chopsticks in the cabinet.

It seems that I will come to Uno here less, at least not to eat here. wrong……

Does he still want to come back later?

Suddenly horrified by this idea, Lin Xi involuntarily chuckled out, and hid his lips with a funny smile.

Onuo was still calling on the balcony. I don't know who was talking to. Onuo's voice was a bit high. Through the glass and the living room, a little voice could be heard. Lin Xi looked for a moment, then looked away from the tall figure.

Fingers across the saddle-brown brick-and-stone fireplace, the interior of the fireplace surrounded by barbed wire was a brand-new dark coke, no one seemed to light it up. Gentle and smooth, no edges and corners, giving a simple and warm feeling. Taking a step and walking through the fireplace, before the small brown-yellow wooden coffee table, Lin Xi's gaze was fixed on the two white roses in the center of the coffee table, and he never moved away.

It seems that it was only picked from the garden early in the morning. The flamboyant petals were seductive, creamy white, budding and shameful. The spikes on the rhizome were carefully cut off with scissors and inserted diagonally In the sapphire blue arc-shaped vase, the two contrast with each other, and the style is fresh and pleasant.

Lin Xi's light amber pupils were dimmed, and his elegant brows were slightly tightened.

He once inserted a white rose on the table in the apartment. Later, because Pan Lun thought the flowers were too amorous, and destroyed the overall atmospheric fashion of the room, he never inserted it. Pan Lun always likes black and white and gray post-modern style decoration, and thinks that the Mediterranean style is too stingy. but……

Lin Xi grunted from his nose, and a mocking smile arose from the corner of his mouth.

In Pan Lun's eyes it was a stingy home, but in his eyes it felt warm and pleasant. This is the difference in the concept from the bones, just like Onuo, who can change his preferences for a beloved woman, but Pan Lun rarely accommodates him.

These ... he should have discovered it long ago.

Shaking his head and sighing, Lin Xi reached out and touched the delicate white petals. Pure and charming, two very different words can be unified on such a magnificent thing. After teasing for a while, Lin Xi's eyes moved away from the coffee table. As soon as she looked up, her eyes fell into a pair of dim and drowsy eyes.

The handsome and clean man didn't know how long he had been standing there, his black hair shattered on his full forehead, covering half of the eyebrow peak. The two looked at each other, the room was quiet and abnormal, and no one spoke. I don't know how long, after all, Lin Xi couldn't help it, first put a lip on his lips to show an elegant smile, and asked, "I like this blue and white tone very much, so I looked at it for a while."

Onuo nodded and whispered, "Thank you." After a short while, he suddenly asked, "Would you like to visit?"


The first floor is mainly a rest and entertainment area. With sufficient space, a separate private movie theater has been purposely opened. The cat-eye movie equipment, nearly three meters high and five meters wide, saw Lin Xi's full shock for a while, and was sighed. Although there are only four or five large soft sofas placed casually, being able to watch an imax movie in such an environment is definitely a rare audiovisual experience.

On the second floor, at first glance it seems to have changed a decoration style, but compared with the first floor, it is strangely coordinated. After all, it was an individual *, and Lin Xi did not visit the bedroom. Under the leadership of Onuo, he walked up to a spacious and bright open-air balcony, and the bright moon reflected in the sky, feeling refreshed and refreshed.

Onuo walked to the balcony wall. I didn't know what key was pressed. The bright lighting light turned on instantly, shining the whole outdoor balcony like daylight.

The open-air balcony of about 100 square meters is paved with dark blue slate tiles. The crescent-shaped curved edge is set with a series of half-meter-wide green isolation belts. Some unknown grass flowers are planted. It moves with the wind under the night. Very elegant and beautiful. In the center is a circular swimming pool of about 30 square meters. The turquoise blue water fluctuates slowly under the light of daylight.

When Lin Xizhen was amazed by the comfortable and atmospheric design, he suddenly heard only the sound of "humming" ringing from all around the balcony. He looked doubtfully around his body, and saw that several transparent glass suddenly climbed up and spread to the pool. The point at the center of the head merges into a transparent conical roof.

"This ... this design is simply wonderful!" Lin Xi suddenly realized, can't help but admire.

Where Lin Xi hadn't seen it, Onuo looked at the figure walking continuously, and couldn't help but pinched her thin lips, showing a light smile and disappearing quickly, like a child praised by a teacher .

Lin Xi is still watching everywhere. The bright and clear moonlight is sprinkled on the open-air balcony through the thin glass zenith, and the entire deep blue ground is like a whole flawless sapphire, shining brightly. Lin Xi had just turned and had not spoken. When he looked up, he saw a small triangular window on the outdoor balcony.

He couldn't help asking curiously, "Where is that?"

Upon hearing a word, Onuo turned and looked along Lin Xi's eyes. When the eyes touched the focus of the opponent's attention, the tall and erect body suddenly shocked, silent.

Lin Xi didn't notice the abnormality of the other side, and he stretched his slender legs and walked to Onuo's side. Seeing too many dreamy designs that only appeared in his imagination, he now only feels cheerful and happy, even with a little excitement in his tone: "Is it a loft? I can go and see ..." As he said, Lin Tin turned to look at Uno, and her voice swallowed into her throat when she saw the expression on the other side.

I saw the other person's handsome and profound face, and I didn't know when it was covered with a layer of overcast eyes. The smile on Lin Xi's lips swept away immediately. He hesitated for a moment, thinking for a while before whispering, "Sorry, I'm abrupt. If I mind, I don't really want to ..."

"It's okay, let's go."

It seemed as if he would regret one step later. As soon as Ono's voice fell, he took a step and entered the room again. His pace was healthy and there was no hesitation. After taking a few steps, he turned around, looked up at Lin Xi, and asked, "Don't come?"

Lin Xi hesitated for a moment and just wanted to say nothing, but under the yellow light, Onuo's dark eyes were firmly looking at himself, their eyes were complex and deep, hard to see through. Lin Xi suddenly felt that there was a stagnation in his throat, and his brain quickly flashed through all possibilities, then he simply threw it all behind his head and nodded and followed.

When opening this small wooden door of only about 1.5 meters, Lin Xi originally thought that he would smell the dust from the face. But to his surprise, when he stood up, he found that the room was clean and tidy, as if someone had been cleaning.

About 10 square meters of space, almost no debris. A small wooden stool was placed just under that small triangular window. In front of the stool was an object about one meter high, which was long and cylindrical and covered with white steps.

Lin Xi asked, "What is this?"

The two had reached the small stool, and saw Onuo grabbing a corner of the white cloth, and swiping it opened the white cloth--

A triangular Boguan ed astronomical telescope!

The silver-white shimmering body glowed coldly in the moonlight, and the figure was beautiful and tall, like an arrogant and noble lady, like other small and mediocre ones.

Lin Xiqing couldn't help but swallowed his mouth, only to see Onuo seem to randomly adjust, twisted the button of the telescope a few times, then turned around and said, "Will you try?" There is no expression floating on the handsome and godlike face, but in the eyes of Lin Xi now, it is just as glorious as the Son!

Lin Xi nodded fiercely, stepped forward without stopping for a moment, and looked down at the eyepiece.

The city of B in winter was not covered by too much haze at night. Many little stars that could not be seen by the naked eye were like elves in the astronomical telescope, scrambling to dance and flash on the dark night stage.

Lin Xi shook the silver-white body and watched it for a long time, the time passed slowly.

He shook the fuselage up and down, and suddenly a familiar building appeared without warning.

With his eyes widened slightly, Lin Xi exclaimed, "Isn't this the apartment of Tianyu?" He immediately looked up at Onuo, only to see the latter look at himself in surprise.

"you know?"

Lin Xi replied subconsciously: "Of course I know that I lived there." As soon as the words came out, Lin Sidon felt bad. The original owner does not have the qualification to live in Tianyu's highest-level artist apartment! In the flash of light and fire, Lin Xi's eyes turned and he turned away from the topic: "No, how do you know there is an apartment in Tianyu?" Even a great **** such as Onuo, wouldn't he reach out to the artist apartment of another company?

But seeing that Uno lowered his eyes calmly and concealed the loss of his eyes, he took it for granted: "Listen to Shu Shan." The tone was calm and calm, as if everything should be like this.

"...?" Lin Xi frowned slightly, but didn't know what to say.

I always felt a little guilty of hearing this, but looking at the other person's expression seemed very frank again. He always feels ... it seems like something bad will happen again.

The author has something to say: 23333333333 Nuoshen has been captured ~

Sister papers certainly did not expect that after the single dog, Nuoshen added a new nickname-perverted **** xddddddddddddd

Seeing the comments of the cute girls, Fuwa is full of energy and can fight for another 10 years ~

~ \\ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~ la la la

Hold your sisters ~! 2k novel reading network