MTL - They All Say I Encountered A Ghost-Chapter 12 Part-time (four)

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In order to send Xiajin, I got off early, and the rest of the journey was to ride a bicycle as usual. We are not far away, and we arrived home in about ten minutes.

After returning home, I saw Liu Sishun walking back and forth in the living room. When I saw me, he immediately approached and said: "Li Yuanyuan was overcrowded by you... I was advised to go back to my hometown."

"Well? What do you mean?" I didn't ask.

"Oh, it is also pitiful," said Liu Siming. "Yuan Yuan is alive... When she was a child, she was bitter, and her character was weak. She was bullied by her classmates. When she grew up, she encountered a classmate who bullied her when she went to school. Once, her classmates will be her. The head was hard to press into the toilet and drowning. She has been unable to leave the toilet since then."

I am angry: "This is not within the scope of campus bullying. We can tell the classmate to deliberately hurt! Her actions have caused great trauma to Yuanyuan's psychology, not only to bear legal responsibility, Yuanyuan The follow-up treatment is also paid by the classmate!"

"Oh, this is nothing. She has already received the lessons she deserves. It is that Yuanyuan is a little pitiful. She is tied to the toilet, her obsession is too deep, she can't walk away, and she must appear next to the toilet at night."

"Relying on my parents at home, relying on friends, I think as a roommate, we should persuade her to actively treat and get out of the psychological shadow as soon as possible."

"No need, she huo... Previously, the classmates said that she had a toilet smell, and she was always rejected. And you never disliked her, no matter where she met, she could reach out. Now she has been happy. Jiechao... Going home, I will live well in the future." Liu Sishun said, "When she came back, she left her luggage and left, and I will take care of you in the future."

I looked at Li Yuanyuan's bedroom, which was still as clean and tidy as it used to be. The toilet is still there, but the wig is gone.

As Liu Sishun said, there is always a smell of toilet cleaner on Li Yuanyuan, even if it is showered. I don't really like the taste, but I know that Li Yuanyuan's mentality needs care. Even if she doesn't like it, she must firmly extend her hand to friendship.

It was great that she could think about it. It was a pity that she was too hasty to see one side.

But it doesn't matter, as long as there is a fate, the two living people always have the opportunity to meet.

"Thank you, Teacher Liu, you are still waiting for me to come back and tell me about it."

"This is nothing. I didn't sleep very much at night. Yes, this notebook is for you. I will take it with you in the future. Use it to write a lesson plan or record the student's name." Teacher Liu handed over a very old one. The notebook, the paper is thin and yellow, seems to be a book that has been preserved for many years. It is blank and has not been written.

This should be his favorite notebook for many years. I put my notebook in my heart and thanked me: "Thank you, I will carry it with you in the future."

"No, no, no, no need to carry too much, especially don't let your heart go, your blood is too hot and too hot." Liu Sishun waved his hand and said, "You are in your bag, and when you meet a disobedient student in class, you come out." it is good."

What is the relationship between the lesson plan and the disobedient students? This is probably the teaching experience of Mr. Liu, and I will discuss it later.

I am very sleepy now, standing to shake, and accepting the notebook and screaming with Mr. Liu, I went back to sleep and fell asleep.

In the dream, she saw Li Yuanyuan. She put on a flower skirt, smiled and waved at me, then flew to the sky.

I woke up and thought about it. I felt really a good dream. I was in a very good mood. I changed to an ordinary, cheap, and 20-piece t-shirt that the university bought in the wholesale market.

Xiajin went to the elevator maintenance staff in the morning, but there was signal interference during the monitoring period. It was always in the blue screen state. When the repair was done, we had already stepped out of the elevator. And the staff did not hear our alarm calls from beginning to end, and they have been working hard.

Xiajin checked for a long time and did not find out the results. The mall was about to open at nine o'clock. He didn't have time to investigate the responsibility and quickly entered the working state.

I watched him at the side and saw that he really didn't remember what happened last night. I knew him, it shouldn't be pretending.

This made me both worried and relieved, worried that he really had physiological lesions, and that he did not remember that it would not affect our future brotherhood.

I put my mobile phone in the temporary locker of the staff, put on the bear costume, and work hard and lovely part-time cute.

At work, I always inadvertently wandered around the barrier-free elevators. The main purpose was to find Ningtiance to come today. I was really afraid that he would have a boy's urine in the elevator in order to break the evil.

However, Xiaoning never came. When I got off work at 10 o'clock in the evening, I saw a bright yellow robe. I only knew that he was Ningtiance.

Seeing that he directly ignored the staff's blockade and rushed directly to the elevator, I quickly rushed to stop him, but at this time my bears had not taken off and fell down in two steps.

Looking up, Ning Tiance was still striding towards the elevator. I struggled to see that I couldn’t get up, and then I used my powerful arms to crawl on the ground.

The mall floor is very smooth, the plush jacket is not so difficult to climb on it, I quickly catch up with the Ningtian policy of the elevator, when the elevator just arrived, see him going into the elevator, I am in a hurry with fluffy The hand hugged his thigh.

"You, wait for me!" I panted in the Xiongzi suit.

Ning Tiance was probably shocked. He pulled out the wooden sword on his back and pointed at me and said, "Where is the enchanting, the original form is coming!"

I held his leg in one hand and did not let him go. I pulled the zipper in one hand. I was stupid in my suit. I had to hold a hand. I was very clumsy. I couldn’t open the zipper for a long time.

At this time, the staff came with Xiajin. I just wanted to call Xiajin to help me out of the Xiongzi suit. I saw Xiajin enthusiastically holding Ningtiance’s hand: “Hello Master, my name is Xiajin, I am here for you. Didn't you say that you came directly to the office from the employee-only elevator? How come here?"

"I don't trust this haunted elevator," Ning Tiance is as cold as ever. "And can you ask your staff to let me go?"

Xia Jin bowed his head, and I quickly yelled at him: "Help, help me take my clothes off!"

“Shen Jianguo?” Xia Jin was surprised. “Why are you holding the masters I invited? Oh, you guessed that we met that thing yesterday, come and come, let’s talk to the master about yesterday’s business. ""

He bent over and picked me up. After taking off the suit, I waved and waved to Ning Tiance with a sweaty head: "Hey, Xiaoning."

"Small Ning, called the master!" Xiajin took a look at my head. "After the crowd, I climbed to the elevator and hugged the customer's thigh... You really lost my face."

Xiajin has been working for so many years, and his public relations ability is still quite strong. He immediately turned around and said to the customers who are taking pictures and watching the excitement: "Sorry, these two are the actors we invited to engage in activities, and are rehearsing the program of the gods except the bear demon. If you pass the audit, you may see this program in our mall in the future. Now the mall is about to close, please check the customer who bought the goods as soon as possible, and close the cashier at 11:00."

When the surrounding people heard Xiajin's words, they took the mobile phone and walked to the checkout counter. Some people also said that Xiajin was good, very funny, and hoped to have a chance to see it.

After the crowd disbanded, Xiajin took me and Xiaoning back to the office.

As soon as he entered the door, he politely asked Xiaoning to sit on the sofa and serve a cup of tea. Then he glared at me and said, "You can't lose people, even if you want to find a master to break the evil as soon as possible, you have to look at the occasion!"

I have always been rude with him, and said directly: "I just watched the occasion and was anxious to stop him from entering the elevator. So how many people in the elevator, Xiaoning, how to do in the elevator?? Is Xiaoning a virgin?"

The last sentence was told by Ning Tiance. He blushed and drank his face to cover his expression. This was pretending to be a cold look: "The Maoshan faction can’t help but marry, but the skill can’t be broken before it’s done. Yuanyang’s, my skill is still shallow, not yet.”

Oh, it’s a virgin.

Xia Jin said to Ning Tiance femininely: "Ning master is modest. In the past few days, Liang’s family haunted is what you solved. Liang always strongly recommended to you, saying that your skill is unpredictable and will definitely solve the hauntedness of our mall. thing."

I am Xiajin's clothes: "Hey, all graduated from college, how are you so superstitious? There is no ghost at all in this world."

Xia Jin opened my hand: "Are you embarrassed? The elevator was like that last night. Do you still think there is no ghost? And your roommate Li Yuanyuan, I saw her from the toilet, but also Is there a fake? I did not find the tenant information of Room 404 in Unit 4 of Building 4 of the other side of the bank, but it is a haunted house. Do you dare to live? She is still your roommate. Have you seen her during the day? Are you with ghosts? After a few days, roommate!"

"Excessive, my superstition will be forgotten, don't filthy my roommate is a ghost, people Yuanyuan is a good girl, the character is strange, how can she say so."

"Then ask her to come out and try it during the day, she dares to see me under the sun, I believe she is a human."

"She went back to her hometown, not in this city, how can I call her out, and does this need evidence?" I was so angry that Xiajin was also involved in the embrace of feudal superstition, which really disappointed me.

Xia Jin sees that I can't confuse me and I am superstitious. I shook my head and said: "Ning Tianshi, you look at it. It is not him who is entangled in ghosts. I have never encountered such a thing. Instead, I met him after hitting him yesterday. It’s his aging that hurts me.”

Ning Tiance looked at us for a while and shook his head: "Mr. Shen Jianguo is a bodyguard, and the ghosts are not close. Instead, Mr. Xia has a suffocating anger, and the recent fortune is not good, and it is easy to be entangled in ghosts."

Look, I will spread my hand. Xiaoning knows that I don't believe in ghosts, I will definitely not say that it is me, this is a routine!