MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 17 I cover this boss

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Just two days were not enough to recover the injuries on their shoulders, but a fierce blast was heard from their heads.

The patrol boat crashed thousands of miles away, and there was no trace of Gu Yuan inside. The shooter covering his prison escape also left only a puddle of blood, and he also did not know where he was going.

In the most heavily guarded prison in the country, the culprit that caused the entire battle to fail was easily escaped. Galilox resolutely dignitaries over and over again, the guarcin government is eager to negotiate peace, and is constantly urging, the military is almost angry and angry.

Gu Yuan's situation was too urgent when he got out, and he had to take care of the land lamps. It was doomed to be impossible. With such a concealing means, the two-day delay had reached the limit.

Under the crazy carpet search, the trained Guardian army still narrowed the surroundings with subtle clues and determined the range in the unmanned area of ​​the veins where the two were located.

The roar was deafening, and the stone chamber was shattered by some rubble.

Gu Yuan's eyes tightened, he immediately threw away the things he was packing in his hands, and folded back to the bed to secure the land lamp firmly.

He guarded the wound on the shoulder of the landing lamp with one hand and supported the edge of the bed with one hand. The two bodies did not actually overlap, but the lamp could still hear his slightly rushing heartbeat.

"I'm fine."

Heading up to meet the anxious concern at the bottom of the pupil, Lu Deng said softly, holding his arm.

Gu Yuan nodded, took him to sit up, but felt uneasy where to put it. He simply lifted the person up, and quickly packed the items that could be taken away from the duty room with one hand.

"We went into the mine and went deeper. There were all directions in there and they couldn't find us so easily."

Although he moves fast, he is not flustered, obviously he has expected the change at this moment.

The explosion sounded near and far, and the Guars did not seem to realize that they had actually entered the ground, probably searching for no fruit in the no-man's land, and launched an indiscriminate bombing.

Lu Deng nodded, trying to stand on his own, but was grabbed by his arm again.

"Your health is not good, don't move around, try your best to save energy."

Holding the superparticle gun in his hand, Gu Yuan even smiled slightly in his eyes. Seeing that both hands were occupied, he simply bowed his head and kissed his brows: "I'm not old yet, I can hold you . "

The standing man is tall, strong, and strong, and his eyebrows are strong and strong, and they can't be related to the "old" word in any way.

Lu Deng blinked, and the corners of his lips curled up gently, and he really stopped struggling, only resting quietly in his arms.

It's not just the outbreak of the potion. Lu Deng's shoulder was penetrated by bullets, and a lot of blood bleed. Although Gu Yuan has tried his best to help him for the past few days, conditions are limited and time is short. Just sitting for a long time is inevitably dizzy. If you insist on walking, it will slow down the progress of the two.

Carrying Lu Deng's schoolbag away from his wounds and carrying it for him, Gu Yuan suddenly remembered that from the time he met in jail, he never seemed to ask the teenager how he had done well.

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Gu Yuan lowered his eyes before opening his mouth, but a new round of bombing rang again.

The duty room often faces pit blasting, and the degree of solidity was originally guaranteed. After all, this pit has been abandoned for too long. Many reinforcement materials have aged over time and are located close to the ground. It is not safe for them to stay here under such a fierce bombardment.

Finally, I checked it again and found nothing left. Gu Yuan held the person steady, quickly walked out of the stone room, and went deep into the mine tunnel.

Without going far, the boy in his arms suddenly raised his hand and held his shoulder, determined to be extremely familiar with his strength.

Gu Yuan sank slightly and reacted almost instantly. Guarded him and fell to the ground side by side, turning his body half by the cushion of his arm, and covering the person firmly under him.

The stone house collapsed under the shaking. They had walked far enough, and the rubble fell on the body piecemeal. Although it was painful, it was not hurt.

Lu Yuan was put under Gu Yuan's body tightly, and the wounds on his shoulders were securely protected. He was coughed only by the rising dust.

The Anning Stone Room, who had just been recuperated and wounded, turned into a ruin in a blink of an eye, and the two of them stood up and couldn't help shaking.

The bombing is capable of causing the pit to collapse. If they are on the ground at this moment, they may have fallen into the hands of the military. Although they are now lucky, they may not be completely safe.

There are certain rules in the pits, and it is easy for outsiders to get lost in it. Gu Yuan grew up in these pits almost from an early age. He did not snore even if he changed the planet. Hold the person firmly in his arms, and while walking forward, describe the route and traffic in detail with him.

It's cold in the ground, but the temperature of the chest is constant and solid.

Lu Deng raised his hand around his neck and shoulders, trying to share some of the weight for him, glanced across the tunnel, and cast a little light into the searchlight from the depth of the ink pupils.

He knew what Gu Yuan was doing.

"... This type of breathing mask is a vent, which is usually installed near the entrance and exit, which is the extreme position for humans to go down. This mask is very simple to use--"

Gu Yuan still spoke to him patiently, and suddenly realized that silent gaze was cast in his arms, his heart moved slightly, his arms tightened faintly.

The underground darkness has been from the beginning of the formation of the planet, and even if it was disturbed by the veins for a time, it still does not damage the inviting silence here. The voice of the speech was echoed by the hollow of the stone wall, and occasionally there was a sound of water droplets falling down, so silent and awe-inspiring.

The loneliness here has accumulated for tens of millions of years.

Naturally, he has to live at any cost, but the road ahead is full of crises. If something happens to him, at least for a very limited time, leave a way for the other side.

The Guals are still bombing. Even if they can be lucky not to be buried by the collapsed rocks, the military will sooner or later realize that they are in the mine and take measures.

Some things he always deliberately taboos, but in the end he couldn't avoid them.

"Fuck the light, listen to me."

After stopping the introduction of the mine tunnel, Gu Yuan closed his arms and pressed the temperature in his arms as close to his chest as possible to keep his voice down.

"It will be dangerous next time, I will always be with you, but you have to remember these too. I don't know if I have a lifetime to give you-"

"I have got."

The young man's voice was pure, and he seemed extremely firm and gentle in the thick, seemingly impossible darkness.

Gu Yuan paused and stopped talking.

The light from the searchlight didn't go far enough to be absorbed by the surrounding darkness. Under the limited halo, Wu Run's eyes were clear and warm, and quietly fell into the bottom of his pupils.

"I have a lifetime, I give you."

Lu Deng opened his mouth softly, raised his hands to embrace his shoulders, and pressed his chest against him, lying on the side of the neck where the blood veins slowly moved.

Suddenly, his chest was sore and hot, and his throat was suffocated. Gu Yuan tightened his arm sharply and hugged him firmly into his arms.

"I was wrong, we live together."

The duty room has been blasted, and even if it is not touched by Shun Teng, it cannot be returned. Gu Yuan held the super-particle gun with him in his hand, took the young man's body into his arms, and continued to move forward. His pupil color was determined to be dark: "We need to walk faster, we will tell the pain I."

Wu Mu bent a soft arc, Lu Deng looked at him and shook his head gently.

The eyes were fiercely hot, but the corners of his lips were raised upwards instead. Gu Yuan bowed his head and kissed him, raised the searchlight in his hand, and accelerated his pace into the rugged veins.

The Guardian army is unfamiliar with the terrain and is afraid to come down. This is their only dependence. Gu's business is underground. No matter which planet or land, as long as the word "mine" is attached, he has never lost a bet.

Although vitality is slim, it never ends.

The mine tunnel extends in all directions, going deeper and deeper, and the fierce bombardment is blocked by the thick soil, as if it is gradually quieting down.

Trekking in the pit was very labor-intensive, Gu Yuan gradually became silent, his breathing was faint and rapid, but his steps never stopped.

In the cold darkness of the ground, human fear and loneliness will be magnified infinitely, even enough to engulf one's entire reason.

Gu Yuan is very familiar with this feeling, but this time, even a little lonely thoughts did not appear. At one inflection point, he temporarily stopped and trimmed his feet, and bowed his head to meet the youth's clean eyes, but showed a soft smile.

The warmth on his chest reminded him all the time that he was never alone.

Lu Deng looked up at him and noticed that Gu Yuan was breathing more and more quickly, and anxiety developed in his eyes, but he disappeared again. He just took the water bag out of the schoolbag and raised it to his lips.

Gu Yuan had a soft smile at the end of his eyes. Ren Juen carefully fed the water into his mouth. After a few sips, he gently shook his head to signal that he should drink a little.

Lu Deng shook his head and wanted to put away the water bag. Gu Yuan suddenly placed him lightly on the ground, and the searchlight was hung on the rock wall. He held his hand to rest between his arms, and took the water bag to feed his lips: "Drink, listen."

Trekking underground is particularly important for physical requirements. He can hold him now, and in case of an accident, Lu Zhiguang must have enough strength to stand up.

Under the searchlight, the boy looked up at him for a long while, but still opened his mouth and took a sip with a gentle but unquestionable gaze.

Gu Yuan put away the water bag, lowered his head and put a kiss on his lips, protected the person in his arms, and rubbed his short hair.

He knew that Lu Zhiguang wanted to save food and fresh water for him. There was nothing but rocks and sand under the pit, and the supplies they brought became very valuable.

But this road is not long.

Either live together, or stay here, buried here, they have enough supplies.

Looking at those quiet and soft eyes, Gu Yuan's heart trembled softly, rubbing his short hair slowly, leaning down again and kissing well.

Lu Deng narrowed his eyes and raised his head slightly.

A few hundred meters deep underground, the thick ground veins reveal the ancient cold, the hot kisses are silent, and only the resonance echoes in the blood veins.

The same road.

Dead with the same point.

After a short rest, Gu Yuan picked him up again, took off the searchlight, and continued to explore the depths.

It is a mine tunnel, there must be in and out, it is impossible to go all the way to the center of the earth. A mineral vein can extend over the mountains and hills on the surface. He bet that he was going to another exit, already outside the encirclement of Guarcin.

"At the time of the design, the following were robotic mining. The issue of physical exertion was not considered. We must improve it next time ..."

Realizing that the teenager was too quiet, Gu Yuan began talking to him.

Although this will be more physically demanding, it is the best way to maintain your mind in an excessively dark environment.

Lu Deng also understood his intentions. Holding him on his shoulders made him a little more relaxed. He looked up at the already narrow mine tunnel: "Will you put on a lamp?"

Seeing him talking, Gu Yuan raised his eyebrows in surprise, and smiled in his eyes, shaking his head seriously.

"There are too many tunnels and too much energy, and even mines in my own house-if Guarcin would still let me guide, next time remind them to put on the lights."

President Gu is well-regarded and plays a heavy role, and rarely takes the initiative to joke. Lu Deng blinked, and her lip angle couldn't help but bend slightly: "I have to fill in the reason at that time, only to say that in the event of encountering a star siege, it is convenient for escape."

There was no one in the ground, but nothing left. Gu Yuanlang laughed loudly, bowed his head, kissed the person in his arms, and felt that some of the depressions along the way were relieved.

Not just this way.

He has always been melancholy in his chest, and the accumulation of melancholy persists. Comrades' incomparable depression and embarrassing embarrassment, between life and death, only the clear and gentle in their arms.

He is already home.

After all, it was cold and cold, and I didn't know how long it had been out. Lu Deng lay on his shoulder and suddenly coughed twice.

"Hold it up again, and you're almost there."

Gu Yuan took out his spare clothes, wrapped him in his body, and grabbed people into his arms, speeding forward.

The terrain is changing, and walking is becoming more and more laborious, indicating that it has been going up. It won't be long before we can reach the scheduled exit.

His throat was inexplicable, and Lu Deng didn't want him to worry. He tried to suppress the cough, but a sudden anxious sound came from his mind: "The host and the target person's life levels have fallen, please respond immediately!"

Vaguely gave birth to an ominous premonition, Lu Lan closed his eyes, and with the sensitization of the explosive drug sensitization, carefully discerned the almost faint faint breath in the air, his heart suddenly jumped.

Biochemical gas.

The quake duty room, the Guarcans probably guessed they were underground. Underground tunnels extend in all directions, and sending people down to search is too expensive. It is better to inject poison gas from the entrance down. In this way, when explaining to Galileo, he can only say that Gu Yuan hid underground and died unexpectedly.

They are far away from the exit, so until now, there has been a vague response.

When he noticed the strangeness of the boy, Gu Yuan frowned slightly, and was about to open his mouth, but he covered his mouth and nose firmly with his hand raised.

"It's poison gas. Hurry up. The garrison is dragged. Someone is waiting outside ..."

Although this mine tunnel is complicated, a complete map has been formed under the systematic detection.

Lu Deng has confirmed the exit according to Gu Yuan's direction, and let the system secretly send a message to the special envoy of Galileo. As long as the two go out, the special envoy of Galileo who is outside will immediately respond.

Galileo's special envoy applied for a galaxy protection order. Before formal contact, Guarcin could do anything to Gu Yuan on their back. But once put on the bright side, they can only watch them take away people.

Just go out and live.

Finally, he could no longer take his own secret into account, Lu Deng said quickly, but was choked by the thicker poison gas and had to cough for a long time.

Gu Yuan's eyes plummeted, and he took him into his arms, untied the water bag and poured the placket, barely covered the boy's nose and nose, and ran away with breath holding.


Behind him was the shadow of death, and the vitality in front of him was close at hand.

He was not afraid of death, and even faintly expected that Lu Zhiguang would die, but he hoped that he was close at hand, but he could not give up willingly.

His teenager hasn't really grown up, he hasn't experienced a life that is really too peaceful, and he hasn't been spoiled by him.

They have too much to do but not do. He hasn't accompanied him to check his grades, he didn't have time to send him to the new school by himself, didn't pick him up from school every day, didn't hold him well, and didn't see him showing his bright and bright smile in the brightest light.

They have come this far and cannot end here.

Not daring to breathe, the lungs burned under the rapid running. Gu Yuan's eyes went dark for a while, his heartbeat was fierce like a cymbal, but his eyes cast a little tearful light.


Suddenly the feet softened, the ground seemed to shake violently, Gu Yuan's body was slightly deviated, and he fell to his knees unexpectedly.

The vents were close at hand, but the chest burst into intense pain, as if the last trace of air stored in the lungs had been exhausted.

At least you have to send Lu Zhiguang over.

Gu Yuan tightened his arm, and the flashlight had already made a decision. He was about to breathe and recharge, but the young man who was always quietly in his arms suddenly raised his hand to catch him.

Slightly cold lips were attached, and a moist air flow was poured into the cavity, and the throat was pushed open into the chest and lungs, alleviating suffocation under extreme hypoxia.

There was intense pain in Gu Yuan's eyes, and he wanted to protect him again, but Lu Zhiguang's arm showed his resolute strength never before. He met his eyes, took a deep breath, and continued to let him in.

Gu Yuan suddenly understood what Lu Zhiguang said then.

He has a lifetime and he gives it to him.

Maying's anger and anguish exploded in the happy room, and her exhausted body burst into incredible power.

Gu Yuan tightened his arms, took him to the vent, took off his breathing mask and put it on him, only to find that his hands were shaking. I brought my mask several times, but I was not allowed to snap it.

A hand reached over and closed the snap pattern for him.

Lu Deng was lying between his arms, his eyebrows still bent, his cold fingers turned to the side, and his face lightly tapped, careful and soft.

The boy's improper expression failed to suppress the momentary terror and pain. Gu Yuan gasped heavily under the mask, shaking the hand lightly, trying to see if his body was affected by the poisonous gas, but the ground suddenly shook fiercely again.

Just not an illusion.

Lu Deng squinted his eyes in the drowsy sleep, renewed his spirit, held his arm for a moment, and a systematic warning sounded in his mind.

Earthquake simulators can simulate earthquakes below magnitude five, causing underground facilities, mines, and pathways to collapse.

Use poison gas first, followed by earthquake.

The Guars are trying to completely block Gu Yuan here. 2k novel reading network