MTL - This Guy is Wrong-Chapter 2503 Ask Immortal Huangquan (83)

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   Chapter 2503 Asking Immortal Huangquan (83)

   "Ms. Chuzheng, did you say they were chasing an unknown creature at the time?" Su Tiyue arranged things to come over, but missed Chuzheng and the others discussing the pattern.


"What is it like?"

   "What am I going to tell you?"

   "Miss Chuzheng..." Su Tiyue's eyebrows jumped, and he naturally pushed down his glasses: "This time, the more clues, the better for everyone, right?"

   He also wants to quickly resolve these matters and return to normal life, not now.

   I always feel that everything is a fog, and I can't see anything clearly.

   "We and you have never been enemies."

   Chuzheng did not roll his eyes on the spot because of his noble and glamorous image.

   "Thank you."

   "Huh?" Xie Shi innocently looked at Chuzheng, and after a while, he reacted and repeated to Su Tiyue what Chuzheng had just said.

   After listening to Su Tiyue, she clicked on the communicator she carried with her, and the screen popped up: "Is this what Miss Chuzheng saw?"

   The image that Su Tiyue popped up was almost the same as what Chuzheng saw.

  Xie Shi was taken aback: "Did you get it?"

  Chuzheng took a close look and nodded: "Well."

  Su Tiyue turned off the screen: "This was discovered two days ago, when... two people died."

  This unknown creature is very strange. At first, its spiritual value fluctuations could not be detected, but soon the detection equipment was overloaded and it could not be used directly.

   Fast speed and strong attack power.

  Their people also took such an image.

   It was taken with two people dead.

  Su Tiyue paused and added: "It eats corpses."

  Unknown creatures generally don't eat corpses, they like what's inside the human body.

   But when he found those two colleagues...

  Su Tiyue was used to seeing dead people and felt that the scene was a little disgusting.

  Xie Shi: "Miss Chuzheng, what's the origin of it?"

   Chuzheng: "It should have come out of the laboratory."

   "Lab?" Su Tiyue didn't know about the lab yet, so she asked Xianlu that there was no need to keep news sharing with the Unknown Biology Administration.

  Chuzheng didn't like seeing Su Tiyue very much, but she still said thank you.

  Su Tiyue: "..." How many things does he still not know?

   "Has Miss Chuzheng found the person behind the laboratory?"

   replied Xie Shi: "The laboratory was as clean as if it had been washed, and there were no useful clues."

  Xie thought of another clue: "The only clue is this. But we have also checked, and there is no other clue except that the trademark of a chain beverage store is reversed and it is the same as it."

  Xie Shi showed Su Tiyue the logo drawn by Ye Ji at that time.

   They have already checked this thing, and the drink shop is a serious chain, and there are no unknown creatures mixed in it.

The only exception    is that it is under Shengtian Group.

   "What happened to Shengtian Group?"

  Xie Shi shrugged and grabbed his hair hehe: "I won't tell you this." Miss Chuzheng didn't let me say this.

  Su Tiyue: "..."

Su Tiyue took a deep breath: "So the current situation is that the laboratory uses unknown creatures and feeds a monster that I don't know what it is. The increase in the number of unknown creatures living and attacking humans was also caused by this laboratory. of?"

  Xie Shi: "It's almost like this."

  Su Tiyue only felt cold all over. Although he felt abnormal before, he didn't find out why.

   And the North and the patio...

   is also related?

What do the people behind    want to do?

   "Mr. Su, we have checked, these people do not have IDs." People from the Property Management Bureau came over to report their progress.

  Su Tiyue returned to her senses, turned her head and asked, "None of them?"

  The person from the Property Management Bureau nodded: "No, all of them have no identification."

"how is this possible……"

  In today's society, it is almost impossible to act without an ID.

   You need to use an ID for food, clothing, housing and travel.

   How did these people without IDs get into the city?

  How did you survive?

  Xie Shi: "Those people we found outside the laboratory are also like this, and we can't find anything."

  Su Tiyue's heart sank slightly, and she felt more and more difficult: "The other party is so cautious?"

   Chuzheng's indifferent face: "If you were not careful, I would have killed you by now."

  Su Tiyue: "..."

   Su Tiyue believed this.

  Su Tiyue: "What's Miss Chuzheng's plan for this matter?"

  Chuzheng: "The little pet they kept ran away, and now it's up to whoever catches it first."

   If the opponent is very concerned about that unknown creature.

   She couldn't believe that if she caught it, the people behind could still not show up! -

   Chuzheng took Xingjue one step ahead.

   On the way back, the robot has already performed a preliminary inspection of the contents of the notebook.

   "No such character was detected." The robot finally concluded: "If this is a self-created character, then I can't do anything about it. Only if I get the codebook, I can decipher it."

  Xingjue politely asked: "Could it be that you didn't detect it?"

   "My database is the most complete, I don't have it here, I just don't have it!" The robot akimbo, as if offended.

  Xing never dared to say anything, and to appease the robot who had fried fur, he leaned towards Chuzheng.


  The robot turned its head and snorted angrily.

   Xingjue looked at Chuzheng, Chuzheng squeezed his palm: "Don't be familiar with it."

  The robot stared at Chuzheng, and suddenly shook its head: "It's said that when you have a daughter-in-law, you forget your mother..."

   Before the robot's word 'mother' was finished, it was overturned by Chuzheng, and it fell to the side.

   Chuzheng pressed it with his fingers to prevent it from rising.

   The robot at this time is like a short-legged **** with an upturned belly.

   Chuzheng's tone was cold: "Whose mother?"

  The robot started to cry seamlessly: " can you be so cruel to people, they are not your careful liver, little baby, be careful, sweetheart?"

   Chuzheng: "..."

   Chuzheng shoved the robot down with a look of disgust, too lazy to pay attention to it.

   Chuzheng returned the book to Xingjue, took out a piece of metal, and broke it directly.

  Xingjue's pupils shrank slightly, it was metal...

  Chuzheng breaking it is as easy as breaking a cookie.

   After the metal sheet was broken apart, there was nothing inside.

   is really different from before.

Before    there was the body of the unknown creature 'Shadow' inside...

   "I'm sorry baby, I can't help you." Xing Jue held the notebook, her eyelashes were lowered, and her voice was low.

   "Don't overthink it."

   "But if I hadn't lost my memory, maybe I'd know what that meant."

   "But you just lost your memory."


  Xingjue was probably hit, and he hung his head and stopped talking.


The content of   Ask Xian Huangquan may be a bit complicated, but after all, it is a real plane, so it must be a little more complicated.

   Let us take care of the event line.

  1. Xingjue is in a coma and is attacked by unknown creatures.

   2. Ask Xianlu Wanfei to die.

  3. The funeral home incident, Bao Lei was injured and comatose.

  4. The incidents of unknown creatures attacking humans have increased.

  5, laboratory events (unknown creatures escaped, leading to increased incidents of attacking humans ↑ meniscus trademark)

  6, North and patio events (unrecorded junctions)

  7. Xingjue was hospitalized in a car accident (Xingshuang was also attacked by unknown creatures and unknown biological tissues)

  8. Science and technology exhibition event (the unknown creature being fed, the pattern of the triangular metal sheet, the notebook in Xingjue's hand)

   (end of this chapter)