MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 744 obsession in memory

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"Have you had enough?"

Yang Shou's voice was extremely cold and contained a trace of anger.

At the last moment, his memory blasted through all seals and stubbornness, and emerged in his heart.

The blue remnant was extremely shocked, his expression changed greatly, and he quickly retreated, as if he had run into a ghost.


Yang Shou's eyes were cold, and he clenched his fist and threw it out.

This punch instantly lifted him from the realm that fell to the Beginning Realm to the peak, returned to the late tenth level, and slammed into the blue fog-like energy.

The blue fog-like energy burst into a whimper under this blow, and Yang Shou's strength once again climbed to the peak, which instantly severely injured it!

Of course, it was mainly because it was careless for a while, and it was completely unexpected that in this era, there are still people who can recover from the memories woven by it and regain their original memories.

"You... how did you do it?"

It roared and let out a roar, and the blue mist-like energy surged again, trying to pull Yang Shou into the woven memory world again.


The recovered Yang Shou didn't eat it at all.

He clenched his fist and waved his hand, and the energy of doom turned into a huge net, wrapping all the blue mist in it.

The blue mist wanted to struggle, but found that this large net was extremely strong, far from being able to break free.

The vast energy contained in it, perhaps it can be easily destroyed at the peak of its body, but at this time it can't resist at all.

"Seal me!"

Taking advantage of the blue mist being seriously injured by his own punch, Yang Shou didn't waste the time, he directly opened the door of Daqian World and pulled it into the chaotic void of Daqian World.


The blue remnant soul was still roaring, condensed into a figure, struggling in the giant net.

But to no avail.

At this time, it was severely injured by Yang Shou's punch, and more importantly, it spent a lot of energy in order to weave memories.

Now it is far from the opponent of Yang Shou, who has returned to the peak.

" did you recover your memory?"

In the Great Thousand World, the blue remnant soul is still roaring, trying to break through the giant net constructed by the energy of doom.

Yang Shou's phantom appeared in it, flickering uncertainly, his eyes were indifferent, looking at the blue remnant soul, and said lightly: "When I am not me, this way... can also hold!"

In fact, at the last moment, even if Yang Shou felt something was wrong, he could not find his original memory.

The reason why he was able to awaken all his memories and did not completely erase the blue remnant soul was entirely because... his memory that was sealed in the depths of his mind took the initiative to break the seal.

Hearing Yang Shou's words, the remnant soul was stunned for a moment, then his body trembled, and he came to his senses.

But it was followed by more shocks!

It never imagined that in the millions of years after the disappearance of the three statues, someone would actually be able to rush out of the memory world it weaved.

This trick, even at the peak of the tenth level, if you are not careful, you will be hit, so that all memories are sealed by it, and then it is replaced by a new memory made up by it!

"In your memory... as expected, there is obsession."

With a wry smile, it simply gave up its resistance and let the big net of doom energy turn it into a ruthless restraint.

Afterwards, the big net that the calamity energy turned into, ruthlessly suppressed it in the chaotic void of the Great Thousand World.

Regarding its words, Yang Shou was silent and did not speak again, until it was completely suppressed, and his phantom left this world.

And the Great Thousand World... also changed from illusory to real.

The originally crumbling Daqian world was solidified again.

in the realm of the gods.

Changsheng and the others suddenly became happy when they saw the world suddenly solidify.

This also means that Master has turned the corner into safety, and the world is safe and sound.


In the ruins of the dead planet, countless meteorites permeate the space and wander around.

Yang Shou stood in it, and the aura on his body was gradually rising.

After suppressing the remnant soul of one of the three, he felt that his strength... was infinitely close to the peak of the tenth level.

Next, he only needs to suppress another remnant soul, I am afraid that with the help of the Great Thousand World, he can raise his combat power to the top tenth level.

At that time, he will truly have the strength to control his own destiny.

"The obsession in my memory..."

After that obsession broke through the seal of the blue remnant soul, it disappeared completely.

He couldn't find that obsession at all.

He only knew that after the obsession broke the memory seal, it dissipated in his memory.

If it weren't for this time, he didn't even know that his obsession was hidden in his memory.

Even if it is sealed, it can still break out of the seal and move towards recovery.

"Next, is another remnant soul that is about to break the seal."

Yang Shou took a deep breath, and from the ruins of this dead planet, took out the evil spirit compass and the three-headed evil spirit statue.

According to the cause and effect line, look for another seal location again.

It took a long time for Yang Shou to find the place of the seal, and it was actually... in the world where he found the black dragon.

Back then... he tried to destroy that world.

As a result, there is a being sheltered in that world.

He destroys a trace, and that existence repairs a trace.

Cause he can never really destroy.

At that time, he thought that the other party was just hiding in the dark... the man in blue.

Unexpectedly, it is actually one of the three remnant souls!

And the black dragon was once sealed on the giant pillar of that world, and was brought out by him later.

Across the void, for Yang Shou at the current stage, it is already at his fingertips, walking at will, he has crossed countless spaces, countless star fields, and came to... the world where the black dragon was originally.

Before getting close, Yang Shou felt a terrifying force spreading.

This power is also extremely strange.

It even made him tremble a little bit.

"My're back..."

Before Yang Shou entered it, an ancient voice of vicissitudes came from the world of the black dragon.

Hearing this voice, Yang Shou frowned. He knew that this voice was definitely not what he said.

The only one who can make this existence say that must be the black dragon he took away from here.

After a little pondering, Yang Shou directly released the black dragon.


As soon as the black dragon came out, it made a series of roars around Yang Shou.

The sound of the dragon was crisp, making the world of black dragons that Yang Shou had not yet entered tremble.

"Come child..."

The old voice inside came out again, and there seemed to be a trace of excitement hidden in it.

Yang Shou looked at Heilong coldly and asked, "Are you familiar with this voice?"

Heilong looked dazed, and it was completely tamed by Yang Shou, while wagging its tail, it circled around Yang Shou.

In its impression, those weak creatures are begging for pity from the powerful.

At this time, it does not have the pride that a black dragon should have.

It was completely different from the golden dragon that Yang Shou saw at the time.

At first, it dared to disdain him, but now, it is as well-behaved as a cat.

"My child... come in..."

Then, the voice broke out again.

This time, the door of the whole world opened with a bang.

Appeared in front of Yang Shou.

There is a feeling of inviting you into the urn.

Yang Shou's eyes flickered, he thought for a moment, dragged the black dragon and rushed directly into this world.

The moment the world opened, he actually felt the breath of Time Butterfly.

He still remembered that the time converter was repaired by using the time butterflies on the black dragon.

If... he has the chance to get the time converter again, he must get it.

It's just... He didn't expect that the remnant soul of one of the three gods could actually be related to Time Butterfly!

Candeng once told him that time butterflies are extremely rare in the entire Upper Realm.

near extinction.

It was also in this world of black dragons that Yang Shou had seen so many time butterflies.

Even in the big world where the saints are located, he has never seen so many time butterflies.

Feeling the breath of Time Butterfly, after Yang Shou entered the world, he searched around with his consciousness, and then... saw a very magical scene.

Originally, in his impression, the world was empty.

Apart from the pillar that bound the black dragon, there was nothing left.

He didn't expect that after he left, so many time butterflies were actually born in this world.

Looking around, all are time but these time butterflies are all seconds butterflies.

Every time you flap your wings, time speeds up by one second.

Even so, looking around, the sky is overwhelming, and it is already countless seconds of butterflies.


After following Yang Shou into this world, Heilong roared, and couldn't help... pounce on Time Butterfly.

In the depths of its heart, a voice told it to quickly swallow these time butterflies.

It seems... these time butterflies are all prepared for it.

And on its body, those butterfly-shaped scales, from the original pitch black, gradually shone with golden light and became dazzling.

The scales, which had been blackened by Yang Shou's doomed energy, shone with golden light.

Those Time Butterflies seemed to have met their masters, and they fluttered their wings consciously, one by one, and dashed into its body.

Yang Shou stared at this scene intently. Of course, he was more focused on observing the previous voice.

After entering this world, he realized why he could not destroy this world by himself.

There is a tenth-level remnant soul hidden behind this world...

That's right, he can already be sure that the voice just now was emanating from the remnant soul.

It's just... What he was puzzled was that this remnant soul actually called Jinlong its child.

Yang Shou's heart moved, and he took out another golden dragon in the Great Thousand World.

The golden dragon called the embryo of the world.

As soon as it appeared, the remnant soul hidden in the dark in this world could no longer bear it.

The blood-colored sky looked extremely strange.

When Jin Long saw the strange scene in front of him, he shivered with fright and quickly hid behind Yang Shou.

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