MTL - This Is My Primitive Tribe-Chapter 18 rock frog

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On March 15th, the rain became more and more frequent. Often for several days at a time, the water level of the creeks and rivers rose rapidly.


Under the eaves of the bamboo house, Jiang Xuan worked diligently to dig a drainage ditch with his bones, and Chi Shao and others were doing the same.

After the rain increases, it is easy to accumulate water under the eaves. If there is no drainage channel, their bamboo house will be wet everywhere.

Fortunately, the top of the bamboo roof is covered with two layers of thick bark, and it is a newly built bamboo house, so the water leakage is not serious.

After the drainage ditches were dug all around the bamboo house, the rainwater flowed back to the creek along the drainage ditches.

Because of the rain, the muddy water on the mountain washed into the creek, causing the creek to become very turbid and the flow of water to increase.

Jiang Xuan wiped the rainwater off his face, washed the bones again, and then returned to the bamboo house.

"Everyone drink some **** soup."

Because they were digging drainage ditches in the rain, all five of them got wet. Although they were all warriors with strong physiques, Jiang Xuan was still afraid of catching a cold in the rain, so he cooked **** soup in a clay pot in advance.

Jiang Xuan wrapped the hot clay pot with thick bamboo shells, and then poured everyone a bowl of **** soup.

Ginger is wild ginger. It has a strong taste and no sugar is added. The soup made from it is difficult to drink.

But the tribal people are more receptive and have eaten even more unpalatable things, so drinking a bowl of **** soup is nothing to them.

Soon, everyone drank the **** soup in their bowls.

The other clay pot contained big horn mutton stewed with bamboo shoots. It had been stewed for a long time. Jiang Xuan used chopsticks to pick up the mutton from the clay pot again.

When the weather turns warm and the rain increases, the bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest grow like crazy, and even in the bamboo house, bamboo shoots pop up from the ground from time to time.

Naturally, these bamboo shoots become food, and they are very good for stewing meat.

After drinking the **** soup, eating mutton, and roasting the fire, the body quickly became warm. The wet and cold feeling brought by the rain before was swept away, and people's spirits were also lifted.

Uncaria complained: "It rains every day, so I can't go hunting, and the water in the stream has risen so much that the fishing traps dug before have been submerged and can't be used at all."

Jiang Xuan looked up at the big horn mutton that was smoked and roasted above the fire pond, and said, "It doesn't matter, this meat is enough for us to eat for a while, not to mention that we have raised a lot of fish, so we won't go hungry."

The others nodded, and only the meat hanging above the fire pond made people feel at ease. The feeling of starvation was really uncomfortable.

"It's not that you can't go hunting at all."

Chishao suddenly stared at the outside of the bamboo house and said, "It's good to rain when it rains. Some prey like to come out on rainy days."

Chi Shao put down the bowl, suddenly picked up the spear, and walked outside the bamboo house.


A loud frog croak suddenly sounded, the sound was very loud, shaking the bamboo forest.


Jiang Xuan's eyes lit up, and he immediately took his bamboo hut and ran out with Chi Shao.

Both of them ran away, and Uncaria, Shiloh, and Nanxing also went out with their spears.

Outside the bamboo house, on the newly opened farmland, a giant frog the size of a washbasin squatted there, constantly eating the insects that came out of the ground with its tongue.

This is a rock frog.

It is blue-gray all over, and when viewed from a distance, it looks like a rock, so it is called a rock frog.

Because of the rain for a few days, the soil was soaked, and the worms in the ground couldn't stand it, and they burrowed into the ground one after another. These worms became the food of the rock frog.

Jiang Xuan and the others also ate these bugs that came out of rainy days.

Perhaps to avoid the rain, insects of all sizes ran towards the bamboo house, some climbed to the wall, and some even climbed directly into the house.

Jiang Xuan has no reason to refuse the food delivered to his door. As long as he can eat it, one counts as one, and he grabs all of them and bakes them.

In the same way, rainy days will also make it easier for frogs who are not afraid of water to prey on insects. It is a day for them to revel.

Of course, what they didn't expect was that they were also treated as food.

Chi Shao didn't run towards the rock frog, and even bent down and waved back, signaling Jiang Xuan and the others to slow down.

Frogs are also one of the foods on the tribal diet.

The long years of hunting have allowed them to sum up a lot of experience in dealing with various prey.

Frogs have very poor eyesight, and they can clearly perceive fast-moving objects and avoid them.

The slower the moving, or even the completely stationary objects, the harder they are to see.

Therefore, the red peony walked very slowly, approaching the rock frog little by little.

When she felt that she was close enough to the rock frog to pierce it with a spear, Chishao really shot.


Chishao suddenly accelerated, raised her spear, and stabbed the rock frog the size of a washbasin.

At this time, it was too late for the rock frog to turn around and jump away, so it could only jump to the side with all its might.

However, the red peony had quick eyes and quick hands, and pierced its back before it took off, preventing the rock frog from jumping up.


The rock frog stared at its four legs and struggled to the death.

Chishao pulled out a stone knife from her waist and stabbed it into the back of its head, causing the rock frog's limbs to stretch straight, obviously it couldn't survive.

"What a big frog!"

Jiang Xuan, who came over from behind, exclaimed in amazement. Whether it is insects or all kinds of animals in this world, they are all very big.

Chishao grabbed one of the rock frog's legs, lifted it upside down, and said, "It's quite small, I heard from the old man in the hunting party that they had caught a rock frog before, and the frog's legs were bigger than human's legs. thick."

How big should that be? Jiang Xuanguang was very shocked when he imagined it.

The three teenagers also yearned for it, wishing they could catch such a big rock frog.

"Let's go back."

Chi Shao grabbed the washbasin-sized rock frog and walked back. Jiang Xuan and the three teenagers happily followed behind, and no one even cared about the rain.

After returning to the bamboo house, Chishao laboriously cut the skin of the rock frog's abdomen with a stone knife, and then removed the internal organs and intestines. Jiang Xuan threw these internal organs and intestines into the pond to feed the carnivorous fish.

Afterwards, Chishao cut open the rock frog, strung the frog's legs, body, and each with wooden sticks, and roasted them on the fire.

With the high temperature roasting, the frog meat gradually changed from white to the color of roast meat, and the fat in the meat oozes out, "sizzling".

One of the characteristics of rock frog meat is that its meat contains a peculiar oil. After roasting, the fragrance is very strong, and people can't help but swallow when they smell it.

"It's so fragrant!"

Jiang Xuan smelled the smell of the meat, and couldn't help tearing a piece of meat from the roasted position and stuffing it into his mouth.

This is a completely different taste from ordinary animal meat.

The meat of the rock frog is very tender after being roasted, and there is not much fishy smell. Even if there is no seasoning, just one bite is unforgettable.

"The world is delicious!"

After Jiang Xuan swallowed the frog meat, he exclaimed.

Chi Shao smiled and said, "Eat more if it's delicious. That big one is enough for the five of us to have a full meal."

After the rock frog was roasted, the five of them began to feast on their food, and Jiang Xuan even hugged a huge frog leg and chewed it, which was very enjoyable.

The warriors had great strength and appetite, and a rock frog the size of a grinding plate was actually eaten cleanly.