MTL - This Is My Primitive Tribe-Chapter 34 ornithos

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After eating all the whip tree fruits, Jiang Xuan obviously felt that his strength had more than doubled compared to before, but he didn't know how far he was from the two-color warrior.

If you want to become a two-color warrior, you don't just need to be strong.

The strength, speed and senses of the two-color warriors are far superior to those of the one-color warriors. Only in this way can they hunt wild boars alone.

Each of the fruits of the whip tree has several small nuclei scattered in the pulp.

Jiang Xuan collected all these fruit stones together, and then took them to the mountain forest in the south, cleared an open space, and planted these fruit stones in rows.

The previous eight Thunder Tree seedlings, Jiang Xuan planted in the mountain forest north of the Veng tribe, this time, Jiang Xuan chose the southern mountain forest for the core of the whip tree.

In this way, when these plants grow up, the forests on the north and south sides of the Vine tribe will have defensive capabilities.

Uncaria asked in confusion: "Boss, why are you planting these pips here? This kind of fruit is so good, shouldn't it be planted near the bamboo house?"

Shi Loh rolled his eyes and said, "If you've seen the scene where the whip tree beats people, you wouldn't have this idea."

Jiang Xuandao: "Shi Loach is right. The whip tree is very dangerous. If it is planted in the tribe, it will cause harm to the tribe. If it is planted here, it can defend against foreign enemies."

"Not only the whip tree, but also dangerous plants such as cage vines and biting flowers can be planted near the tribe. In the future, unless people from the tribe can fly, it will not be so easy for them to enter our tribe."

Uncaria scratched his head and said, "People from the outside world can't get in, but we can't get out, right? These fierce plants don't recognize people."

Jiang Xuan said with a smile, "It's very simple. You just need to dig a tunnel underground and you can go in and out at will. Two people are arranged next to the tunnel to guard it. It's not easy for people from outside to get in."

Uncaria said admiringly, "Boss, you are so smart!"

When the others looked at Jiang Xuan, there was also a adoration in their eyes.

After the few people planted all the fruit pits, they cut down the two shaded trees with a stone axe.

It was very laborious for the stone axe to chop down the tree. Fortunately, the five of them were all warriors, and they had just eaten the fruit of the whip tree.

Jiang Xuan dragged the two big trees aside, leaving them alone for the time being. After the autumn is dry, they can be dragged back to be used as firewood.

Then, they returned to the tribe.

Chishao took Uncaria and others to go hunting, while Jiang Xuan took the tourists to continue transplanting the insect-eating plants.

"This is water arrow grass. It catches bugs by shooting water arrows. It needs to be planted more densely, so that more water arrows are shot, and the probability of hitting insects is higher."

Jiang Xuan took Gan Song and others to transplant the water arrow grass found in the open field into the vegetable field, planting three rows in a row, next to each other.

"This is a bamboo tube grass. These bamboo tube-shaped leaves are used to catch insects, so it doesn't need to be planted so densely."

"This is a clapping flower. By slapping the insects with these two leaves, it can also be dispersed for planting."

Jiang Xuan took the tourists and planted a handful of these insect-eating plants in more than 30 acres of arable land.

Now it seems that the number of these plants is too small to catch many bugs, but in autumn, these plants will bloom and bear fruit, and with seeds, the vine tribe will be able to plant a large number of them next year.

As long as the planting can be successful, the vine tribe will no longer need to manually catch the insects. These plants will actively attract the insects and destroy them.

After planting those plants, the sun had already set, and Jiang Xuan and the tourists returned to the bamboo house.

As night fell, the primitive jungle became active again, and countless birds and beasts emerged, fighting round after round for survival.

In the cultivated land, the carnivorous plants that have just been planted slowly stretch their roots and dig deep into the soil to absorb water and nutrients.

It didn't take long for their slender stems and leaves to become full again and slowly stretch until they regained their vitality.

These carnivorous plants are very tenacious. When they adapt to the new living environment, they will glow with stronger vitality than before!

The night wind rises, a full moon slowly rises from the sky, and the moonlight shrouds the earth like a veil, adding a mysterious atmosphere to everything.

"Crackling, crackling, crackling..."

In the bamboo house, the firewood was burning constantly. After Jiang Xuan was full, he remembered that there were still some fan grass in the animal skin bag, so he took it out.

"How could you forget about these fan grasses?"

Jiang Xuan picked up the bone scorpion and took these few fan grasses to the outside of the house. He found an open space and planted these fan grasses.

"Next year, these fan grass should be able to grow into a large piece. Then squeeze some juice and try to make mosquito repellent water."

The juice of the fan grass can be applied to the body to repel mosquitoes, but I don't know how long it can be stored after being squeezed.

If you can find a way to make them into mosquito repellent water, keep them for a long time, go hunting in the mountains later, or sleep at night, you don't have to be afraid of being bitten by mosquitoes.

After all, no one likes the feeling of being bitten by mosquitoes. It's okay to **** blood. It's really annoying to leave a bag that scratches and itches.

After Jiang Xuan planted the fan grass, he returned to the bamboo house and closed the door.

Before going to bed, he added a handful of stinky grass to the charcoal fire next to the fire pit to repel mosquitoes.

"The stinky grass needs to be burned to be useful, and when the wind blows after it is burned, the mosquitoes will fly in again. It would be better if a long-lasting mosquito repellent was made earlier, instead of smelling this stinky smell every day. "

Jiang Xuan lay on the bamboo bed again, UU reading www. slept on the newly made reed pillow, slept on the reed mat, and quickly fell asleep listening to the "crack" of the firewood burning.

The night gradually deepened, and the smelly grass in the fire pond was slowly burning.


Under the moonlight, a huge mosquito flew from the southern forest to the Vine tribe.

Its wings are half a meter long, and its translucent wings flap at an alarming rate, making it fly extremely fast.

This giant mosquito has black and purple patterns all over its body, and the most peculiar thing is its mouthparts.

Other mosquitoes live by sucking animal blood or plant sap and nectar, so their mouthparts are needle-shaped.

But the mouthparts of this giant mosquito are like sharp beaks, slightly curved and able to open and close.

This giant mosquito is very rare, its name is called the bird-billed mosquito.

The bird-billed mosquito is the pet of the mosquito tribe. It can help the warriors of the mosquito tribe to hunt, guard, and check the situation in the distance.

The appearance of this bird-billed mosquito means that the warriors of the mosquito tribe have arrived nearby, which is equivalent to a pathfinder.


The bird-billed mosquito flew too fast. In the blink of an eye, it flew over the rattan tribe, saw the bamboo house, and sensed someone in the bamboo house.

However, at this moment, a smell of stinky grass floated high in the sky with the wind and floated to the side of the bird-billed mosquito.

An unpleasant smell stimulated the senses of the bird-billed mosquito, the bird-billed mosquito froze all over, and even its wings flapped slowly.

It's like someone who doesn't eat stinky tofu suddenly smells the most stinky stinky tofu, and his face turns green.


This bird-billed mosquito escaped from the Vine tribe at the fastest speed, without even looking back...