MTL - This Option is Fantastic-v4 Chapter 209 Eternal Battlefield

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Standing in the starry sky, Wei Qing pointed in front of him.

In the vast deep space, a special starry sky area appeared ahead.

Shrouded in divine light, a stalwart power erupted.

Divide this large star field.

The difference is clear.

And here is the biggest battlefield in the eternal universe.

Eternal Battlefield!

When the eternal universe appeared, it appeared here.

It is this special region formed by the universe itself.

Among them, the laws are chaotic, and there are special cosmic barriers that can withstand the power of the emperor-level fight.

And this is also a forbidden place in the eternal universe.

Under the gods, forbidden!

Before reaching the realm of gods, if you step into it, you will explode and die.

This is also known to everyone in the eternal universe.

Today, the Eternal Battlefield is a battleground against the Entropy.

Here, more than half of the power of the entropy tribe on the eternal battlefield is gathered, which is about seventy or eighty percent.

The eternal battlefield is also the battlefield of life and death that determines the eternal universe.

Victory, no worries!

If you lose, you will perish!

Even the Eternal Protoss can't escape the end of destruction in the end.

this is the truth.

Also a harsh reality.

Standing in the starry sky, Chen Luo could feel the fluctuations in the battlefield.

It didn't stop for almost a moment.

"Let's go!"

When he came back to his senses, Chen Luo took a deep breath and said.

One step across, over hundreds of millions of distances, and instantly came to the edge of the starry sky of the eternal battlefield.

Take a step forward, as if penetrating some kind of enchantment.

Chen Luo could feel the law of chaos.

A lot of entropy aura is in it.

The eternal battlefield stretches across tens of billions of light years. It can also be said that this is the largest battlefield in the entire eternal universe.

Wei Qing followed and stepped into the eternal battlefield together.


At this moment, in the depths of the eternal battlefield, a rainbow descended.

In an instant, they came to them.

The leader is a king-level supreme god, and behind him are the existences of the early supreme gods.

A total of five, the lineup is very strong.

Five of them belonged to the Eternal Protoss, wearing platinum armor and looking majestic.

"Princess, are you all right?"

Looking at Wei Qing next to him, the terrifying supreme **** said with a worried expression.

"It's okay, I ran into trouble, but thanks to this senior, I solved it."

Wei Qing shook his head, smiling and looking at Chen Luo beside him.


Hearing this title, the terrifying supreme **** of the Eternal Protoss gave him a serious look.

Chen Luo also looked at him.

However, judging from this title, Chen Luo was somewhat surprised.


This title can only describe one.

Wei Qing is the daughter of the Eternal Emperor!

It seems... the Eternal Emperor is also surnamed Wei, right?

what do you say that is?


Wei... Boundless!

"Senior, this is the commander of the Zuo army of my Eternal Protoss, General Jinghong, and one of the commanders of the three armies of our clan!"

Looking at Chen Luo, Wei Qing said with a smile.


Chen Luo nodded and said hello.

The strength of the king level is indeed very powerful, but it is only a high-level king.

But in Chen Luo's eyes, it wasn't enough.

"What's your name?"

Marshal Jinghong looked at Chen Luo and asked.

"The name is just a code name, it doesn't matter."

Chen Luo smiled faintly.


Hearing this, the commander Jinghong frowned. But thinking that this person was the princess' savior, he didn't go to the bottom of it.

Intuition tells him that this guy is scary.

"Princess Wei, I didn't expect you to be the daughter of the Eternal Emperor Wei Wuya, disrespectful!"

Looking at Wei Qing beside him, Chen Luo smiled and said.

"Where, as senior said, identity doesn't matter."

Wei Qing smiled.

"Who is this guy?"

"How dare you call the emperor's name directly?"

Hearing this, the commander Jinghong frowned again.

"Your Excellency also came to the Eternal Battlefield to deal with the Entropy Race?"

Looking at Chen Luo, Commander Jinghong suppressed the fluctuations in his heart and asked.


Chen Luo nodded, then looked at Wei Qing next to him and said, "Princess Wei, since someone from the Eternal God Race has come to pick you up, I won't accompany you in this seat, farewell!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Luo turned into a streamer and quickly disappeared, rushing into the depths of the eternal battlefield.

He has always been a loner.

Fighting, he still likes a person.

Born to be so!


Wei Qing was about to say something, but saw that Chen Luo had long since disappeared, and he could only swallow the words that came to his mouth.

Looking at this scene, Commander Jinghong and several supreme gods of the Eternal Protoss behind him also felt strange.

Looking at Wei Qing, Marshal Jinghong said, "Princess, who is this person?"

"I don't know either. I met him by chance. He said that he came from the prehistoric universe!"

Looking at Marshal Jinghong, Wei Qing replied.

"The Great Desolate Universe!"

"Supreme across the universe..."


"It's not easy!"

Hearing these words, Jinghong's heart skipped a beat.

Dare to cross the universe alone in the chaotic era, this strength should not be underestimated.

"But this person is powerful and very terrifying!"

Looking at the direction in which Chen Luo disappeared, Wei Qing said solemnly.


Hearing this, Marshal Jinghong became even more solemn.

"He alone easily annihilated hundreds of millions of entropy tribes. Among them, there are more than 100 entropy supreme gods, and some of them are terrifying, but they still can't stop this person's power."

Looking at Marshal Jinghong, Wei Qing said with a solemn expression.

"So strong!"

Hearing this, Commander Jinghong and several supreme gods of the Eternal Protoss looked at Wei Qing in disbelief.

With a look of astonishment, he wondered if there was something wrong with his ears.

Is it so powerful?

Are you kidding me?

"It's what we've seen with our own eyes."

Looking at the look on the face of the handsome Jinghong, Wei Qing knew that he didn't believe it and said.

The more than 300 Eternal Protoss behind them also nodded.

Looking at this scene, Marshal Jinghong was shocked, but he also accepted this fact.

"Easy to kill a terrorist-level existence, I'm afraid his strength is not a simple king!"

"It is possible to be a peak king." Wei Qing said.

"Peak King..." Commander Jinghong fell silent in his heart.

After a while, he came back to his senses, looked at Wei Qing and said, "If this person joins the battlefield, it should be beneficial to our battle situation, princess, let's join the army first."


Wei Qing nodded and set off directly with more than 300 Eternal Protoss.

As he moved forward, Wei Qing kept asking Commander Jinghong, "By the way, how is my father's condition?"

The Eternal Emperor is also on the Eternal Battlefield, but the Great Emperor-level battlefield is in the deepest part of the Eternal Time and Space, not only the Eternal Emperor, but also other Great Emperors.

Devil Scorpion Emperor, Heavenly Star Emperor!

The three pillars of the eternal universe are all here.

"It's not very good. The Emperor of the Entropy Clan dispatched six, and the situation is very bad."

Commander Jinghong replied with a solemn expression.


Hearing this, Wei Qing's heart skipped a beat.

"But there is only one peak emperor, one senior emperor, and the rest are junior emperors. The eternal emperor dragged down the two supreme emperors of the entropy tribe."

Looking at Wei Qing, Jinghong said.

"That's pretty serious too!"

Wei Qing said with a sad face.

"We can't intervene in the battle of the emperor level, we can only watch."

The commander-in-chief Jinghong also had a serious face.

"Hopefully there will be a twist!"

Wei Qing let out a long sigh.

"Look at the results!"

"We cannot intervene in this kind of battle."


Eternal battlefield.

The starry sky here is like the chaotic sea of ​​the prehistoric universe.

Originally, many powerful beings were born here, but when the entropy army and the cutting-edge power of the eternal universe arrived, the existences here were completely wiped out.

Wherever the entropy clan goes, no life can escape.

Devour hundreds of millions of civilizations, as long as you are alive, you will not let it go.

This is also the reason why the Entropy has become the mortal enemy of billions of civilizations.

Naturally incompatible.

There is no possibility of coexistence.

A true bloodthirsty.

The nature is like this.

Cannot be changed!

The eternal battlefield is very large, and this front is also very long.

It will take Chen Luo a little time to kill the supreme **** of the entropy clan.

After all, the distance of 10 billion light-years is not small.

Moving forward in nothingness, Chen Luo encountered many wars.

But this scale is too small, Chen Luo is really not interested.

He didn't even have a supreme god, so he was too lazy to do it.

However, if he really sees that the forces on the side of the eternal universe are too tragic, Chen Luo will also help.

In the blink of an eye, Hui Fei was annihilated!

To him, it was nothing.


Go deeper.

Chen Luo suddenly stopped.

Stepping into nothingness, his eyes turned to the front.

In the starry sky ahead, there is a large-scale war.

The army of the entropy clan has more than one billion, and here, the army built by all the forces of the eternal universe also has more than one billion.

Billions of armies were fighting together, and the turbulent fluctuations could be called destruction.

Chen Luo's eyes were focused on the depths of the war.


Beneath his vast immortal soul, the supreme **** of the Entropy tribe was soon discovered.

More than 500 entropy giants.

Among them, the shock-level supreme gods and the peak-level ones occupy the vast majority.

There are almost four hundred and nearly five hundred.

There are only a dozen or so kings.

There are more than 600 supreme gods on the side of the eternal cosmic forces.

Quantitatively, the Eternal Universe has the upper hand.

But in terms of quality, it's bad.

One-on-one, the combat power of the Entropy tribe is very terrifying.

Even the pinnacle king is difficult to kill a junior king of the entropy tribe.

Its abnormal recovery ability makes any civilization a headache.

Heavy damage is impossible.

There is only one way to kill.

For the Entropy Clan, there is no harm to say.

Only death and life.

Not afraid of all harm, this is doomed to the power of the entropy tribe.

No civilization can match.

Zero civilization is not so perverted.

With only more than 500 entropy giants, Chen Luo was still somewhat disappointed.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

With more than 500 kills, he was approaching the nine-tenths mark.


The Pangu Axe appeared, and the golden axe shone in the starry sky.

A devastating aura erupted from Chen Luo's body, like the supreme ruler who came from the supreme era. The terrifying aura made the whole starry sky tremble.

With the aura of a great emperor, the threat of death instantly enveloped his heart.

With the battle strength of Pangu Axe, Chen Luo's strength has reached the equivalent of the combined strength of 20,000 kings, and the superposition of Genesis can reach 25,000.

Destiny plate, the blessing of the master artifact and the king of the gods, he can even reach the combined strength of infinitely close to 40,000 kings.

Even in the Great Emperor class, he is an extremely terrifying existence.

This is also the reason why Chen Luo was able to single out the five emperors!

The average peak emperor, if faced with the tomb formation that the five emperors jointly promoted, I am afraid that 90% of them will fall.

He can be level, which is enough to prove his strength.

Although he escaped with heavy damage in the end, this record was enough to bear the name of the Eternal Emperor.

His strength has already kept pace with the Great Emperor Wu Beginning.

Even a single contest can be surpassed.

The sum of 40,000 peak kings.

This is not as simple as one plus one, geometric growth.

The terrifying momentum came instantly, making more than 500 entropy giants jump in their hearts, and the eternal cosmos forces also noticed Chen Luo.

"This is... the power of the emperor!"


"He is an emperor-level existence!"

Seeing Chen Luo standing in nothingness, shining a golden rainbow, the Eternal Cosmic Force's heart skipped a beat.

Without God's coercion in his heart, the Supreme God felt a deadly aura.

But the face is so unfamiliar, this is not the emperor of their eternal universe at all.

Then there is only one reason, this great emperor came from the outer universe.


Holding the Pangu axe in one hand, the golden axe light swept in like a vast galaxy, swallowing the entropy supreme.


Chaos shook and the starry sky collapsed.

With one blow, it directly killed more than half of the entropy clan supreme, and took away nearly a hundred million entropy clan army by the way.

The terrifying power made all the supreme gods of the eternal cosmic forces stare blankly.


A bang blew the starry sky, chaos vibrated, and the golden axe light came again.

Under the blessing of Pangu's axe, the emperor had to be split off by him.

As soon as it fell, the last half of the Entropy Supremes fell directly.

Two strikes directly shattered the cutting-edge power of the entropy army.

Even the entropy who are not afraid of death feel terrible.

This figure has become the nightmare of the entropy tribe.

Instantly killed more than 500 Entropy clan emperors, and the numbers soared rapidly. Chen Luo was in a good mood. He waved a few axes again and wiped out 80% of the entropy clan army.

And at this moment, the supreme gods of the eternal cosmic forces also came back to their senses.

Look at the figure standing in the void.

Fear can't describe their mood at the moment.

Fortunately, it's not the enemy, it's the enemy, and it's them who hang.

"See the Emperor!"

"Thank you Heavenly Emperor for taking action!"

Quickly recovered, hundreds of supreme gods came directly in front of Chen Luo, and said respectfully.

Even if it is a king-level existence, it is respectful.

Putting away the Pangu axe with his backhand, Chen Luo looked at the hundreds of supreme gods in front of him, and his voice sounded: "Where is the large-scale entropy clan nearby?"

The Eternal Battlefield is vast, and finding it by yourself is a waste of time.

It's easier to just ask directly.

As soon as Chen Luo opened his mouth, these supreme gods were a little confused.

The meaning of this sentence, how do you hear that this great emperor is here specifically for the entropy tribe?

"Hui Tiandi, in this area, the nearest large-scale entropy army is 30 million light-years away, this direction!"

An Eternal Protoss giant came back to his senses, came to Chen Luo, pointed his finger in one direction and said.

Following the direction of his fingers, Chen Luo came back to his senses and nodded: "Okay, thank you very much, this emperor still has something to do, so let's say goodbye first!"

Chen Luo didn't want to waste time, and quickly solved the entropy giants in the eternal battlefield. Even if it was not completed, it should be almost the same.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Luo disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Seeing Chen Luo disappear, all the supreme gods came back to their senses.

They are particularly curious about Chen Luo's identity!

"With the help of this great emperor, I'm afraid our battle situation will be much easier."

A supreme **** came back to his senses and said.

The other supreme gods nodded silently.

indeed so!

The combat power of an emperor-level existence is too terrifying.

And this Great Emperor gave them the feeling that he could even be side by side with the Eternal Great Emperor.

Peak Emperor!

Be nice!

Thinking of this possibility, the hearts of the giants jumped wildly.

"call out--"

At this moment, a beam of divine rainbows came quickly from the starry sky, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the front of the giants.

It was Commander Jinghong and Wei Qing.

As for the more than 300 Eternal Race gods, they were arranged in some large armies nearby.

When he came to the giants, Marshal Jinghong felt something was wrong.

Doesn't it mean that there are more than one billion entropy tribes?

What about more than five hundred entropy giants?

Why just a little bit?

Looking at the remaining tens of millions of entropy army, the commander Jinghong looked stunned.

He looked at one of the Eternal God Race giants and said, "General Bai, didn't you say there are more than one billion entropy race?"

"It was solved by a great emperor."

The Eternal Protoss giant said.


Was it solved by a great emperor?

Hearing this, Marshal Jinghong was dumbfounded on the spot.

its not right!

The Demon Scorpion Emperor, the Tianxing Emperor, and the Eternal Emperor were all entangled by the Entropy Emperor, how could they be resolved?

How is this possible?

"Which emperor is that?"

When he came back to his senses, Marshal Jinghong asked.

Wei Qing was also very curious.

"do not know."

The Eternal Protoss giant shook his head and said.

Wei Qing: "?"

Commander Jinghong: "?"

"do not know?"

Are you kidding me?

The existence of the great emperor is basically the existence of the universe, you are a supreme god, don't you know?

What are you kidding?

"Not from the eternal universe, but a great emperor from the outer universe!"

The supreme **** of the eternal gods said.

"The Great Emperor from the outer universe!"

Hearing this, Marshal Jinghong and Wei Qing jumped in their hearts.

"Holding the golden divine axe, the semi-dominant divine weapon, killed all the giants of the entropy clan with two strikes."

Looking at Commander Jinghong and Wei Qing, the Eternal Protoss Supreme said.

"Golden Axe!"

Hearing this sentence, Wei Qing's heart trembled, and he stared at the white general with wide eyes and said, "General Bai, does the emperor look like this?"


After speaking, Wei Qing's divine power surged, and a virtual figure appeared instantly.

Looking at this figure, the giants nodded in unison, "Is this the emperor, does the princess know?"


Wei Qing's heart exploded when he got the answer.

Commander Jinghong was also heartbroken.

"Good guy, he turned out to be the emperor!"

Looking at this virtual figure, Marshal Jinghong was blocked in his heart.


The pillar of the universe, just missed it in vain.

Damn it, **** it!


Seeing that the expressions of Marshal Jinghong and Wei Qing were constantly changing, the giants were a little confused.

This... what's the situation?

"such a pity!"

Wei Qing let out a long sigh.

If I had known that he was the existence of the Great Emperor, I would have to make good friends even if I died!

"It's a pity!"

The commander-in-chief also sighed.


Missed it!


General Bai: "?"

Giants: "???"

What do you mean?

What a pity?


The distance of 30 million light-years is not too far for Chen Luo.

Soon, he came to another starry sky area.

There is no battle here, but there are traces of it.

The starry sky was covered with blood, and I saw the vision of the starry sky crying blood.

Clearly, there was a big fight here.

But before he arrived, it had been resolved.

Dark deep space.

A vast army of the Entropy tribe was advancing.

The appearance of Chen Luo instantly alerted the entropy army.

It's about the same size as before.

The number of supreme gods is less.

There are only four hundred.

However, when they met, Chen Luo naturally would not give up, and the Pangu axe lit up. Without the slightest bit of nonsense, he directly chopped it off.

Chaos was torn apart, and the golden axe light struck, making all the entropy people feel the threat of death.

In an instant array, but in the face of absolute power, this has become a joke.

With one blow, hundreds of millions of the entropy clan were directly bombarded, including some supreme gods of the entropy clan.


Holding the Pangu axe, Chen Luo directly killed the depths of the entropy army when his figure moved.

Tigers into the flock, in front of his strength, these entropy tribes did not resist at all, and in an instant, they were directly destroyed.

Chaos rolled over, and the starry sky became more bloody.

After solving this batch of entropy clan, Chen Luo disappeared directly.

Not long after Chen Luo disappeared, more than a hundred supreme gods appeared in the depths of the starry sky.

Most of them are the supreme gods of the Eternal Protoss, and there are also the supreme gods of other god-level civilizations.

Looking at the broken starry sky, the obvious fighting atmosphere, and the residual phantom of the golden axe light, this scene is enough to prove that a devastating battle has just happened.

"It seems that it is the masterpiece of that senior again!"

The commander-in-chief sighed and said.

Judging from the phantom left by the golden axe light, it was enough to conclude this.

More than a billion entropy clan can be killed without any effort.

To be completely destroyed in such a short period of time is enough to prove that it is terrible.

"There are so many emperors in the Honghuang universe, shouldn't there be many?"

A king of the eternal protoss said.

"It's not the Fuxi God Clan, it's not the Trisolaran God Clan, it's not the Great Emperor of the Demon Eye Clan, it's the Great Emperor of the Human Race. Could such a terrifying Great Emperor be the Desolate Emperor of the Supreme Era or the Beginning Emperor?"

Commander Jinghong bowed his head in thought, calculating carefully.

"It shouldn't be these two supreme emperors."

A Supreme shook his head.

"Very young, it should be the great emperor born in the three thousand era! There is no breath of the supreme era."

A Supreme spoke his judgment.

"In any case, this human race can kill the entropy clan, that is we are on the same front, and perhaps, it can also solve the danger of the eternal emperor and the others."

Looking at the Supreme Beings, Wei Qing said.


"It should be possible!"

"I'm afraid the emperor of the entropy clan should also notice!"

The commander-in-chief Jinghong nodded.

"I hope that this human race emperor will not have an accident."

A Supreme said.

With one more emperor, the situation in the entire universe will be different. Of course they don't want anything to happen.

"It's a pity we can't help you much!"

The commander-in-chief sighed and said.

"Let's go to other battlefields first. It is our strength to be able to solve some of the entropy tribes."

One of the Supremes spoke, and the rest of the Supremes nodded, and then left the broken starry sky.


Eternal battlefield, deep in time and space.

Several stalwart silhouettes collided continuously, exuding supreme imperial power, and the starry sky trembled.

Two peak emperors, one high-level emperor.

Two of the entropy emperors are besieging a peak emperor.

And this peak emperor is the first emperor of the eternal universe, the eternal emperor Wei Wuya!


A collision and separation, the Eternal Emperor stood in the starry sky, looking at the two emperors of the Entropy tribe, but his eyes showed a smile.

"Hahaha, another great emperor is here. It seems that your plan is doomed to fail."

Standing in the starry sky, unbridled laughter exploded in his ears like thunder.

The faces of the two entropy emperors were extremely ugly, and there was one more emperor in the eternal battlefield, which also gave them a lot of pressure.

But even if his heart is dignified, he will not admit defeat on the surface.

One of the top emperors of the entropy clan said, "The one who comes here is also to die, Mo Tuo, leave it to me here, you can deal with that one!"


The Emperor of the Entropy Clan nodded and disappeared in place in an instant.

"If you want to run, stay for this emperor!"

Looking at this scene, the face of the Eternal Great Emperor changed, and when he raised his hand, the endless Dao Law turned into a giant hand that covered the sky and grabbed the Great Emperor Motuo.

"Humph, Wei Wuya, your opponent is this seat!"

Looking at this scene, another Entropy Clan Emperor snorted coldly, shot directly, smashed the attack, and instantly killed the Eternal Emperor.


The starry sky caused huge waves, and the two peak emperors collided again.

Strong duel, wherever you go, the starry sky will be destroyed.

The endless imperial power swept across the starry sky, and the power of the collision of the two peak emperors surpassed everything.

After leaving a senior emperor of the entropy clan, the pressure on the eternal emperor has also decreased, but for the current situation, it is very bad.

A great emperor intervening in the battlefield can greatly reverse the situation, and even make the situation a foregone conclusion.

Now the great emperor of the entropy clan is entangled, and as a result, the pressure on the forces of the eternal universe will be great.

Wei Wuya would rather fight against the two great emperors and let that one help the eternal cosmic forces kill the Supreme Being of the Entropy Clan, rather than reduce the pressure.

After all, the existence of a great emperor is too important to turn the tide of the battle.

But now, even if he doesn't want to, he can't do it.

Peak to peak!

If he wanted to, he couldn't stop it at all.

If you go after him yourself, it is impossible for the entropy emperor behind him to let him leave just like that.

"Hope you can hold on!"

At this moment, Wei Wuya could only rely on the strength of the mysterious emperor.

Even if I want to help, I can't spare it

This is impossible!


Eternal battlefield.

In another starry sky.

Chen Luo just got rid of this batch of entropy clan.

Perfect break nine!

The current number of kills is 90080!

There is less than 10,000 left before the 100,000 mark.


Just as he was about to leave, suddenly, Chen Luo seemed to sense something, his eyes turned to the depths of the darkness, and his face changed instantly.

In the depths of the darkness, a tall and mighty figure appeared in Chen Luo's field of vision.