MTL - This Option is Fantastic-v4 Chapter 262 The 2 great ancestors who vomited blood

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Chen Luo smiled, the ancestor of Shura was unclear.

The ancestors of the abyss and the ancestors of **** were directly circled in place.

All eyes fell on the entropy beast.

The starry sky, deadly silence.

The ancestor of the abyss: "What did you say?"

"I can't shoot!"

The immature voice of the entropy beast sounded.

The ancestor of hell:~%?…;#*’☆&℃$︿★?

Ancestor of the Abyss:~%?…;#*’☆&℃$︿★?

I swallowed a clone for you, and I came here. When I arrived, you told me that I couldn't do it?

The eyes of the two ancestors of the entropy clan stared at the entropy beast, and the expressions on their faces were extremely difficult to see.

Can't do it!

! ! ! !

play us?


The ancestor of Shura: "Chen Luo, what do you think is going on?" Looking at the scene in front of him, the ancestor of Shura secretly transmitted his voice.

Chen Luo: "It's very simple, it's my friend."

The ancestor of Shura: "What?"

"You... your friend?"

Chen Luo: "Well."

Asura ancestor: "..."

so bullshit?

Hearing Chen Luo's answer, the ancestor of Shura was tumbling in his heart.

I had prepared for the worst, but I never thought that I would be able to roll over again.

"Entropy Heavenly Beast, what the **** are you doing!" glaring at the entropy Heavenly Beast, the abyss's ancestor transmitted a voice.

Trembling all over, it was obvious that he was agitated by the entropy beast.

"I said, if I can't do it, I can't do it." The voice of the entropy beast sounded again.

"Bastard, you dare to play with the ancestor!" 'Teng, all of a sudden, endless flames instantly ignited from the heart of the ancestor of the abyss.

A pair of black pupils looked even more terrifying.

Entropy Tianbeast turned a blind eye, and then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, came directly to Chen Luo.

Lying down and closing his eyes, Chen Luo saw this and directly reached out and touched its huge head.

Asura ancestor: "?"

The ancestor of hell: "?"

The ancestor of the abyss: "?"



At this moment, the ancestors of the abyss and the ancestors of **** exploded directly.

Mother, I worked so hard to attract the deity body with the fragrance of heaven, and prepared the duplicate body to be swallowed by the deity body, but the result was like this.

Who can accept it?

My TM mentality collapsed!

The bodies of the two ancestors trembled, and the terrifying breath was turbulent.

At this moment, the inner feelings of the two ancestors can no longer be described in words.


Simply TMD...

"Chen Luo, I can't help you deal with them either!" Suddenly, Entropy Tianbeast opened his eyes, and those giant eyes looked at Chen Luo and said.

"I understand." Chen Luo nodded.

And this sentence directly caused the ancestors of the abyss and the ancestors of **** to almost smoke.

Dude, are you still ready to defect?

Is this please help?

This is an ancestor of TMD invited!

If it weren't for the mental qualities of the two entropy tribes being forced, maybe they would have spilt blood on the spot.

"I'm leaving, be careful." The tender voice sounded in Chen Luo's ear again, and in the next second, the entropy beast disappeared out of thin air.

Seeing the entropy beast disappear, the ancestor of Shura came back to his senses, and the expression was even more incredible than seeing a ghost.

A pair of red eyes looked at Chen Luo, unable to believe what was happening in front of him. this true?

After a few words, a great enemy left?

"Mother, fortunately let him help, otherwise, I would have to hang here today..."

When I came back to my senses, a feeling of palpitations emerged in my heart. It was the wisest choice to ask Chen Luo to help deal with the ancestor of the entropy clan.

Before it even started, there was a surprise.


The entropy beast is gone.

He left without saying hello.

At this moment, the mood of the two ancestors of the entropy race was tumbling like a river.

This...this...what is this TM called?

"Damn things!"

Clenching his fists, the ancestors of the abyss and the ancestors of **** were about to boil.

Originally it was a 100% certainty, but now, the swish has been reduced by more than 50%.

Originally acting according to the original plan, with the terrifying strength of the deity body, to eliminate Shura and Chen Luo, this should not be too easy.

But after all the calculations, they didn't even calculate that the Entropy Heavenly Beast would quit on the spot.

Mad, I am also an employer after all!

Is this how you treat your employer?


Not as good as beasts!

"Broken King Fist!"

The extreme anger burned in my heart, and the ancestor of the abyss could no longer bear it. Today, this tone must be released.

The terrifying law of collapse bloomed, the endless divine light swept across the starry sky, and the terrifying and suffocating breath swept in like a galaxy.

The starry sky collapses.

"Killing Light!"

At the same time, the ancestor of Shura also started.

There is no threat from the entropy beast. Although it is still under great pressure, it can still ensure its own safety.

With these two guys, the battle is not once or twice.

Besides, Chen Luo is still present today, which is even more emboldened.

The great slaughter technique erupted instantly, the slaughter law bloomed, and the bright red light swept through.


The two supreme beings collided instantly, and a terrifying shock wave swayed.

"heaven and hell!"

The next second, the ancestors of **** also started, urging an extremely powerful secret technique, although it is not the technique of the law of the avenue, but the power is not weak at all.

The divine light is intertwined and swept like a flood.

"The light is eternal!"

Stepping out one step, the Great Light Technique erupted instantly.

Divine light blooms and greets you instantly.

Two to two!

one to one.

Chen Luo is not at all timid, the ancestor of the abyss has fought, but the ancestor of **** has not yet.


The sound of the explosion that ripped apart the starry sky sounded, the nebula behind him collapsed, and the Asura Holy Land was directly destroyed by the surging attack.

With a collision, the blood on his body swelled, but Chen Luo's fighting spirit was even more stimulated.

"Killing Sword!"

The powerful will to kill turned into a blood-colored sword, a sword of law, whose hardness is no less than that of a semi-dominant artifact-level existence.


A sword was cut out, and the blood-colored sword qi burst out like a vast blood-colored galaxy.

The sword destroys time and space, and the sword shines in the universe!


A strange shield appeared in front of the ancestor of hell, and instantly blocked Chen Luo's sword of killing.


The Sword of Slaughter was blocked, but Chen Luo was not surprised at all, and directly detonated the Sword of Slaughter, instantly blooming the Law of Slaughter in the Sword of Slaughter, and the laws of Slaughter that were over a hundred times more gushed out.


The strange shield in front of the ancestor of **** collapsed instantly, and the figure kept retreating.


At this moment, Chen Luo instantly bullied him and fought in close combat.

The last time he played against the ancestors of the abyss, Chen Luo suffered a lot. This time, he learned a lot.


The magic can't stop.

Strongly crushed with violent storms.

don't give you a chance.

Although he was defeated in the first battle with the ancestor of the abyss, Chen Luo also learned a lot of experience.

This time, it was used to deal with the ancestors of hell.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The starry sky was constantly shattering like a mirror, and the four figures intertwined and collided with each other in the starry sky.

The terrifying shock wave caused the time and space to collapse continuously, thousands of stars were annihilated and turned into dust in the starry sky.

Summon the Thunder of Destruction, and the Great Sky Thunder Technique is here!

The net of slaughter covered the attack, and the big slaughter technique was also displayed vividly in Chen Luo's hands.

Great Illumination, Great Origin, Great Cutting...

All the techniques of the Dao Law that he learned, Chen Luo greeted the ancestors of hell.


One punch smashed the thunder of the avenue of destruction, and in a short period of time, the ancestor of **** broke through the blockade of Chen Luo and went deep into the chaos.

"Why is this guy so perverted!"

The ancestors of **** are in a hurry.

The strength Chen Luo showed was even more terrifying than expected.

He even fell into a disadvantage.

On the other side, the first ancestor of Shura, who was fighting with the first ancestor of the abyss, noticed this scene and was quite shocked.

As an old opponent, he naturally knows the strength of the two ancestors of the entropy race in the abyss and hell.

It is simply incredible that Chen Luo, as the great emperor, can be suppressed.

Good guy, if this is the achievement of the ancestors?

! ! !

"Wheel of Cutting!"

Between the thoughts, the big cutting technique broke out in an instant.

The black giant ship struck, cutting all time and space.

Standing on the broken starry sky, looking at the incoming cutting wheel, the expression of the ancestor of **** did not change, stepping out one step, the supreme breath burst out instantly. "The mountains and rivers, the eight wastes of heaven and earth!"

"Taisha Jishu!"

Chen Luo's pupils shrank, and he naturally knew the technique of the Dao Law of the 100th Dao of the Three Thousand Dao.

Condensing the mountains and rivers, suppressing hundreds of millions of time and space.

Among them, the Shanhe Sheji represents the universe Sheji.

Not the world society!

Use the power of the universe to carry out a powerful and supreme attack!

The figure stepped out and suppressed the Eight Desolate Universe.

With absolute head-to-head attitude, meet the cutting wheel.


Hundreds of millions of time and space collapsed into nothingness in an instant. In the next second, the endless rays of light swallowed Chen Luo and the figure of the ancestor of hell.

Absolutely supreme attack, supreme killing power.

The great cutting technique erupted with terrifying power, but after all, his strength was a little worse than that of the ancestors of hell.

Although the big cutting technique is stronger than the Taisha Ji technique, but this time, the end is evenly divided.

Standing in the broken starry sky, Chen Luo suppressed the churning blood in his body.

"The Door of Wish!" The colorful light bloomed, and the ancestor of the abyss instantly motivated his supreme skill, the Great Wish Technique.

Looking at the door of desire that appeared, the ancestor of Shura's face was extremely solemn.

"The Shield of Killing!"

Activate the big killing technique, and a blood-colored shield instantly appears.

In the next second, the Gate of Wish was crushed directly, instantly destroying the Shield of Killing.

The supreme strength, coupled with the supernatural powers of transcendence, one move, the first ancestor of Shura was defeated.


Dark red blood spurted out, piercing time and space.

The blood of the ancestors, ordinary time and space can't bear it.

The body flew upside down, and the gate of desire gave Shura ancestors a heavy blow.

Chen Luo didn't make a move, and he couldn't if he wanted to. He was entangled by the ancestors of hell.

The ultimate supernatural power eruption can only have a slight upper hand.

On the other hand, the situation of the first ancestor of Shura was the opposite.

But it wasn't too serious.


From the previous Asura Holy Land, it has been hit by tens of billions of light-years away.

Wherever he went, the starry sky collapsed.

The power of the ancestors is enough to destroy the universe.

Chaos surges.

Chen Luo was also injured, but fortunately, much better than before.

Countless clashes and collisions, the two sides separated up and down.



With one blow, the ancestor of **** retreated to a distance of a million miles away.

The ancestor of the abyss also appeared in front of the ancestor of hell, and Chen Luo and the ancestor of Shura converged.

The two sides played against each other, and neither of them had the upper hand.


Glancing at Chen Luo and the ancestor of Shura with hatred, the ancestor of the abyss and the ancestor of **** retreated at the same time.

Useless battles will only waste time, and this time, I can only leave temporarily.

Although not reconciled, the reality is cruel.

This time, their plan was doomed to fail when the entropy beasts left.

Taking action to fight also made them calm down.

Useless shots, this is naturally more than the gain.

The ancestor level is not so easy to eradicate.


Breathing out a breath of turbid air, standing in the broken starry sky, Chen Luo and the ancestor of Shura looked at each other and understood the meaning in each other's eyes.

"Fortunately, the entropy beast didn't make a move, otherwise, it would be miserable this time." Looking at the direction of the ancestors of the abyss and the ancestors of hell, the ancestor of Shura said with lingering fears.

"It is indeed dangerous." Chen Luo nodded.

Not to mention the deity body, one more copy body can control the ending.

The strength of the two ancestors is terrifying, and they can crush the ordinary ancestors. Coupled with the technique of the law of terror, it is even more heart-pounding.

This time, Chen Luo admired the ancestor of Shura.

If he had a one-to-two match, the ending would be to run away, and it might even be dangerous to run away.

The ancestor of Shura was able to block it and support the current time, which is enough to prove its powerful strength.

For this, Chen Luo had to admire.

If you change to other ancestors, you may not be able to withstand it.

But the ancestor is still the ancestor after all!

It is too difficult to kill an ancestor-level existence.

Defeating and killing are two concepts.

"Thank you, Brother Chen, otherwise, I wouldn't be feeling well today!" After returning to his senses, looking at Chen Luo, the ancestor of Shura said.

"It should be, take people's money and eliminate disasters for others!" Chen Luo said with a smile.

"The two ancestors should be able to shoot again, so the ancestors, this is my divine soul token, I will not leave the Shura universe for the time being, if there is a situation, you can inform me, how?" Take out your own divine soul token , Chen Luo looked at the ancestor of Shura and said.

"Okay. No problem!" Ancestor Shura nodded, took the Divine Soul Token and looked at Chen Luo, "Brother Chen, what are you going to do? Do you want me to help?"

"No, I'm going to solve all the emperors of the entropy clan, small problems, don't bother the ancestors." Chen Luo shook his head and said.

"Solve the Great Emperor of the Entropy Clan?" The ancestor of Shura looked at Chen Luo in amazement.

Seeming to understand something, he looked at Chen Luo with awe, "Brother Chen really has a heart for all beings in the universe. I am here to represent all beings in the Shura universe, thank you very much."

Chen Luo: "?"

For the sake of the universe?

He went to kill the Great Emperor of the Entropy Clan just for himself, all sentient beings in the woolen universe!

Listening to this, Chen Luo glanced at Emperor Shura speechlessly, but didn't say anything. Since he misunderstood, let's go on misunderstanding.

Whatever he thinks.

The solution to the entropy emperor is what matters.

"I have the details of the Emperor of the Entropy Clan, do you need Brother Chen?" As if thinking of something, the first ancestor of Asura spread his hand, and a jade slip appeared in his hand.

"Yes." Chen Luo naturally didn't mind.

The information that the Supreme Dragon Emperor gave him is only general, and it is naturally the best thing to have specifics.

He took the jade slip and crushed it with one hand, and the light entered his brain.

In an instant, complicated information appeared like a torrent.

After sorting it out, Chen Luo was instantly clear about the situation of Shura Universe.

open one's eyes. Chen Luo looked at the ancestor of Shura, "Appetite, then I will leave first, if there is a situation, please notify me with the Divine Soul Token!"

"Okay!" The ancestor of Shura nodded, Chen Luo didn't talk nonsense, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Watching Chen Luo disappear, the first ancestor of Shura stood in the broken starry sky and pondered.

"I thought this guy was mercenary, but now it seems that he really has intentions!"



With a murmur in his mouth, in an instant, the ancestor of Shura disappeared without a trace.


In the Shura universe, on the dark red supercontinent, the ancestors of the abyss and the ancestors of **** appeared above.

Looking at the supercontinent in front of him, the eyes of the ancestors of the abyss spit fire.

Raising his hand and holding it, the super continent comparable to the size of millions of stars collapsed in an instant, directly becoming star dust.

"Bastard, don't trust me!" Grinning his teeth, the ancestor of the abyss was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

The face of the ancestor of **** is also extremely ugly.

Originally it was a perfect plan, but because of the entropy Heavenly Beast's strike on the spot, the perfect plan collapsed instantly.

If I had known this earlier, I would just let the replicas go out.

Although the effect is a little worse, it is still better than now!

It took Tianxiang to put in a clone, and it was fine, but this guy just quit before he made a move.

"This guy and Chen Luo also know each other. No, it will definitely destroy our clan's plan. Abyss, give the boss a notice and let him take action to suppress the entropy beast~ How about it?" After a long silence, the ancestor of **** Looking at the ancestor of the abyss, he said.

"No, you also know the situation. Gu Chensha is staring at the boss. If the boss is dispatched, Gu Chensha will also take action."

The ancestor of the abyss shook his head and said.

"Then tell the Primordial Priest of Chaos and let him take action." The Primordial Ancestor of Hell continued.

"I'm afraid this won't work either." The ancestor of the abyss shook his head.

"Why?" The ancestor of **** frowned.

"You forgot the creator!" said the ancestor of the abyss.

"The creator!"

The ancestors of **** narrowed their eyes and bowed their heads, "This is a big trouble!"

"Please reincarnate!"

The ancestor of the abyss suddenly said.

"How do I notify the second brother that there is no trace?"

Looking at the ancestor of the abyss, the ancestor of **** opened his mouth and said.

"I have a way to inform the second brother." The ancestor of the abyss said seriously.

"With the strength of the second brother, there should be no problem." After thinking about it, the ancestor of **** said.

The ancestor of the abyss: "Second brother's strength is stronger than you and me. Although it is a little worse than the big brother, it is enough to clean up the entropy beast. Besides, the second brother still retains a part of the peak will, as long as he enters the entropy beast. , will be able to smash the current will, and at that time, instead of suppressing, you can have an absolute helper."

"Yes, the second brother's temple of reincarnation retains part of the will of the peak period, there should be no problem." The ancestor of **** also nodded.

"Just act like this." Looking at each other, in an instant, the ancestors of **** and the ancestors of the entropy disappeared in place.


At this moment, Shura Abyss.

Chen Luo's figure appeared here.

This is an absolute domain of the Shura universe.

very large.

Almost 100 billion light-years in range.

Read Kill the Sun