MTL - This Option is Fantastic-v4 Chapter 264 Kill the emperor like slaughtering a dog

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Swish swish! ! !

The rainbow light bloomed, and powerful breaths rushed into the sky.

More than one hundred entropy emperors appeared.

Seeing the two figures outside the super continent, the expressions of all the entropy emperors changed wildly.


His eyes were locked on the figure beside Tianfo the Great, and the entire supercontinent was silent.


A brilliant light bloomed, and the next second, the mysterious ancestor shot again.

The powerful attack power was instantly released, and the devastating beam of light rushed towards the super continent.


Smashing the great formation, the entire super continent is shaking and falling apart.

Continued to suffer devastating impacts.

The city collapsed, and countless shrines shattered in an instant.

The shock wave rushed in like a galaxy, and more than a hundred entropy emperors joined forces to block the blow of this mysterious ancestor.


At this moment, another loud bang sounded.

And this time, the source of the voice was not far from Chen Luo.

The statue was shattered, and a figure rushed out instantly. The ancestor's breath was released, and in an instant, he rushed to the sky.

"Sure enough, it is the clone of the ancestor of the abyss!" Looking at this scene, Chen Luo's pupils suddenly shrank.

Fortunately, he didn't make a move, otherwise, he would definitely suffer.

"Very good, there is a mysterious ancestor to contain the clone, then I can capture the source of the tomb!"

Looking at the clone of the abyss ancestor in the sky, Chen Luo instantly made a decision.

He rushed into the bronze hall at the fastest speed, hiding his breath without causing the slightest detection.

In the bronze temple, Chen Luo's figure was still hidden in the dark.

Glancing at the temple, he stared at a golden cauldron in the center of the bronze temple.


The rays of light flickered, and within the golden cauldron, came the fluctuation of the source of the tomb he wanted.

"It's here." Looking at the golden cauldron, Chen Luo stepped out of the void.

In an instant, he came to Da Ding.

The golden cauldron is not an ordinary thing, and a powerful breath permeates out.

In close contact, Chen Luo could feel the breath in the golden cauldron.

There are at least one hundred sources of large tombs.

The rays of light flowed, and Chen Luo stretched out his hand and touched the golden cauldron.

Suddenly, a powerful divine light bloomed, and Jin Ding sensed the unfamiliar aura and fought back instantly.

However, Chen Luo did not pay attention to these attacks.

The surging power of the tomb exploded instantly, directly suppressing Jin Ding.

"This thing is quite hard to break..."

"Forget it, take it away together!"

With a condensed gaze, Chen Luo opened the Kingdom of God and directly included Jin Ding into the Kingdom of God.

In order to prevent accidents from happening, Chen Luo directly urged the Great Sealing Technique to ban Jin Ding, without a trace of breath leaking out.

At this moment, in the Shura universe, in a dark red starry sky, a figure appeared out of thin air, his eyes turned to the starry sky, and his expression was extremely ugly.

"Dare to fight the idea of ​​​​the source of the tomb, courting death!"

An angry voice resounded through the starry sky, and in the next second, the figure disappeared without a trace.


At this moment, the supercontinent sky.

The clone of the ancestor of the abyss instantly descended in front of the mysterious ancestor.

Without any nonsense, the divine light flowed, and instantly rushed to the mysterious ancestor.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The ultimate shock wave came from the deep space of the sky, and the two ancestors fought, and the overflowing power was enough to destroy everything.

The entire supercontinent was trembling, as if it were about to fall apart at any moment.

After collecting the golden cauldron loaded with the source of the tomb, Chen Luo stepped out of the bronze hall in an instant.

The sky collapsed, time and space were distorted, and chaotic forces impacted the entire continent.

In the sky, a melee has formed.

The power of the ancestor-level fight is quite terrifying.

Looking at the fight in the sky, Chen Luo's eyes turned to the emperor of the entropy clan again.

The clone of the ancestor of the abyss appeared and solved the danger. More than one hundred entropy emperors rushed directly to the emperor of the Buddha.

The Buddha's light diffuses, and the golden Buddha's shadow appears empty.

The strength of Emperor Tianfo is not weak, and he will not retreat in the face of the joint efforts of the emperors.

A golden vertical eye suddenly bloomed between the eyebrows, and a striking red light erupted from the vertical eye between the eyebrows of Emperor Tianfo. The red Buddha light had terrifying lethal power, and even the Emperor of the Entropy Clan did not dare to face it directly.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The emperors joined forces, the battlefield expanded, and the entire supercontinent trembled even more.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Chen Luo could feel the earth shake.

Like the possibility of collapsing at any time.

"Great Transcendence Technique!"

His eyes locked on the vertical eyes of Emperor Tianfo, and Chen Luo's eyes lit up instantly.

The Great Transcendence Technique also has incredible lethality.

A powerful supernatural power.

Although it is not as good as the Cataclysm, the Great Cut. But it is also similar to the Great Sky Thunder Technique and the Great Star Technique.

The strength of Emperor Tianfo is not weak at all, and after urging the law of the Dao, he even reached the level of strength that is infinitely close to the ancestor.


After gaining insight into the situation, Chen Luo took the lead in choosing to take action.

You can't even start.

He wants the source of the tomb, and also the Emperor of the Entropy Clan.

In a word. He wants it all.

Killing one more emperor will bring him closer to the 10,000 mark.

Killing is not the problem, the problem is finding it!

Step out, the doomsday natural disaster broke out instantly.

In the second step, the black sun hurricane followed closely.

In the third step, the Great Sun Fire followed.

The three strongest disasters were the first, and the rest of the disasters erupted in an instant.

A vast torrent of disaster appeared in the sky, and the breath of disaster swept the entire supercontinent, making every entropy family feel a kind of horror from the depths of their hearts.


"Who is he?"

As soon as Chen Luo shot, the eyes of the mysterious ancestor instantly fell on Chen Luo.


"Why does this guy feel stronger than me!"

Looking at the vast torrent of disaster, this mysterious ancestor's heart was beating wildly.

At this moment, Emperor Tianfo also noticed Chen Luo.

Before there was time to react, the torrent of disaster swept across.


With a foul language, Emperor Tianfo's scalp was numb, his figure moved instantly, and he quickly rushed out of the brink of disaster.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Just after leaving, the torrent of disaster came completely, sweeping all the entropy emperors.


The screams were ups and downs, and before the entropy emperors had time to fight back, they were already swallowed by the torrent of disaster.

The light of disaster shines through the body and soul.

In this scene, the Heavenly Buddha Emperor was even more frightened.

"His strength... is it already so terrifying?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Emperor Tianfo's heart was beating wildly.

One person singled out more than 100 entropy clan emperors, and he was still able to occupy the absolute upper hand. This strength made him have to be terrified.


A complete monster exists!


The torrent of disaster was shattered, and with one blow, more than half of the entropy emperors died in an instant.

The numbers in his eyes skyrocketed wildly, but for Chen Luo, this was far from enough.

The Great Emperor of the Entropy Clan must kill all of them, leaving none of them behind.

"Wanxing sinks!"

The big star art was used to draw the power of hundreds of millions of stars, and it came across time and space. A huge star canopy attacked, just escaped the nightmare of the torrent of disaster, and had not escaped, the star canopy had already arrived.

The supreme breath was suppressed, so that the divine power of the entropy emperor could not be activated, and he was completely imprisoned.

"Entropy Heaven Fist!"

Dozens of the great emperors of the entropy tribe joined forces, and a terrifying giant fist appeared, combining all their divine powers, and attacking the star canopy.


With a single blow, Xingchen Huagai was indifferent and easily withstood the combined blow of the emperors.

Continue to suppress.

The canopy fell, and the life breath of the entropy emperor was instantly annihilated.

Of the more than one hundred entropy emperors, none of them could escape the attack.

Killed in an instant, not a single one remains.

All groups are destroyed.

The numbers are soaring, skyrocketing,

Of the more than 100 entropy clan emperors, none of them remained.

Chen Luo's strength also improved in an instant.

Cultivating the Great Killing Technique, the more you kill, the stronger the enemy, and the more terrifying his ascension will be.

It is not the use of the big slaughter technique to improve, and he can still improve rapidly without using the big slaughter technique.

This is also the strength of Chen Luo.

It is also where the metamorphosis of the Great Killing Technique lies.

The will to kill becomes the heart to kill.

The killing heart is achieved with the supreme killing will. The greater the promotion, the stronger the killing heart.

The closer it is to the ancestors.

Chen Luo even had an illusion that he would step into the illusion of the ancestor at any time.

However, this is still an illusion.

He still has a long way to go from the ancestor.

The ancestor, the peak of the road.

It can also be said to be the end of the gods.

At this step, Chen Luo believes that he can step in, but it will take time.


"He has become the ancestor?"

Looking at this scene, Emperor Tianfo looked at Chen Luo incredulously.

Killing the emperor is like slaughtering a dog!

How terrifying is his strength?

The extreme chill instantly swept through my heart.

Bombing and killing the emperor, the super continent also collapsed at this moment, and all the hundreds of millions of entropy tribes were buried in it. Valley

Those who can live, it is estimated that they are the entropy clan who have left and have not returned.

In the dark abyss, the clone of the ancestor of the abyss fought against the mysterious ancestor.

With the power of the clone, the mysterious ancestors cannot be killed.

The power of the ancestors of the abyss is far beyond imagination.

A clone can compete with the general ancestor, and even gain a certain upper hand.

Chen Luo couldn't do this.

Even FAW Sanqing can't do it, the difference is more than 108,000 miles.


With a thought, Chen Luo instantly came to the mysterious ancestor.

There is no enemy, but since it is not an entropy, it is not an enemy.

Even if they are not familiar, in this case, there is no problem with the union.

Tackle common enemies.

The ancestor of the entropy tribe is their common enemy.

It's time to start.

Chen Luo was in a good mood at the moment.

Killing more than a hundred entropy emperors is not the point, the point is the source of his tomb.

Absorbing all of them, his strength will definitely make a big leap.


With the sword of slaughter in hand, a sword slashed towards the clone of the ancestor of the abyss.

Chen Luo's strength is stronger than the average ancestor.

Joining forces with the mysterious ancestor is equivalent to the union of two ancestors.

The tie situation turned to a disadvantage in an instant, and the clone of the ancestor of the abyss was suppressed.

"Holy grave!"

A Genesis chapter was played, and the black tomb came instantly.

"Light of Transcendence!"

The mysterious ancestor did not stop, the golden vertical eyes appeared between the eyebrows, and the eye-catching red light instantly bloomed.

Like Emperor Tianfo, the Great Transcendence Technique.


As soon as the attack came, it instantly hit the clone of the ancestor of the abyss.

Even if it is extremely powerful, it is only a clone after all.

Under the joint efforts of Chen Luo and the mysterious ancestor, the two powerful Dao laws attacked and killed the body of the abyss ancestor in an instant.

The starry sky was silent and calm was restored.

Chen Luo also breathed a sigh of relief.

The mysterious ancestor also breathed a sigh of relief.


As soon as the figure moved, Emperor Tianfo came to Chen Luo in an instant.

"Chen Luo, why are you here?" Looking at Chen Luo. Tianfo the Great asked.

"I should ask this, why are you here?" Looking at Emperor Tianfo, Chen Luo asked back.


"Your friend is Chen Luo?"

The mysterious ancestor suddenly opened his mouth and looked at him with big eyes, with an incredible look in his eyes.

"If it's a fake replacement. Who is your Excellency?" Chen Luo nodded and continued to ask.

"In Xia Tianmei!" The mysterious ancestor opened his mouth and said his name.


Chen Luo took the name in his heart.

At this moment, the ancestor of Tianmei said again: "My friend is here, I am afraid it is also for the source of the tomb?"

"Oh, so, the ancestor of Tianmei is also the source of the tomb?" Looking at the ancestor of Tianmei, Chen Luo's eyes narrowed.

"That's what it means." Ancestor Tianmei nodded.

"Unfortunately, let Brother Chen get there first!" The ancestor of Tianmei said with regret.


Just as Chen Luo was about to speak, suddenly, his eyes turned to the dark abyss.

The ancestor of Tianmei also noticed something was wrong and looked at the same place.

"not good!"

The two spoke at the same time, and the next second, in the dark abyss, a stalwart figure appeared.

Standing in the dark abyss, the aura of the figure is particularly terrifying.

Watching the supercontinent shattered into star dust, endless anger erupted from the inside of the figure.

"The great emperor of the entropy clan, you all deserve to die!"

The icy voice sounded, which contained extremely powerful anger.

The next second, the figure rushed up.

A big hand that covered the sky came quickly and came in an instant.

"The ancestor of the abyss!"

Chen Luo's eyelids twitched, and before he had time to think about it, the technique of the Dao Law exploded instantly, and the endless starlight burst into light, shining through the dark abyss and tearing the darkness apart.


The Sword of Stars was dispatched instantly and met the big hand that covered the sky.

"Yin and Yang Promise!"

The light of black and white bloomed, forming the Yin-Yang map of the Innate Great Dao, and rushed up instantly.

"Great Onmyoji!"

Chen Luo saw this scene, and his heart skipped a beat.


The sword of stars slashed on this big hand and collapsed instantly, but this was not enough. The big hand that covered the sky did not disappear. The road of Yin-Yang map followed closely, and the combined blow of the two blocked the power of the ancestor of the abyss.

The waves were turbulent, and in the distance, Emperor Tianfo did not approach.

The ancestor-level battle is no longer something he can intervene in.

Looking at Chen Luo's figure, Emperor Tianfo had mixed feelings in his heart.

Back then, when I met Chen Luo for the first time, he was not even a supreme god, but now, he has grown to be as terrifying as the ancestor.

The speed of this improvement is simply incredible.

The shock in his heart was stronger than anyone else.

One blow collapsed, and the ancestor of the abyss came from nothingness.

Deep eyes stared at Chen Luo and the ancestor of Bai Mei, and more were placed on Chen Luo.

"you again!"

Looking at Chen Luo, the ancestor of the abyss had cold eyes, and the murderous aura in his eyes was undisguised.

The ancestor of white eyebrows: "?"


What is it again?

Could it be that Chen Luo had met the ancestor of the abyss before?

"This is called Enemy Road Narrow!" Chen Luo said flatly.

"Hand over the source of the tomb you got, this seat can let you go!" Staring at Chen Luo, the ancestor of the abyss said coldly.

Chen Luo: "Do you think this is possible?"

Let him hand over what he has, unless he dies!

How could it be possible to hand over one or two hundred sources of tombs!

Even if the first ancestor of the entropy tribe came, Chen Luo would not give in.

Let him hand in, dream!


After hearing the answer, the ancestor of the abyss didn't want to talk nonsense.

If you don't pay, then do it.

The seven-color divine light bloomed, and the gate of desire emerged from the divine light.

"Great Wish Technique!"

Ancestor Baimei's heart sank.

The technique of the Dao Law, which ranks fourth in the Three Thousand Dao Dao, is naturally terrifying for him.

Second only to fate, cause and effect, reincarnation, the law of the Dao!

The stronger the strength, the more terrifying the urging.

Ancestor-level urging is enough to burst out unimaginable divine might.

"Brother Chen, are you sure?"

"You'll know when you hit it!"

"Wheel of Cutting!"

Chen Luo put down a sentence, and in the next second, the big cutting technique was instantly activated, and the black cutting wheel appeared instantly, and without hesitation, rushed to the door of desire.

"Yin and Yang Promise!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the ancestor of Baimei also broke out his trump card.

The qi of the law of yin and yang of the Great Dao behind him turned into the yin and yang bridge.

Extreme burst.

One-on-one, no one is the opponent of the ancestor of the abyss.

Compared with the ancestor of hell, the ancestor of the abyss is even stronger, and there is no other reason, it is because of the big wish technique.

Second only to fate, cause and effect, the great wish of reincarnation plus the urging of the ancestors of the abyss, its divine might is irresistible.


A terrifying shock wave erupted in an hundreds of millions of miles away, the Emperor Tianfo suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and just a breath wave almost made his soul collapse.


Without hesitation, Emperor Tianfo fled wildly.

It stopped after retreating to hundreds of millions of miles again.

The power of the edge was so terrifying, he couldn't imagine how terrifying the collision center would be.

The Wheel of Cutting and the Bridge of Yin Yang slammed into the Gate of Wishes at the same time.

The terrifying power that burst out, even Chen Luo and the others felt the danger of their lives.


The ancestor of Baimei spat out a mouthful of blood, and the bridge of Yin and Yang collapsed instantly.

A single blow, a direct hit.

Fortunately, it is also an ancestor-level existence, and it is not so easy to want to die.

It was difficult to block the attack, and the figure of the ancestor with white eyebrows retreated a million miles.

The qi and blood in the body were shaking and shaking, but Chen Luo's situation was much better than that of the ancestor of Baimei.

After retreating to 100,000 miles, he stopped, his body oscillated, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, but he was still suppressed by him.

The Wheel of Cutting and the Bridge of Yin and Yang exploded, and the Gate of Wishes shattered.

With a joint strike, Kankan blocked the attack of the ancestor of the abyss.

"This guy seems more terrifying than before!"

Looking at the ancestor of the abyss, Chen Luo had a strong intuition.

Compared with the previous battle with the ancestor of Shura, the ancestor of the abyss seemed to have improved a lot again.

It is extremely difficult for the ancestors to move forward.

Chen Luo was more aware of this.

If it wasn't for the source of the tomb, he would never have thought of moving forward.

"Could it be that the ancestors of the abyss can also absorb the power of the source of the tomb?"

A bold idea emerged in Chen Luo's mind. The more he thought about it, the more Chen Luo felt that there was a possibility.

If so, it would be really scary.

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