MTL - This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic-Chapter 371 between the shadows

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  Chapter 371 Between Shadows

To put it bluntly, a shadow pompom is a young shadow-type creature. Its intelligence and behavior pattern are similar to those of the larvae of elemental creatures such as fire spirit and thunder spirit. It basically grows by swallowing shadows by instinct. The shadows taken away from those residents were not used to make shadow ghosts, but were used to feed this thing.

  Mu You stretched out his hand to make a move, and the pompom in the shadow below quickly emerged from the ripples again. He looked out vigilantly, and after confirming that there was no danger, he jumped onto his palm.

   Mu You looked at the black ball in his hand with a strange expression. It was hard to imagine that such a cute little thing would be fed into a ferocious monster like Shadow God's Shadow in the end.

Of course, now the original shadow **** has completely died, and the soul crystals have been exploded. This little guy is just some kind of life continuation left after the shadow god's shadow disappears, which is equivalent to the offspring born before death, similar to the queen ant egg .

   That is to say, even if it continues to be fed, it can only be upgraded to a maximum of level 30. Without the crystallization of the soul, it can no longer break through the bottleneck of level 30.

Besides, this thing can only devour one shadow a day. In order to raise it, the person behind the scenes hid in the Cook Islands for thousands of years, consuming hundreds of thousands of shadows of the people here before and after, before turning it into the former Shadow God. However, Muyou doesn't have the time, nor does he have the interest to develop such a long-term game.

   But it doesn't matter, even a level 0 shadow pompom is already quite powerful.

   Mu You looked at several descriptions of its abilities.

[Swallowing shadows: Shadow pompoms are the nemesis of shadow-type creatures. They can separate the shadows of others from their bodies, and evolve themselves by devouring shadows and ghosts (invalid for shadow ghosts that have given birth to self-awareness). Devour once. 】

  【Shadow transfer: The shadow pompom can graft an ownerless shadow or shadow ghost to any person who has lost the shadow. 】

  【Shadow ghost purification: Shadow pompoms can eliminate the hatred and tyranny of shadow ghosts, making them degenerate into ordinary shadows (ineffective for shadow ghosts that have given birth to self-awareness). 】

  【Between shadows: Shadow pompoms can open up space in any shadow for their own survival and walking. As the contractor of the shadow pompom, you can borrow its ability to enter the shadow room at any time. 】

[Shadow Binding: The shadow pompom can control the actions of shadows and ghosts within the line of sight. Indirectly restrict the actions of the shadow master. 】

  Five abilities, the first three are for shadows and shadow ghosts, and are rarely used in daily life.

  The real core ability is undoubtedly between the shadows and the **** of the shadows.

   To put it bluntly, the shadow is to create a special space in the shadow that ordinary people cannot see. The little guy who sank into his shadow just now should use this ability.

  The description also mentioned that he can also borrow this ability.

  Mu You tried to connect the spirit to the shadow pompom.

  The next second, the shadow under his feet began to ripple, and his body began to slowly fall into the shadow as if he had fallen into a quagmire.

   A few seconds later, Mu You completely sank into the shadow, and when he opened his eyes again, he had already appeared in a mysterious space.

   This space has a height of about three meters. Under the feet is the land of Liming City, and above three meters is... Lin Xue's sole?

  Mu You looked confused. The 'ceiling' above his head is a transparent barrier, through which he can directly see all the scenes on the ground.

  At this time, Lin Xue was squatting down curiously, looking at the ground, as if looking for his trace, but behind Lin Xue was the dark and cloudy night sky.

   Obviously Lin Xue couldn't see him. From her perspective, he suddenly sank into the ground just now, leaving only his shadow on the ground.

  The angle of view of Mu You at this time is as if the whole ground has become a one-way glass. He is lying under the ground and observing the outside world through this glass.

  Mu You somewhat understood that the so-called shadow space was actually a three-dimensional space that was forcibly extended on the two-dimensional plane where the shadow was.

  He is actually in a two-dimensional world now, so people on the ground cannot see him, but he can observe the scene on the ground normally.

   When he came back to his senses, Mu You continued to walk among the shadows, and the shadow pompon bouncing ahead led him the way.

   And when he was acting in the shadows, the shadow he left on the ground also started to move.

   Mu You discovered that although this space is vast and almost invisible, not all places can be visited.

  A lot of space is covered by a black shadow. The black shadow is as impassable as an impenetrable wall, cutting the shadows into pieces. He can only walk in areas without shadows.

  Reminiscent of the layout on the ground again, Mu You quickly understood that the parts of these dark shadows are actually the parts of the ground that are illuminated by light and have no shadows.

   That is to say, he can actually only act where there is a shadow, whether it is the shadow of a person or the shadow of an object or building.

  If there is no shadow at all, such as a flat ground under the scorching sun, even if he enters the shadow, he cannot transfer, because the surrounding passages are blocked.

   But if you are in a place full of shadows, this ability is powerful, it can be called elusive, and because you are not in the same plane, others can't detect his existence at all. This is the real deep invisibility!

  Mu You immediately thought of a use of this ability: silent library!

  The mysterious library guarded by the Silent Beast, last time he spent a lot of effort, in the battle of wits with the Silent Beast and the librarian, and went through many thrills before sneaking in.

  But with the ability between shadows, it will be easy for him to sneak in there now!

  After experiencing the effect between the shadows, Mu You's figure quickly emerged from the shadows, returned to the ground, and continued to check the ability of the shadow pompom.

  The last ability is the last ability, the binding of shadows. By binding other people's shadows, the opponent's body is also indirectly bound.

  Mu You summoned the avatar, stood still in front of him, controlled the shadow pompom to activate the Shadow Binding on the shadow of the avatar, and then tried to move the avatar.

   As a result, the avatar could not move a single bit. Not only that, as the shadow pompom changed the state of the shadow on the ground, the avatar was also forced to follow the shadow and made the same gesture of raising its hands.

  Through the perspective of the avatar, Mu You can personally feel how powerful this kind of control is: It can be said that except for the consciousness, the body no longer belongs to him at all.

  His current double attributes under the blessing of vampires cannot break this bondage, so it can be said that it is basically impossible for creatures below level 30 to resist this ability.

   This ability is powerful, 100% strong control, and can even make the target take various actions according to his will, and there is no duration limit.

   Of course, there are countermeasures.

  First of all, this kind of control can only control the body, but it cannot control the flow of thoughts and energy in the body. If a person can cast spells without a wand and cast spells silently, even if he is charged, he can release magic counterattack.

Secondly, a level 0 shadow pompom can only control one target at most at the same time, so if there are multiple enemies, even if one is controlled, others can save them, such as releasing some light source spells to eliminate the shadows, Binding is to control the main body through the shadow, if there is no shadow, this ability will naturally not be effective.

  Shadow Pompom's ability inventory is complete.

  In general, this little guy, who is only at level 0, has no direct combat ability, but it is a very useful support. Both abilities can play a great role in certain situations.

  The other thing is the improvement of Muyou itself.

  In the process of the whole people's attack on Shadow God, he is the one with the highest output in the field. He fired a cannon in a round of ten seconds, nearly 500 times, and the total output is close to 500,000!

  The final harvest, besides a little divine power, is 5,000 health points, 5,000 reputation, and 640,000+ experience points!

  By using this wave of experience, he directly jumped two levels, from level 17 to level 19.

  The current level situation is: Level 19 (157101/655360).

  Originally, Mu You planned to use the 'Book of Energy' directly to upgrade to level 20 when he reached level 19.

   As a result, I didn't expect that this wave of experience was too outrageous. At level 19, there was still an overflow of 150,000+ experience.

   This made Mu You a little tangled. If he used the book of energy now, he would directly waste the 150,000 experience. What's more, he was only 500,000 experience away from level 20.

This number was scary before, but with the salary of the city lord and the mechanism of a double experience card per day, this experience is no longer out of reach, and even if the timing is right, it only takes one day Can be brushed out!

So Mu You gave up using the book of energy. Now he has learned that there are higher levels above level 30. Besides, with the crystallization of the soul, the bottleneck is no longer a problem. maximize its effect.

   "Let's go, it's time to meet the person behind the scenes." Mu You threw the shadow pompom back into the shadow, and turned to Lin Xue.

   "Yes." Lin Xue nodded.

   Immediately, the two jumped off Sky City one after another, and soon disappeared into the night.


   While the two were acting silently.

  In reality, the hot discussion on the Fool Forum is still going on.

   "What happened to Liming City? Why is there no news all of a sudden?"

   "I don't know, I heard that when I was about to defeat Shadow God, I was wiped out by a group..."

   "I'm from Dawn City, and Shadow God made another big move at the last moment... The question is, why didn't I resurrect?"

   "Same as above, I'm still waiting to be resurrected after I die, so hurry up and grab the last one, but the result prompts me 'waiting for resurrection', and it will take a day before I can be resurrected..."

   "Isn't only wild monsters delaying resurrection? Is this a bug?"

   "Me too, I thought I was the only one with a bug, but it turns out that everyone is the same, so I can rest assured!"

   "Wait a minute... If all the members are wiped out by the group, then... what about the mission?"

  A question from one of the netizens made the post quiet for a moment.

  When everyone thought about this matter carefully, their backs suddenly felt cold.

   Tens of millions of people were wiped out, and their resurrection was postponed for a day. Didn't the city of Dawn become an empty city within one day?

  With no one guarding the city, wouldn't Shadow God be able to do whatever he wanted?

   "At least the King Octopus is still there, so it should be fine, right?"

   "That's right, the Shadow God is at the end of his battle, so the Octopus King can use a little bit to fight the Shadow God!"

   "Well, I seem to see that the Octopus King is also dead..." At this time, another Dawn City player provided a message.

   "What? Are you sure?"

   "Let's talk about it upstairs!"

   "I am the magician responsible for watering behind the Octopus King. The text that popped up just before his death said, 'The Octopus King was severely injured and fell into the sea in a dying state, and his vitality was quickly lost...'"

   "Although I didn't directly say that the octopus king died, this kind of hint probably means that I can't live..."

   "Damn, isn't that all over?!"

  Others were shocked and desperate when they saw the news.

   Even the King Octopus was instantly killed! What is the level of Shadow God's last big move?

   What's more, after the death of the Octopus King, Dawn City completely turned into an empty city, and no one can stop Shadow God...

  Dawn City, is it really going to be destroyed because of this?

   Just when countless people were uneasy, suddenly, several prompts popped up in the games of all the players in Dawn City.

   "Shadow of the Shadow God has been killed by: Captain Ghost."

   "The crisis in Dawn City is lifted, the task of guarding Dawn City is over, the war mode is cancelled, and the city's facilities resume normal operation."

   "Mission reward settlement..."


   There is a series of output data, contribution list and other things below, but no one cares about this at this time, everyone is looking at the first prompt, and has not recovered for a long time.

   "Huh? The city lord is not dead?"

   "Mission accomplished! We should be safe now, right?"

   "Sure, the war mode has been cancelled..."

   "Damn, I was almost scared to death. Fortunately, there is a city lord, otherwise maybe Liming City will really fall!"

   "Don't say much, the city lord is awesome!"

   "Sure enough, you can always trust Captain Ghost!"


After confirming that the news was true, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, they were a little surprised at Captain Ghost's strength. You must know that even King Octopus was instantly killed in the end, and Captain Ghost was able to survive such an explosion. , and completed the final harvest alone, what kind of strength is this?

   Fortunately, Captain Ghost had performed miraculously many times before. After everyone was surprised at this time, they were not too surprised. When they came back to their senses, they began to pay attention to their respective rewards.

  Although I was wiped out by the group many times in the process, and finally had to delay the resurrection collectively for one day, compared with the rewards, these efforts are definitely worth it.

In the process of exterminating the gods, basically all participants got a reward of more than 1,000 points of permanent life. Those with a slightly higher level and a mid-to-high level spell basically got 5,000 lives, which is equivalent to 50 points of constitution life! The original total life of most people was only two to three thousand points, but this time it has more than doubled!

  In short, after this mission, the average life value of Dawn City residents has directly increased by a notch.

   But the more important gain is to break through the bottleneck.

  According to the statistics of a certain website afterwards, this time Dawn City has a total of more than 15 million people, using real experience to cross the bottleneck of level 10 or 15, which makes players in other cities extremely jealous.

  Two consecutive big upgrades made Dawn City and other sky cities completely widen the gap in player strength.

  When the discussion among players on Earth is in full swing.

  On the Cook Islands, Mu You and Lin Xue have already appeared in Huiyan Village, the entrance of Old Luke's house, where the entrance to the Undead Society is hidden.

  The two ignored the old man's angry obstruction, and directly broke into the paper mill.

   After entering the door, Mu You went straight to the third row of containers on the north side.

   Pushed the container away, but the bottom was completely sealed, without any trace of the entrance.

  The other party obviously sealed the entrance in advance, but it doesn't matter, Mu You is sure that you can enter the Undead Society from here.

  He directly switched to the robot form, carried the cannon in his hand, and after a simple charge, he blasted the next cannon.

  (end of this chapter)