MTL - This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic-Chapter 6 Boss, you are on fire!

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  Chapter 6 Boss, you are on fire!

  The video needs to be reviewed after it was sent out, so Mu You ignored it and turned around to train other pets.

  After casting the beast taming spell ten times in a row, and training the other ten pets to become 'spiritual', Mu You is quite proficient in this beast taming spell.

  Now he can even recite the spell silently in half a second at a super fast speed.

   But at the same time, Mu You also discovered that every time he casts magic, his spirit will become more sluggish.

   It wasn't obvious at first, but after releasing it more than a dozen times in a row, he only felt dizzy and swelled in his head, and there were signs of nausea.

   "It seems that magic is also limited and cannot be used indefinitely. If you use too much at one time, it may lead to mental overdraw, and in severe cases, you may even go into a coma directly." Mu You thought.

  After confirming this, he didn't push himself any further. He ran to the kitchen to make some food, and then went back to the bedroom to rest.

  Under the huge mental exhaustion, he couldn't stop the onslaught of drowsiness. As soon as his head touched the pillow, he fell into a deep sleep.


  What Mu You didn't know was that while he was in a deep sleep, the video he posted passed the review of Station B, and then the number of views began to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just one hour, it had exceeded 10,000.

Then his video was captured by the algorithm and posted on the homepage of Station B. The result was out of control, and the number of views began to explode. Later, he was manually blocked and tweeted by the editor, and finally directly at four o'clock in the morning , rushed to the hot spot...


  The next day, when Mu You woke up, the first thing he did was touch the pocket watch and magic wand beside his pillow.

   It’s okay, they’re all there.

  What happened yesterday was really not a dream!

  Mu You breathed a sigh of relief, instead of getting up immediately, he lay on the bed, turned on his phone and swiped station B for a while.

   As soon as he opened Station B, he found that his private messages exploded, and the number of unread messages in the mailbox reached 999+.

   After looking through a few fans' comments, I realized that the video I posted last night was actually popular!

   Mu You hurriedly opened the video and took a look.

   Sure enough, in just one night, this video had more than 500,000 views!

  According to this speed, the final playback volume will easily reach 4 million.

   At this time, the number of his fans has also soared from 23,000 at the beginning to 94,000, and it is about to break through 100,000!

  There is already a editor in the background urging him to continue to update this series of videos as soon as possible, which has the potential to explode!

   This series of chain reactions stunned Mu You.

  He guessed that this video might be popular, but he didn't expect that the number of views would be so high!

  He hurriedly opened the video comments and looked at them. At this time, the number of comments had reached more than 4,200.

   "Trust me, after reading this, you will definitely say shit!" The first article of the popular comment, the following replies are all "shit".

   "My God, how did this happen? How can a hamster be so obedient?" A well-known anchor left a message, and there was a row of "Master Ball Catch" below.

   "Oh my god, a hamster who can do push-ups, a suit in capital letters!"

   "Everyone said that after the founding of the country, you are not allowed to become a master!"

   "Up master contemporary druid stone hammer!"

   "Mom asked me why I watched the video on my knees!"

   "One hundred bets, this video is definitely a synthetic special effect, if not, I will live broadcast the upside down!"

   "It's marked upstairs, and one will be placed in the live broadcast room."

   "The title of this video is obvious. How could this be trained in ten minutes? It's almost half a year of training."

   "Reply upstairs. In the video, this is just a baby hamster. It grows very fast. If you look carefully at the size of the hamster before and after, there is almost no change, which means that the shooting time will not exceed a week!"

   "One week is also very good, is the up master a professional pet trainer?"

   "Looking at the past videos of the up owner, it seems that the family runs a pet shop, so it's not surprising that they can train pets."

   "Help, this is so cute, who knows where this store is? I really want to go and see it!"

   "We want to go together!"

   "Ahhh, this is my boss's shop!" An ID named 'Danya Shuxiang' left a very excited message.

   "Huh? A shop assistant appeared upstairs?"

   "Yes, yes, I am a shop assistant. The shop is located on Xiangjiang Road, Development Zone, City K. It's called Tricky Pet Shop. Welcome everyone to visit!"

   "Huh? It's not far from my house!"

   "It just happened to be in K City, so I'll drop by tomorrow to have a look."


  Mu You was reading the comments with great interest, when he suddenly heard a knock on the door downstairs.

  Get up after changing clothes, go downstairs and open the shutter door.

  As a result, as soon as the door was opened, a circle of people surrounded the store entrance, including Xiaoya. When the door opened, everyone looked over curiously.

  Seeing Muyou open the door, Xiaoya was the first to run into the store, and pulled his sleeve excitedly: "Boss, you're hot!"

   "Cough, calm down, this is just the beginning."

   Mu You pretended to be calm, but in fact he was also very excited.

   This is the first time in two years that so many guests are waiting outside before the door opens.

  Looked up at the time, it was just half past seven.

   "There is still half an hour to open the door, Xiaoya, you go to clean the fish tank, and I will change the sand for the mice. Today is the first day after the transformation of our store, and we must not be lazy on environmental issues."


  The two immediately acted.

  In normal times, it would be impossible to clean up in half an hour. Just the feces of cats and dogs is enough for them to have a headache.

   But it is different now. After selling all the cats and dogs, their workload has been reduced by 70%.

   Mu You quickly finished the cleaning work, and then went to bring all the eleven small animals trained yesterday to the pet display area in the center of the hall.

  These eleven animals that have experienced the baptism of magic are five hamsters, two chinchillas, two rabbits, one groundhog, and one canary.

   "Do you know how to behave well today? If you see your favorite master later, you will try your best to show off your cuteness and try to let him buy it home. You will have nothing to worry about in your life."

   "And the most important point, no matter what happens, don't bite!"

   Mu You gave a serious lecture to the little guys, and the eleven little animals also nodded after listening.

  The effect of animal dialogue is currently only effective for Mu You, the caster. That is to say, other humans want to communicate directly with them, but they still can't understand.

However, after these small animals are enlightened, they are much smarter than similar animals in terms of intelligence, and they have firmly remembered the movements that Muyou trained yesterday. Now as long as they hear other people making similar sounds or gestures, It can respond immediately, and as a domestic pet, it is definitely qualified.

   At this time, Xiaoya has finished cleaning the fish tank and replaced it with clean water.

  Seeing that everything was well prepared, Mu You walked to the door, took a deep breath, and opened the glass door.

   "Everyone has been waiting for a long time, welcome to the Troll Pet Shop."

   Mu You looked at the group of people waiting outside the door, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

   After just a short while, there were seven or eight more people in line. The effect of the video advertisement was really unexpectedly good.

  (end of this chapter)